[Originally published on MEDIUM 27March21; Censored by Medium 30June21]
Sorry gang. Black Pill time! Make your default presumption Trust No One. Don’t trust reporters, don’t trust the meat puppets they’re covering and quoting. Don’t trust any politician. Don’t trust any celebrity. Don’t trust any government agency. Certainly don’t trust Anthony Fauci (Fauxi?) or Oprah. Don’t trust me, because even though I’m honest and smart, I can be wrong.
All recent developments require Hard Truths to swallow, more than most of you can take, like a series of long-burned-out charcoal McNuggets: the U.S. Constitution is irrelevant, the Rule of Law is neither, pretzeldent Bo Xiden is controlled by unknown outside forces (“Open Biden!”), corporate media is indistinguishable from Pravda, there’s zero justice in the material world matrix (“No good deed goes unpunished”) and there‘s no Roy Rogers or John McClane riding to the rescue because there’s nobody left with any juice to bring about the law, justice or redemption.
Perhaps there never was. Perhaps it’s all been a show, and we’re now at the point of dark revelation. If you know history and you know how a coup d’état works, then you know that to pull off a successful coup, the coup plotters need to keep the momentum going before an organized reaction has time to materialize. With the collapse of the Q Psyop, it appears we’re well past that.
Brutal But Necessary Pro Tip: We’ve already lost. Ozymandias has pulled the trigger. We were defeated long ago; it’s been over for so long that the fascist oligarchs and their minions are gleefully, brazenly showing us how dead we are, running up the score, slamming the final hammer blow to capitalist democracy and the pathetic twitching corpse of an idealized Republic that once pursued “a more perfect union.”
That’s why the political evil is so obvious from the lockstep goosestep uniparty: All organized resistance is compromised. The uniparty can afford to strut, even if it’s clumsy and theatrically pronounced. The smart bet is to assume all your public heroes, yes, even the ones you like, whether left or right, are puppeteered pied pipers one way or t’other to the Cthulhu-ish Chinazi caste system conquest and The Great Reset.
Agenda 2030! Now slated for 2025, because even the World Economic Forum was surprised how quickly and meekly society obsequiously surrendered on masks and lockdowns!
That’s why I’m pretty damned sure we’re heading into six weeks of epic Spring Equinox satanic holidaze. All the early signifiers are already in play: mass shootings (ATL & Boulder) and absurdist water horror (Suez Canal blocking) are perfect shock, sadness, trauma and fear escalation exercises with the added race baiting SJW psychopathy of trying to tie the Syrian killer of ten White Coloradians to whyte supremacy. For one-step-ahead posterity, check this out:

