Well done as always. My first random thoughts: wow, that info about Shirley Temple makes me want to double/triple my mama bear vigilance for my kids. I mean, I seriously never want to let my kids out of my sight. (Unrealistic, I know)
And the (red) King of Hearts, when I used to play poker, was known as the suicide king because it is always (oddly) portrayed sticking a sword in his own head. Something that always struck me as odd as a kid. But as some wise person said (maybe it was you?) “signs and symbols rule the world “
Yes, "suicide kings" are def a poker thing, but I recall there being two? One with a sword, one with an ax? Maybe this is a Mandela moment?
If you keep your kids out of Hollywood (or politics!), odds are they will be safe, Mama Bear! Though I had at least three pervs try to get their hands on me, in 4th, 8th and 11th grades. Never told my parents, in hindsight I can't get back in that mindset to understand why.
Two thoughts again! The first…. Ugh! “The human heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all else— who can understand it” and number two also the more I protect my kids, the more I keep my husband out of prison for cold-hearted (and I do mean stone cold) murder
I couldn’t stand to look at it when I first saw it and I had a sense it was not just an odd portrait and I was actually repulsed by it and you explained what my subconscious was picking up.
In the interview Shirley Temple Black did with Larry King she talks about the meeting with the executive and laughs about it which is absurd. She mentions telling her mother about it right after the meeting and her mother says it happened to her too in her meeting. And get this she says we laughed about it. WTH.
It’s worth watching the clip of the movies you linked because it really is the tip of the iceberg. Same with watching any really early Disney cartoons.
I've seen that interview with Larry King, though I did not watch again before writing this. I'd forgotten the bit about her mom. Those short films and other early Shirley Temple films very much have me thinking poor Ms. Temple was abused from a very young age. Hope I'm wrong, but we'll never know. Thank you for your comment!
That's an excellent observation. I had a paragraph about how easy it would've been to mix real blood into the red/pink/fuchsia paint. But that's total speculation and I'm not in a place where I want to make such an accusation of Jonathan Yao, who I believe is genuinely talented. That said, I wouldn't put it past him, either, now that you've brought it up.
So much is now quite out in the open from these satan worshippers. That portrait is quite disturbing.
First time I’ve heard the Shirley Temple story. She was a smart girl to have laughed. I remember my mom telling me that if any man were to ever flash you, to point and laugh, which was good advice. We do need to teach our kids about unacceptable behavior from adults and to tell them to let us know, regardless of any threats the person may make if they tell. You may not want to “destroy their innocence”, but by not being upfront with them, we put them at risk. As a kid, we had an elementary school PE teacher / Boy Scout leader / ski club coordinator that was beloved by the kids, but came to find out as an adult that he was a pedophile (boys and girls). When it came to light, parents and the school swept it under the rug and did nothing. Infuriating that we were not protected. Thank god I must have been undesirable, because I was spared from this behavior.
Thank you for your comment. Perhaps the pervs found you undesirable, but more likely you had a strong family unit. The predators target kids who don't have good parents, usually. Kids with attentive and loving parents they trust are far more likely to tell their mom or dad about a creepy weirdo. Thank you again for your comment!
As is his ("his"?) custom, some good insights mixed in with garbage, and captivatingly written. MM's compelling prose is his secret weapon; the guy is a talented writer with a distinctive and personable style. I enjoyed reading this.
That said, he's doing okay with the article until it turns into a long bitter diatribe about how he's a much better painter than Jonathan Yao and it's so unfair how nobody recognizes his genius (or maybe that they DO recognize it and he's kept smothered by The Man). One of his favorite reoccurring themes.
In contrast, I'd offer this: Yao has a characteristic portraiture style that MM does not have, even if he is the more talented painter (and I'm not saying that he is, but he might be). MM's paintings are exceptional in their realistic detail but arguably generic as well; Yao's got a "look" that can only be attributed to him.
Miles Mathis is one of the most interesting "conspiracy theorists" around; I love reading his stuff, but I don't trust him at all. I don't even think he's a real person, or just one person. But I could be wrong! Thank you for your comment and the link.
Always the question of who is “real” these days. If Miles is a “project” it’s definitely of a higher caliber than any others I’ve seen. I have learned a lot from him.
His breakdown of the destruction of realism is excellent. He is certainly a victim of that trend, whether or not he would be at the top of it. It mirrors the destruction of culture in general.
