Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

"the handsome white guy with creepy serial killer vibes, a Ted Bundy for low-information soccer moms."

You have a way of perfectly stating what my subconscious mind wants to bring to the surface.

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Thank you so much! The stories I heard about gaping Gavin Newsom when I was living in California...

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Same!! It’s the words I wanted to string together but couldn’t!

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Hahahah yeah that was one of the paragraphs I copied and pasted to a friend along with this substack :) chuckle. SO GOOD.

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Surprised you didn't mention the shadow of someone passing in front of the camera while Biden was talking at one point in the debate. After reading the mention of dark figures appearing at regime events in your article yesterday, I nearly fell out of chair when it actually happened yesterday!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

WHOA! This is the first I've heard of this. As I mentioned, I mostly listened, didn't actually watch. As much as I loath Xiden, it made me sad to look at him. Do you have a timestamp when that happened? Thank you for your comment!

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Found it!


Go to the 29:30 mark. I was slightly wrong-- Trump is talking, but it happens on Biden's side of the split screen.

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Interesting. Not sure why someone would walk in front of the camera like that. Thank you for finding this and sharing it!

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

It happens right after trump reminds him of the tragic deaths in Afghanistan. He clearly starts to hang his head as if in shame. Then the black shadow. It’s not a far reach to say that he may be cursed, I’m that’s a scary thing but after his atrocities, 😬who knows?

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Good catch. Biden's biggest lie of the night was that no military members have died on his watch. Interesting he looks down reflexively in shame and it's immediately followed by the shadow crossing in front of him.

Biden is cursed for many, many things. He is a deeply evil man.

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I don't unfortunately. I stopped watching around 9:45 PM, so it would have been before that.

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Saw it, too. His coach? His ‘doctor?’ a la the fixer, JFK’s Max Jacobson ( the ‘vitamin doctor’? Biden’s eyes last night, standing close to a wide screen and next to Trump (dark pupils surrounded by light matter) were stone black- ebony— full on!

How can this be legal?

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I noticed the eyes, but missed the shadow figure. Do you recall what the topic was when this happened?

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

It was the withdrawal from Afghanistan

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Sorry- no— it remains a mystery.

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I just rewatched the first 35 minutes and didn’t see it. Had to stop there because I have guests coming for dinner.

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Not sure if you've seen the above comments, wanted to alert you.

It occurs right after Trump criticizes the deaths during the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden looks down reflexively in shame, then a shadow crosses in front of him. I think I've set the spot correctly here, but it's around 29:30.


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Holy smokes! Yes, I see it! Odd. And ominous.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

As a former Califronian (left in 2022) no one is more distressed by this than me. If you think our country is in trouble now, you've not even begun to understand how bad this is. Ted Bundy had SOME standards.

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I left in Jan. 2021. No regrets. Especially as I see the increasingly distressed, dirty, chaotic notices on NextDoor about my old North Park neighborhood, which ten years ago was voted "The 7th Most Hipster Neighborhood In America" but is now gross, dangerous and over-run with homeless and border-crossing invaders. Gonna be a massacre there when the invaders get their "GO" sign.

Thank you for your comment.

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Thank you for your amazing work!

I just wonder if moving to Florida which I did, was the wise thing. There’s definitely more freedom to voice your opinion, but in truth, it’s becoming like California… a very expensive, low wage, two-class state. I often think it was just a rearranging of the chairs on the Titanic.

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There are certainly signifiers that Israel controls Florida, or at least parts of it. Broward County seems like a Mossad hotbed to me; the hideous demonic Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is about as evil as it gets, and shady stuff goes on there with regularity, including mass trauma events. "Bad for the Jews"!

Thank you for your comment!

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Thanks for the update.

"Sorry AWFULS: You’re going to have to settle for the white guy... Hope that’ll be enough to satisfy your self-hating death-wish Lilith worship."

Yeah. It's sort of an end-stage "luxury belief": that you can so fully indulge hating your own skin color, and your father, and the Creator, but without anything really bad happening such that your Amazon order is late or your Netflix won't stream.

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I live in the city of Sacramento (the metropolitan area is massive, but the city population rather small with only a little over $500k people) surrounded by state workers and woke hipsters and homeless and drugged out tweakers and I've never met anyone who actually likes Gavin Newsom. There are some who liked Joe Biden; I could never figure that out, he is/was a racist, venal, low intelligence grifter, but some people seemed to really like him. Gavin, not so much. I know the voting is rigged and Gavin has been selected, but this time, THEY have gone too far, he's just too unlikable.

Not sure if you saw it, but Newsom announced he was moving out of Sacramento this week, for his children's education, back to Marin County. I had thought The Party was going to choose Hillary, but his relocation just telegraphed his apparent ascendancy and I couldn't stop laughing when CNN had Newsom on air after the debate, in a completely scripted coup interview.

Good luck, the rest of America, you are about to get Newsom'd! He is such a duplicitous idiot. Up is down with that jerk.

