OCCULT CONSPIRACY: Fake Russiagate Was Psychological Warfare and America Lost
Freeze/Thaw Revelation of the Method, Yet Again

“Russiagate was not a hoax.” — The Atlantic, August 19, 2020
“The FBI's deputy director prematurely shutting down the Clinton investigation because of his political preferences is not a misstep. The FBI's head of counterespionage knowingly using false information to open a full investigation into a presidential campaign is not a misstep. The FBI's director aggressively pushing for a FISA based on false information is not a misstep. The FBI deliberately targeting Sergei Millian, a man who they knew was totally innocent, is not a misstep. The FBI entrapping George Papadopoulos, a man who they knew had done nothing wrong, is not a misstep.” — @HansMahncke
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“Trust Sessions!” “Trust Durham!” “Trust the Plan!” Ah, the “Q” days/daze, LoL.
In the latest dispiriting example of Freeze/Thaw psychological warfare to create a demoralized and perpetually depressed, secularized and globalist society that is so broken that it will ultimately become ripe for a generational genocide of nationalists, the long-festering Durham Report basically confirms everything that people like me and many, many others who were vilified, tossed from social media, mocked as “Russian pawns” and “Trumpsters,” told you.
The “Crossfire Hurricane” and “foreign collusion” investigation(s) into the 2016 Trump campaign was/were a criminally insane abuse of politicized power and a textbook example of the “Deep State” in action. It’s one of the greatest political and intelligence scandals in American history. Its ramifications will linger for decades, perhaps forever. Perhaps this is even the end, should nothing be done.
According to the years-and-years-long-in-the-making Durham Report, (remember when it was supposed to drop right before the 2020 election? “Trust the plan!”?) the plot by the Hillary Clinton campaign to create a false story linking Donald Trump to Russia was briefed in August of 2016 by CIA Director John Brennan to then-President Barrack Hussein Obama; his Veep PedoJoe Biden; Attorney General of the Phoenix tarmac Loretta Lynch; and the gruesome golem gatekeeper of the FBI, Director James Comey.

The Durham Report says FBI agents investigating Michael Sussman — who was caught dead-to-rights lying to FBI but got exonerated by a biased Washington, D.C., jury anyway because there’s no justice in our conquered Capital if you’re not part of the occupying regime — found that Sussman’s initial claims that Trump was connected with the Russia-owned Alpha Bank were lies.
But according the the Durham Report, "FBI leadership" ordered the dubious agents to open a full investigation into Trump and Russia anyway. The false accusation that Trump was connected to a Russian bank was then nearly immediately leaked to media with full coordination between Hillary Clinton's campaign, Sussman, Fusion GPS (another bunch of liars about Russiagate that FBI believed despite multiple absurdities that were proven false during FBI’s investigation), and Democratic lawyer/operative Marc Elias. Remember when all those names had a regular daily appearance in the controlled corrupt collectivist criminal corporate clown media? You won’t hear shinola about them now.
Every American should be horrified, disgusted and ready to take some sort of action but the occupying regime is betting we won't. The political weaponization of our intelligence services and law enforcement and corporate media has been exposed (again!) and it should incite the highest level of political distress, but instead the regime is expecting soul-resignation after years of relentless psychological and physical abuse. The country is not free, we are living under an all-but-openly-stated fascist regime: One where the government and corporations work in tandem to control society.
This should alarm all citizens regardless of political persuasion, because sooner or later you will disagree with the occupying regime about something and then they will come for you. History shows that. The Killing Fields can happen anywhere, especially after a society has been conditioned to accept absurdities, like, say, a woman can have a penis, or free speech is violence but riotous Antifa arsons are not, or we need a Mad Max spinoff featuring a re-cast Furiosa. In other words: Today’s woman-with-a-penis leads to tomorrow’s tween boy who self-castrates via “gender affirming” medical experimentation. O wait — that’s today too!
Anyway, I assure you the ground is being softened now so it can be cultivated with the blood of the righteous and turned into American Killing Fields. All historical precedence backs me up on this.