He was right about Covid from the very beginning with no hesitation which was valuable. He misses the boat on the virus BS but nobody is perfect.
Whoa, I'd never heard that! Will investigate further. Thank you!
Never seen THE CROWN, though many have told me it's quite compelling. Plus, Elizabeth Debicki as Princess Di(e) sounds divine. Very low chance I'll ever watch, though.
Sorry, who is she meant to be? The Princess of Wales? You could have fooled me. Even by the standards of modern royal portraiture (and there have been many abominable likenesses of senior members of our royal family produced over the past century), Tatler’s new cover image – an “exclusive” portrait of the Princess of Wales by the British-Zambian artist Hannah Uzor – is egregiously, intolerably, jaw-hits-the-floor bad.
Whatever you made of Jonathan Yeo’s recently unveiled crimson portrait of King Charles III – which, as various wags observed, looked as if it had come pre-attacked with tomato soup by Just Stop Oil protesters – at least the damn thing resembled its subject.
But this? I’ve spent the past hour or so – time, incidentally, that I will never get back – scrutinising Uzor’s “likeness”, and, still, I cannot divine any flicker of resemblance between it and the woman it’s supposed to depict. At first, my editor thought it was meant to represent Meghan, Duchess of Sussex; its subject’s smirk made me think, initially, of Anne Robinson fronting The Weakest Link.
Has there been a flatter, more lifeless royal portrait in living memory? (It’s no surprise to learn that Uzor based her picture on video footage of, rather than personal sittings with, her subject. And be aware, this is not an official commission.) Beneath a Lego-like helmet of unmodulated, monotonously brown ‘hair’, this Princess of Wales has as much charisma as a naff figurine atop a wedding cake.
She holds herself with the bored bearing of an air stewardess about to begin an in-flight safety demonstration – which is additionally awkward, given that this was a job once performed by Catherine’s mother (a fact that, in years gone by, reportedly attracted the ridicule of William’s snobbish friends).
Actually the woman on that cover looks more like mistress Rose Hanbury than Schrödingerg's princess Kate Middleton to me.
I've been considering writing about that TATLER cover, but it's just more mockery of the masses. Revelation of the Method. In your face disgrace. Show me without telling me, etc.
Yes, perhaps she does look more like her. Interesting.
I'm waiting for the day when either she emerges or they announce she won't be and - if the latter - what the story will be. Call me naive or just plain stupid considering what I already know about so many other things but I have trouble really believing they've concealed her death and will announce it later.
She's gonna die of cancer. The Narrative is set. Enough morons & muggles will buy the shit shoveled for it to stick, probably. Probably.
It does strike me as odd that someone as cynical as you about the Narrative that victsims are central to your worldview believes Kate Middleton's not dead. But I don't think "naive" or "just plain stupid" are correct. Royalist, perhaps? Thank you for your comment!
Royalist? God no. Die of cancer is convenient … but I dont think even the normiest of normies - to use your term - will buy it unless we see her properly beforehand in a dying state. I guess no point speculating. Time will tell.
The normalization ..gentrification of the bizarre is an ancient reality now seen openly with Harari Schwab Rothschild gates zuckerfarce zelensky nxivm..the 2clinton crime bosses marina abramovitch Soros nadler Schumer boteach,and the trump Biden clowns as well.Saturnalia..lillith..adam cadmon...baphometism like El-On Musk.."muskrat. the satanic deep state grifter actor".....this fine author s commentary should serve as a true gift..the primary Jewish and isreali American cyborg plutocrats that weasaled extorted ...blackmailed.. and ultimately married into ..race mixed..with primarily...the Non Christian royalty of the past have .."parties"saturnalia. child blood murder sacrifices .hermaphroditic identification from the 2talmuds..the more the world sees the more it is clear..the old mystery religions..morlock.s. etc..etc..once unified ,became dis unified ..now being unified again..Chislam. from beta male antichrist Jared kushner...and bergoglio... is an iteration of some tenets of the old mystery religions that..primarily . but not only..Jews ..on top adhere to..in an obvious occult preternatural theofacistic way..ISIS..remphan..Baal...osiris. asherah
cult cultism...moloch.. never left..now more openly revealed by El--ites(mostly but not only ..chosenites*So above... so below .".Cern"...scientology is a rewrite of habiru...ancient mystery religions o pre abrahamic but using *pseudo-scuebce"a false monochromatic misuse of supposed rationality..abuse sculpting . of "data"..but it never was an Occam s razor or straight linear logic system..it is judeao bolshevistic cultist totalitarian top down command and control .just what Charles. Klaus. Yuval..Satanyahoo .boteach..chabad. want..the El -ites. as they call themselves .(the chosenites)Uber alles**over everyone else(theGoyim...shikses Schwartzahs. Kooshim..kushi s..their words)... Kabala. toledoth yeshu .Mishnah gemarra. Schulcan aruch..the Tanya""the root and branch of Elutish Jewish occult bolshevism..."fact check more....