Whether this dark force can manage to pull off an incendiary coup de grace climax or not, it is my scholarly and observationally-experienced opinion that the throbbing grotto of arrogant and impervious-feeling power-crazed sinister superclass types will certainly try to ignite a massive fire or explosion by May 1st. I’ve been tracking this nameless ever-morphing evil for decades, since my smartest (and strangest) Theology professor at WVWC noted it. I understand generally how their O.S. operates and I know that when these reptile-brained not-exactly-human weirdos have an advantage, they love pressing it against your face. Mark these works and pray you mark them wrong, that I am yet another false prophet in an age overflowing with them, buuuut…If you see something, say something. Soylent Green is people!
[Backward Glance Update Aside: So was I right? I’ll let you decide: On April 15, 2021, exactly two years to the day after Notre Dame Cathedral burned, the beautiful 16th Century Church of Saint-Pierre in Romilly-la-Puthenaye in Normandy, northern France, burned to the ground, and with just as little convincing explanation why as the still-unsolved Notre Dame fire. There were a trio of esoteric arson crimes against Masonic Lodges in Vancouver, Canada; motive(s) remain unexplained. South Africa’s beloved Table Mountain National Park saw more than 400 acres burned, though it took the Cecil Rhodes Memorial on Devil’s Peak in Capetown with it, so that might’ve ended up a wash. Passes the Auric Goldfinger test, far as I’m concerneed, but YMMV.]
So we’ll take these Signs O’ the Times as a cue, so to speak, to cut to the chase, even though my screenplay’s not fully fleshed out on this detective movie that I thought was spy movie until I decided it was a war movie yet hoped was a superhero movie but turned out to be a horror movie. Forget it Jake….
Yup, that’s life and death in Chinatown, a Dark Occult Auteur’s movie metaphor for a conquered nation, malevolently manifested by the evil genius sex criminal who brought us Rosemary’s Baby, another bad but brilliant metaphor for the birth of our satanic age.
This unwelcome dark art epiphany got me lyrically musing that it’s time to sign off with a flourish to the (mostly psuedo-journalists & marketing) people who keep pestering to post my “L” on the “Q” Psyop — which, let’s please recall, I always said was a Psyop, I was just naive about what kind of Psyop — now that it’s apparently over, though the repercussions of its existence continue to ripple through the still-obsessive/defensive corporate media and the lunatic fringe of the “Patriot” movement [EDIT: Too bad that prior-linked Thomas Wictor tweet about Donald Trump still running the resistance from a recomissioned submarine got deleted; it was hilarious!]
I’m probably one of the better people to analyze what went down with the Q Psyop, because I was of it but not in it, if you know what I mean. Q cited and promoted some good and brave people I work with, lifted some of my phrasing and linguistic magick from social media and published articles, shared some stuff I shared, but most importantly showed an investigatory passion for the exploration and revelation of things in my insistent and persistent “You are being lied to!” wheelhouse: Human trafficking, the global pedophile blackmail ring, China being a bigger danger than Russia, panopticon surveillance warnings, vaccine risk and big pharma coverups, the Nazis who never lost, corporate media is propaganda, and so on.
Moreover, the Q Psyop was brilliant marketing: Both inviting and exclusive, mysterious yet full of (presumed) information; it was the gamification of intelligence, seemingly intended to enlighten a sleeping citizenry to populist awareness of and resistance to a creeping socialist totalitarian transformation funded by G.O.D.T. (Gold, Oil, Drugs, Trafficking), and implemented through ruthless full-spectrum warfare dominance rooted in trauma-based psychological programming. The people who pushed against Q loudest in the corporate media and demanded its censorship, like big pharma’s belonephilia bomb Brandy Zadrozny, were loathsome liars and dumb globalist puppets. It wasn’t difficult for any critical thinker to pick a side.
The Q crew ignited a band of loose, new anti-Neocon libertarian-ish capitalist conservatives, who were percolating before Q appeared but coalesced in its wake to gain cultural and political sway in the befuddled GOP. They had smarter and funnier memes, better looking women, and were inclusive to all who put “America First.” They were also clearly having more fun than the BLM/Antifa crowd, who were perpetually angry, a lot more violent, generally out of shape and ugly, and preaching an illogical ideology of perpetual victimhood and childish temper-tantrum anarchy rooted in resentment.

I won’t detail all the ins and outs of the nearly five-thousand Q posts that popped up first on 4chan in October, 2017, then moved to 8chan before it ended on 8kun in December 2020. But you can read them for yourself and see that they bear little to no resemblance to the way they are described in this ridiculous hit job from Wikipedo. (You know, Wikipedo? Believe me when I tell you: The trans-formation crowd controls it all.)
Of course very few people who had an opinion about “QAnon” actually read the Q posts, and instead let the corporate media define the content of the anonymous propagandist’s Socratic writings. If you want to glean one easy insight, at least be aware there is no such thing as “QAnon”: It’s a corporate media-created term. Q was the person or group who posted intriguing comments, claims and predictions on the chans/kun; the Anons were the disparate & paradigm-shifting people who followed these posts, hypothesized and extrapolated around them, but also morphed into a bunch of other creative offshoots (good + bad ones; organic + astroturfed corporate ones) and developed a genuine separate hive mind network of loosely affiliated citizen journalists throughout social media. Nobody called anybody QAnon except the corporate news echo chamber and the zombie minions who repeat everything they say.
The corporatist narrative tells you nothing Q predicted came to fruition, but that’s not true. It’s just that none of the MAJOR claims came true. People predicted to resign by Q did resign, sometimes the day of or soon after Q said it was going to happen, Hollywood figures had sex scandal problems after Q predicted they would. A couple corrupt low level types got got. You could viably say a bunch of things indeed did come to pass. But the stuff that actually came true was piddly compared to the big picture corruption takedown that was promised. Like all good psyops, truth was mixed with fiction, and just enough validation was dolloped out to keep a shadow news junkie’s endorphins poppin’.
As has often been the case over the past half-dozen years or so, I got a better answer to Q from the oldest and wisest so-called “conspiracy theorist” I know (so smart I’ve gradually come around to thinking he’s part of the conspiracy on some level), Founder and Publisher of TrineDay Publishing, Kris Millegan. I’ve mentioned Kris before in this column and throughout social media. His most important book historically is Fleshing out Skull & Bones, which every American should read. But TrineDay’s got a library of other books that helped shape my esoteric worldview and could improve yours too, like Peter Levenda’s Sinister Forces trilogy; The Most Dangerous Book in the World (the only book I immediately re-read as soon as I finished it); and Dr. Mary’s Monkey, which is about big pharma’s possible connection to the John F. Kennedy killing, and provides a whole new curve ball on the New Orleans connection that was pursued by District Attorney Jim Garrison and fictionalized in JFK by masterful misinformation propagandist and (dark?) Occult Auteur Oliver Stone.

