“There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. For example: Suppose you were an idiot. And also suppose you were a member of Congress. But sorry; I repeat myself.” — Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
“If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner. Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.” — H.L. Mencken
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There are historic moments when an entire career of political hopes is dashed in an instant. Ed Muskie crying while defending his wife. Howard Dean screeching like a little girl following a pyrrhic primary victory. Dummy Dan Quayle outsmarted by elementary schoolchildren and “Potatoe.” Charisma-free doofus Mike Dukakis in the tank (before he got tanked). The 2016 double-whammy of “Deplorables” and “Please clap.” And now: “Not my concern.”
Ahhhh, Mike Pence. Michael Richard Pence. You suck.
A couple GOP operatives/consultants I know have told me the reason sucky Mike Pence stabbed President Orange (and America!) in the back on Jan. 6th, 2021, was because he thought he’d cannily and convincingly cut a dastardly deal with the Real Power Brokers — the “Apex Players” as a guy I know calls them — to be the 2024 Republican nominee. I never believed it for a second.
I figured sucky Mike Pence got suckered, the way all these political stooges get suckered by the Real Power Brokers, whoever they are, like how similar sucker Hillary Clinton thought she had the First Female President gig in the bag in 2016 (“It’s her turn!”) until she got blown out by a blowhard real estate magnate and reality TV game show host in the most humiliating and abasing political defeat in American history that she’ll never get over and will carry like a blood-filled douchebag to her grave (which can’t come soon enough!).
So sucky Mike Pence never had the slightest chance of becoming president in my worldview, despite what the usual parrot-crew of idiot political pundits across the 24/7 hate channels were asserting. Then again, I didn’t think his cancer-causing campaign would fizzle and self-destruct as quickly and convincingly as it did yesterday, when mischievous free-agent news-sprite Tucker Carlson asked the sucky one a simple question and parasite Pence was so detached from reality — accustomed to softball questions from an obsequious Fux News-style press corps(e) — that he short-circuited and then (politically) fatally glitched.
D’oh! Shocking yet somehow unsurprising, as I’ll get to in a second, so hold that thought! Which is to say, and as I’ve long said, Mike Pence is an ambition-hungry faux Christian poseur and political piece of shit who doesn’t care at all about normal everyday Americans. That lingering fly on his head, like a dung-hungry bug atop a crusty turd, showed those with eyes to see nearly three years ago. Pence is a hypocrite, a uniparty fraud and a globalist traitor (ALSO: The modern Naziworld at W.E.F. deleted its member biography for Pence after yesterday’s disaster, hahaha sucky Mike Pence).
The only real question about piece of shit Mike Pence (that fly on his head lingered lovingly, longingly, lustfully for nearly two minutes. TWO MINUTES!) is whether he’s your run-of-the-mill hollow husk of a half-man piece of shit with more ambition than brains — ORRRRRRR — a satanic piece of shit.
Which makes me spin ‘right round to, Dead or Alive, the late Indiana political gadfly Tory Smith, who I in NO WAY ENDORSE but who deserves mentioning because that dude spent years, YEARS!, imploring us to understand that former Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is an evil, evil man, a high-adept blood-drinking Satanist and black magician tied to child trafficking and murder and worse, who was being groomed for an inverted “Christian Revival Presidency” that would end up being the biggest genocide in the history of the world. I’d say “Antichrist,” but I don’t think sucky Mike Pence has got enough infernal “ooomph” in him to qualify.
Tory Smith (or “Tory Smith”? His name whispers “MI6,” and, like I said, I in NO WAY ENDORSE the guy) would be no more than your usual obsessive beyond-the-fringe nutter — though it’s odd how many of his videos remain on YouTube considering that platform’s extremely heavy hand when it comes to censorship — except that as the 2016 presidential race was heating up, Tory Smith suddenly got SuperCancer and rapidly wasted away before the eyes of his rapidly growing viewership (which did not include me). This happened in tandem with Smith suddenly getting legit viral traction, as he rocketed from a couple dozen views of his paranoid rants in years prior, to tens and tens of thousands of views as Pence was named among the elite few floated for President Orange’s running mate.
