Incredible incredible incredible writing. I think you captured the “ vibe” we , the weirdo’s are experiencing.

I have no answers either friend.

But, I do have allot of questions.

Thank you.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by TOM SIEBERT

This expresses my current state of mind extraordinarily well, and I have begun to think that countless millions of are experiencing the same. I have also felt, and many others have expressed the same disturhing yet mind-blowing sensation, of the mirage-like nature of what we’ve always called “reality” becoming evident, like realizing it’s all a ghost of what we’ve always believed was a solid, immutable physical existence. I, for one, never thought this shared experience would ever be something I would experience in my lifetime, and maybe I wasn’t supposed to — I have dodged some well-aimed and very solid bullets in my life.

Neither our minds, bodies nor our spirits are prepared for this, and it’s very upsetting and impossible to figure out. Is it God’s will, or is this what God has always warned us was coming? Or both? And I don’t care they much what happens to me, but what about our children? Are they destined to live through some sort of impending apocalypse? I am so bewildered, and have never experienced a time when, every day, I have to consciously decide to trust in god and let it go. “Thy will be done”.

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Apr 10Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I’m not giving in or up.I have two beautiful granddaughters that need us to not give up.

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Apr 10Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I'm still absorbing your last post so I can't yet comment on this one except to say... that picture of Clinton, NJ brought tears to my eyes. So, so, so BEAUTIFUL. What's happened to Northeastern small towns is the crime of the century.

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Apr 11Liked by TOM SIEBERT

What a thoughtful and meaningful essay!

I had coffee yesterday with a good friend of mine, who happens to be a salt-of-the-earth normie. After about an hour of idle chit-chat, out of nowhere he said "I'm just waiting for whatever is going to happen, to happen." Two weeks ago, over lunch with my also-normie Boomer cousins, they mentioned they fully expect the wave of immigrants to stand up and start killing us within the next year or so.

These are not "weird-adjacent" people (I love that term!) like me, and many here in this thread. These are people who pay their taxes, do what they're told, and go about life. Anecdotes mean squat, but the feeling is so thick in the air right now that the weird-adjacent are tripping on it, and the normies are starting to just kinda feel it.

What to do? I love the Biblical example of Nehemiah - work with a shovel in one hand and a sword in the other. Go read the story if you haven't. In order to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem before the king changed his mind, Nehemiah had to both manage a construction project and repel hostile invaders. Do one to the exclusion of the other, and neither get done. Such are the times we are in now! Go to work, raise your family, pursue your life-arc...but have an eye and a hand ready for what might come.

Finally, do not let the fear of what's to come steal today's joy. The one gift everyone can give God is thankfulness. Each day is its own lifetime, don't waste it on fear.

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Apr 21Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I met Bowie several times in the early 90s. He was so approachable you'd think you had been friends with him for years. He would talk to anyone, crack jokes like an old friend, and remember everyone's name. Probably one of the coolest celebrities I ever met. I asked him how his voiced changed so drastically from his earlier stuff and he said he went and chanted for a long time with Tibetan Monks or something and it just changed... but then he added, "...but part of it could have been from all that cocaine in the 70s."

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Apr 12Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I am inspired by @Canny Granny who wrote she would not give in or up! So I will share a video for you to watch if you find the time, perhaps in the wee hours when you're unable to sleep and darkness presses in. It must be watched until the end for full effect. Do not give up! Never! In case you have to create an account to view, it is the video of Msgr. James Shea, The Weight of Our Brokenness. Thank you for your insights. You have quickly become one of my favorite Substack accounts.

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I think it’s all gonna be okay.

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Oh, and get ready for things to get perhaps even MORE strange — immediately after writing my comment above, FB popped up on my phone, and the crazy Mfers at The Temple Institute in “Israel” had posted this:


According to time honored tradition the ashes of the first red heifer were prepared by Moshe in the wilderness on the second day of Nisan, (today), one day after the inauguration of the Tabernacle.

Maimonides writes in his Mishneh Torah, Laws of the Red Heifer:

"Nine red heifers were offered from the time that they were commanded to fulfill this mitzvah until the time when the Temple was destroyed a second time. The first was brought by Moshe, our teacher. The second was brought by Ezra. Seven others were offered until the destruction of the Second Temple. And the tenth will be brought by the king Mashiach; may he speedily be revealed. Amen, so may it be G-d's will."

So things might get even WEIRDER

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Hello Tom

This jumped out at me this morning. I sent it to my sister who's doing chemo. Perhaps it's an answer or even the answer. I've been moving towards the cold water with face washes and douches but think I'll get my cold on with showers going into the winter down here.

Hope it helps some folks


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