Sep 18Liked by TOM SIEBERT

But tell us how you REALLY feel, Tom.

Have a great day - epic creep(s) exposure. TY

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Sep 18Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Always enjoy reading your stuff.

Crazy times. So gratifying seeing any of these satanic beasts go down.

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Thank you. Let's hope it sticks. Could be Epstein 2.0.

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Happy to not be hated by you!

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Hahahaha! I do hate too many people, probably. But nobody here (yet).

"I write out of revenge." - William Goldman

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Do you think the Combs arrest is timed to divert from something else? Like to get people to not focus on how much Kamala sucks? Or something else?

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Or the repeated failed assassination attempts. Or the Narrative turning against them in Springfield. Or the media looking worse than ever. All of the above? It's all moving faster than I can keep up.

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Here is more about the human trafficking leaking out as we speak.


Yes, this is all a speeding train wreck coming soon!

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Could also be playing into this theme that keeps popping up and seems to be gaining momentum that we need digital IDs to "protect the children". What if they are planning to unleash a flood of damning information on people they have blackmailed to make the masses think that sex trafficking is so bad that there is only one way to solve it?

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Epic as usual😵‍💫 just shared it on fake book and fake book immediately let me know that THIS MAY GO AGAINST OUR COMMUNITY STANDARDS…. lol, but they have left it up for now…

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Interesting! I never get that, but wonder how many people who share it do. As you know, Zuckbook "permanently suspended" my account a couple weekends back but then pulled a 180 for some reason that I think I know but not worth repeating here. They've likely gone an alternate route to make my writing toxic.

I've certainly notice that the percentage of readers who come to Substack from Facebook has dropped, even as my subscribers and reads have continued to climb (except for the outliers about the "royal" family, which always seem to draw more. :-| ). That said, it could be that as my subscribers/"followers" rise but I accept almost no new FB "friends," the influx of readers from FB stays about the same but the percentage of readers from FB is dropping because they are a smaller pool of overall readers in comparison to total readers. Who knows?

Thank you for your comment and God bless you & Zeph!

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It's curious. On the one hand more of this stuff is being exposed and yet somehow nothing changes. Also curious was Usher performing at the Superb Owl show this year, which points to this whole thing being some sort of pre-planned exposure thing. Because what has Usher done recently that's culturally relevenant? Maybe I missed it, but he wasn't even really that popular in his heyday. I don't know how these scorpions work, and at this point I'm very pessimistic about it all.

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I think it's possible a lot of people turn down the Super Bowl now because they don't get paid for it. The only people who would do it are people who hope the appearance will sell albums or concert tix. And Usher, as you note, is nowheresville nowadays.

I also think that whoever controls the NFL works to marginalize white people at all costs. One of my favorite Substack writers, DONALD JEFFRIES, has written about how top notch white receivers and running backs in college are intentionally passed over by the NFL. There hasn't been a white headliner at Super Bowl halftime since 2019. The NFL is run by racists and Roger Goodell is their bent-over cuck white boi bitch, just like that recently fired Washington Redskins PR idiot told James O'Keefe's gal spy on the hidden camera. |

Thank you for your comment(s)!

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The NFL is now considered entertainment- legally. They can manipulate it however they like as “ entertainment “. Might as well watch wrestling. (R.I.P. Owen Hart).

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That is absolutely correct! I was among the first to say so, though I totally slipstreamed behind Brian Tuohy, who did all the groundbreaking work.


Thank you for your comment.

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And with Obummer's repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act, the USG is spreading their propaganda as 'news'.

What was 'sports' is now entertainment, and what was 'news' is now propaganda.


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Yes, thank you for mentioning that. I've written about it before (and before, and before), and don't like to keep harping on it, so I'm grateful when others mention it, because it's important.

I honestly wonder how many people I worked with in the journalism and PR industries are getting paid (or blackmailed) via govt. sponsored NGOs and other clandestine financial streams, because I know some very very smart people who are parroting the dumbest shit imaginable nowadays.

