Sep 10Liked by TOM SIEBERT

The bad news: all is being revealed.

The good news: all is being revealed.

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Exactly & bulls-eye. "It was best of times, it was the worst of times..." Thank you for your comment!

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Sep 10Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Holy mackerel! That was utterly inspired writing.

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Thank you so much!

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I am the first to like this post! Fun fact: Cats probably can't even actually taste sweet flavors, so that poor cat getting his paw burned probably would have been just as happy with any other treat than the semi-sweet chestnuts. I say "probably" since no one has actually gotten a cat to comment on the matter, but they do lack an important taste receptor gene that enables the brain to recognize sweet tastes like dogs and humans have. It is also supposed by scholars that zombies (and zombie nations) cannot taste sweets either since they lack actual brains. (Trust the science.) So basically, as in the case of the poor cat and our poor zombie nation, we are getting screwed over for no discernable benefit. Yay.

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Thank you for your informative and clever comment! I was aware cats have no taste buds for sweet, just savory and salty, from a book on cats that I read after i got my first one in the 1980s. Bonus point for the "no fat zombies" comment, too.

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Bonus point, yay! If I get 5,999 more I can get one of those sticky slap hands at the prize counter! Thanks, Tom. Your work is always enlightening and fun. (Except your last one which we will never speak of)

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Sep 10Liked by TOM SIEBERT

A feature of the bioweapon was neurodamage that often damaged the sense of smell.

Of course that's just another covidcidence.

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Yes! I've heard from many people who got Covid that they lost their sense of smell. For some people, it came back, but not everyone. Thank you for your comment!

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Sep 10Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Ummm....if zombies can't taste sweet....wouldn't they be thinner by now?

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What fat zombies are you meeting out there? Lol

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Sep 10Liked by TOM SIEBERT

"whether we’ve got some Miracle Max potion or pill"

We didn't Build The Wall. Now, the ONLY option available to us is Send Them Back. 10 million deportations is a MINIMUM to start with. It probably should be more like 30 million. All other campaign issues are moot next to that.

And that isn't even touching abortion, health care, transgender issues, Ukraine, China, Israel, interest rates, inflation, medical justice, judicial nominees, feral local state and federal governments, and on and on. If we don't do that one thing, none of the others matter at all. I would concede any of those other issues to have that one.

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I agree. The very fabric of the nation is torn asunder by the import of evil broken antichrist societies. Every election since I could vote has been breathlessly described by somebody in media as "the most important election of our lifetime," but this time it might be true. Thank you for your comment!

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Sep 10Liked by TOM SIEBERT

"The first black Asian-American retard to be Vice President"


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She not even black, really. But retarded, sure. Thank you for your comment!

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She’s not even a legitimate American. She’s an anchor baby and not even eligible for POTUS. But the globalists don’t care because she’s a good little puppet.

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Sep 10Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Good one. The Cat's Paw reminds me of one of St. John Bosco's experiences "in hell" and being forced to touch an outer wall as a memento.

Americans (and Canadians and Europeans and...) _could_ turn back the evil by being morally upright, praying and the bishops speaking with authority and trusting in God. Will that happen?



Encouragingly, he took my hand and bolstered me so I could continue because I was worn out. We left that room and in a short time we had retraced our steps through that horrible courtyard and the long corridor. But before crossing the last bronze portal, he turned to me and said:

“Now that you have seen the torments of others, you must experience yourself what is the suffering of Hell.”

Even the outer wall of Hell is unbearably hot

“No, no!” I cried in horror.

He insisted, but I kept refusing.

“Do not be afraid,” he told me; “it is just a taste. Touch this wall.”

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Thanks, Tom. You are clearly over the target. But will the sleepwalkers awake?

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Tough to say. They've got to be weaned off the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate criminal clown media, which is tough because many of them are narcissists who can't bear to have their worldview shattered and those networks make bank by continuing to feed the lies they live in. Ending the ability of big pharma to advertise would tank their profits immediately however. Perhaps President Orange, if elected will do that. Thank you for your comment!

