OCCULT POLITICS: Kevin McCarthy & Frank Luntz & The Unspeakable
Kevin & Frankie, Sittin' In A Tree, Plottin' To Screw...Over You & Me!
“Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.” - Frank Zappa
“The world is a vampire.” - Smashing Pumpkins, “Bullet With Butterfly Wings”
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As I’ve told you and written before, all military strategy books and geopolitical experts have forever noted that when a nation is subject of a political or military coup, one critical strategy for the occupying regime is to keep doubling down and raising the stakes so no organized opposition can form and demoralization increases daily.
This is why treasonous uniparty California dung beetle Kevin McCarthy is so essential to the World Economic Forum. So essential that creepy weirdo Nazi bloodline and typecast 007 villain Klaus Schwab’s W.E.F. has already declared McCarthy the new Majority Leader of the House, as if trying to manifest it into reality when no such thing has actually happened (yet), replacing fellow California dark occult freak and drug-addled alcoholic vvitch Nancy Pelosi.

McCarthy is clearly key to the ever-escalating globalist domination of the United States of America in 2023. He’s one of “them.” Enough people now know this, however, that McCarthy’s having some problems getting that Speaker gig thanks to people who don’t wanna Eat The Bugs, wear a stupid mask during the next so-called “pandemic,” or hand their kids over to a gender-shifting hive mind collective of Dennis Hastert-types. Six humiliating whiffs so far; let’s see if it gets all the way to seventeen.
It’s been interesting to engage in chatter about the rolling insult and political pushback against McCarthy. From what I hear via D.C. and GOP insiders who hate D.C. and most of the GOP, the reason McCarthy can’t get the votes is because he’s refusing to commit to declassifying the January 6th Committee investigation and wants somebody in charge of it who will keep it sealed for 50 years, among other backstabbing anti-transparency, anti-freedom, anti-American priorities.
The “America First” wing of the GOP — which looks like less than 20 members, because they were the first to hold out, though others have joined them since, and let’s be sure to recognize that so-called MAGA-stalwart Marjorie Taylor Greene was among the first to roll over for handing McCarthy the gavel — is allegedly being blackballed on all potential committee leadership positions by McCarthy. He refuses to concede on any front where America will be put ahead of the globalists’ vampiric priorities.
Creepy Kevin McCarthy doesn’t want any investigations into January 6th or the January 6th star chamber investigation. He doesn’t want any investigations into the mountain of lies and coverups regarding both the 2020 and 2022 elections. He doesn’t want an investigation into the origins of Covid or the CDC’s response or tiny Tony Fauci’s Mengele-ness or anything at all that might slow or impede the Great Reset that his W.E.F. masters and secret chamber occultists demand he serves.
How interesting. Why might this be? What really drives creepy Kevin McCarthy? Who owns him? To what is he devoted? Clearly it’s not the vow he took to serve the American people. So which vow is he serving?
What nobody in the “proper” corporate media or any of the alternative media or the fringe media will tell you is that Kevin McCarthy has got a lot to hide. I hear — and this is just gossip mind you, but I’ve heard it for years and if you read between the lines in a lot of reporting about the man, even mainstream reporting, you can grok what they’re trying to tell you without telling you — Kevin McCarthy is bisexual and leans gay.
McCarthy is married and has two kids, but actually co-habitats in Washington, D.C., with lumpy dumpy Frank Luntz, the soulless uniparty linguistic spell-caster who gets paid big bucks to mess with the plebs’ heads, spinning vocabulary for the political pundits and controlled corrupt collectivist corporate media. Luntz is the reason the “estate tax” became the “death tax” and “global warming” became “climate change,” among other intellectual insults. In one very revealing moment in 2007, Luntz told NPR that the word “Orwellian” got a bum rap and was actually a “positive” thing.
Luntz has been around forever. He was a political player way back when I lived in D.C. in the early 1990s, where he first served as propagandist for Pat Buchanan and later Ross Perot, two hugely divisive figures in the national landscape. A few years after that, Luntz popped up again on my radar when I was living in Atlanta and covering politics and he worked with Newt Gingrich to help “craft” the “Contract With America.” Luntz wrote the strategy to make Republicans “more like Newt,” which isn’t singularly responsible for the mean-spirited divisiveness that’s metastasized into the political horror show we live in now, but you could realistically get away with making that argument.
Both times, when I lived in D.C. and later Atlanta, where I was an award-winning film critic and investigative reporter (both!), people who claimed to be “in the know” all assured me Luntz was a closeted gay Republican with zero moral compass, just like the oddly untouchable and openly gay Infowars “reporter” Ali Akbar Alexander’s mentor and “Turd Blossom” Karl Rove (allegedly).

