Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

INTERESTING ANONYMOUS OBSERVATION, from someone who wrote this to me but would prefer to keep her name out of it here:

"There is a specific meaning behind the facial expression of the waitress on the cover of BREAKFAST IN AMERICA. Annie Sarnblad, author of THE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS GLOSSARY, describes it as something along the lines of the glee over horrific acts, most often seen in psychopaths. The wide open eyes that humans only show when they are horrified, in combination with an unnatural lower face half that is laughing."

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The facial expression definitely strikes me as psychopathic. Is it also reminiscent of Hillary? Or am I stretching?

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That old book on the wreck of the Titan is much more prophetic to me, and is a true WTF?

Thanks for mentioning it!

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FUTILITY is one of the most striking examples that Time/Space is a prison of some sort, and can be somehow transcended, but only mentally, not physically (though I could be wrong). Thank you for your comment.

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“a bullshit theatrical American Apocalypse Sign O’ The Times harbinger of any free man’s Sisyphus-ian struggle against the Death Cult”

Indeed it is. And yet… we press on.

Inspired writing, by the way.

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Thank you! Yeah, I mean what's the alternative? Thank you for your comment.

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Sep 11Liked by TOM SIEBERT

You knocked it out of the park again.

Do you think she will be installed next? Or, is Trump controlled opposition?

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Thank you for your kind words. I'm not really sure what's going to happen. I'm not convinced Trump has any better idea what's really going on than you or I do. The whole thing is a massive puzzlement. We may all be shifting into different realities from each other daily. The center does not hold. I'm just trying to hang on, frankly.

Thank you for your comment!

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I am relying on the concept of parallel realities, that we are in a simulated reality with many diversions, or programs, or levels. I want out of this current program. I want out of the simulation PERIOD!

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Many theorists on quantum physics suggest we can "quantum jump" to new timelines. Thank you for your comment!

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What's most important at this point is for Supertramp to be eradicated like vermin.

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Sep 12Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Tom I know what you mean about Supertramps music. Loved it in HS and now when it is played on local 70s rock station its not the same...but I still enjoy because it takes me back.

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Cheap Trick is my nostalgia kick. But no shame in whatever brings a smile. Thank you for your comment!

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Sep 12Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Man I think we got eachother pegged. Cheap Trick was huge in HS. Frampton Comes Alive was JHigh monster. My friend in HS bought a beater Fiat Spider and introduced me to Harry Chapin and Cat Stevens. Good Times.

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Cheap Trick was the first concert I saw, at Allentown Fairgrounds in Pennsy. It was the DREAM POLICE tour and The Rockets opened for them. Funny story about that day I may tell someday, but not today.

Cheap Trick was very popular and reasonably respected, but they looked like such a gimmick band I don't think they were taken as seriously as musicians as they should've been. That was one very tight group with three highly skilled players and a vocalist blessed with an amazing set of pipes. Saw them many times between 1979-1988. Thank you for your comment!

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Sep 13Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Mike Damone was a big fan!


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Cat Stevens RIP. Ever hear the 10,000 Maniacs cover of Peace Train? Natalie Merchant has a weird speech impediment, so it sounds like she's singing Pee Stain the whole time. Once you hear it, you can't unhear it!

Do you accept the challenge?


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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

I loved 10,000 Maniacs. Saw them several times. OUR TIME IN EDEN is a banger front to back, some truly exhilarating songs, and a couple other albums come close.

I'm familiar with their cover of "Peace Train," and how the label took the song off the album after Cat Stevens morphed into Yusef Islam. I'm not in the mood to put "pee stain" in my consciousness currently, and will work to eradicate the suggestion, if you don't mind. I will put in a good word for that first Yusef Islam album AN OTHER CUP, though. It has a lot of good Cat Stevens-ish songs, like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmONfDfAaUg

Thank you for your comment(s)!

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I used to have his greatest hits on my phone. How old was Lady D'Arbanville when they were dating, btw? Might be a clue as to why he went Islam.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13Author

Well, IF Wikipedia is telling us the truth, Model/Actress/SuperGroupie Patti D'Arbanville would have been 17 when she was cast in Andy Warhol's FLESH in 1968, and 18 when she started her modeling career and began dating Cat Stevens in London in 1969....the same year the U.K. lowered the AoC to exactly that, which makes me think there was probably a big influx of American models to England.

