Jun 20Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Well, that was an amazing read. I knew a lot of it but to see it so well laid out is simultaneously holy shit! and depressing. We are watching the eternal struggle between good and evil play on on the world stage in real time.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Author

Thank you so much! And yes. The culture war is Civil War II that's really WW3 but above all else the End Times Spiritual War. Or so it seems!

Thank you for your comment.

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Jun 20Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I always wondered about JFK jr. plane crash. I actually think they are going to keep Biden, and maybe experiment with body doubles, CGI, and hyper realistic silicone masks, which leads me to think that it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility that the same exact thing has been done for the princess who turned up, right after Prince William paid a private visit to MI6, which then shut up the majority that she is no longer with us, but then she went away again. The my fair lady outfit she wore got me thinking it was a code to others that this still wasn’t really Kate. Maybe she’ll go to Wimbledon, we’ll see.

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very convincing body double for sure, but I don't believe it was her. also, how does someone who is having so many hard days from chemo, still have all that hair? there are photos of this new kate with a scar over her left eye.

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I noticed the scar, as well.

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check this out, and Could the appearance on the balcony be a hologram.

I don't know if the technology really is that incredible.


and this fun one


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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Author

Those two sites have entertainment value but otherwise look pretty shady, well beyond their Kate claims.

Despite the fact I'm sure "they" have the tech to impersonate someone convincingly-ish in public, I'm not prepared to pursue some of the wilder conspiracy theories like clones, holograms, advanced M:I type masks, etc.

After the early months PR disaster for Kate Middleton, it's clearly become "all hands on deck" to marginalize to the deepest fringe anything but the Official Narrative surrounding her health. If we wait a bit, perhaps more will come into focus. Thank you for your comment!

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Princess Anne was injured by a horse and suffered a concussion on St. John’s Eve. Previously, it appeared to me, that Anne was the only one not playing ball with the rest of the lot in regards to whatever the heck is going on over there.

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Jun 20Liked by TOM SIEBERT

that photo doesn't even look like the person who was on the balcony.

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posted more links and photos in comment above

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Damn! That was good. My blood has boiled over and over again about H. Since the Lewinsky mess when Bill was president. In the autobiography of now passed Barbra Walters, she dedicates a whole chapter to the Lewinsky Clinton mess defending Monica with documented details of what she suffered as a young woman under the Clinton mafia. And that was just a taste of what we now know the Clintons were capable of even 30 years ago! I’m glad your outraged, I am too. If Hillary is the D. candidate we are all going to watch unimaginable politics the world has never experienced, she’ll make XIdens destruction look like a mild wind when her cursed hurricane ravages all 50 states. Kiss freedom goodbye. And yes, she is a witch, do your homework readers it’s been documented and scrubbed for years!

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Best I can tell about Monica Lewinsky is that, knowingly or unknowingly, she was a CIA and/or Mossad spy or honeypot to blackmail Bill Clinton. "Former" MILInt civil servant Linda Tripp was her "handler."

Lewinsky may have even been the Mossad plant inside the White House known only as "MEGA," which was a blockbuster revelation in the 2001 WASHINGTON POST investigative piece about Israeli influence on the Presidency that has since been scrubbed from the internet. A summation is here: https://shorturl.at/kxUc0

Thank you for your comment.

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Jun 20Liked by TOM SIEBERT

OMG...you have now come up with my favorite new acronym...the AWFULs (Affluent White Female Urban Liberal). You are 100% Spot on with this one. They are the most dangerous demographic in the country right now.

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NO, NO, NO to Killary!! 🔥 As to the AWFULs, they have abdicated their feminine powers & are a disgrace & a menace to womanhood & to humankind. Interesting about Hillary’s body odor. When I see photos of certain people, my skin crawls. I also can smell a strange, ungodly stench. Hillary is one, Kissinger was another. Could it be they give off a scent of death? Thanks, Tom, for another fascinating read. I still don’t think you were wrong about Kate’s demise. When I first saw her smile, I knew that she wasn’t Kate. Although I do confess that she was a good likeness. Who knows with what can be done with technology these days!

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In 2006, the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez said George W. Bush "smelled like sulfur" during his U.N. speech. There are a couple other recounts of others who give off that scent but I can't recall who they are. Thank you for your comment!

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I don’t think Tom was wrong either. The picture of the Princess under a willow tree was an interesting choice. Willows are symbolic of grief and are found in cemeteries for loved ones in the grave.

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Jun 24Liked by TOM SIEBERT

That is evil incarnate

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And there's so much of it going around! Thank you for your comment.

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Sorry, but I'm really starting to appreciate our parliamentary system. It still has election cheaters doing their 'con the public' routine 6 ways from Sunday, but at least there isn't the hoarfrost-soaked Hillary or the 3 Gorgonous Graces waxing neurotic up here. 🥴

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Are you in the U.K. or Canada? The best thing about both those countries is that they've got no political advertising until...a month? 3 weeks?...before an election. Though now that the corporate media and govt. censorship are so severe, I don't think that holds such a differentiating quality. Thank you for your comment!

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Oh and I don’t know if she said the actual word “Christening” at that event. I was too young g to think of things like that.

