I appreciate the kind mention, Tom. Carroll I think has said he became "awake" in 2020 or something. Some of us were awake in the mid-'70s. You have to wonder how these characters get the promotional push that so many of us don't. Thanks!
I thought he said 2022, but I might have mis-heard. I also drew my conclusion from other stuff I've read. Either way, Ian Carroll lost me when he pretended (IMHO) to not remember the name of a book that influenced him so much he wanted to promote it on JRE, yet didn't mention the author either. He's an actor, I've seen his kind before. Thank you for your comment, and I really dig your new Substack piece!
I’m sure that we’re watching a movie. The only question is: does it have a happy ending for regular people, or does the world’s largest guillotine fall out of the sky and put us all out of our misery once and for all? Pass the tequila…
I think a lot of people who got the mRNA vaxx will be dead by 2030. I pray God it's true that 1/3 of the first round of vaxx were placebos as we first heard (but the govt subsequently covered-up), and that the very preliminary indicators that negative blood type people flush the vaxx's toxins from the body. I wonder if we'll see any justice.
HA!!! Thank you! As always, I really enjoyed your latest essay, and am particularly pleased that you poked holes into that ludicrous “Epstein tableau”!! THAT was another of those moments that hit you with all the subtlety of a fart in church. It reminded me that we are most likely watching yet another worldwide theatrical production, albeit with the folks who know which bathroom to use 😆
The bit about Dave McGowan bringing "a bucket-wheel excavator to rabbit holes" made me laugh out loud. It's such an apt turn of phrase. McGowan was a national treasure gone way too soon.
I came across Iain Carrol on X and followed him - I don’t follow many people. It helps that he’s handsome and funny….and so….Anyways, I began to watch his Joe Rogan episode and just couldn’t get past the first few minutes. I’m not a huge Rogan fan - he talks too much(!) and doesn’t seem to know anything that I’ve known about for some time, but anyways, sometimes I watch him (I have the same problems with Tucker Carlson). But the Iain Carroll episode was toe-curling - Carrol behave like a little boy who couldn’t contain his excitement about meeting his hero. I suppose I just have to remember not to trust anyone, especially those who are telling me stuff I already knew.
It seems to me that the problem regarding thing like the Epstein files is that even if Mr Trump’s government is acting in good faith it can’t allow the public to know the whole truth about Epstein or events such as the fake moon landings, 9/11, ‘Covid’, various assassinations and wars because such knowledge would undermine the whole world. Perhaps some wouldn’t believe the truth (especially about ‘Covid’ and the ‘vaccines’) but how would it truly affect everyone, how would they react? I don’t know, and perhaps the governments of the world don’t either- best just to allow the ‘conspiracy theories’ to knock about - believe or not - until it all becomes a bit of a joke, (like the ‘moon landings’) or a bit so-what-let’s-put-it-all-behind-us (like ‘Covid’) or just too big and evil for most people to get their heads around (like the killer jabs and 9/11).
Events are easily forgotten, they overtake us, perhaps governments are relying on the fact that after enough time has passed no one cares anymore (Lincoln assassination, anyone?) perhaps the Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations are also being lost to time - few people nowadays were adults or even alive in the 1960s, after all. But…if it was discovered that Israel was behind it…well, that’s a country in the news right now, and so tumble weed…and perhaps all the documents, everything that might enable the search for truth has been destroyed - not smart to keep the evidence, after all, same with Epstein. So no, I don’t think there will be a big reveal, and yes, those people waving those redacted files about just looked like fools, even I thought so at the time.
OMG, Ian Carroll as a "toe curling little boy who couldn’t contain his excitement about meeting his hero" >>> what a great description!
I was talking to a pal today about almost exactly some of this, especially about how Trump's got too many allies on the Epstein list (if he's not there himself, and I don't think he is but who knows?), like Alan Dershowitz for sure because he got I.D.'d already by Virginia Giuffre in her court papers (along with former NM Gov Bill Richardson, Prince Andrew & others), which Trump has gotta know but he's been using Dershowitz for nearly a decade including during the impeachment trials when no good lawyer would stand for him, and if nothing else Dershowitz is a brilliant lawyer.
So yes, there are certainly some secrets too big. But the thought of mass murderers like Fauci and Birx and Hotez and Gates simply walking free unto the end of their natural born days is such a toxic bone in the throat. Time will tell!