As for your insinuation that Cat Stevens/Yusef Islam has a predilection for jailbait, I assure you that rock stars banging barely legal (or not legal at all) teens (and tweens) during that period (and surely still now, though less openly) were hardly limited to practitioners of the Islamic faith.

That being said, there are a lot of unsettling pedo-fringe shadows throughout her career, names that you see over and over again about either predators (like the softcore teen nude photographer David Hamilton and rock star/Aleister Crowley acolyte Jimmy Page) or presumed young Hollywood victims (like poor Melanie Griffith, one of the most obvious 1970s jailbait victims, who was married to Don Johnson just like D'Arbanville was). But that's a story for another day, or maybe not.

Thank you for your comment!

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Ahh…Harry Chaplin, saw him in a lm as a kid right before his accident.

His food pantries live on!

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

I saw him, too, at a concert I didn't pay much attention to, the summer between my Senior year of high school and first creepy college year. It was at an outdoor venue, a bunch of people went, we were on the lawn far from the stage. Lots of families, warm evening, good atmosphere. New Jersey or Pennsylvania, can't recall where.

His material was pretty good, but IMHO was not so good for repeated listenings. So many of his songs were stories that seemed to prioritize the story over the melody, and once you've heard the story a couple times, it's like "I get it, I get it." Same goes for Gordon Lightfoot, especially that "Edmund Fitzgerald" song. Thank you for your comment!

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Chris Cornell was on his way to becoming Gordon Lightfoot 2.0 when he passed. I was ok with it. His last solo album is a masterpiece that seems sadly overlooked.

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It was certainly overlooked by me, but I was never that crazy about Soundgarden to being with. Thank you for the recommendation, perhaps I will check it out.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Found another picture of young "Sam". He might have had Dutch nationality but he's certain not ethnic Dutch. His face and nose are that of a Middle East man's and the way he wears his beard indicates his religion: Islam.


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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Author

Wow, good get! Thank you! I couldn't find anything. Then again, I don't speak Portuguese.

As for his ethnicity, tough to say. He could be Dutch IMHO. Or Amish. Or Jewish. ;-) . Thank you for your helpful addendum comment!

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Nah, he's 100% NOT Dutch! And the way he wears his beard is not Jewish either.

The photo you linked is taken by his nephew who briefly describes him here. "...accomplished pianist, composer and pilot – led a private and semi-reclusive life."


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Fair enough. I was mostly joking around. I have no idea.

The Wordpress site is where I grabbed the initial photograph, so I did read that. Interesting, but not particularly illuminating. R.I.P. for the guy, either way. Thank you for your comments!

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Completely unrelated. But check this out


I was entirely convinced by your pieces/speculations that she might be dead, but here she doesn't look AI-ed.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

Interesting, I'm glad to have read this, but it's impossible to say. High Strangeness all around Kate Middleton in the past year, the answer is clearly above my pay grade, at least for now. Thank you for sharing this.

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Great article! I was born in 1975 and at an early age was introduced by my teenage aunt to music such as Supertramp, Frampton, Styx, Cheap Trick, Bread, REO Speedwagon, Electric Light Orchestra,....you get the picture lol.

One thing that comes to mind is one of the single records my aunt had of Supertramp's "Goodbye Stranger" has a closeup of the glass of orange juice falling down....hint hint. I googled it to make sure I remembered correctly.

Also, maybe this is a stretch, but when we think of orange juice....what particular state comes to mind? Florida? Which was where George W. was while this was happening. 🤔

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Correction....it's actually the single song "Breakfast In America" that has the record sleeve of the falling orange juice on. But maybe they used the same small record sleeve for other singles of that album at the time.

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Sep 12Liked by TOM SIEBERT

America may very well get the whore in November because its populace praises whoredom.

Evil wins for now, but in the end, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph.

The devil knows this.

All knees shall bend.

So keep heart.

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Interesting that in the 1979 Supertramp photo, the man on the right in the black t-shirt…. T-shirt says “Donald” on it.