Christopher Knowles of THE SECRET SUN blog first mentioned the concept of Magicians vs. Mystics and I think it is a subject hugely deserving of more investigation.
Anybody familiar with the Third Reich's occult powers should be able to see exactly what's going on with the Narrative that's consumed the West.
That means a lot, thanks Tom. I’m a bit of a meanderer, but I’m learning. Reading you is always a treat. It’s great to hear you break it down the way you do. Looking forward to the next one 🔥
THIS! I’ve never laughed so hard ( flex and flaunt) while simultaneously experiencing the unsettling feeling of deep disgust. The Eye— a reference to Tolkien’s endless good/evil struggle symbolized by the red eye of Mordor? So much brilliant art critique here- not since Tom Wolfe have I seen this humor and erudition.
As far as Kate Middleton— are you serious or in jest? DISTURBING!
The "All-Seeing Eye" is one of those ambiguous symbols that I've not come to a conclusion about. Certainly Tolkien used it as a metaphor for evil in Mordor, but the "third eye" is also used to signify spiritual insights. Even when it is used as the unfinished capstone of the pyramid in occultism (and the back of the U.S. dollar), you could take it as either the culmination of human enlightenment, or the Mordor types locking it all down. Tough call.
I am totally serious in my belief that Kate Middleton is quite dead. The perhaps bigger, and even more disturbing question: Nobody's seen the kids since Christmas Day either; are they okay?
I had relaxed somewhat about Kate after the bench video but you reawaken a certain Diana flashback. How can these limp rulers imagine they can survive e another Diana?
In any case, your writing is the most erudite, humorous and disturbing (!) out there- thank you!
They will not only survive, they will continue to thrive. The media has so totally conditioned the populace to think as one, that whatever story is announced, no matter how absurd, will be accepted by most without question. Further, anyone who does question it will be levered with immense social pressure.
Well done as always. My first random thoughts: wow, that info about Shirley Temple makes me want to double/triple my mama bear vigilance for my kids. I mean, I seriously never want to let my kids out of my sight. (Unrealistic, I know)
And the (red) King of Hearts, when I used to play poker, was known as the suicide king because it is always (oddly) portrayed sticking a sword in his own head. Something that always struck me as odd as a kid. But as some wise person said (maybe it was you?) “signs and symbols rule the world “
Yes, "suicide kings" are def a poker thing, but I recall there being two? One with a sword, one with an ax? Maybe this is a Mandela moment?
If you keep your kids out of Hollywood (or politics!), odds are they will be safe, Mama Bear! Though I had at least three pervs try to get their hands on me, in 4th, 8th and 11th grades. Never told my parents, in hindsight I can't get back in that mindset to understand why.
Thank you for your comment!
Two thoughts again! The first…. Ugh! “The human heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all else— who can understand it” and number two also the more I protect my kids, the more I keep my husband out of prison for cold-hearted (and I do mean stone cold) murder
Interesting points about the KC portrait.
I couldn’t stand to look at it when I first saw it and I had a sense it was not just an odd portrait and I was actually repulsed by it and you explained what my subconscious was picking up.
In the interview Shirley Temple Black did with Larry King she talks about the meeting with the executive and laughs about it which is absurd. She mentions telling her mother about it right after the meeting and her mother says it happened to her too in her meeting. And get this she says we laughed about it. WTH.
It’s worth watching the clip of the movies you linked because it really is the tip of the iceberg. Same with watching any really early Disney cartoons.
I've seen that interview with Larry King, though I did not watch again before writing this. I'd forgotten the bit about her mom. Those short films and other early Shirley Temple films very much have me thinking poor Ms. Temple was abused from a very young age. Hope I'm wrong, but we'll never know. Thank you for your comment!