I agree, it’s horrible to think that they will suffer no consequence (in this world, anyway). I have a particular hatred of Gates - I have never seen a more punchable face. Anyways, time will tell, as you say, although I’m not holding my breath.
Okay, so I initially read this and was bummed to see you lump Ian Carroll into the category of controlled op. I've only been following him for a bit, but I liked his approach and presentation. He's the only "conspiracy theorist" whose videos I felt I could share with the average person and they wouldn't think him or I totally nuts. I was going reply with my defense, but couldn't bring myself to do it.
The other day I read two posts by two different Christians on here talking about how the alien deception will not only be used to discredit Christians (and all religions) but to bring people to literally worship the aliens (demons). Then yesterday I came across a clip of Ian telling Joe that he believes that when disclosure happens, it will explain all religion and is the thing that will bring people together and explain everything and I immediately thought OMG, TOM WAS RIGHT ABOUT IAN CARROLL! Another one I heard about but didn't watch and don't need to, but is relevant, is Steven Greer going on one the the Kartrashian's podcasts. He apparently has an app that guides you on making contact with the "aliens".
I realize I'm now off-topic, but have you seen Wes Anderson's Asteroid City? This all reminded me of Maya Hawk's character storyline in that movie.
First: I absolutely LOVED Maya Hawke in ASTEROID CITY! I think a lot of people whiffed on what Anderson was trying to do with that film; he was too smart for them and maybe too smart for his own good. THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL is his sweetest sweet spot, incidentally.
As for Ian Carroll being controlled oppo, I'd like to reiterate how I don't think all the controlled opposition KNOW they are controlled opposition. Mr. Carroll strikes me as one of those eager beavers who can't believe how lucky he got and is being manipulated; not sure he's aware of his "role." That said, giving short shrift to Dave McGowan suggests he knows exactly what he's doing.
"Aliens are inter-dimensional beings" is one of the unknowable conspiracies I feel the most comfortable believing. But I could be wrong. ;-)
Guy has been in office five weeks and you've already decided he and his people are losers and contemptible. It is as if you wish for the country to fall into complete and total chaos bordering on armed revolution.
No. I am totally rooting for him, many members of his team & America! I have never ever said President Orange is a loser, even when being nastily negative or comically critical; my efforts are made to keep everybody honest and humble, myself included.
Yet I do think there are lots of snakes in the grass. There were last time. I am on constant guard against turncoat appointments & elevations, and Bondi's not looked as bright or honest as I hoped, and the "Rickroll" thing was staggeringly cruel and mocking; wouldn't you agree? Manipulated Mockingbird morons, glory hounds, fame whores and starfuckers know no political ideology and have been around from the days Ben Franklin, the Rupert Murdoch of his day (opened his first printing press pamphleteering at the age of 22; by his 40s he'd become the most successful printer in British America, owning or controlling most of the newspapers in the colonies in 1753). Since JFK, it's fair to presume anyone of any prominence on the public stage is touched by the ink-and-blood stained fingers of CIA and other occult entities; Walter Cronkite was the voice of the owl at Bohemian Grove, was he not?
As I mentioned on that recent podcast interview with the great Don Jeffries, I am not black pilled & others should not be either. But I also added we need to hold this new administration's feet to the fire, like how MAHA swarmed against crazy billionaire technocratic A.I. vaccine maniac Larry Ellison and he quickly disappeared with his quack vaxx attack.
Thank you very much for your critical comment. I am grateful to have the opportunity to clarify my position on the President and his people. "Trust but verify" would be my advice when it comes to Washington, D.C.! If you support President Orange & his team, I'd make that worldview everyone on the right's mantra, quoting the beloved actor President Ronald Reagan, slipstreaming off an old Russian proverb.
I heard another podcaster say that this fake release was clearly a diversion from the Tate brothers coming back from Romania. This return was made possible w/the help of the trump administration & many on the right find Andrew tate despicable. Why did bondi pick that exact day? It was rushed & unnecessary, but it conveniently kept the tate return out of the conservative media.
Man, do people really think the Tate Bros have that much power?!? I don't.
I do think it might be a bait'n'switch distraction from something else that happened that day, you might be half-right. I just have no idea what it might be, because it obviously worked! Thank you for your comment!
It does make you wonder why they would even waste the time to foist that nothing burger. The only reason I can think of is to let everyone know that there is nothing left to release, since it has already been destroyed, and to rub our noses in it?
