Meet the New Controlled Opposition, Same As the Old Controlled Opposition
“The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same”

“Whenever people need a hero, we shall supply him.” — Alleged but unproven declaration of Albert Pike, Confederate States Army General, 33rd Degree Freemason and the Sovereign Grand Commander of its Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction from 1859 to 1891
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” — Ecclesiastes 1:9
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I’m trying to figure out whether I want to abhor Ian Carroll, or if I should merely resent him. SQUAWWWWWK!
On February 27th, it should’ve become pretty obvious even to those with their Eyes Wide Shut that we’ve been shit-shoveled a new “Based” breed of Mockingbird starfucker political puppets, a coterie of capstone clowns disrespected and mocked by the very same Republican Party for whom these vanity productions strap on their kneepads.
Yeah, February 27th. That was the day IN MY OPINION that fifteen photo-op controlled-opposition lapdogs for President Orange got their 16 minutes in the clouded sun, triumphantly waving around their ridiculous Epstein Files: Phase 1 binders like they were something special and not an idiots’ bait’n’switch misinformation Mediagasm, with pages and pages blacked out for “national security” reasons (but which nation’s?) and literally nothing in it we didn’t already know via the research of an actual investigative reporter, Nick Bryant, years ago.
But whoa, all the modern media “heroes” in the “common sense” Narrative “network” of usual suspects were ripe and ready for their big moment, preening for the cameras as they held up their binders, not realizing they’d just been turned into a propaganda punchline.
Many of my personal favorite phonies were there, most notably squeaky Mike CERN-0-vvitch, that guy who’s repeatedly bitched on Xwitter about how much he doesn’t want to be in the spotlight…yet then goes on Tucker Carlson’s podcast to emote about how tough but important his life is, or complains on social media about how Joe Rogan doesn’t call him anymore, or stands outside the White House with his trusty binder, presumably chanting “Please, please, don’t shine that spotlight on me, the guy over here, you know right here.” Whoa Nellie, the lament of the reluctant fame whore, a subject matter parasite who doth protest all too much, an Anora of the alt-right. I’ve not much listened to Tucker since he fêted Squeaky Mike.
Of course the always annoying “Agent Poso” was there, too: Jack Posobiec, the eager beaver and “former” Navy intelligence officer — he and his Mrs. were first out of the gate to congratulate gold medal starfucker and Lone Skum baby mama Smashley St. Clair — who was not so intelligent that he remembered to shut off his locator when he was tweeting from inside CIA HQ at Langley (now deleted). [But wait! A subscriber found it in the web archives!]
“Agent” Poso lived in China for two years, worked at Gitmo and is literally an actor who has an IMDb page, so it’s no wonder he never misses out on a photo opportunity (you can literally see him rushing into frame with a smile on the far right [ahem] of the pix atop this page), and at least makes no pretense of how much he loooooves being a two-hander in the right-wing star chamber circle jerk. So much so he self-published a self-aggrandizing comic book about, uh, himself and his wife and his trusty fey one-sided sidekick “DC Draino,” who is actually Rogan O’Handley. O’Handley, incidentally, was the most prominently proud (and best dressed!) of the modern Mockingbirds outside the White House with the meaningless Epstein binders, and he’s just as mysterious — We don’t know his birthdate or birth year? He’s a former Hollywood entertainment lawyer? He’s also a big Smashley fan?

There were twelve other “alt-media” “personalities” and “influencers” at the White House photo op. I’m not going to go through them all because I don’t think all of them are aware they are being played, and hold that thought.
But some of them aren’t getting played; they’re playing along. The whole February 27th media event was a joke, a joke on them, a joke on you, a joke on America, and that was made very very clear when the official X account for the House Judiciary GOP posted a fake link that claimed to be to the released Epstein files — but instead "Rickrolled" us with Rick Astley’s notorious "Never Gonna Give You Up" music video (it’s since been removed).
With that sly, inverted “Revelation of the Method” move — Rickrolled? Rickrolled? — I didn’t think you needed to be Sherlock Holmes or even Dr. Watson to realize that these goofballs were being mocked, we were being jeered, this is all a sick joke, we’re never going to get a list of the real Epstein clients, they rule the world, and many of the modern media faces you’ve been following are fools, jesters, charlatans, celebutantes and Narrative concoctors.
Of course, I realize some of these saps may not know they are controlled opposition. As the CEO of Trine Day Publishing (and son of a CIA guy) Kris Milligan told me a decade ago, paraphrased:
“The best intelligence asset doesn't know he's an intelligence asset. The best asset thinks he's thinking for himself. The goal is for intel handler 'A' to get asset 'B' to do assignment 'X' without asset 'B' even being aware he's doing the bidding of intel handler ‘A.’”
Like…helping Attorney General (and former Jeb Bush and Willard Romney backer) Pam Bondi bamboozle the country into thinking the Jeffrey Epstein files had finally been released!
Thus, I was fascinated to see the fickle fallout. Clearly the February 27th Fugazi Epstein docs media event was a disaster for the personal brands of all involved, and witnessed as such by others, because in the days that followed, I noted how many podcasters who weren’t at the White House started scoffing at suggestions they themselves might be “controlled opposition” — I heard Joe Rogan discuss it with Ian Carroll; Naomi Wolf said basically “I’m not a CIA asset and it’s libel if you claim I am” (but what about Scroll & Key, doc?), among others — as excited chatter on social media turned to angry blowback over the bullshit not-revelations of the Epstein “files.”
It was clearly an all-hands-on-deck kind of thing for whoever’s managing the messaging on the right, for “disclosure” or whatever, because we immediately got a “look over here!” blitzkrieg from two new young-ish male voices getting pushed to the top of the algorithm via the usual suspects: Ian Carroll and Andrew Schulz.
Netflix-friendly standup comedian Andrew Schulz parroted pretty much the exact same vanilla observations and insights the exact same day and in the exact same way last week, on both Rogan and Megyn Kelly’s podcasts, word-for-word — Schulz is the conspiracy theorist’s version of Jerry Seinfeld —