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I think its important to know when the US descended into the chaotic situation it is in today. Freemasonry, the kabbalah for Gentiles, and secret societies set up by anti-Christ Jews (AJ's) have busily consulted Lucifer, and their demonic entities, for centuries to empower them to destroy everything not Jewish, such as Christians and Gentiles. The AJ's demonic craft was brought with them from Britain, Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia, etc., to exert their occultic leverage to achieve their objectives in North America from its founding. Hence, the disheveled situation the US in now in today as a result. The gradual demise of the US intensified when the Zionist movement was established and world wars began from the time the banking system in the US was hijacked by the AJ's through Federal Reserve in 1913, that led to the first world war which began the very next year in 1914. Coincidence?

What followed was the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, and WWII in 1939. In between all this there is the Balfour Declaration that was drafted for the AJ's to occupy what is the illegitimate "State of Israel", the land that God banished the Jews from using His Roman instrument in 132 AD, following the death of their Messiah, and the world's Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Since the establishment of the Federal Reserve it's been downhill for the US. The AJ lobby is bent on the US' destruction. The sooner they are gone the better.

Keep the gunpowder dry (Luke 22:36).

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Sep 10·edited Sep 11Author

Master Mason Manley P. Hall said the God of Freemasonry is Lucifer, that's true, but I think he said it before he actually became a Freemason. Still, it's in his own writing and we know he said it. It wouldn't surprise me in the least, frankly, but I'll never truly know.

Jews worshipping Lucifer is a tougher sell for me. You say "antiChrist Jews," and I know a goodly number of them exist, including the current atheist running Israel IMHO. But all the usual Jews and dark Rabbis I see cited as saying things like "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer — so I wasn't lying — and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive," like New York's Democratic political operative in the 1970s Harold Rosenthal, I can never find a primary source for any claimed quote, just a lot of people repeating them.

As I've said before, IMHO there is a Civil War raging inside Judaism as much as there is one everywhere else, including, from what I've seen, organized Satanism. In our current cultural moment, I see what I perceive to be Good True Spiritual Jews confronting the Godless ones, and I will continue to watch and wait for more and clearer discernment. Thank you for your provocative comment.

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Here is a link relating to Harold Rosenthal's admission of Zionist intent in the destruction of Christianity that Henry Makow has drafted that may be of help to you with alternative links to info about Jewish involvement in communism in Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution.


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Sep 11Liked by TOM SIEBERT

People often forget that Stalin was one of the original Bolsheviks, that he was a Gentile (because only some of the Bolsheviks were Jews), and after he took power, he purged (killed) all the Jewish Bolsheviks, then went on the greatest killing spree in the history of the world up to that time, including targeting Jews who were cruelly persecuted within his empire. His killing exploits were only later overshadowed by Mao in sheer numbers killed. Yet Jews alone are always to blame for everything bad in the world by the small thinkers. Relatedly - "Zion" is simply another word for Jerusalem in the Bible. A "Zionist" is someone who believes that the Jewish people should have the right to a state in their traditional geographical homeland in Judea and Samaria, the land that the United Nations agreed should be theirs in 1947, and that archaeology continuously proves was always Jewish. Small thinkers conveniently forget that there are a shit-ton of Gentiles who are leaders and participants in the NWO cabal. Henry Makow does get some things right sometimes. His problem is his Jew hatred blinds him to the true picture. Jesus is not going to tell him or any of his hateful nazi followers "thank you good and faithful servant, welcome to the Kingdom." Instead they are going to the get the wake up call "depart from me for I never knew you!"

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This is an excellent comment, and I thank you for it.

The only caveat I would offer is that when I lived in D.C. and later in Atlanta and Baltimore, I knew Jews who presumed "Zionist" had multiple meanings, including Jewish supremacy. Only in recent years has the definition been narrowed and funneled into "The right of Jews to have an ethnocentric State all their own." Which, considering Israel's secular-majority population and pharma fealty and war-mongering behaviors, are leading me to believe is just about as valid a worldview as "Jewish Supremacy," frankly.

