TEH ALIENZ: De-Occulting The Last & Greatest Deception
Conspiracy Theorist Pro Tip: They're not extra-terrestrial, they're interdimensional
“Used, abused, without clues / I refuse to blow a fuse / They even had it on the news / Suckers, liars get me a shovel / Some writers I know are damn devils / For them I say / Don't believe the hype…” — Public Enemy
“Did you ever hear about the great deception? / When the plastic revolutionaries take the money and run / Have you ever been down to ‘Love City’? / Where they rob you with a smile instead of a gun…” — Van Morrison
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Don’t believe the hype. Well, kinda believe it. Just don’t believe the explanation behind the hype.
The dog-and-pony-and-E.T. show we got last week from the preening and posturing Congressional clowns fronting the House Oversight Committee's national security subcommittee was presumably supposed to leave the nation breathless. But instead it elicited an encouraging yawn, unsuccessfully battling for Americans’ mindshare with the ever-imploding Bo Xiden fakeministration’s escalating difficulties controlling the Media Narrative because Hunter Biden is, let’s face it, the absolute scum of the earth and a chip off the ol’ block.
No matter what kind of “alien tech” our conquered, occupied government trots out, your default position should be 99% dubious doubt. Because what these corrupt Congresscritters and their Deep State shadow puppeteers desperately need as we keep hauling their endemic corruption and criminal fetishes out of the closet is one bigger distraction than the last.
As dead de-occultists from paper clip-Nazi/NASA Svengali Wernher von Braun to former Naval Intelligence whistleblower Bill Cooper to Canadian investigative journalist Serge Monast to the still-living real-life former FBI X-Files guy John DeSouza have all warned us, the Last Big Play in this Narrative of Lies, when all the other Big Lies are coming to light, will be a fake alien invasion.
So please, as the ground is being cultivated for that Biggest of the Big Lies, should anybody start talking up aliens with you, your default response should be: “I’ll talk about aliens after they release the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell client list.”
As far as I’m concerned, aliens is a hyperactive “SQUIRREL!!!” shout, unless the aliens do show up and immediately start decimating all the worst people who are out there pimping for teh alienz!, uh, “Narrative”:
Walnut pizza aficionado John Podesta (Pedosta?). Florida foamer and blackmail magnet Marco Rubio. Insufferable fake nerd Bobby Garcia. Fraudulent San Diego punk Tom DeLonge (“My music has always been about forcing happiness with brute strength”). Deal-with-the-devil de-occultist Peter Levenda (worth reading, nevertheless).
Part of the way you can tell this is all a massive psyop is how these corrupt corporatist creeps are changing the language around it. We’re no longer talking about UFOs; now it’ s “UAP”s — “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”? WHY? — so as to better keep your brain off-balance linguistically.
Another is the in-your-face mockery about how all teh alienz shit is Hoover-ing up your tax dollars for points unknown, but very likely Congressional pet projects and all the pals of half-people like, say, uniparty stalwarts sweaty Marco Rubio (R-China) and ersatz sci-fi fan Bobby Garcia (D-China).
The Congressional hearings mostly hinged on alleged “UAP”s’ star witness David Grusch, a former (“former”) U.S. intelligence official (we’ve never gotten any actual “former” title for the guy, which is one way you know he’s still active [IMHO], though the better truism is “you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave…” Just ask Major General Anthony Potts — whoops, you can’t!). Grusch dropped one key half-truth when he told Americans:
“[The Pentagon’s UAP program] is funded above Congressional oversight [through] a misappropriation of funds. I have specific knowledge of that.”
Then, of course, Grusch declined to provide any more details of this “specific knowledge” of “misappropriation.” In other words: We’re robbing America blind, even worse, far Far FAR worse than our Ukraine grift — Revelation of the Method, baby! — but that’s all you need to know, because you’re not “need to know.” Suckers!
Over and over again, Grusch asserted that he and many others knew about these “non-human” entities — “I prefer ‘nonhuman biologics’ rather than alien or extraterrestrial,” he noted, and there’s another “tell” for you, right there, and hold that thought! — but neither he nor any other, ahem, actor who testified before Congress would disclose specific details, claiming over and over the information is “too sensitive to share with the public.”
Oh rlly dude? Then please SHUT UP.
I’m not a child. I don’t need your filter. We’ve all got questions and you and your cabal of controlled controversy are dolloping out half-answers like a reluctant parent talking about Santa Claus to a smart six-year old. And everybody should remember: Santa Claus doesn’t exist.