Then Tory Smith died on July 20, 2016. Two days later, fly magnet piece-of-shit Mike Pence was named President Orange’s running mate: July 22, 2016.
So, in the same way that I never bought into the conspiracy theory that John Lennon faked his death to get out of the pop culture rat race (and presumably away from Yoko Oh No!) until somebody made an indie movie about John Lennon faking his death to get out of the pop culture rat race (and presumably away from Yoko Oh No!), and it got great reviews at film festivals and then promptly disappeared, I never considered whether Mike Pence might be a child-murdering high-adept blood-drinking satanist until the guy who was claiming Mike Pence is a child-murdering high-adept blood-drinking satanist got speed-cancer and died and then sucky Mike Pence was named the VP nominee two days later.
All that probably-coincidental weirdness percolated in the back of my mind yesterday as I watched Mike Pence’s presidential hopes implode like the OceanGate submarine (though at least this time no kids got taken out). It reminded me, once again and as I’ve mentioned before (and before and before), of the conversation I had with the shaman/prophet at Anarchapulco a half dozen or so years ago. He told me in the forthcoming American Apocalypse, the forces of Good and Evil would become ever-more clearly defined and people would no longer be able to ignore it. Everyone will be forced to pick a side (just like officious CIA exec Kittridge says in the new Mission: Impossible movie!).
Anarchapulco’s guru/prophet/shaman said Evil would not be able to hide any longer, possibly because it simply doesn’t want to. The wise man said Evil’s motivations and actions would bubble to the surface like a boiling witches’ cauldron or the queerly cruel AD COUNCIL’s black propaganda to needlessly mask and mRNA-inject children during the Gates/Fauci/China overblown flu pandemic and economy-destroying lockdown. Our material world’s profane and nefarious occupying regime will become so obvious that even the most intellectually broken and spiritually weak will be reluctantly forced into the use of their slumbering Free Will (those lukewarm losers will almost surely pick wrong, though I hope I’m wrong about that).
Can anyone deny the Anarchapulco guru’s prophecy is coming true? We are literally seeing obvious evil seeping out of every captured institution in our clearly conquered country, from what passes for politics to NGOs to corporate media and entertainment to professional sports to Big Pharma controlled medicine to a cabal of corrupt charities.
The sickening anti-child, pro-slavery mentality mask/vaxx push was obvious enough, but now the full-frontal assault on childhood innocence and the tacit promotion of child rape via the media and government is so blatant only the most willfully ignorant can refuse to see it.
Of course, some of this is the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate criminal clown media pedophilenablers’ lies of omission, like not telling you how even as the new anti-child trafficking indie flick Sound of Freedom bullseyes the American Apocalypse Zeitgeist, the Bo Xiden fakeministration’s Dept. of (in)Justice has removed international sex trafficking of minors from its "Areas Of Concern.”
But there are other lies of omission tougher for normies to not know about, like how conspicuous it is that the vast majority of mainstream “news” publications and movie reviewers (not film critics!) continue to refuse to review the summer’s breakout Zeitgeist multiplex hit Sound of Freedom, because they apparently don’t care if you know they’re pedophilenabling cretins. Which should worry us all, that they’re so blatant and openly contemptuous of an anti-child trafficking movie while a ton of them just looooooved and defended Netflix’s child-sexualizing French pedofest Cuties.
The whole hysterical (in every sense of the word) Sound of Freedom Mediagasm is a subject unto itself by this point, so I’ll leave it to itself for now. Suffice to say, on-the-record, before I Insidious-ly shut the red door on my way out, I have no idea if sucky Mike Pence is a high-adept blood-drinking satanist or not. Whether dead Tory Smith’s still-active-on-YouTube claims about sucky Mike Pence are fact or smear is, frankly, “not my concern.” Fuck that guy.
In 2017, SenateAnon revealed that Pence's associates ran pedophile rings in Indiana.