Another sad story. Kinda feels like a soundtrack from Groundhog Day.

Dont you think Ewan is actually just one example of all Hollywood now? No remaining integrity (sorry if I missed you say that).

I think if we’re going to keep paying attention it will require adjusted expectations. 🤡

As I’m sure you know, the obtuse thing about evil is it has no clue of its long term demolishing effects on *itself*.

They actually believe they can devour all things good & true and then just sale along forever blissful in their chosen vices. They don’t perceive how evil is unsustainable.

All the truly talented industry ppl who actually know how to produce something actual humanity w integrity can value have compromised (🙌🤘), bailed out, or been murdered. Probably murdered.

The remaining shapeshifters think their “artistic” angle benefits their agenda. Wrong. Now they’re just screwing themselves, gnawing on a hallowed out shell of a system that always was compromised but at least had enough actual humans contributing to pretend to have soul. Same with journalism right?. And politics. And education. And economics. And….(fill in remaining seven pillars).

I keep thinking, it’s like HW and the whole world is playing out an even darker version of Twilight Zones “To Serve Man” epi

…which ironically YT took down last I checked. Of course.

Very few will face that we really are witnessing the fall of Rome 2.0 ⚰️

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It does feel that way. It's literally history repeating itself, multiple times. Very frustrating to watch. And it also seems like the Masters of the Planet have a game plan they keep running over and over and over and it keeps working.

There is a very strange anti-human, anti-life force that lives for nothing but destruction and death. There are so many bizarre people who have no lives other than an obsession to infiltrate, corrupt and destroy institutions and organizations. I don't understand it, it's such a miserable existence, but people who want to live fulfilling lives are at a disadvantage vs. a dark force driven by hatred and destruction 24/7/365.

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This is the rising of evil, forecast in Christianity and Buddhism - seeks to destroy order and substitute anarchy before a New World Order arises. There is an element of society who hates humanity-why IDK, but they seem to have worked there way into positions of power and influence

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Brilliantly written! EM is a chameleon, he's played roles, that I never spotted him in. Not uncommon for folks, in popular roles, to think that audience appreciation of their role is a reflection of their personal greatness. Once divorced from their screen or pop charisma, they soon fade into obscurity, especially when they start instructing us on how we should think and behave....

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I would never dispute he's an excellent actor. But I've never much been drawn to him; he's not a warm or magnetic screen presence. I've never been like "Ooooo, gotta see that new Ewan McGregor movie!"

Polanski's GHOST WRITER and Tim Burton's BIG FISH are probably the best things I've seen him in since TRAINSPOTTING.

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Agree. He lacks passion - an efficient actor that does the job but doesn't leave a lasting impression, much the same in his motorbike adventures...

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I still have occasional trauma moments from the baby on the ceiling. 😱

But Ewan doesn’t really get credit for that.

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Yeah, that was the most f'd up part of a f'd up movie, for sure!

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I just want to tell you Tom, that your writing is superb. Cheers

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Wow! Thank you so much!

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So savage!

Happy Valentines indeed.

Did he steal your girl or something? That was a bloodbath of tough text.

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Hahaha! No. He was just the perfect storm of Hollywood hypocrisy: Shameless lies, years of gaslighting, Disney Star Wars.

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Disney is the poster child of America murdering itself with thousands of self-inflicted wounds.

Sadly, since so many sheep worship the mouse, they get similarly and simultaneously Jonestown-style mental and spiritual poisoning.

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I liked EM in Doctor Sleep, but the whole point was that he was supposed to be a broken loser who squandered his gift. So, perfectly cast it would seem.

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Nearly everybody told me that movie was mediocre at best or flat out sucked. I don't need to see Danny as a "broken loser" after all he went through in THE SHINING. Ewan M. can be a good actor, I'm sure he was convincing in it. Thank you for your comment!

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Keep up the good work, Tom, and keep that good eye of yours on Kate.

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The abyss will come at the hands of talentless PC hacks who will kill studios as a public service to spite us all. Couldn’t wish for more 😎

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It is definitely feeling that way. "We had to burn down the village in order to save it." Thank you for your comment!

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