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While the guy on the "left" has on a CCCP shirt. How interesting! Thank you for sharing your observation!

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Holy crapsnacks! You’re right!

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Sep 11Liked by TOM SIEBERT

And furthermore that “Donald” t shirt says Montreal which translates to Mount Royal. Not sure who does the mounting but you can be sure a Royal is enjoying it

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Fascinating addendum. Thank you for it.

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Whoa! Super weird, right?? I suddenly find myself in a deep rabbit hole and I am too tall to get out…

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Is the guy in the brown shirt doing a Freemason hand sign?

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Author

"Some scholars believe that a hand gesture with splayed fingers is a secret sign used by Freemasons to recognize each other. The gesture is said to represent the letter M, which would indicate Masonic membership, rank, and possession of occult secrets." -- Google A.I.

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I am not sure! Three fingers showing.

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yea I thought that was M for mason

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Sep 11Liked by TOM SIEBERT

What’s up with the conch shell on the waitress’s lapel?

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Found this on the internet "Conch shells hold significant religious symbolism in various cultures and spiritual traditions. They are often associated with divine beings, spiritual rituals, and religious ceremonies." It is also a symbol of "divine communications" apparently. I don't know anything about this stuff and wouldn't know where to begin to find out, but thats what the interwebs say, for whatever that is worth to ya!

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Holy cats! More grist for supernatural. Thank you for your comment!

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Conch shells can be used to issue calls and alarms; to summon a group—they sound very similar to shofars when blown.

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Yeah, that’s weird!

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Sep 16Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Tom: More pls. What a great subject. Also, think about recording your words (I believe it would be a great listen, although all those alliterations!). Part 2?

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Thank you for your kind comment. I've largely held off doing podcasts because I don't really want to be better known. I also write better than I speak extemporaneously.

I have touched on other esoteric arts and predictive programming previously. This one is pretty crazy and is also rooted in 9/11: https://tomsiebert.substack.com/p/occult-auteur-hollywood-predictive

Here's one on the last couple James Bond movie: https://tomsiebert.substack.com/p/occult-hollywood-james-bond-in-brazil007

LMK what you make of it! Thank you again for your comment.

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She was wearing new pearl ear buds where she could be giving the answers or hints to remind her what to say. But we knew she would cheat somehow. I hope enough people are awake and don’t get us trapped in 4 more years of BS as I feel we couldn’t survive!

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I've seen the accusations about those pearl ear buds and suppose it's possible, but it's also possible similar styled earrings were intentionally worn to spur the Conspiracy Theorists. Impossible to say.

The portions I watched, it looked to me like she had the questions beforehand and answers scripted. She answered too quickly and with such obvious rehearsal, while ABC didn't even try to disguise their bias.

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Exactly they were very biased and I’m sure she got questions before hand. She didn’t even kackle I was waiting for that stupid laugh!!😆

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I saw something about those earbuds today! Looked compellingly similar to me.

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I took close up looked exactly the same~

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Another thing that compels me to believe this might be true are the dozens of news reports that have come out in the last few hours to refute that Kamala was wearing these….

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Great article as always, and really interesting. The earth has been crawling with monsters, forever it seems, unbeknownst to me until 1997. I’m starting to assume that anyone in the spotlight is a monster and not on our side. Perhaps someone should publish a list of who the good guys are, since at this point we’re all really confused.

I have good instincts, so there are times I hear the opinion that someone is a monster and I have to readjust and rub my eyes. Naomi Wolf? She didn’t strike me as a bad guy, but since I recognize the chess we’re playing is 5D, nothing surprises me. Is she a monster from birth, or was she just paid off, or perhaps invited into the club to save her own ass?

And it’s very confusing that so many, many people seem to be in on this scheme. I’m assuming the average person has a conscience so whatever they’re peddling to get people to turn against humanity must be pretty compelling. And not everyone is a good actor, so how are so many pulling this off without stumbling? Or laughing? Or blinking from nervousness?

