PUBLIC ENEMY: Pathetic Pharma Patriarch PETER HOTEZ — Misogynist, Bully, Coward & Freak?
The Article That Got Me Banned From Medium
[This article is presumably the one that got me banned from MEDIUM. It was published 29June2021 and my account was banned 30June2021. This version is revised & updated.]
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Big Pharma vaccine propagandist and oddball media darling Dr. Peter Hotez has been popping up his stumpy head again, making noises last Friday about how the government should give CDC more power when we have “another pandemic.” Since Hotez’s response to every possible sniffle or sneeze is more vaccines, it felt like the time was right to resuscitate my Medium-censored deconstruction of the guy.
A Yale grad who got his PhD from Rockefeller University in NYC, Peter Hotez is one of the strangest and most off-putting characters among the shady Legion of creepy secular evangelists for chemical injections. Of course corporate “news” adores him.
In June of 2021, when the first real grassroots groundswells against Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA injections were sprouting up and terrible Tony Fauxi’s cred was crumbling, the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate media made a parade towards perpetually sweaty Stinky Pete, who popped up like a weed among the grassroots on a bunch of the globalists’ worst “news” platforms: the appropriately named Daily Beast, the fear-mongering socialist nuthouse of NPR (Nasty Propagandists & Retards?), the Chinazi support group at CBS, South Africa’s Jon Stewart-replacement failure Trevor Noah’s The Daily Show, and of course CNN’s “Dumbest Man On Television!” program (no, not that one. The other one!).
Before we go into any details about this chunky stumpy freak, explaining why my psych-minor amateur opinion suggests he needs years of therapy and perhaps an exorcism before opening his mouth in public again, let’s start with an alarmingly obnoxious bullying video featuring humanity-hurtin’ Hotez from a couple years back— this damning excerpt used to be on YouTube and many other platforms, but after I was deplatformed by the malevolent minions at MEDIUM, it was ruthlessly hunted down and censored everywhere. The only place I can find it now is the Facebook page for Texans for Medical Freedom, from which a friend of mine downloaded it and sent to me. THANK YOU!
The less-than three minute video depicts Dr. Peter Hotez condescendingly dismissing a mother of what she believes is a vaccine injured child at a book event. The articulate mom remains courteous as she attempts to have a civilized conversation with him, while Hotez repeatedly, rudely, and arrogantly insults her, climaxing his cold-blooded comments with “You are a useful idiot for other people.”
This behavior and statement would be bad enough from any random asshole, but it’s particularly noteworthy because of who this dude actually is: One of the current leading minds of the 100% pro-vaccine religionists crew, those rabid self-righteous scolds who are actually the brainwashed nuts and science-dismissing zealots they claim the so-called “anti-vaxxers” to be. Always right, yet never willing to engage in public debate with the other side in any kind of civilized or fact-based manner.
But wait! There’s more! Stinky Pete is also a demonstrable liar, as evidenced by his devil’s-tail-between-his-legs retreat after Hotez foolishly libeled the bold and reliable independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson. She called him on it and then her lawyers called him on it. Bad hygiene Pete claimed Ms. Attkisson called him a Nazi. She didn’t.
So we now know: The face of Texas Children’s Hospital, Stinky Pete Hotez, enjoys bullying women. Bullying them dishonestly. It’s a fact. It’s on the record.
But hooooold on! We’re barely getting started! Turns out Stinky Pete Hotez is also author of the somewhat recent book that nobody bought or read called Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism. Rachel is Rachel Hotez, his daughter. She’s autistic. Her autism appeared not long after she received multiple vaccinations, and Dr. Hotez thinks…well, you already know what he thinks.
Well beyond the marketing dunderheadedness of telling readers everything you want them to know in the title so they don’t feel the need to buy or read the book, the tome’s strident and sanctimonious content screams like a tragic “tell” straight out of Greek myth, or the devil’s chalkboard in the Netflix writers room.
You don’t need to be Sigmund Freud (“Sometimes a vaccine is just a vaccine, unless some creepy dude is insisting it needs to penetrate children and squirt something inside them against their will”) to figure this one out. The fact this schlock doc wrote a book with such a “WTF?” title suggests much more about the psychology of the author than the actual subject matter he thinks he’s evangelizing.
Since I don’t want to stop this article dead with scientific stuff, here’s a detailed video deconstructing Dr. Hotez’s scientific miscues or perhaps outright lies. Once you’ve perused the ways Hotez’s very bad and, let’s face it, flat out pathetic book is riddled with selective facts & misleading statistics & what seem to be outright lies, there’s a sick punchline:
Maybe they didn’t! Maybe vaccines didn’t cause Rachel’s autism! Nobody’s claiming all autism comes from vaccines.
But something has caused the massive increase of autism in America from 1 in 10,000 in the 1970s to 1 in 50 right now, and growing fast, and that horrific leap has an alarming correlation to the introduction and mass expansion of pediatric vaccines. Particularly after 1986, when the U.S.A. government stopped permitting victims of vaccine damage to sue the huge globalist pharmaceutical corporations that create and produce vaccines, and made them completely fault-free of any damage that their product wreaks upon humanity.