Kate Middleton has been missing for a long time maybe check the painting for her DNA
That's an excellent observation. I had a paragraph about how easy it would've been to mix real blood into the red/pink/fuchsia paint. But that's total speculation and I'm not in a place where I want to make such an accusation of Jonathan Yao, who I believe is genuinely talented. That said, I wouldn't put it past him, either, now that you've brought it up.
Thank you for your comment!
So much is now quite out in the open from these satan worshippers. That portrait is quite disturbing.
First time I’ve heard the Shirley Temple story. She was a smart girl to have laughed. I remember my mom telling me that if any man were to ever flash you, to point and laugh, which was good advice. We do need to teach our kids about unacceptable behavior from adults and to tell them to let us know, regardless of any threats the person may make if they tell. You may not want to “destroy their innocence”, but by not being upfront with them, we put them at risk. As a kid, we had an elementary school PE teacher / Boy Scout leader / ski club coordinator that was beloved by the kids, but came to find out as an adult that he was a pedophile (boys and girls). When it came to light, parents and the school swept it under the rug and did nothing. Infuriating that we were not protected. Thank god I must have been undesirable, because I was spared from this behavior.
Thank you for your comment. Perhaps the pervs found you undesirable, but more likely you had a strong family unit. The predators target kids who don't have good parents, usually. Kids with attentive and loving parents they trust are far more likely to tell their mom or dad about a creepy weirdo. Thank you again for your comment!
Comforting thought!!!
Oh! And the Rose Hanbury bit at the end! Whoa. Poor Kate.
Hell seems to missing quite a few demons.
Paging William Shakespeare! Thank you for your comment!
Spectacular, as ever, Tom! Ayyy it's all just incredible....!
Thank you so much, Milkshake!
Miles Mathis recently published an article about the portrait:
Ah, "Miles Mathis." Thank you for sharing this.
As is his ("his"?) custom, some good insights mixed in with garbage, and captivatingly written. MM's compelling prose is his secret weapon; the guy is a talented writer with a distinctive and personable style. I enjoyed reading this.
That said, he's doing okay with the article until it turns into a long bitter diatribe about how he's a much better painter than Jonathan Yao and it's so unfair how nobody recognizes his genius (or maybe that they DO recognize it and he's kept smothered by The Man). One of his favorite reoccurring themes.
In contrast, I'd offer this: Yao has a characteristic portraiture style that MM does not have, even if he is the more talented painter (and I'm not saying that he is, but he might be). MM's paintings are exceptional in their realistic detail but arguably generic as well; Yao's got a "look" that can only be attributed to him.
Miles Mathis is one of the most interesting "conspiracy theorists" around; I love reading his stuff, but I don't trust him at all. I don't even think he's a real person, or just one person. But I could be wrong! Thank you for your comment and the link.
As usual, the comments around here are not to be missed!
Apparently a new Kate portrait has also been revealed?
Kate...or does it look more like Rose Hanbury?
Oh for heaven’s sakes! How deep does the rabbit hole goooooooo?????
Always the question of who is “real” these days. If Miles is a “project” it’s definitely of a higher caliber than any others I’ve seen. I have learned a lot from him.
His breakdown of the destruction of realism is excellent. He is certainly a victim of that trend, whether or not he would be at the top of it. It mirrors the destruction of culture in general.
He was right about Covid from the very beginning with no hesitation which was valuable. He misses the boat on the virus BS but nobody is perfect.
Always enjoy your work!
If you believe the Netflix series, Churchill burned his portrait. Chuck must like his.
Whoa, I'd never heard that! Will investigate further. Thank you!
Never seen THE CROWN, though many have told me it's quite compelling. Plus, Elizabeth Debicki as Princess Di(e) sounds divine. Very low chance I'll ever watch, though.
Thank you for your comment!
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not rules nor laws.” - Confucius (551 to 479 B.C.E.)
So this nonsense has been going on for 2500 years. Wow!
I just saw this amusing review of the latest Kate portrait on the cover of Tatler.
Sorry, who is she meant to be? The Princess of Wales? You could have fooled me. Even by the standards of modern royal portraiture (and there have been many abominable likenesses of senior members of our royal family produced over the past century), Tatler’s new cover image – an “exclusive” portrait of the Princess of Wales by the British-Zambian artist Hannah Uzor – is egregiously, intolerably, jaw-hits-the-floor bad.