It's called "an investment device" and they're taking it from the back burner to stir it and add seasoning -- you can smell it and begin to dream about how good it will taste when it's done -- then it goes to the back burner again. It's still there, but now you want it more.
What it says to me is they plan to tell the whole truth, but it's being timed for maximum impact. Once it comes out, all Hell will break loose. Israel will be exposed, the truth about 9/11 will be revealed, and a big part of Trump's Base will have their beliefs fractured. The Evangelicals could turn against him.
It's probably going to come out around the time of the market crash. A big game of "chicken" is being played with the globalist elites.
Since a lot of everything is scripted, I can see a "shock & awe" all-at-once dump of "flood the zone" revelations timed to the stock market collapse. Maybe Trump is holding back the revelations in order to hold off the market collapse; that is indeed one helluva game of chicken!
That is actually a very possible scenario. Thank you for your comment!
Brutally accurate insights, as usual, kudos! I remember the days 20 something years ago when we'd be waiting in anticipation for the next Laurel Canyon drop on McGowan's centerforaninformedamerica.com .. I loved his series on the Apollo missions, as well as the Lincoln assassination. Ian Carroll doesn't come close.
Miles Mathis has pretty much stepped into the gap left by Dave McGowan, which he was positioning himself for even prior to the author's sudden turbocancer and death. Ian Carroll can't even hold a candle to Mathis, much less Dave McGowan.
Not only was he a brave investigative journalist, he was a phenomenal writer: Clever, smart, incisive, could tie a killer knot around the point he was trying to make like a linguistic assassin. The best investigative journalist of the 21st Century. Thank you for your comment!
Guys like Ian seem like they have a handler passing them talking points. I suspect they have built up a virtual focus group using LLM trained on everyone's social media posts, and use that to refine the messaging. Freebase hopium.
On the topic of Dave McGowan, I have a series called "The hard problems behind why the moon landing had to be faked.". Trying to pickup where he left off on "Wagging the moon doggie."
I appreciate the kind mention, Tom. Carroll I think has said he became "awake" in 2020 or something. Some of us were awake in the mid-'70s. You have to wonder how these characters get the promotional push that so many of us don't. Thanks!
I thought he said 2022, but I might have mis-heard. I also drew my conclusion from other stuff I've read. Either way, Ian Carroll lost me when he pretended (IMHO) to not remember the name of a book that influenced him so much he wanted to promote it on JRE, yet didn't mention the author either. He's an actor, I've seen his kind before. Thank you for your comment, and I really dig your new Substack piece!
I’m sure that we’re watching a movie. The only question is: does it have a happy ending for regular people, or does the world’s largest guillotine fall out of the sky and put us all out of our misery once and for all? Pass the tequila…
I think a lot of people who got the mRNA vaxx will be dead by 2030. I pray God it's true that 1/3 of the first round of vaxx were placebos as we first heard (but the govt subsequently covered-up), and that the very preliminary indicators that negative blood type people flush the vaxx's toxins from the body. I wonder if we'll see any justice.
HA!!! Thank you! As always, I really enjoyed your latest essay, and am particularly pleased that you poked holes into that ludicrous “Epstein tableau”!! THAT was another of those moments that hit you with all the subtlety of a fart in church. It reminded me that we are most likely watching yet another worldwide theatrical production, albeit with the folks who know which bathroom to use 😆
Thank you so much!
The bit about Dave McGowan bringing "a bucket-wheel excavator to rabbit holes" made me laugh out loud. It's such an apt turn of phrase. McGowan was a national treasure gone way too soon.
Yes and thank you!
I came across Iain Carrol on X and followed him - I don’t follow many people. It helps that he’s handsome and funny….and so….Anyways, I began to watch his Joe Rogan episode and just couldn’t get past the first few minutes. I’m not a huge Rogan fan - he talks too much(!) and doesn’t seem to know anything that I’ve known about for some time, but anyways, sometimes I watch him (I have the same problems with Tucker Carlson). But the Iain Carroll episode was toe-curling - Carrol behave like a little boy who couldn’t contain his excitement about meeting his hero. I suppose I just have to remember not to trust anyone, especially those who are telling me stuff I already knew.