Since 1986, when Congress and the Reagan Administration made Big Pharma invulnerable to justice, the number of recommended vaccines for a child before turning 18 has gone from eight to MORE THAN SEVENTY [soon even more now that the mRNA Covid vaxx will be added to the Childhood Schedule].
Government and Big Pharma scientists and doctors say they have no idea but lots of (conspiracy?) theories about this massive leap in autism…except for vaccines. They can assure you that the one thing they DO know is that vaccine ingredients don’t cause autism. Even though many vaccines have or had in the past contained strange needless ingredients that no one can effectively explain why they’re there: Aluminum. Animal DNA. Aborted fetus DNA.
Aborted fetus DNA? Hmmmm. Ever wonder what aborted female DNA injected into newborn baby males or vice versa might be doing to America’s children? Don’t. No one in Big Pharma or any of their controlled corporate media minions or the government or the trans movement wants you asking that burning question.
Why does anyone trust any of these people? We’ve repeatedly seen big international pharmaceutical companies caught hurting human beings and lying about it: AIDS-tainted blood. Vioxx. Opiates. Baby powder that gives kids cancer!
Plus vaccines that had glass fragments, which was first covered up, then ignored even after it got out. And vaccines that maimed or killed many kids in India, which the American corporate media never reported and continues to cover-up so you don’t realize Jeffrey Epstein’s pal Bill Gates never goes to India in his globetrotting Blobfeldian Bond-villain misadventures cuz he’s concerned he’ll be arrested soon after landing.
Meanwhile, globalist pharmaceutical conglomerates spend more than any other lobby in Washington D.C. They are among the top advertisers in corporate media, especially all those 24/7 not-news channels, which would collapse without Big Pharma sustaining the constant hate-talk, the neverending anxiety roller-coaster ride that makes you need legal drugs to calm down or perk up or get hard or simply forget about it all.
But to close the Pharmakeuein loop like a (metaphorical!) noose on Dr. Peter Hotez, consider this humble former psychology minor and long-time student of the human condition’s theory that what’s actually going on here, deep in the dark recesses of poor Dr. Hotez’s maybe not-as-smart-as-he-thinks-he-is mind, lurks the nasty, nagging doubt — the blackest of seeds, dry and desiccated but still with the ugly potential to take root — that maybe, just maybe, vaccines DID cause Rachel’s autism.
In other words, Dr. Peter hurt his daughter. Or…Dr. Peter Hurtez! Dr. Peter Hurtez-Daughter! And now he wants to hurt everybody else’s too. Because he hates himself and he hates the world and he hates happy, healthy children. Just a theory!
Could that dark doubt — which of course will never go away —be what’s diabolically driving Dr. Hurtez to spend his whole life attempting to silence dissent? Writing books and going on speaking tours and cruelly attacking anyone who disagrees with him in the most personal terms (“You’re a useful idiot!”) while never having the courage to engage in one-on-one public debate with vaccine skeptics like Dr. Andrew Wakefield or Dr. Sherry Tenpenny or RFKjr — even though if he’s so doggone right, you’d think he could end this argument in a day by crushing those evil professional anti-vaxxers just as easily as he slices into the already broken heart of an autistic child’s concerned mom’s consciousness.
And that could almost be okay, I guess. Every broken soul separated from God needs some kind of crutch. I’ve been there myself, and (a small) part of me has empathy for this sad little man with so much misplaced and impotent anger and the clumsy nerd bowtie, troll-like demeanor and (rumored) perpetual flatulence problems.
Except…Dr. Hotez’s psychological bent causes him to act in grossly uncivilized and un-American behavior, ignoring the Nuremberg code and steamrolling medical freedom, while polarizing conversation and stifling investigation into a topic of great national importance on multiple fronts.
IN MY OPINION, Peter Hurtez-Daughter’s obsession, the shadow passion that drives him, is so strong that he’s conjured dark forces that are beyond HIS understanding and have taken control of him in genocidal ways. He’s brought his twisted vaccine fetish into the broader world, like a syringe-wielding bat out of hell. His malevolent attempts to stifle free speech and insult America’s great, loving, nurturing mothers, should not and cannot stand. Pete Hurtez-Daughter is doing real damage, and despite the tragedy of his probably delusional situation, deserves to be held up to public examination, his motives explored, his fake science called out. He should be humiliated and scorned. He is an enemy of the people.
Like the regal vanity of French nobility before the guillotine started to fall, mockery and open contempt seem to be the only thing that fazes these shameless empathy-free, reptile-brained, not fully evolved meat puppets. They want to be worshipped as gods, but they ain’t dogs.
We should all pray that Dr. Frankenstein-Hurtez-daughter will look inward, consider the perhaps poisonous irony of his life, and maybe, just maybe, STFU for a while and fix himself. Though my guess is he’s broken beyond repair. Far worse than his poor little girl.