“I was asleep but now i'm awake / So many things around us are fake / We should not follow the brightest star / Maybe the right one is dim because it’s so far / It isn’t easy to stay on the right path / But I will fight to do so until my last breath…” - Trevor Jackson, “There’s a War On For Your Mind”
“The term ‘Mind War’ is harsh and fear-inspiring, and so it should be. You seize control of all of the means by which the government and populace process information to make up their minds, and you adjust it so that those minds are made up as you desire.” — Mind War, by Michael Aquino, Lt. Colonel, Psychological Operations, U.S. Army -AND- Founder of the Temple of Set, an offshoot of the Church of Satan
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As I’ve said before and before and before, in the early days of any Mediagasm, when the spin, hype, secrets & lies are flying faster than the M.I.C.’s latest classified backwards-engineered aerial tech pretending to be a UFO, it’s best to hold your tongue and wait to see how things shake out.
The war Mediagasms are the worst, because we’ve all been told up front that “the first casualty of war is the Truth.” They’re not even hiding it. Add Israel to the equation and I end up spending 24 hours trying to figure out whether 40 babies getting their heads chopped off is a war crime or propaganda, then jettison everything I’ve written because I’m 99% sure it is propaganda but I can’t afford the blowback in the 1% chance that it’s not.
I’ve got no interest in picking sides in the Israel-Palestine propaganda war, any more than I want America wading into a real one. But I am interested in the cause of this latest war, and the propaganda that’s driving it, and the Official Story™ we’re supposed to consume and believe without question that got us to this point. For example:
Mossad, Shin Bet, the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence, etc., not to mention Israel's huge collection of not-exactly-directly-connected private intelligence firms of ex-Mossad guys like Harvey Weinstein’s pals Black Cube, were all completely caught flat footed by Hamas on the 50th Anniversary of the Six Day War? As if.
In other words, despite their reputation as some of the most formidable brains and brawn on the planet, Israeli intelligence and its military were apparently so inept that Palestinian terrorists were able to cross the border, spend hours torturing and killing and kidnapping Israelis, and then cross back into Gaza.
You can believe that if you want, but I don’t. I put it right up there with NORAD and the U.S. Military being caught flat footed as not one but two planes hit the WTC, before penetrating Washington, D.C., airspace and crashing into the Pentagon, the most heavily guarded property on the planet, nearly a full hour later. You can believe all that if you must, but I assure you that you’re a brainwashed idiot and/or intellectual coward if you do.

Another thing you’ve got to believe about the past couple days is that Egypt is lying when it claims that two weeks ago (as reported by The Times of Israel — but no media in the USA I’ve yet seen) it warned Israel that Egyptian intelligence had discovered "Something big…a terrible operation” was coming from the Gaza-based terror group Hamas. Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday said the Egyptians were lying, that it’s “fake news.”
I’ve never liked or trusted Netanyahu about much of anything, and I don’t like or trust him now, about Egypt, Hamas or anything else. IN MY OPINION, like 9/11, like Pearl Harbor, like the fires in Lahaina (which I’ll get to, maybe, someday), what we’re looking at in Israel is a classic case of a “L.I.H.O.P.” conspiracy: Let It Happen On Purpose.
LIHOP is the sly cousin to a “False Flag” conspiracy. A False Flag operation occurs when a hostile or harmful action is designed to look as if it was perpetuated by someone other than the person or group responsible for it. The term has its roots in piracy: A pirate ship would fly a “false flag” of a peaceful nation to fool merchant ships into allowing them to draw close. Here are some concrete examples of false flags. Jussie Smollett’s hate hoax is an example that even the most normie of normies should be able to grok.
A LIHOP is different than that. A LIHOP occurs when an entity becomes aware of a hostile action and permits it to occur in order to capitalize upon the resultant horror and sympathy so it can pursue goals that would otherwise be unacceptable politically or socially. The victim stands down, the bad guys do their bad thing, there is an acceptable level of damages or casualties for the “greater good,” and the injured party has rationale to go HAM, which may not be the best acronym in this particular case but you get the idea.