I grew up listening to Super Tramp. I’ve seen them in concert. I spent part of my child bearing years watching Oprah. I’ve known of Naomi Wolf for many years. How and why did they all end up in the wrong bed? What are they being told that convinces them? Is it a movie they are shown? A book they are given to read? Do they meet with aliens who show them the fate of the world if we don't get it together? What could possibly be so convincing to so many? Because it’s seemingly easy and guilt-less for so many people to hop on stage with the monsters and play a fake role, and lie to the audience, and then soak up the applause. They agree to play a role. They agree to become a liar. They agree to look us in the eye and fool us everyday, over and over again. Is this possible? That no one has a conscience? That given the right dollar amount and enough promises everyone will bail on their neighbor, their families, and their own values?

This perplexes me. I don’t question that it does happen, but I want to know how it happens. It makes less sense than Covid. It’s harder to understand than anything else happening out there. Humanity turning against humanity, and not only turning against, but also becoming great liars, great showmen, and a sincere willingness to become evil.

Tell me, how does it happen?

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First of all, I don't lump Naomi Wolf in with Orca Winfrey and I don't think Naomi Wolf is a monster. I just no longer trust her.

I think Dr. Wolf is doing what she can in the limited range she's been provided by the guard rails that come along with secret society (and witchcraft?) vows and rituals, as well as the usual NDAs that accompany White House and big time political gigs, concerns about getting killed by the Clintons, probably a little sexual blackmail, and whatever it is the Jews have got going on.

IMHO, a lot of the people we see — and I would *not* put Naomi Wolf in this crowd, but I could be wrong — are dual personalities, or more, splintered through ritual abuse as a child. They turn one side "on" or "off," which is why they can look straight through you and lie with such ease. A lot of them go into acting or politics or corporate leadership...but a lot of them are being groomed for politics or acting or corporate leadership.

I've gone through periods of my life where the thrill of being/doing evil was darkly exhilarating, to feel like you've got one-up on everybody, but it never has lasted very long, and whenever confronted by the opportunity or choice to do REAL evil, I've balked. But I'm sure there are people less tethered to karma than I am, who truly enjoy the illicit thrill of doing evil, and take it to the maxx. Thank you for your comment!

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If Naomi Wolf is acting on behalf of evil doers, then she is a monster. You can’t just dip one toe in these waters. She’s either all in or all out.

I don’t recall ever being in a position to do evil acts. I stole candy as a kid, haven’t always been as good to others as I’d like to have been, but that’s it, besides being a totally self-centered person as a blonde in my young adult years. It’s embarrassing to me now.

Do you mind sharing your own battles? What kind of evil can one get into these days? Join a cult? Ride a Harley? Have an affair? Rob a bank? Go to an Ivy League? What is evil anyway? What’s the boundary? What’s the definition?

Glad you’re enlightening the rest of us now. Thanks for the conversation.

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Ha! I'm not doing much evil nowadays, and I can't really think of any time in my life I committed a big "E" Evil act, other than one thing in my 20s that maybe I'll write about at length someday but not today.

As for Naomi Wolf, I've given her a lot of shit already, I'm not ready to commit to the Big "E" for her, either.

Thank you for your comment!

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What an outstanding Stack you have produced here, Tom. More proof that the psychopaths who are in control of everything that happens on this planet plan way ahead and show their evil works in everything we useless eaters read, watch and listen to during our lifetimes. Everything the ultra-rich technocrats do are interconnected with the occultic secret societies and their special club of sickos. We truly live in alternative reality.

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Thank you so much, James! Doing best I can, having as much fun as possible mocking these mass murdering maniacs before the trap finally snaps shut. Unless it doesn't this go-round. Maybe they whiff this time. Who knows? Appreciate your kind comment!

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Orca Winfrey😅😂🥰😛🐷

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The killer whale! You got it.

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Sep 13Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Love your style, TS ( the content is funky ( and eerily on track); always stimulating in the best possible laugh mode😉with undoubted seriousness. Lampooning sums it up best, I think..

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Thank you so much! My inspirations are Dave McGowan, Hunter S. Thompson & H.L. Mencken, with writing style often osmosified (not a word, but you know what I mean) from 1970s William Goldman.

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Aaaaaaaahhhhh. Brilliant musing connective dots….

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Author

Thank you so much for your complimentary comment!

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Wow...talk about things that make you go hmmm....

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