They forgot the prime directive 😕

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Jun 11Liked by TOM SIEBERT

George, you aren't understanding. The Prime Directive only applies to you and those of traditional morality. It does not apply to Them.

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They ALWAYS forget the Prime Directive! Thank you for your comment.

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What is the prime directive???

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The Prime Directive is from Star Trek, the original series. The Prime Directive was to never alter the future course of a newly discovered, less advanced civilization. As much as possible, observe from afar and never interfere or influence, in a nut shelf.

I’ve just always assumed that that was the correct way to deal with any less advanced civilization.

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Lolz!! I just asked my husband and he said exactly that. This man is a walking encyclopedia and here I am asking the internet when he is sitting right beside me. lol.

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Thanks for explaining that!!!

Yes —. That seems extremely wise.

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Did Ms Reneau go to HARVARD? It is not clear, I am scratching my head.

The fact that there would be a push to give a self-sufficient tribe access to internet and social media ought to tell us all we need to know about how pernicious this all is.

I love the bit about access to "business opportunities". Do we fear that the Marubo are missing out on being able to sell hemp beanies on Etsy? WTF?

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Author

Alysson Reneau is a curious subject, probably worthy of her own deep dig but not from me. According to her bio, she dropped out of college in the 80s but returned after she turned 50 and raised 11 children (9 girls; 2 boys; all birthed by her, or so we've been told). She was accepted to Harvard, where she wrote a book and was recognized by the university's professors as a noteworthy student.

I have my own suspicions about this glory-seeking over-achieving star-fucker, but, like I said, she doesn't really interest me that much. A low-tier puppet for forces greater than she, who manipulate her hunger for fame and fortune to their own ends. What's new from that crew? Thanks for your comment.

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Jun 11Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I just went down her "Explore Mars" rabbit hole, and now I am annoyed. I still don't quite grok the whole Mars grift, i don't see the angle. It's obvious technologically and physiologically impossible, so why the push?

And I don't understand the appeal of people like her. There are scores of these so-called homegrown overachievers that for some reason get showered with money, attention, and influence, and I don't fully get their place in the scheme of the overarching scam/plan.

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She sounds like a tiresome C-U-next-Tuesday.

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NO SHORTAGE! Thank you for your comment.

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Jun 19Liked by TOM SIEBERT

It’s just me or… doesn’t “she” look like a man? Big hands, big face, far too muscly legs…

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Author

She's also heavily airbrushed, even in the corporate media pix. Somebody's looking out for her. Eleven surrogate kids seems like a tough thing to keep covered up if she's a dude, though it could all be a lie, too. Who knows? She's not that interesting to me, she's clearly a pawn easily manipulated by her pathological narcissism rooted in insecurities and past trauma. Thank you for your comment!

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Reading this about the Amazonian is heartbreaking and sickening. Sadness abounds…

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"Misery loves company," and all these people are miserable. Thank you for your comment!

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Maybe Reneau supplied the air for the blow up planes used to fly the robot girls to safely. Hopefully they will be able to follow in the footsteps of the black ladies who wrote did the math for the Apollo moon missions (I seem to recall there was a movie about that which I didn’t feel worthy to watch.)

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If only their internet only gave them YouTube videos of R.C. Sproul…

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Also of note is the crack epidemic that is destroying Fiji society.

It's become a staging post from Mexico to Australasia and what better way to gain willing helpers than to get them addicted...

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Interesting. I was digging into contemporary Fiji while writing this article, but mostly for their self-image and weight issues; I mostly saw Western white women in journalism or academia lamenting how so many people in the So. Pacific are obese.

After your comment, I looked into the Fiji drug problem, it sounds like they've elected somebody who is promising to crack down (so to speak). We'll see.

Thank you for your comment!


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WHAT "apollo moon missions"??? another hoax

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Increasingly seems that way! Thank you for your comment!

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