Since motley birds of a feather with career-imploding secrets flock together, you can probably figure McCarthy fits the bill similarly. You can also probably figure that guys with this level of power have a secret life in the D.C. underground that is far, far worse than mere political corruption.
Of course none of this can be confirmed, but there certainly are a lot of congruent puzzle pieces, and I’m only telling you things I’ve heard again and again for decades from people who mostly don’t know each other.
But whether or not Kevin McCarthy and Frank Luntz are secret lovers whose closeted lives leave them open to blackmail from the W.E.F., Russia, China and the devil knows who else, all you really need to do is look into the career history of Frank Luntz and then consider that this soulless dude lives with the guy who wants to be the Republican Speaker of the House. Is that somebody you can trust? Expect to lead? Take on the heavy hitters? Save America? It’s a laughable question, but at least it’s got an obvious answer, and the answer is an emphatic NO.
Keep in mind President Orange is vociferously supporting (IN ALL CAPS!) McCarthy for Speaker, incidentally, tossing the MAGA/America First crowd overboard for Frank Luntz’s swamp monster roomie from California. The same guy who said Prez Naranja was “responsible for [the January 6th] attack on Congress by mob rioters,” and that he should be censored, an unprecedented move against a President from within his own party, is now being supported for the Speakership by that very same “stable genius.”
Who else wants Kevin McCarthy to become the new GOP Speaker of the House? Well, the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate media (here’s NPR, just this morning, doing a totally unbiased interview about whether or not McCarthy deserves to be Speaker, with…Frank Luntz!). Fake Mormon Willard Romney’s niece and head of the milquetoast money-pit RNC Ronna McDaniel (on Newsmax! Don’t trust Newsmax), who prefers losing because it gets the RNC more donations and they don’t have to actually do anything but complain during America’s orchestrated decline towards collapse. The afore-mentioned World Economic Forum and their cricket sandwich menu. Nancy Pelosi.
And of course Ukraine, the totalitarian and untransparent bottomless pit for cash that’s run by another closeted gay actor (with penis piano-playing prowess!), slurping up taxpayers’ cash like a Russian whore at a Putin-afterparty while our nation’s infrastructure, healthcare system, schools and societal fabric fall apart: McCarthy is often seen in Congress wearing a Ukraine flag pin, not an American flag pin, signifying his fealty to the globalists’ marching orders to bankrupt America and Americans.
In other words, all the usual suspects. Meet the new boss…blah blah blah, blech.
Nothing about 2023 looks promising to me except maybe the new Mission Impossible movie, Henry Kissinger finally getting his ticket punched, and somebody leaking the info that Disney lost billions in the FTX meltdown. The W.E.F. wants their satanic puppet Kevin McCarthy baaaaaad, they need him baaaaaad, because they’ve got baaaaaad shit planned and a schedule to keep. I fully expect confirmed bachelor Frank Luntz’s dear friend and house-mate to become Speaker of the House, or maybe it’ll end up being somebody worse. Sign O’ the Times, peeps. It’s not like you weren’t warned. Don’t kill The Messenger!

I knew there was a reason Laura Loomer hates the guy