The most chilling to me personally is the top-notch editor I once had who always gave me a fair shake even when he 100% disagreed with me ideologically. Now, he's surrounded himself with party parrots, totally TDS-obsessed. And I wonder: He's estranged from his adult son. He's instead thrown his support behind his trans nephew, now a niece. His sister, the mother of that trans kid, is supernaturally inclined. The few puzzle pieces I've got suggest a deeply unsettling bigger picture, so I try not to think about it much; yes, I have my own willfully ignorant blind spots. Sometimes the horror, the horror, just cuts too deep.

Thank you for your comment.

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Dayum! I will try my best to stay on your good side! Let’s hope it all falls down and we can restore some semblance of decency in “popular” “culture” (sic)

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Ha! I had a friend in college (not the creepy West Virginia College; the massive University of Maryland, where I transferred to disappear) who, while I was in the process of destroying somebody who deserved it, said to me: "Geez, you're a pretty good friend, but a much worse enemy." Thank you for your comment.

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I love the aggression, Tom. Great stuff.

A couple months ago when the Sean Combs (I refuse to use stage names) dirt started coming out, my wife and I did some digging on his obvious background as intel and a groomer. We came across this gem on Usher's Wikipedia page:

"While preparing for his debut album, Usher lost his voice. He was going through puberty and had a difficult time adjusting his vocals. LA Reid became skeptical of Usher, put his album on hold and considered dropping him from the label.[21] Usher pleaded with the label to keep him and they did. From this point Reid didn't know what to do with Usher so he sent him to New York in the spring of 1994 to live with record executive Puff Daddy to "attend" what Reid called "Flavor Camp". Usher quickly adapted to the lavish lifestyle of Puff Daddy although in an interview with Rolling Stone, he described this period as the "hardest days" of his life. "I had to knuckle up, figure shit out in New York" he said.[22]"

It sure seems like coded language for getting passed around the Weinstein/Epstein circle to me.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

O yeah, the gossips on Usher as gay plaything are plentiful across the interwebz. The thing I find most offensive about that groomed zilch is how Hollywood tried to pawn him off as a new SHAFT for "modern audiences," "re-imagined" as a nerdy FBI computer analyst. I hate Usher. Thank you for your comment!

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Sep 18Liked by TOM SIEBERT

By the way, isn't is odd how every time something is "reimagined", it is as a form that is less than the original? The reimagining never makes the subject larger or more potent, only smaller. The Inversion is right in our faces.

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Sep 18Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Reminds me of that Tolkien quote:

Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good.

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Exactly. My bitter favorite is how the elevated "Arts & Entertainment Network," notably showing Jane Austen miniseries and the Emmy-award winning BIOGRAPHY was acquired by a mix of ABC/Disney, Hearst & NBC, then nearly immediately perverted into "A&E: The Art of Entertainment Channel" with DUCK DYNASTY, BATES MOTEL, STORAGE WARS, DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER, etc. Disgusting, really. Thank you for your comment.

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Speaking of Tolkien, this is disturbing but excellent


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Oooof. I was enjoying it, but those pix got to me. Ick. Forked tongue...yikes. I will finish at some point. Thank you for sharing it.

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Sep 18Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Yes, they are sickening but worth stomaching for the value. Ties in well to the Satanic book you wrote about

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Sep 18Liked by TOM SIEBERT


"That’s why the next explosion in both market expansion and innovation will be in transhumanist services and technologies. These are the customers who do not identify as human beings whatsoever, and who shake their fists at God and Man alike."

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Sep 18Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Love how you connect and remember things. I bet you don’t get invited to many A list parties. Congrats on hanging on to your soul.

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"Anyway, fuck David Frum with a radioactive cactus dipped in Tabasco sauce."


You get so much right. Props. But on this one...and I think you know this...They do it to each other to keep you from having the satisfaction.

That's all.



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Hahahaha! Yes. Yes they do. Thank you for your cogent observation.

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I started a Sean Combs graph, and this article will be in it several times. Thank you for doing what you're doing while avoiding the crazies.


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I love these. Thanks for including me. I followed the "occult entertainment" thread to a Xweet by the pop star Michael Penn about vanity press conspiracy books about the Beatles. Very interesting!

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