It seems to me that the problem regarding thing like the Epstein files is that even if Mr Trump’s government is acting in good faith it can’t allow the public to know the whole truth about Epstein or events such as the fake moon landings, 9/11, ‘Covid’, various assassinations and wars because such knowledge would undermine the whole world. Perhaps some wouldn’t believe the truth (especially about ‘Covid’ and the ‘vaccines’) but how would it truly affect everyone, how would they react? I don’t know, and perhaps the governments of the world don’t either- best just to allow the ‘conspiracy theories’ to knock about - believe or not - until it all becomes a bit of a joke, (like the ‘moon landings’) or a bit so-what-let’s-put-it-all-behind-us (like ‘Covid’) or just too big and evil for most people to get their heads around (like the killer jabs and 9/11).
Events are easily forgotten, they overtake us, perhaps governments are relying on the fact that after enough time has passed no one cares anymore (Lincoln assassination, anyone?) perhaps the Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations are also being lost to time - few people nowadays were adults or even alive in the 1960s, after all. But…if it was discovered that Israel was behind it…well, that’s a country in the news right now, and so tumble weed…and perhaps all the documents, everything that might enable the search for truth has been destroyed - not smart to keep the evidence, after all, same with Epstein. So no, I don’t think there will be a big reveal, and yes, those people waving those redacted files about just looked like fools, even I thought so at the time.
OMG, Ian Carroll as a "toe curling little boy who couldn’t contain his excitement about meeting his hero" >>> what a great description!
I was talking to a pal today about almost exactly some of this, especially about how Trump's got too many allies on the Epstein list (if he's not there himself, and I don't think he is but who knows?), like Alan Dershowitz for sure because he got I.D.'d already by Virginia Giuffre in her court papers (along with former NM Gov Bill Richardson, Prince Andrew & others), which Trump has gotta know but he's been using Dershowitz for nearly a decade including during the impeachment trials when no good lawyer would stand for him, and if nothing else Dershowitz is a brilliant lawyer.
So yes, there are certainly some secrets too big. But the thought of mass murderers like Fauci and Birx and Hotez and Gates simply walking free unto the end of their natural born days is such a toxic bone in the throat. Time will tell!
I agree, it’s horrible to think that they will suffer no consequence (in this world, anyway). I have a particular hatred of Gates - I have never seen a more punchable face. Anyways, time will tell, as you say, although I’m not holding my breath.
I have nothing noteworthy to add here. I just want to say “well done.”
Okay, so I initially read this and was bummed to see you lump Ian Carroll into the category of controlled op. I've only been following him for a bit, but I liked his approach and presentation. He's the only "conspiracy theorist" whose videos I felt I could share with the average person and they wouldn't think him or I totally nuts. I was going reply with my defense, but couldn't bring myself to do it.
The other day I read two posts by two different Christians on here talking about how the alien deception will not only be used to discredit Christians (and all religions) but to bring people to literally worship the aliens (demons). Then yesterday I came across a clip of Ian telling Joe that he believes that when disclosure happens, it will explain all religion and is the thing that will bring people together and explain everything and I immediately thought OMG, TOM WAS RIGHT ABOUT IAN CARROLL! Another one I heard about but didn't watch and don't need to, but is relevant, is Steven Greer going on one the the Kartrashian's podcasts. He apparently has an app that guides you on making contact with the "aliens".
I realize I'm now off-topic, but have you seen Wes Anderson's Asteroid City? This all reminded me of Maya Hawk's character storyline in that movie.
First: I absolutely LOVED Maya Hawke in ASTEROID CITY! I think a lot of people whiffed on what Anderson was trying to do with that film; he was too smart for them and maybe too smart for his own good. THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL is his sweetest sweet spot, incidentally.
As for Ian Carroll being controlled oppo, I'd like to reiterate how I don't think all the controlled opposition KNOW they are controlled opposition. Mr. Carroll strikes me as one of those eager beavers who can't believe how lucky he got and is being manipulated; not sure he's aware of his "role." That said, giving short shrift to Dave McGowan suggests he knows exactly what he's doing.
"Aliens are inter-dimensional beings" is one of the unknowable conspiracies I feel the most comfortable believing. But I could be wrong. ;-)
Thank you for your comment!
Guy has been in office five weeks and you've already decided he and his people are losers and contemptible. It is as if you wish for the country to fall into complete and total chaos bordering on armed revolution.
No. I am totally rooting for him, many members of his team & America! I have never ever said President Orange is a loser, even when being nastily negative or comically critical; my efforts are made to keep everybody honest and humble, myself included.