Otherwise, I join you in rejecting the "Jews are the source of all evil and wars in the world" canard. There are no doubt very powerful and evil fake Jews, however, and veryveryvery few Hebrews, which is whom the original Covenant with God was made, if it was made. Thank you again for your comment.

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Even though Stalin may have been anti-zionist, which could have very likely led to his death as a result of purging Jews in Russia with zionist connections, the problem is that today's problems have to be solved. There is an offensive against American citizens coming from anti-Christ Jews (AJ's), or Zionists, which intensified at the start of the twentieth century to impose complete subjugation of the US. In a 100 years, the success of achieving this objective is almost complete. It would be no exaggeration to say that every government institution in the US today has been hijacked by Zionist influence.

If you attempt to address to the politicians that you elected, asking them why all US government departments have been hijacked by a foreign agent, the foreign agent who are Zionist Jews, who are supposed to be registered as a foreign agent but are not, it becomes extremely problematic and almost impossible for the politicians you "elected" to give you an answer. You literally have to go to their offices, and break down the door, before you will get any response. Why there is no response is because they have been compromised by Jewish Zionist interests. Someone has remarked that there has never been another president since, and including Roosevelt, who has ensured sole protection and interest to the US and its citizens except JFK, who was dead against Jewish Zionist interest in the US government, and which in all likelihood led to his assassination because of that.

US citizens today are under a serious assault as military aged illegal migrants by their millions enter the country. Illegal immigration is a deliberate Jewish Zionist construct which has greatly intensified since the Biden administration. When will it end? Will Trump deliver on what he promised if he is "selected"? Harris certainly not. Trump and Harris are both compromised politicians.

If anyone has doubts as to the nefarious objectives of AJ's, one need only read the New Testament where the Lord Jesus and Paul the apostle warn the Church against the false teachings and doctrines of men taught by the scribes and Pharisees. The false teachings and doctrines of men they taught the Jews during Christ's ministry was the oral law they had devised, and is what Christ condemned.

These teachings which are called the Talmud, were eventually committed to writing, and new teachings were added some of which are extremely immoral, such as allowing rape, paedophilia and homosexuality. The Talmud is the doctrinal foundation of Judaism, and is the most blasphemous attack on God and His word ever written.

For this reason Christ said, "beware of the leaven of the Pharisees" (Matt. 16:6). This was a warning against the AJ's Talmudic Babylonian doctrines which they taught, and is what Christ brought to our attention in the Gospels during His ministry. The kabbalah also stems from these wicked doctrines, and can cause men's minds to be corrupted and lead to extreme ungodliness in society, until this philosophy spiritually enslaves people (Col. 2:8). The AJ's may think they are in the process of achieving a utopia for themselves, but they are minions of the devil who will confine them to hell.

The AJ's were not intereseted in a messiah that came to deliver the world from sin, which included Jews and Gentiles, they were looking for a messiah to deliver them from the foreign oppression of the Romans, and rejected and murdered the true Messiah Jesus.

This idea of domination today is still prevalent amongst AJ's, who wait for a messiah, many of which have been false messiahs throughout the centuries, and one who will supposedly succeed to fulfill that purpose for them. Christ knew this and warned his disciples from the time He was ministering in Galilee, and came into the region of Judea, and entered into the city of Jerusalem to face and confront the hypocrisy of the Sanhedrin (Matthew 19 – 28). One will only be able to fully understand the resistance Christ got from the Sanhedrin if the Gospels are studied, especially Matthew's Gospel that is written with a Jewish perspective.

The AJ's today, in the meantime, will help to ensure world domination on their own steam, before their false saviour messiah they wait for will appear to achieve this for them. You can't make this stuff up! AJ's are highly dangerous psycho's and instruments of the devil just as Christ warned us in His word two thousand years ago. These reprobates assert their centuries old dark religion over the US applying deceit and destruction, and have most US politicians and authorities in their pocket.

