OCCULT MAYOR: NYC’s Eric Adams Is On A Self-Proclaimed Mission From God, But Which One?
The Inscrutable Freemasons
“Thirty-something years ago I woke up, out of my sleep in a cold sweat. God spoke to my heart and said, ‘You are going to be the mayor [of New York City] January 1, 2022.’ I would go around the city and I would tell everybody. People used to think I was on medication!” — Eric Adams
“Who controls the British crown? / Who keeps the metric system down? / We do, we do! / Who keeps Atlantis off the maps? / Who keeps the Martians under wraps? / We do, we do! / Who holds back the electric car? / Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star? / We do, we do! / Who robs cave-fish of their sight? / Who rigs every Oscar night? / We do, we do!” — “Homer the Great,” The Simpsons (S06E12)
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I have long been and remain in equal parts intrigued by and ambivalent about Freemasonry, a “society with secrets” as opposed to “a secret society.” So I’m not sure if this unexpected public development pictured above is a good thing or a bad thing for New York City. I suppose we will find out soon enough.
I will say that there are a couple generous Freemasons who roll among the private (except to government surveillance agencies, upper-tier technoligarchs & other skilled digital voyeurs, ofc) online critical thinkers/de-occultists/conspiracy theorists’ groups I have been graciously invited to join. By-and-large I’ve found them intelligent, insightful, and more than willing to answer my questions about “The Craft,” even as I am fully transparent about the fact that I would never, ever join because there is no way I’m taking any more sacred/spiritual/esoteric vows. I’ve already broken two and if I break a third, I’m pretty sure I’ll soon-after be dead.
Though I’ve got no inside skinny on that front, I do know enough to know Prince Hall Freemasonry was founded in 1775 by an ahead-of-his-time black guy named Prince Hall and a dozen or so other free black men (i.e., not slaves) in Massachusetts, after they were denied membership to the all-white St. John’s Freemasonry lodge in Boston. It’s worth noting that Prince Hall was a leader of the 18th Century Back-to-Africa movement that sought to end slavery and emigrate all blacks back to their native continent. He gave up after not even being able to convince the Free State of Massachusetts to do so.
I also know enough about Freemasonry to know that there are a slew of different branches, some seemingly more benevolent than others, some spiritually darker than others, some more sexually obsessed, and so on. So I asked the Freemason guy I know about his take on the Prince Hall branch. He had this to say, which wasn’t much:
“The Prince Hall guys are very traditional, very disciplined, very old school. No short cuts in their degree work and they run tight lodges.”
Other than the misinformation headline — which was surely not composed by the writer but instead some asshole editor at Gothamist who either didn’t read the story or is trying to mislead readers who don’t read the story — this article is very informative for normies who don’t know much about Freemasonry (and should, for better and/or for worse), and I recommend you read it.
But I do want to touch upon and correct the headline, which states NYC Mayor Eric Adams, NYPD Police Commissioner Edward Caban, and NYPD Chief of the Department Jeffrey Maddrey all “became Masons” over the weekend.
That’s an incorrect statement, or maybe an intentional flat out lie. The truth is that the (Rule of?) three men were “raised” unto the degree of Master Masons, the “final and highest honor in Freemasonry” on September 23. That’s a biiiiig difference. It means those (Rule of?) three guys have been Freemasons for quite some time. You don’t just all of a sudden “become” a Master Mason.
Thus, if these (Rule of?) three guys are all getting bumped up towards the top o’ the pyramid, and you look at how they’ve run NYC in the past 20 months, what with the anti-science “mo’ vaxx, mo’ masks” philosophy and self-declared, self-destructive “sanctuary city” designation, the signifiers ain’t so good.
As cited and sourced above, NYC Mayor Adams has repeatedly claimed he talks with God regularly and that God (Hidden? Invisible?) Hand-picked him to be Mayor of New York. But which (vvitch?) God?, I must ask. I’ve read multiple stories about Adams telling such tales and making such claims about his Divine guidance, in churches and at interfaith events, but I’ve never heard the name “Jesus” invoked once.
That’s not to say Adams has never used the name of the Christian Savior, however. We all know, because there is much evidence, that the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate criminal clown media often censors and shuts down the name of Jesus Christ from all their coverage.
Here’s another oddball Prince Hall-adjacent fact, involving the classic pop crooner Nat King Cole, a Prince Hall Freemason, and his connection to a strange songwriting hermit who wandered down out of the Hollywood Hills because he claimed to have received a divine message that needed to be delivered to the world via Cole: A song that later became the massive hit “Nature Boy.”
FWIW, all the major de-occultists I’ve sought out or have synchronistically come into my orbit, every single one of them who’ve explained to me the seven (now maybe a “Hateful Eight”?) primary secret societies in constant battle to control the world, all of them include Freemasonry as one of the seven. Even when they can’t agree on all seven/eight (the other ones [nearly] everybody seems to agree upon: The Asian “White Dragon” society; the Zionists; the Vatican/Jesuits [one faction? Two?], the Mob/Mafia; the “Royal” family; after that it gets murkier), the Freemasons are a constant.
I give you my word that I don’t affiliate with any of them; like I’ve said, no more vows for me. Plus (+?), to confuse things further, on top of that you’ve got the alleged competing so-called Illuminati/Satanic bloodlines, as laid out and explained by Fritz Springmeier in his seminal investigative work Bloodlines of the Illuminati (the typo-filled first edition is downloadable on the CIA website for free; in the 1990s, when I was trying to get my hands on it, it was out-of-print and only available for exorbitant prices, like over $1000).
There are definitely some Freemasons I dig and respect historically or artistically. At least eight of the 56 signers of Declaration of Independence were Freemasons, and at least 13 of the original 39 signers of the the Constitution, including George Washington, John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin (also a member of the far more notorious Hellfire Club, but let’s leave that for another day [or night]). The premier singer/songwriter of the past half-century, Van Morrison, though I’ve never heard him say it directly, is almost surely a Freemason; his signifiers are plentiful.
What does it all meeeeeeaaaaaaan? Beats me. Like I said to start things off, it’s ambiguous. The only way we’ll know is by watching. By the time we have truly conclusive evidence, it may already be too late. Either way, no matter what it is, it’s too late to stop now!
I've never heard anyone describe exactly what is so evil about Freemasonry. That is, what is it about Freemasonry that turns a good man into a bad man. It's all innuendo and guilt by association.
Homer the Great?!?
Absolutely fucking incredible. How have I not heard of this until now?