Yet I do think there are lots of snakes in the grass. There were last time. I am on constant guard against turncoat appointments & elevations, and Bondi's not looked as bright or honest as I hoped, and the "Rickroll" thing was staggeringly cruel and mocking; wouldn't you agree? Manipulated Mockingbird morons, glory hounds, fame whores and starfuckers know no political ideology and have been around from the days Ben Franklin, the Rupert Murdoch of his day (opened his first printing press pamphleteering at the age of 22; by his 40s he'd become the most successful printer in British America, owning or controlling most of the newspapers in the colonies in 1753). Since JFK, it's fair to presume anyone of any prominence on the public stage is touched by the ink-and-blood stained fingers of CIA and other occult entities; Walter Cronkite was the voice of the owl at Bohemian Grove, was he not?
As I mentioned on that recent podcast interview with the great Don Jeffries, I am not black pilled & others should not be either. But I also added we need to hold this new administration's feet to the fire, like how MAHA swarmed against crazy billionaire technocratic A.I. vaccine maniac Larry Ellison and he quickly disappeared with his quack vaxx attack.
Thank you very much for your critical comment. I am grateful to have the opportunity to clarify my position on the President and his people. "Trust but verify" would be my advice when it comes to Washington, D.C.! If you support President Orange & his team, I'd make that worldview everyone on the right's mantra, quoting the beloved actor President Ronald Reagan, slipstreaming off an old Russian proverb.
Everyone is hating on The Don
That dude looks like the crazy-eyed thinner son of Richard Masur!
Thank you!
I heard another podcaster say that this fake release was clearly a diversion from the Tate brothers coming back from Romania. This return was made possible w/the help of the trump administration & many on the right find Andrew tate despicable. Why did bondi pick that exact day? It was rushed & unnecessary, but it conveniently kept the tate return out of the conservative media.
Man, do people really think the Tate Bros have that much power?!? I don't.
I do think it might be a bait'n'switch distraction from something else that happened that day, you might be half-right. I just have no idea what it might be, because it obviously worked! Thank you for your comment!
It does make you wonder why they would even waste the time to foist that nothing burger. The only reason I can think of is to let everyone know that there is nothing left to release, since it has already been destroyed, and to rub our noses in it?
It's called "an investment device" and they're taking it from the back burner to stir it and add seasoning -- you can smell it and begin to dream about how good it will taste when it's done -- then it goes to the back burner again. It's still there, but now you want it more.
What it says to me is they plan to tell the whole truth, but it's being timed for maximum impact. Once it comes out, all Hell will break loose. Israel will be exposed, the truth about 9/11 will be revealed, and a big part of Trump's Base will have their beliefs fractured. The Evangelicals could turn against him.
It's probably going to come out around the time of the market crash. A big game of "chicken" is being played with the globalist elites.
Since a lot of everything is scripted, I can see a "shock & awe" all-at-once dump of "flood the zone" revelations timed to the stock market collapse. Maybe Trump is holding back the revelations in order to hold off the market collapse; that is indeed one helluva game of chicken!
That is actually a very possible scenario. Thank you for your comment!
Brutally accurate insights, as usual, kudos! I remember the days 20 something years ago when we'd be waiting in anticipation for the next Laurel Canyon drop on McGowan's centerforaninformedamerica.com .. I loved his series on the Apollo missions, as well as the Lincoln assassination. Ian Carroll doesn't come close.
Miles Mathis has pretty much stepped into the gap left by Dave McGowan, which he was positioning himself for even prior to the author's sudden turbocancer and death. Ian Carroll can't even hold a candle to Mathis, much less Dave McGowan.
Not only was he a brave investigative journalist, he was a phenomenal writer: Clever, smart, incisive, could tie a killer knot around the point he was trying to make like a linguistic assassin. The best investigative journalist of the 21st Century. Thank you for your comment!
Guys like Ian seem like they have a handler passing them talking points. I suspect they have built up a virtual focus group using LLM trained on everyone's social media posts, and use that to refine the messaging. Freebase hopium.
On the topic of Dave McGowan, I have a series called "The hard problems behind why the moon landing had to be faked.". Trying to pickup where he left off on "Wagging the moon doggie."
You are confident enough to namedrop your Doggie sequel yet are too humble to share a link? I give you permission! ;-)
The hard problems behind why the moon landing had to be faked - Part 1: Film cameras in space:
The hard problems behind why the moon landing had to be faked - Part 2: Heat shields
The hard problems behind why the moon landing had to be faked - Part 3: Big boosters
Good stuff! Thank you!