This is what Harold Rosenthal in his discussion with Walter White, Jr. in Washington disclosed in 1976 regarding Jewish world control and slavery in the US and the world. In an excerpt from the discussion, Rosenthal claimed that the doctrines in the Talmud do not present a belief to prepare a person for the after life. Life after death is foreign to Jews. He expanded on this theory saying, "As a matter of fact, the Talmud does not lay down principles with which to prepare the individual for a life to come, but furnishes only rules for a sumptuous life in this world. It is a collection of instructions for maintaining the Jewish race and regulating intercourses between us and the goy. Our teachings are not concerned with moral problems, but rather with how to 'get.'" To which Walter White, Jr responded saying: "This explains the parasitic nature of Jewish people. Jews never get rich off one another, but seek to 'get' the labor and wealth of others."

The entire discussion of Rosenthal and White can be found at this link: http://www.antichristconspiracy.com/HTML%20Pages/Harold_Wallace_Rosenthal_Interview_1976.htm

America has been asleep far too long! Through the AJ's control of Hollywood and the indoctrination which appeals to the senses and corrupts a person's morality, it has dumbed down Americans for a long time.

Most of the literature one reads to mount a counter offensive against the tyranny in the US only gives suggestions to how the rogue system can be opposed, but no solution. Everyones afraid to be involved in dismantling the system. For years and years it has only been talk, and more talk. But talk without action offers no solution. Walter White, Jr. in his discussion with Harold Rosenthal said this of the AJ's manipulation: "But how could such a small number of Jews enslave so many people and gain such an overwhelming control over their governments, especially without them being aware of it? The answer to this may be found in Christ's parable of the unjust steward, which represented Jewry. They are able to prevail in the world despite their ungodly ways because of their cunning and shrewd ways. As Christ said "For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." (Luke 16:8)

All systems that once ensured good honest governance in the US have been compromised and corrupted because the people have not been vigilant enough to prevent it. The advanced stage that the US is in for the final takeover by the AJ's, which politicians and the judiciary may once have been able to help in preventing, is long past because its all under the AJ's control now. Although people have awakened since the Covid plandemic, and realised that there are sinister forces at work trying to destroy citizens, is there some hope that citizens will band together to resist the tyranny, or are they too dumbed down to care, and allow themselves to become slaves to the new system, the new normal, eat bugs, have nothing, and be happy? The situation to me seems redeemable only through what the Lord can do, and is now beyond what anyone can achieve to save the situation. It will require the nations surrender to the Lord and His Word as He tells us in James 4:7-10,

"⁷ Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. ⁸ Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. ⁹ Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. ¹⁰ Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up."


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Adding for the sake of interest… although I have not been able to validate all claims here:

“In 1776, we formed a republic. In 1871, we declared bankruptcy and a corporate fiction was created. The corporate fiction period lasted from 1871-2000, the end of the third bankruptcy. Since 2000 what have we had? Corporate fraud. The USA company was liquidated at the end of its third bankruptcy like any other corporation. The old owners at the Crown Temple Bank of England just kept right on running the government, and owning the federal agencies. They just kept milking the cow that is America. They just kept grinding the wheels of the international drugs/arms/humans trade. They just kept perpetuating war, and using the American military to destroy banking freedom anywhere in the world. We haven't had a real election or a real president since 2000. It's all been a show. 9/11. Weapons of Mass destruction lies lead to war in 2003. It's been one theatrical event after another for 25 years. I don't believe the producers thought the show would go on this long. It's all been a play for time. How long can they continue to run their scam?

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The late Jordan Maxwells "United States of America Corporation" hypothesis is intriguing. I've certainly noticed I get all my Official mail with my name IN CAPS, as Maxwell says is required for my "corporate self." That kind of wild "dual identity" certainly plays into the occultists' esoteric "twinning" and "dualism" beliefs. It all seems plausible to me. Thank you for your comment.

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Sep 10Liked by TOM SIEBERT

A few links that may be of interest


There is a document called Lawyer's secret oath. An Exposé on the legal fraud perpetrated on all Americans. Rather short but very dense.

Comments are recommended too.


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Thanks for the info. Its worth looking more into.

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