“Never let a crisis got to waste,” in the words of Obama’s former Chief of Staff, past tense Chicago Mayor and current Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emmanuel, riffing from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, a book Alinsky dedicated to Lucifer, where Alinsky writes: "In the arena of action, a threat or a crisis becomes almost a precondition to communication.”
I don’t think it’s any stretch to claim that certain political factions of Israel have long desired to wipe the Palestinians completely off the map. This was considered beyond the pale, however. Until this week’s crisis.
How did we get here? Let me count the ways, Rule of Three:
1- The U.S. military was forced to leave billion$$$ of military equipment in Afghanistan that has been commandeered by terrorists (as well as abandoning many American families who were tortured to death and had their organs harvested, while their children were sold into sex slavery). These gross failures were dutifully reported but have since been all but completely ignored by the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate criminal clown media, which will work hard to ignore or “debunk” any evidence that the weapons being used against Israel by Hamas came from Afghanistan (and maybe they didn’t…but where did they get them?).
As a disgusted aside, I’d like to opine that of all the gross incompetencies (or intentionally plotted “mistakes”) we’ve seen from the Xiden fakeministration, the inept exit from Afghanistan is the worst, which is really saying something. The last time anybody cared to report it, soulless reptilian State Department head Antony Blinkin was forced to admit during Congressional testimony that there are still at least 175 Americans trapped in Afghanistan, two years after the catastrophically mismanaged sudden egress.
If you can believe the disgruntled military/Intel guys who chime in on the ‘Chans, however, all those Americans left behind suffered unimaginable tortures before having their organs harvested and sold, while their traumatized children were made to watch their parents get disembowled before being repeatedly raped and sold into child slavery. Which story sounds more feasible to you? But let’s move on…
2- The U.S. has shipped billion$$$ in armaments to Ukraine, at the expense of our own US Military, weapons which were in turn sold off to terrorists and enemy states to further line the velvet pockets of the Military-Pharma-Media Industrial Complex and their many Many MANY minions.
Now those weapons have made their way to Hamas; it is not being disputed, just underreported. The only question is whether Ukraine sold those weapons to Hamas -OR- as a couple media clowns are telling us, Russia captured US weapons from beleaguered Ukraine troops (Nazis?) and gave them to Hamas as a “ploy to undermine Ukraine.” Which do you think more likely? Which side has more Nazis? Who’s got a Nazi that recently earned a standing ovation in Canada?
3- The Xiden fakeministration just gave Iran $6 billion — on the 22nd anniversary of the September 11th attacks! — which, as former National Security advisor Gen. Michael Flynn (and others) point out, has almost surely been used to help finance the Hamas attack against Israel a month later.
Moreover, while Hamas no doubt sucks, seemingly the worst of the major Palestinian political factions, it’s worth remembering that Netanyahu, the past and current Prime Minister of Israel — another terrible, horrible, no-good career politician who cheered on the 9/11 attacks cuz they were “good for Israel” (so good they had five Israeli dudes dancing with joy in New Jersey, apparently), and just happened to exit his PM gig while Covid was raging, a lot like his corporate U.S. CEO counterpart at Disney Bobby Iger, but I’m sure that’s just coincidence — about a month before the first elections of 2019, in a closed meeting of the Likud Knesset faction, the man once known as Ben Nitai said the following:
“Those who want to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state should support strengthening Hamas and allow the transfer of money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy — to differentiate between the Palestinians in Gaza and the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria.” (Source: The Times of Israel.)

That’s some crazy Kissinger-level global chessboard moves, amirite? It’s like playing chicken with terrorists. And didn’t those chickens come home to roost? Maybe they were supposed to?
Don’t misunderstand me, and as my prior Rule of Three was intended to show: Nobody should solely be blaming Israel for this LIHOP. No way, no how, because, as we’ve been mockingly told, “We’re all in this together!” The most rabid anti-Jew voices (not anti-Semitic, you should challenge anybody who uses that term, because the Palestinians are a Semitic people) will tell you that Israel is the tail the wags the U.S., but I’m not buying that doggie in the window. The U.S. empire may look mangy, rabid and riddled with fleas and parasites right now, but it’s still doing the wagging, and we all know the Jews throughout history have been designated scapegoats.
While my guess is that the U.S. dream scenario is an opportunity to pivot the attack on Israel into its latest rationale to go to war with Iran, a rare nation not part of the current world banking system (like Libya used to not be, until the crazy vvitch madness of “We came, we saw, he died!”), the war in the Middle East most immediately accomplishes the suffocating of the following stories in all media, not just the corrupt corporate news:
> Border invasion tipping point
> Awful economy, exploding inflation
> Expanding Biden family criminal revelations
> Escalating crime and chaos in big cities
> Ukraine funding on verge of being cut off
> President Orange kangaroo cases falling apart
> President Orange romping over GOP prez contenders, up +7 over Biden in polls
> GOP Speaker Kevin McCarthy disgrace & replacement
> FOIA reveals Biden administration had been alerted in May, 2021, that the Covid vaxx was causing blood clots and myocarditis, so the White House called an all-hands-on-deck meeting to plot and co-ordinate a media cover-up
That last one should be the biggest story around, incidentally, yet we’ve seen nothing in the corporate media or the alleged alt-media like Daily Wire or The Blaze or Joe Rogan, etc. You want to talk war? What the Xiden fakeministration did is literally a war crime perpetrated upon a nation’s own citizenry. Which, if it turns out the Hamas attack on Israel was also a LIHOP conspiracy, raises a whole bunch of other questions. But let’s not get, uh, ahead of ourselves.

Excellent write up, Tom. My only quibble is Iran has not yet received the $6 billion, it was only approved, the cash hasn't moved yet, so it could not have been used to fund this op.
We have to decide, are the Israeli agencies made up of stupid incompetent people? Exact same sh*t with 911. You have to accept we are that awful at our jobs to believe the official story.
But people believe the official story and never get upset about the so called incompetence.
And media right now, "RELEASE THE BLOODLUST!"
This is going to be bad.
The 33 years connection is a bit creepy.