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So I met HRC once in September 1994 at a submarine Christening - USS COLUMBIA. She failed to break the bottle of champagne on the bow- several times. A sign of bad luck for Sailors. Anyway, I shook her hand right in line after my conservative dad who told her to her face that he did not vote for her husband. She looked at him like he was deplorable. He didn’t care. I didn’t notice a smell, but this was right by the Thames in Groton, CT.

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I visited that sub base in Groton with my dad when we lived in Shelton, CT, back in the 1970s.

Interesting about the failure to break the champagne bottle. Thank you for your comment!

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Don’t evil spirits smell like sulphur? That would be fitting with these characters.

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Jun 20Liked by TOM SIEBERT

As I was reading this excellent post I kept flashing on the docking of the Hindenburg. Oh, the humanity.....

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Thank you, and yes: "O, the humanity!" I lament the soullessness of our times.

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Interesting about Hillary's body odour. You'd think that, as a politician, that's something you'd really make efforts to do something about. This is what Dolly Kyle, a former lover of Bill, said about her.


Kyle's most memorable run in with Bill and Hillary Clinton revolved around Hillary's poor hygiene.

"I picked Billy up at the airport and he had this dowdy-looking middle-aged woman with him ... this woman was Hillary," Kyle said. "Hillary, I thought was a Hillary impersonator. Because she looked so bad and she smelled so bad I just didn't believe this was Hillary."

Hillary's bad odor and unkempt appearance were what Kyle claimed she remembered most, thinking Bill Clinton was playing some sort of "sick joke" on her.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Author

Yeah, wow! Perhaps if he hadn't married Hillary he would have become a better human being. Did he just marry her for his political ambitions?

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Author

My guess is that it's some kind of satanic bloodline thing, combined with how he's a irredeemable horndog who wanted to roam so marrying a closeted lesbian with heavy political ambitions who would let him do what he wanted as long as she got to slipstream his influence also played a big part.

But who knows? How do we analyze crazy death cult people? THEY'RE NUTS.

There again, there's the alt-take on all this from the always entertaining Miles Mathis. There might be a couple True Fact nuggets of gold inside this bullshit.


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Can't take it all in at once. My goodness.

Interesting about Monica - my mother suggested that it was a setup to undermine him although she wasn't into this stuff. She thought it was real though just that he was honey-trapped into it but I have to say I think MM makes some reasonable points about the photo-faking in Monica's case. Surely, all the women can't be "crisis actors" though. It does your head in.

I think Cathy O'Brien said she knew Bill Clinton to be interested in boys not girls ... but who the hell really knows, they spin so many webs of BS.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Author

I've heard that Bill Clinton will fuck anybody or any thing: Man, woman, child, animal. Remember when Larry King, not knowing he was on an open mic during a TV commercial, told Bill Clinton that CNN founder/owner Ted Turner "would serve you"? That was weird.


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Fiona Barnett, the Australian victim of an international VIP pedophile network hired out by her step-grandfather, said she was raped by Ted Turner - among others of course.


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It was through Cathy O'Brien I first heard that Hillary smelled like sulpher. rotten eggs.

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The more I read Miles Mathis the more I wonder if anything happens organically.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 24Author

I've caught Miles Mathis in many, many mistakes among his alleged exposés. At one point in his Manson Family murders investigation, he asserted that photos of the murder scene were taken in the boys' bedroom from THE BRADY BUNCH. He drew that conclusion because of the connecting segments of upper/lower bunks, which were exactly like the kind of connector any bunk beds a parent would buy for kids would recognized. He removed it from the paper with no acknowledgment it used to be there.

More recently, he wrote an alleged exposé of the PLANDEMIC films and the anti-vaxx movement, including my former boss Del Bigtree and his non-profit Informed Consent Action Network. It was riddled with mistakes and incorrect leaps to conclusions that are wrong, and I know this first hand.

But MM's a sly fox, mixing his lies with his valuable insights. Certainly his piece on Stephen Hawking is excellent research and hugely convincing. The Manson Family investigation is full of valuable information and insights ignored elsewhere.

I agree that very little happens organically. I don't believe NOTHING happens organically, or else we wouldn't see the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate criminal clown media freak out so vociferously when a real shocker sucker-punches the pre-planned Establishment Narrative (like Trump's victory; or Brexit).

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Like attracts like. Evil begets evil.

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That mouth wants to bite your flesh off😩

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Shhhh. I'm not sure we're allowed to talk about "Fr@zzledr!p" yet.

Thanks for your comment, though!

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That commie murderous bitch traitor

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Succinct. Thank you for your comment!

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If Mazza Joe freezes, gets lost or spouts nonsense at this CNN debate next week it's all over for him and this will move very quickly. Whoever will create the most polarization is who the Demonrats will pick for this. Hellery would certainly do the job. The whole point of all this is using extreme polarization between DUMP and whoever his opponent is to eventually get to actual civil conflict and maybe even a staged managed "war". This is what THEY need to be able to "Reset".

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is Krazy Kathleen Kennedy, actually a man? sure looks like it in that photo.

Another Great article!!

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Jun 20·edited Jun 24Author

Thank you for your kind words! I think Krazy Kathleen Kennedy's masculinized sandblasted countenance is due to cosmetic surgeries and botox. She & her husband have two children. Reportedly. Appreciate your comments!

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