Here’s what else people should remember: The Pentagon and NASA teamed on a secret black ops program called The Collins Elite (actually, it was so secret the program didn’t even have a name, “The Collins Elite” was what they named themselves). It was formed in the aftermath of the UFO/“UAP” aerial assault on Washington, D.C., in mid-to-late July of 1952, when for two consecutive weekends (July 19-20 and 26-27) a flying battalion of brightly lit “UAP”s zipped around the D.C. area, hovering over the Capitol and other key Washington, D.C., buildings.
Did you know about that? Have you heard of it and dismissed as poppycock? Perhaps this small collection of July, 1952 headlines, culled from hundreds and hundreds of front pages of top newspapers from around the country that month will jar your senses.
For two weeks in July, 1952, the more inquisitive and less controlled, less corrupt, far less collectivist, not-so-corporate news media was digging daily into WTF was up with all those UFOs in Washington.
After the second weekend of UFO activity in Washington, the Pentagon was under such pressure that it held a press conference where it trotted out the Air Force’s Director of Intelligence John Samford, who said two completely contradictory (inverted?) things:
1- Yes, the UFOs showed up on Air Force radar, but they were not solid material objects.
2- The mass sightings of UFOs around the Capitol and the D.C. area were “merely misidentified aerial phenomena such as stars or meteors” so the “non-material objects” seen on radar were very likely “temperature inversions” (there’s that word again!).
That was exactly 71 years ago yesterday, July 31, 1952. Samford took no questions afterwards, so it wasn’t really a “press conference” but more like marching orders.
And those orders were: Nothing to see here, plebs. We’ve got it under control, or at least we want to give the impression that we do. Go back to consuming, conspicuously, and most certainly help make the fledgling M.I.C.’s approved and assisted military musical-comedy propaganda flick starring Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis, Jumping Jacks, the biggest blockbuster of the summer, which it was (at least it’s legit funny and tuneful, won’t deny; those guys were electric movie magic together and JJ ended up as 1952’s #7 top grossing film).
Of course, IRL, the Pentagon had nothing under control and neither did any of the Washington, D.C., Congresscritters or the White House. Behind the scenes, the not-yet-fully-soulless political machine was freaking the hell out. “Who are those guys?”
Thus, In the wake of the July, 1952, UFO phenomenon in D.C., the Pentagon was tasked, urgently, with figuring out what the hell was going on. The Pentagon, in turn, reached out to NASA (which was then called NACA: the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics — it became NASA in 1958) for their top minds when it came to UFOs/teh alienz.
And that, in turn, led to the formation of the dual Pentagon/NASA black ops program so secret it had no name but was unofficially called “The Collins Elite.”
What went down with The Collins Elite for the next 50+ years — it was shut down under “America’s first gay President” Barrack Hussein Obama’s administration, take that as you will — is chronicled in Nick Redfern’s eye-opening book Final Events: The Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs & the Afterlife.
I’m never a fan of books that give away their payoff in the title (like, say, Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism — fuck you, Stinky Pete), but in this case it does help shorthand the point I want to make: What we are dealing with, what The Collins Elite finally concluded after decades of research, is that UFOs/“UAP”s are not extraterrestrial. They are inter-dimensional.
One big linguistic shift that occurred in government behind the scenes following this discovery, according to the book, was a shift away from the term “aliens” to “Non-human entities.”
Now, remember, David Grusch (not to be confused with Johnny Gosch, ahem) said he “prefer[s] the term ‘non-human biologics’ rather than alien or extraterrestrial.” That’s very close to “non-human entities,” while maintaining a toe-hold in the material world: A “biologic” is something tangible; an “entity” may not be. In that vein, it’s been my life experience that half-truths are one big way this quiet cabal rolls, a “Limited Hangout,” right before they try to roll over you.
A few select snippets from Final Events:
“[The Collins Elite concluded we are interacting with] hostile and ominous intruders from a realm of existence far different than the one we inhabit. These intruders assure us they are humanity’s friends and allies, but they most certainly are not. The exact opposite is the case.
“The Collins Elite utterly refute and reject any and all notions that extraterrestrials have ever visited planet Earth…Instead, the conclusion of the group is that we have in our midst a cold-hearted and sinister intelligence of demonic origins that masquerades as alien, whose presence in our world threatens each and every one of us, and consigns all of us to, perhaps quite literally, a living Hell.