— but nobody and nothing’s annoyed me more than the stratospheric sudden elevation of the unctuous Ian Carroll, who got three hours on Rogan last week, a day before Schulz, repeating and retreading and watering down any number of “Conspiracy Theory Greatest Hits,” leapfrogging over literally dozens of people who got there before him and who did the work and sweated over the research and put together the puzzle pieces and in some cases actually died, only so CIA could later take somebody like Ian Carroll and pluck him from obscurity and groom and promote him into the Jew-hating clichéd caricature of the “Conspiracy Theorist” meme, mixing some genuine insights with dead ends and immediately causing a lot of people who might entertain some of the curious things he’s pointing out to instead dismiss him completely. Which is his “role.” IN MY OPINION.
Ian Carroll’s got a slew of the shady signs of somebody tapped by the Intel crew as communications control weapon: Esoterically, he’s got two first names, and the Spooks love that shit: It carries the inherent “dual identity” subtext that they see as a “revelation of the method” of the subject’s public and secret life.
But what really pissed me off about Ian Carroll is how he leeches off of other researchers’ work, then gives half-handed asides to the people he ripped off. It’s like he’s trying to sound gracious when he’s actually being a deceptive glory hound, and he does it in ways I’ve seen before.
During his Joe Rogan interview, Ian Carroll talked about how the late 60s/early 70s SoCal music scene was a cultural creation of the Military Industrial Complex to undermine the anti-war hippie movement. Carroll makes a halfway mention about how he’s drawn his observations from the late great Dave McGowan’s paradigm-shifting book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon…except he mis-titles the book and doesn’t mention Dave by name. How much should you trust a guy who can’t even correctly name his source?

This is typical. The last thing a guy like Ian Carroll wants — or, more precisely, the people who are elevating Ian Carroll, who I’ll presume are the same people who previously elevated Joe Rogan, who for some reason thought it was a wise choice to further promote the stratospheric out-of-nowhere rise of Ian Carroll — the last thing any of those people want is for you to know who Dave McGowan is, or for you to more deeply investigate his writings. That guy brought a bucket-wheel excavator to rabbit holes.
So what we’ve got is an overnight success who had been uploading fringe snowboarding TikToks and such, before he latched on to the conspiracy crowd last year and rode it to “influencer” status in record time. Which then somehow got him on JRE as the man of this hot minute, long before people who reached the conclusions that Ian Carroll now slipstreams behind got an invite. Don Jeffries. Nick Bryant. Whitney Webb. Kris Millegan. Ole Dammegard. Mark Passio. Max Igan. Mike Smith. Bruce de Torres. Zeph Daniel, aka Woody Keith. Aaron and Melissa Dykes — hell, that last couple lives less than an hour from you, Joe. I could go on and on, but if I did at some point I’d reach myself and I’m far too humble a guy for that.
So meet the new controlled opposition, same as the old controlled opposition: punch lines for the pedophile elite. They’re more fun to be around than the stuffier last government approved fowls, they’re smarter, they’ve got a better sense of humor, and they’re generally more attractive — hey, she got nicknamed “Smashley” for a reason!
Yet they’re still puppets, pawns, fools, wannabe celebrities and “influencers,” more than “journalists.” They like seeing themselves on TV, in your social media feed, on your favorite podcast. They want to be ubiquitous. They want to be rock stars. They’ll pimp a binder full of blackout to get that sweet, sweet spot atop Drudge. And when the chips are down, they’ll screw you.
I’ve seen all their kind before, and before, and before. The faces change, but the motivations don’t. There is nothing new under the sun. Nor the scum.

I appreciate the kind mention, Tom. Carroll I think has said he became "awake" in 2020 or something. Some of us were awake in the mid-'70s. You have to wonder how these characters get the promotional push that so many of us don't. Thanks!
I’m sure that we’re watching a movie. The only question is: does it have a happy ending for regular people, or does the world’s largest guillotine fall out of the sky and put us all out of our misery once and for all? Pass the tequila…