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Yes. I've come to realize that all of California has been linguistically inverted by evil: Los Angeles, "the city of angels," is ruled by demons. Sacrament-o is a town loaded with dark occultists practicing murderous rituals. And so on. Thank you for your comment.

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I was just there for a couple of days and found it quite ironic that one of the country’s largest 4th of July parades and neighborhood parties happens there. How anyone can stomach the 4th of July hypocrisy after the last few years boggles the mind, and juxtaposing Newsom with that picture takes it full circle. The real Power that Is is allowing our noses to be rubbed in it so deeply that we “sleepers can arise from the dead” and hopefully “Choose Life” over the dystopian death march being shown in Technicolor.

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

There are two parades in my neighborhood, on right around the corner in East Sac and then the other one about 1.5 miles away in River Park. Plus Roseville, Folsom, Auburn, everyone around here does a parade. Even the Commies downtown (used to, not sure anymore) do something, though there is no joy in their celebrations.

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It fits the party he serves, & he who the party serves.

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Cogent observation. Thank you for it.

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I think it was Jeff Childers that described Newsom as ‘oleaginous.’ That fits him along with many of the other motherWEFers. The debate(?) was definitely a humiliation ritual & a ritual sacrifice. Two for the price of one. Satan is alive & active. Thanks again, Tom, for a most provocative, excellent read!!

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Love it. "Oleaginous." I've never used that word, but I will now, and Newsom puts that linguistic addition arrival right-on-time. Thank you for your comment, and Jeff Childers for the inspiration!

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I know! My favorite word to describe these slippery, slimy, smarmy MFers!

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Why should we go along with their plan to gaslight America for 4 years about joes dementia & then parade him out on their timeline to all the gasps that “we have to replace him as candidate”. Somebody stand up & declare the 25th amendment!! As witnessed by all Americans last night he is not fit to be president NOW. Isn’t this a dangerous situation for 6 months to not have a commander in chief? This will force Kamala into the role as president & she will have to be their presumptive candidate. They’ll be stuck with Kamala cuz they can’t say she was only picked for her skin color & sex!

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Do you think the GOP would vote to dump Xiden because of the 25th Amendment? Or would they rather he stick around & get shellacked in November? Then there's the Dem party functionaries who will do what the White House says, no matter what. It's a conundrum!

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

They’ll also get shellacked with Kamala as their candidate AND it takes the option of a replacement candidate off the table. Unless, they got rid of the current black, female, dem president.

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Kamala can pound that red nuke button as good as the next psycho.

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Actually it's cacklin' Kamala who usually ends up getting pounded, from what I've heard.

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Spot on! Your descriptive literary powers vie with Stephen King, only his are supposedly fictive, horror genre.

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Jun 28·edited 6 hrs agoAuthor

That is high praise! I despise Stephen King the person, but he's a phenomenal writer when he's on his game (which over the course of his career is maybe half the time).

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1. I watched the debate because I didn’t want to be lied about it after they remove the video from the internet.

2. At one point it looked like Biden had an earpiece in, but when that angle was shown again, it didn’t look like it.

3. Did you see the video of Jill Biden leading Joe away? Totally sad.

4. I felt humiliated for America.

5. Now is the time for all Americas enemies to act up because they all know how weak we are.

6. “A dark occult Arden, DE, a product programmed to a “T”…” yes, I was completely lost here, sorry. I will hand in my smart cookie creds straight away.

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Yes, I saw post-debate footage of Jill leading him off the podium. It was pathetic. I keep reminding myself he's an evil criminal, because it's easy to feel pity.

Most people don't know much (or anything) about Arden, DE. It's a cute little town on the surface. For further info: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/the-secret-teachings-8-23-22-malarkey-man-w-jay-parker--51010369

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

2 hrs? Are there reasonable highlights?

(I despise listening to most podcasts because GET TO THE POINT please, ya know.)

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I agree with you on not wanting to sit through two hours of a podcast for five minutes of value. I'd always rather read.

That said, you can listen to things at 1.25x or 1.5x speed to zip through slow talkers faster. I rarely listen to anything at normal speed anymore unless I'm transcribing.

If you want the tl;dr: Arden is a hotbed of Satanic bloodlines.

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Oh my Lord. That’s the most horrible awful thing. Ever.

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Yes. Not to be a downer, but there is that meme: "If you only knew how bad things really are."


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I'd say only parts of the Muslim world & China want to see America crash & burn. No one else really. Which ain't half bad. Can America recover? Come on, that's what the country loves, the ultimate comeback story. And most of the world will cheer you on. Even Russia & France! 🤣

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It's possible! The human spirit is inextinguishable, I do believe that. Also, our enemies are mostly stupid, stubborn & arrogant. History suggests that's a recipe for losing.

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Apparently, according to the Times UK, he's got a week to step down. I just saw the headline, didnt read the bullshit. Being from the UK and not really knowing too much about Grewsome (other than his California exploits), I'd love it to be Big Mike they choose. I mean, if we are to going to hell in a hand cart, they could at least make it jolly fucking fun ride 🤣.