“The Collins Elite ultimately had a solid acceptance that we, the Human Race, are being subtly, yet brilliantly, steered away from the teachings of religion and faith in God…In short and simplistic terms, these [non-human entities] are hungry for our souls — voraciously and, perhaps, insanely so. Not only that, they apparently hate us on a scale that is nearly unimaginable.”
Now I realize I’ve cut to the chase in that book, and I apologize to author Nick Redfern and the collection of on-the-record whistleblowers who bravely came forward with documentation and their personal recollections and insights (none of whom were invited or showed up at the Congressional hearings regarding “UAP”s, btw), for prematurely blowing their load without you having to buy the book.
But hopefully you’ll buy it anyway, and learn a lot more about The Collins Elite and its conclusions, which will also help you discover how legendary/notorious occultist/spy Aleister Crowley, sex magick conjurer/literal rocket scientist Jack Parsons, and the currently very hot Hollywood property Robert Oppenheimer’s splitting of the atom/alteration of reality nuclear bomb all convened in an unholy “Trinity” (ahem) that trans-formed our material existence.
A few more notes, before I make my esoteric egress.
First, even if all you’ve done is stick your nose slightly in the Hollywood Rabbit Hole, you know predictive programming is a thing. I used to think it was because “We’re All In This Together,” but over the years I’ve decided that in at least some cases creative artists are literally channeling events out of time, and even they don’t know what they’re doing (I speak from personal experience; “I Know Nothing!”).
One of my fave examples, because obviously the sinking of TITANIC is one of those iconic cosmic events meant as a timeless lesson in hubris, is Morgan Robertson’s 1898 adventure novel Futility, in which a fictional luxury ocean liner named TITAN — described as the longest, fastest ship ever built and deemed “unsinkable” — hits an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sinks.
Fourteen years later, in April 1912, exactly that happened to TITANIC. Then, 125 years after the book was first published, June of this year, the Titan, a submersible operated by the expedition tourism company Oceangate, imploded and killed everyone aboard while it was attempting to view the wreckage of TITANIC. Just sayin’.
But I gotta reverse (invert?), here, too, because sometimes I also think profoundly influential (and usually obscenely wealthy) creative artists who become part of the Establishment (even if by grudging default; join the “Million Dollar Show” or get iced, like the prodigious purple prophet Prince) learn things the vast majority of us don’t get to know.
With that in mind, we’ll turn to the fourth film in the three-film Indiana Jones franchise, the not-good “mountains into molehills” movie that was the worst thing ever out of Lucasfilm (until creepy Kathleen Kennedy took over and made sure that whatever’s the latest thing is the worst thing), Indiana Jones & the Crystal Skull.
The ultimate plot twist in 2008’s Crystal Skull, produced and co-written by Star Wars creator George Lucas and directed by E.T./Close Encounters of the Third Kind director Steven Spielberg — a pair of Occult Auteurs if there ever was two, even if they’re washed-up now, and boy isn’t Crystal Skull an indicator of that! — the key bait’n’switch is that the aliens Indy and his son Mutt (R.I.P., killed in Vietnam, and fuck you Kathleen Kennedy) are chasing, along with his plucky wife Marion (estranged & heart-broken, and fuck you James Mangold) turn out to be, you guessed it, “inter-dimensional” (Lucas’s words, on the Crystal Skull DVD interview, not my presumption).
While I’m piling up the cosmic “coincidences,” I’ll add that the original title for the film, via screenwriter David Koepp, was Indiana Jones and the Destroyer of Worlds. You know, like Bobby Oppenheimer’s legendary/notorious quote “Now I am death, the destroyer of worlds”?
What does it all meeeaaaaaaan? Not sure exactly, but some riff off of “We’re All In This Together!” is a good guess, though I’m not sure how “in this together” all the bad and worse guys even are anymore. But this never-ending “all the world’s a stage” story that might be ending anyway with the dankest punch line ever, is most certainly playing out inside the D.C. puppet theater and on an IMAX screen near you. Say your prayers.
“I’ll talk about aliens after they release the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell client list.” - 🎤 drop!
Really good stuff, man. Thanks.
Very interesting. I am most definitely at the point where if the government would come on the airwaves and hyperventilate about a nuke going off in my near and not-so-dear Blue metropolis complete with video of the carnage, and tell me to evacuate my home, I would assume it's all fake, and stay where I am.
ALL trust is gone.