OCCULT VIRUS: Meet ‘Wetiko,’ a Deadly Parasite of the Mind
Native Americans Knew What Was Up Even Before Carl Jung

"One of the most important topics ever faced by human beings is: Why is the dominant culture so excruciatingly, relentlessly, insanely, genocidally, ecocidally, suicidally destructive?” - Author & Environmentalist Derrick Jensen
"Men go crazy in congregations; they only get better one by one.” - Gordon Sumner, by way of Charles Mackay
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Native Americans called it “Wetiko Disease.” Carl Jung said it was “Totalitarian Psychosis.” Alternative psychologists in years past have deemed it “Malignant Egophrenia.” More recently, professor of clinical psychology Mattias Desmet coined the term “Mass Formation,” which the much-censored Dr. Robert Malone then extrapolated to “Mass Formation Psychosis” on the Joe Rogan show, and a foaming army of inverted “fact-checkers” were off to the races.
Whatever it is, it needs to be discussed and diagnosed at length following the terrible transparency of outspoken atheist and pseudo-intellectual author/journalist Sam Harris yesterday, who happily admitted that there was most definitely “a left-wing conspiracy to steal the presidency from” President Orange, and that Sam supported this “conspiracy” whole-heartedly…Even if corporate media’s censorship and “Russia did it!” lies about Hunter Biden's “Laptop from Hell” meant covering up the unsolved murders of a bunch of innocent children. Which, if you know anything about the “Laptop from Hell,” may actually be the case. Sam also mentioned a comet hurtling towards Earth to destroy it, which was an odd metaphor to make under the circumstances.

A desperate Harris took to Twitter late Thursday as his reputation went up in flames, denying that he said what you can see for yourself he definitely did say. But Sam’s smug, psychotic worldview is worth exploring further, particularly through the prism of his atheism, because it shows once again that when you walk away from the God you say doesn’t exist, most people transform some stripe of political ideology (or themself) into their god.
Native Americans called this spiritual detachment and corruption WETIKO DISEASE. It is the true virus of evil we are facing, not some over-exaggerated flu. Covid proved a symptom, not the cause.
Wetiko Disease, according to Cree lore passed down through centuries in North America, is a mind virus. It’s an over-arching mental darkness that contains, subsumes, informs and underlies every form of the Antilife, driving a self-and-everything-else destruction that too many human beings in the 21st Century seem to be embracing and escalating all around the world, on every front, and at every scale.
Nihilism past the razors edge, off the Cliffs of Insanity, into a boiling sea of radioactive waste. The Dark Night of the Soul that never ends. Abandon all hope, ye who enter!
According to Native America researcher Jack D. Forbes, “Wetiko” is a psycho-spiritual disease that works through the blind spots of the unconscious and the projective tendencies of the mind, so as to hypnotize people via our mind's own creative power to shape reality.

According to the North American Cree, via J.D. Forbes, the Wetiko Mind Virus only has power over us to the extent it is not seen. In other words, the way to heal it is to expose and explain it. Recognize the Wetiko Mind Virus for what it is, then deconstruct how it works, both out in the wide world and within our own mind.
This is why censorship is so key to the occupying regime, which is rooted in relentless demoralizing propaganda and the shutting down of alternative views and voices. The Wetiko Mind Virus is allergic to Truth. Darkness cannot overcome the Light.
J.D. Forbes goes on to explain that the Wetiko Mind Virus is not constrained by conventional laws of 3D space and time. Wetiko is nonlocal. It is an inner disease of the soul that discloses itself through the canvas of the outside world. That is to say, the Wetiko mind virus (or parasite?) has the seemingly magical ability to extend itself out into the world and configure outer events so as to express itself and give itself living material form.
Try to get your head around that: Wetiko doesn't just play itself out within our minds. By influencing our unconscious and its reactions, the Wetiko Mind Virus manages to act itself out en masse — in full-bodied form — throughout the entire world. Like a dream, it is a reflection of a process happening deep within the human psyche.
As depicted by J.D. Forbes, supplemented by the writings of researcher Paul Levy (whose work I’m totally ripping off here), when someone is possessed by the Wetiko Mind Virus, it is as if an alien invading power gradually takes over all of the healthy parts of the body politick. The Wetiko Mind Virus commandeers the executive function of the psyche and pursues its own agenda. This is why the person taken over often acts in ways that are diametrically opposed to their own best interests.
Levy calls this a “psychic coup d’état.” The Wetiko Mind Virus can usurp and supplant a person’s very being, who becomes its schizoid puppet and mental marionette. Once the Wetiko Mind Virus becomes sufficiently rooted within a human psyche, the prime directive coordinating a person's behavior comes from the disease. It is now in the driver's seat, and the victim is just a passenger.

As Wetiko colonizes the psyche — centralizing power and control in the process — it eventually incorporates a seemingly autonomous regime that establishes a brutal hegemony over the healthy parts of the personality. It becomes a parasitic autocracy within the greater body politic of the psyche — what Jung calls "a shadow-government of the ego" — within the psyche, which then dictates to the ego.
That’s the reason Jung, when referring to Wetiko, calls it the "totalitarian psychosis.” The internal landscape of an individual’s psyche, once taken over by the Wetiko Mind Virus, is mirrored to the external world. A type of totalitarian force has taken over the mind of its victim, creating a personalized “shadow government” that centralizes power and control over an individual, and, the more it happens, the more it is reflected more broadly in our real world.
The Wetiko Mind Virus explains the mass madness that has infected and corrupted so many people I previously thought were good and reasonable souls. It explains the trickle-down effect over years, getting incrementally worse, via corrupt politics, education, entertainment, marketing and journalism. It suggests there is not some grand organized material world top-down conspiracy integrating everyone from the President to your previously harmless cat-loving wine drinking Aunt Karen, but instead something deeper and darker and more supernatural is going on: “The Antilife.”
Finally, it explains both the macro- and micro-levels of insanity that have infected every element of society. Not just our government’s self-destructive actions to send $50+ billion overseas and then nearly immediately raise Americans’ taxes, but why a well-known guy like Sam Harris can confidently proclaim how you can be a treasonous child molester and kid killer but it’s not as bad as running a Ponzi scheme like Trump University.
It’s because Sam’s sick in the head. They’re all sick in the head. The Wetiko Mind Virus has got ‘em. They/Them/Their name is Legion. And there’s no vaccine for that. Say your prayers.

That explains a lot.