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TIMES is still owned by Murdoch, right? He might know something or he might be trying to rattle cages. That guy (and his family) is just as big a piece of shit as Biden (and his family). I heard a couple speculative podcasts yesterday that it's all chaos and battling subdivisions of the Democrats; maybe one contender for each Illuminati bloodline and/or secret society, LOL; who knows?

Most horrific step-in combo replacement ticket that I've heard is Gavin Newsom/Gretchen Whitmer. That is literally the pairing from hell. If they win, it's your biggest signifier yet that Satan's got complete hold of The Process. So to speak.

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Grewsome & the Gretchen. A dark side ticket.

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Gretchen Whitmer = Green Witch Term

Just sayin'.

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Jun 28Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Hahahahahhaaa so much fabulous word-smithing as usual, Tom! I took me awhile to get through it because of my constant chuckling!! SO GOOD.

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Thank you so much!

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I watched the Tim Pool version too. I unsubscribed from them a while back but they were less annoying than usual last night. And by they I mean Tim.

I'll tell you what Gavin IS good for: Gun/ammo sales. He's probably got stock in RGR, SWBI, OLN, POWW, etc. They should def be contributing to his campaigns, all the panic buying he's inspired here. Sin tax goes into effect July 1 and every dealer I know has been buried with orders. Can't wait to see what he does with his "28th Amendment" on a national level. Should be good for another bubble.

It's not just him that wrecked this state, though. Big tech and tech-as-substitute-for-God should take at least half the blame. Starry-eyed fools and con artists selling the latest in snake oil--eeeezeeee livin!!--just like the railroad companies sold nonexistent CA plots with fake pictures and lying ads. Same land rush, different century. Honestly, I wish more people would just rewatch Silicon Valley. "....make the world a better place..." 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

I have tried to leave this state. Possibly not hard enough. Deeply conflicted about staying. It seems stupid, honestly.

FJB. F all those mandate-happy autocrat puppets, and their media apologist-lackeys, and their middle-managers who executed their illegal unconstitutional diktats. I cannot tell you the horror that this place was during Con-vid. Nation is gonna be in a world of yet more hurt if we let Newscum get selected.

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I thought California was so beautiful during my decade there. It was like a country unto itself and had such a variety of terrain and personalities. Northern California's forests are stunning; SoCal beaches were glorious; L.A. is (or used to be) and epic city. Now there are traces of that, but it's mostly been destroyed. By Newsom and callow, evil treasonous politicians like him. CHINATOWN, only all of California is now CHINATOWN.

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I don't know what's gonna happen till the credits roll.

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Let's see how many people are left in the theater by that point. Thank you for your comment.

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I’m wondering. Gavin = the AC? Whoever it is, he’s alive at this moment, preparing his ascendency.

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IMHO there are constantly people being groomed as potential Antichrist. I don't believe anyone knows who it will be. Just my opinion. Thank you for your comment!

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

The Bible says there are many anti-Christs which seems to match my experience.

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Actually yes, this is correct, but there are anti-Christs and there is the AntiChrist. The former are constantly battling and maneuvering in hopes of becoming the latter. So far, or at least so far as we know, nobody's pulled off the latter. Thank you for your comment!

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Ok, so this is out there, but so is much of what you write! There’s a popular exorcist who says he bilocated (something Padre Pio also did) and found himself before the AC (capital A). The AC was surprised to see him there, as he was taken aback to find himself there, but he realized who he was looking at as he saw devil’s horns appear on the AC’s head. He said the AC was in a position of power now. FYI there’s something predicted by many seers to happen before the appearance of the AC called the Warning or Illumination of Conscience. It will be a worldwide occurrence with an 8 day warning by a seer of the Garabandal apparitions that will allow everyone to see the state of their soul as God sees it, allowing us to convert and choose whom we will follow! True or not, it sounds like a gift that we don’t deserve, but God is all mercy with His children.

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I have experienced the otherworldly impossible in my own life, so there's not really much that I don't think can happen, though that doesn't mean I believe anything happened either. I don't dismiss the bilocation of the soul under extreme spiritual influences.

The "Illumination of Conscience" is something I fully expect to occur. It's all part of the "Everyone must choose" that's coming.

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Charlie, Wills, Harry, Blair, Trump, Barry, Big Mike, now Newsome to add to the list. Where are the women....I thought Satan was all about DEI.

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I cannot recall where I heard it and to what it referenced but I think the AC is supposed to be a middle easterner and if I had to guess, a jew.

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Sounds reasonable! There are some prophecies (private revelations)on it, but I forget exactly what they are. One is that he’ll be born of a nun and bishop!

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If this material realm is a concoction of paradoxes and parallels, and if Jesus Christ was truly the Messiah and a Jew, then it would make sense that the Anti-Christ is also a Jew.

As I've mentioned before, a wise Rabbi said to me back in the late 1980s: "Spiritual Jews are God's chosen people. Non-spiritual Jews are dangerous."

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