Or can we stop it? Will enough people listen and realize before the customary totalitarian Endgame of starvation and concentration camps? So far, signs ain’t too good. “The Truth Is Out There,” it’s just not anchoring in people’s belief systems because the corporate media is the enemy of productive information and those soulless parasites are attacking your mental well-being 24/7. They are indeed the enemy of the people; if you have family members in the corporate media, please shame them until they get out. They’ll thank you later and I thank you now.
As many non-establishment voices have tried to point out for the ongoing duration of this witch hunt, led by vvitches and their lapdog mind-virus minions, especially lumbering hulking doofus Jim Comey, one of the most egregious toadies of our times, the Durham Report confirms:
1- There was zero proper legal reasoning or precedent for the commencement of the investigation;
2- Significant evidence that showed the intel sources instigating the investigation were a scam and evidence Trump was being smeared were covered up and/or ignored ;
3- The investigation pushed all its original and subsequent unreliable sources, dismissed credible ones, and promoted information that has since been easily disproven, in order to keep self-perpetuating an even larger investigation, leading to a failed impeachment.
The American people were cynically sold a Big Lie for years, a treasonous one, amplified by eager bloodthirsty regime propagandists across nearly all corporate media, who saw Putin under every rock, a “piss tape” blackmail scenario that was nothing but total fiction, ye olde Steele Dossier deception —
[No Attention Span Historical Aside: Remember that? So much water under the bridge (or Bud Light pisswater into the toilet?), it’s easy to forget that long ago in a country far, far away from what the USA is today, back back back to late 2017, when the economy was cooking and we were all making money and had jobs and China was on the run economically, yeah, way back then, the late, not-so-great Buzzfeed News breathlessly broke the “news” that Russia had a “golden showers” fetish video of President Orange demanding-and-then-watching a pair of naked high-priced Russian prostitutes squat and piss on the king-sized bed Barrack and Big Michelle Obama slept in when they stayed in Moscow’s palatial Ritz-Carlton Hotel’s exclusive presidential suite. The claim came from the “unverified” Steele Dossier, which nobody had the guts to publish but only wanted to whisper and gossip about until Buzzfeed’s idiot editor Ben Smith made the irresponsible call to do so, but it backfired when the public saw the ridiculous revelations claimed in the thing and how spotty the sourcing (to say the least!), rendering the Steele Dossier a laughingstock to all critical thinking not-stupid people and yet the investigation kept on regardless of logic or law, while Buzzfeed began its fierce five-year degrading decline into pop culture punch-line and diminished web traffic readership and cultural influence and advertising dollars until it was at last ignominiously shut down last month, at which point the publication had deteriorated so badly that in all honesty nothing of value was lost and hopefully none of its writers continue in the industry because they’re among the lowest of the low, not counting advertising industry trade magazine stenographers trying to pass as reporters.]

— yeah, the Steele Dossier that was the root of the FBI’s Trump investigation, compiled by a former MI6 stooge Christopher Steele, not even an American, well-known for telling his U.K. superiors what they wanted to hear to justify violence or a psyop, and whose reputation was already not-too-good before it went to zero.
Nobody will be punished because, as we’ve seen from the couple attempts earlier from Durham to prosecute somebody, any trials will be held in D.C. courts and thus will see the perps walk because that city has got the TDS mind-virus. Guilt or innocence doesn’t matter, only Stop Orange Man Bad. That’s why The New York Times and Washington Post and Buzzfeed News (Rest In Piss) don’t have to give back their Pulitzer Prizes for reporting on Russiagate, either, even though all their reporting has now been proven wrong and possibly intentionally so. Every element of this damn thing is cancerously corrosively corrupt because “We’re All In This Together!” was actually esoteric mockery, not exoteric encouragement.
Anyway, I won’t go on and on, this was a Facebook post that got out of hand so I put it here where more people will probably see it. Just know that the Durham Report ended up being another Deep State psychological operation and the man who ran it, “Bull” Durham, an allegedly hard-nosed investigator and enemy of “The Swamp,” ended up being just another tool to release the Truth long after it might’ve made a difference, in order to convince you that Evil Is Triumphant and The Nation Has Fallen.
I’d go along with the latter, but not the former. America’s been conquered, but Americans have not…Yet. As the Evil that ensnares us becomes more and more apparent, by design, will you acquiesce in demoralized defeat? Or will you finally do something to save the country (and yourself)? I give us a 50/50 chance. Say your prayers, it might help.

What is amazing to me is how cowardly the Ds were in the face of Bush Cheney but the cleverness in harnessing that frustration in their voting population and redirect it towards Trump, who I neither love nor hate.
It is not simply political, it is a part of the over all plan to divide America.
Anderson Cooper, the characture of a dog faking victimhood, his monologue the day after (I think it was the day after) was a real tell for me, and that CNN hosting that town hall was an actual win for them and the overall agenda.
They need Trump for ratings and they need bile bitter intercine hatred in viewing masses. Otherwise, they are not relevant.
But what really stood out to me was how Cooper was continuing this narrative of how Trump kept repeating vile lies and blatant dishonesty and on and on and it so disgusting and so terrible and so awful..... but half the country agrees with him, they are in your family, your neighbors, your friends.....
Wow. Mission accomplished you Vanderbilt cia asshole