“In this dark illumination / Remember bygone years / Read the Book of Revelation / Fill your cup with many tears / Wait there at the landing / And try to understand / But there is no understanding / On the judgement of God’s Hand…” — Bob Dylan, “Tempest”
“Your money can’t save you anymore.” —William McMaster Murdoch, First Officer, from James Cameron’s TITANIC
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It’s remarkable, so I’m remarking on it, how some historical archetypes keep reverberating their lessons through the ages. Not exactly the same but similar, with comparable cautions because “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme,” as the great American writer and common-man philosopher with dual identities Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain once observed, quite rightly.
I was thinking about that yesterday afternoon, as I finally started paying attention to the hubris and arrogance that would compel a billionaire to risk a trip in a rinkydink submarine with his son to descend nearly three miles below the ocean’s surface to observe the wreckage of TITANIC.
Second verse, not exactly the same as the first…but it rhymes. Do you hear its dark poetry?
I didn’t pay attention to the siren’s song because I knew how this demoralizing Mediagasm was going to end: Everybody dies. If you know anything at all about the chronicles of previous “lost” submarines and their attempted rescues, that’s how the story ALWAYS ends: Everybody dies.
Plus there was the cursed fact that the expedition began on Sunday, Father’s Day, and two of the five occupants on the now-lost submersible were a billionaire father and his boy. So this tragic tale also carries the Hidden Hand mockery of bad dads and the patriarchy on Father’s Day, which, as I’ve chronicled on Substack happens every year in either a news event or entertainment property (remember when Tyrian Lannister committed patricide on the GoT episode that aired on Father’s Day? Trust me; that shit’s planned out months in advance).
But as I dug more and more into the story, my jaw dropped further and further. This was an insanely dangerous and irresponsible operation, from the technology and vessel to the legal sign-offs required to participate that would leave the operators Scot-free if anything went wrong (like the 1986 decree from Congress that made pharmaceutical companies untouchable for any damage[s] their vaccines cause).
Then I got to the “Death By Woke” element, and it all became a sick, sick joke and cautionary tale for America and Americans.
As it turns out, the CEO of Oceangate — what a terrible name to pick, so many negative linguistic connotations, like Watergate, Monicagate, Deflategate, Elsagate, Partygate, Pizzagate, Bill Gates, etc. — was both an über-Woke self-hating white racist and ageist bigot, who proudly went on record saying he “wouldn’t hire 50-year old white guys,” no matter their level of experience, because they’re “boring” and “not inspirational.”
Putting his money (and self-importance) where his mouth is, Oceangate CEO Stockton Rush fired one of those 50-year old white guys, when the submersible’s Director of Marine Operations David Lochridge warned about the need for further safety checks on the sub.
I thought about all that as I recalled so many of the commercial airline corporations are now making “diversity” and “equity” their CurrenThing top priority — not experience or skill — when recruiting pilots for their massive jumbo jets that can carry more than 500 passengers at once.
Keep the Oceangate tragedy in mind, airline companies. It’s your warning. If you don’t listen, the next time the lessons will be much harsher for you. You can keep following the Hidden Hand’s demands for soul-sapping, anti-meritocracy “equity,” but The Invisible Hand will teach you that’s stupid the hard way. Hopefully one of your sons won’t be on a flight when it happens (but he probably will — that’s how tragic lessons work).
There’s also the intriguing and fortuitous timing of the latest TITANIC tragedy, a 24/7 Mediagasm that’s taking place over the same days California’s creepy weirdo Congresscum for Hollywood Adam Schiff is getting publicly humiliated and censored for lying under oath about, uh, “Russiagate.” Schiff was seen squawking and squirming as his much-deserved-but-not-nearly-harsh-enough slap-down came down precisely along party lines; not unexpected since Democrats devolved into a parasite political party of hate-driven hypocrites who will protect their own even if they/them commit treason, while weaponizing the Department of Justice to prosecute a guy standing silently in front of an abortion clinic.
But that’s not the only thing going on in Washington, D.C., that needs to be erased by omission from the mainstream news. In addition to the full-of-Schiff smackdown, failed Russiagate investigator and now-pretty-obvious controlled opposition John “Bull”(shit) Durham was testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee about the origins of FBI’s now-proven false flag, completely discredited investigation of President Orange and Russia(gate).
The clips I’ve seen of Durham’s testimony are just pathetic political theater. The controlled right media shows “you go grrrramps” clips of Durham looking badass and (faux) moral/righteous; the controlled left media shows him downplaying FBI corruption as unintentional and well-intended. At one point, Durham says he doesn’t give a shit what anybody thinks, the only people he needs respect from are are “My family and my Lord.” Well that’s great for you, “Bull”(shit) Durham, because I don’t respect you at all. You’re a failure (though certainly not to your anti-America masters, who greatly appreciate you running out the clock before throwing your country under the shortbus entirely).
Now, look, let me be clear: I’m not saying this latest TITANIC tragedy is fake or was planned (at least not in our material world). What I am saying is that the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate criminal clown media was desperately searching for some compelling event that would distract the normies from the fact their country’s been conquered by psychopathic satanic blood-drinking pedophiles. Like Adam Schiff. And John Durham. That’s just my opinion, of course!
With Oceangate going down for the count, corrupt corporate media found a massive bullseye, a serialized tragedy that would last for days, concurrent with the pair of lesser-seen but more important tragedies of America being destroyed in slow motion at the heart of the nation’s conquered Capitol Building.
The quintet in the Oceangate sub are dead men walking, like the USA is a dead nation walking, loaded with broken brainwashed weak-willed zombie half-people/half-lemmings who’ve lost the ability to think straight. We’re well past hitting the iceberg, gang, and there’s not enough lifeboats. Once again, I’ll recommend making Jesus Christ your Captain so maybe you catch one, but that’s up to you. You’ve got free will. Just like those guys who got on the Oceangate sub. Good luck!
Oh my. I read this with my chin to the floor. I had so many of these thoughts!!! The ironies are almost too much to get one’s mind around.
It was so obvious MSM and certain puppeteers were hoping for a bread-and-circus OJ-in-the-white-Bronco moment. They’re probably disappointed now that they can’t squeeze any more juice out of it.
I'm glad I've tuned out so much entertainment these last 27 years since my first child was born. I've missed seeing all those bad dads on teevee. But, I still have to live in this country where it seems like the majority of people did consume all the entertainment these past 27 years and were formed by it.
I appreciate the need for watchdogs like yourself who keep a lookout and can explain what we are seeing. Or maybe a better analogy is Harbor Pilot. Thanks.