Anyway, Kris’s dad was CIA, he “left” the agency in 1960 after discovering that the Council of 300 (or whoever) had decided to pivot away from making the USA the center of world power and handing it over to China, where a totalitarian fist would be much better to run a planet of human cattle. A decades-long plan was put into action.
I’m not going to run down self-identied “intelligence brat” Kris Millegan’s life story, you can find it yourself, the technocrats haven’t completely erased him yet. This is his most recent interview. But take my word for it when I say if there’s anybody’s opinion who I’d listen to on the “Q” front, it would be Kris.
Thus, I was grumbly annoyed when Kris at first bad-mouthed the Q Psyop, because I wanted to believe it was a good psyop to wake up the citizenry. Kris crapped all over it, also calling it a psyop, but a bad one. But then he stopped. He stopped talking about Q at all. When people would ask him about it, he’d schlump it off with a 3–5 word non-committal dismissal.
This was a plot twist! So I asked him about it. His response was something along the lines of “A lot of times an operation can be running and observed by a higher authority, who comes in when it reaches critial mass to take it over for themselves.” Not an exact quote, but that was the takeaway message.
Or, as @aspiringJB tweeted on March 19: “Q was either a CIA psyop from day one, or subverted into one as soon as it got any traction, to keep the proles in line. What better way to keep people from getting mad than to have them believe there are ‘white hats’ fighting for them?”
In hindsight and with a carcass of willing naiveté left bleeding behind me, this sounds about right. Who started the Q Psyop and who finished the Q Psyop, I have no idea, but I can tell you it’s always as good a guess as any to guess CIA. No matter who it was, in no case was it some fat slob Comic Book Guy type in his mother’s basement. And you don’t have to take my word for it, let’s go to an expert!
National Security Council intelligence specialist Ezra Cohen-Watnick was one of the guys rumored to actually be Q. He was certainly on my short list (though ultimately in my short bus Sherlock Holmes theories I surmised it was somebody who used to be officially in US intelligence, but now operated at plausible deniability distance. Mike Rogers?).

Anyway, per Politico, Ezra Cohen-Watnick worked in various Defense Department jobs before accepting a senior post on the National Security Council staff soon after President Donald Trump came into office in 2017. Cohen was brought in under former national security adviser Gen. Michael Flynn and became a figure of controversy when his run-ins with other intelligence officials spilled out into the news media.
If anybody has a good idea about who Q might be…I mean, c’mon. If it WASN’T you, and you were an intelligence world wizard (Ezra Cohen-Watnick-Warlock?), wouldn’t you want to know who Q was? Of course you would. You might not be able to nail it down exactly (even though I bet he did!), but you would probably get enough info to develop a professional opinion. Does Ezra Cohen-Watnick-Warlock have a professional opinon? Why yes! Yes he does! Back to the Politico article:
“In my professional opinion, being in the intelligence world, it really appeared to be a foreign state actor or a very organized operation. I just don’t see that level of sophistication as just an amateur thing.”
Exactly right. Q was entirely too cultivated, polished and knowledgable to be some trolls making lolz against the Deep State with a side gig knifing corporate media (as any “journalist” would know if they ever took the time to read the Q posts. Which none of them have). Anybody in journalism who tries to spin that narrative at you is either an idiot or a liar or a lying idiot.
Combining Kris Millegan + Ezra Cohen-Watnick-Warlock, my, uh, conspiracy theory about the Q Psyop is that it got started by some former intelligence guys to rally people behind Trump vs. the Deep State, then later got co-opted by some larger force, maybe a “foreign state actor,” but more likely IMHO our own CIA or military intelligence. Unless it was China. Or Russia. Or Israel. Or all “Five Eyes” guys working in tandem against nation-states. I have no idea; I just know that I got played, and it sucks. My Patriotism and love of country and hatred of pervert criminals who abuse children and traffick in modern slavery got played against me. It’s not just my “L” that gets posted when I write that, it’s the nation’s. Because the beat goes on, louder than ever, no matter how much you want to cover your ears.
That’s the best I can do for you at this point, but hopefully it’s at least a start. There’s a lot more to say, maybe I’ll get around to it at some point. Or maybe not. Gonna be a busy, brutal, bonfire of a month, might be hard to keep up. Let’s all watch and see.

Not Mike Rogers.
Interesting article, Tom. How is it that I was getting wind of Q back in 2012. I wrote an article on it at the time which I titled, Wouldn't it Be Nice. Thoughts?