Whatever you made of Jonathan Yeo’s recently unveiled crimson portrait of King Charles III – which, as various wags observed, looked as if it had come pre-attacked with tomato soup by Just Stop Oil protesters – at least the damn thing resembled its subject.
But this? I’ve spent the past hour or so – time, incidentally, that I will never get back – scrutinising Uzor’s “likeness”, and, still, I cannot divine any flicker of resemblance between it and the woman it’s supposed to depict. At first, my editor thought it was meant to represent Meghan, Duchess of Sussex; its subject’s smirk made me think, initially, of Anne Robinson fronting The Weakest Link.
Has there been a flatter, more lifeless royal portrait in living memory? (It’s no surprise to learn that Uzor based her picture on video footage of, rather than personal sittings with, her subject. And be aware, this is not an official commission.) Beneath a Lego-like helmet of unmodulated, monotonously brown ‘hair’, this Princess of Wales has as much charisma as a naff figurine atop a wedding cake.
She holds herself with the bored bearing of an air stewardess about to begin an in-flight safety demonstration – which is additionally awkward, given that this was a job once performed by Catherine’s mother (a fact that, in years gone by, reportedly attracted the ridicule of William’s snobbish friends).
Actually the woman on that cover looks more like mistress Rose Hanbury than Schrödingerg's princess Kate Middleton to me.
I've been considering writing about that TATLER cover, but it's just more mockery of the masses. Revelation of the Method. In your face disgrace. Show me without telling me, etc.
Thank you for your comment!
Yes, perhaps she does look more like her. Interesting.
I'm waiting for the day when either she emerges or they announce she won't be and - if the latter - what the story will be. Call me naive or just plain stupid considering what I already know about so many other things but I have trouble really believing they've concealed her death and will announce it later.
She's gonna die of cancer. The Narrative is set. Enough morons & muggles will buy the shit shoveled for it to stick, probably. Probably.
It does strike me as odd that someone as cynical as you about the Narrative that victsims are central to your worldview believes Kate Middleton's not dead. But I don't think "naive" or "just plain stupid" are correct. Royalist, perhaps? Thank you for your comment!
Royalist? God no. Die of cancer is convenient … but I dont think even the normiest of normies - to use your term - will buy it unless we see her properly beforehand in a dying state. I guess no point speculating. Time will tell.
The normalization ..gentrification of the bizarre is an ancient reality now seen openly with Harari Schwab Rothschild gates zuckerfarce zelensky nxivm..the 2clinton crime bosses marina abramovitch Soros nadler Schumer boteach,and the trump Biden clowns as well.Saturnalia..lillith..adam cadmon...baphometism like El-On Musk.."muskrat. the satanic deep state grifter actor".....this fine author s commentary should serve as a true gift..the primary Jewish and isreali American cyborg plutocrats that weasaled extorted ...blackmailed.. and ultimately married into ..race mixed..with primarily...the Non Christian royalty of the past have .."parties"saturnalia. child blood murder sacrifices .hermaphroditic identification from the 2talmuds..the more the world sees the more it is clear..the old mystery religions..morlock.s. etc..etc..once unified ,became dis unified ..now being unified again..Chislam. from beta male antichrist Jared kushner...and bergoglio... is an iteration of some tenets of the old mystery religions that..primarily . but not only..Jews ..on top adhere to..in an obvious occult preternatural theofacistic way..ISIS..remphan..Baal...osiris. asherah
cult cultism...moloch.. never left..now more openly revealed by El--ites(mostly but not only ..chosenites*So above... so below .".Cern"...scientology is a rewrite of habiru...ancient mystery religions o pre abrahamic but using *pseudo-scuebce"a false monochromatic misuse of supposed rationality..abuse sculpting . of "data"..but it never was an Occam s razor or straight linear logic system..it is judeao bolshevistic cultist totalitarian top down command and control .just what Charles. Klaus. Yuval..Satanyahoo .boteach..chabad. want..the El -ites. as they call themselves .(the chosenites)Uber alles**over everyone else(theGoyim...shikses Schwartzahs. Kooshim..kushi s..their words)... Kabala. toledoth yeshu .Mishnah gemarra. Schulcan aruch..the Tanya""the root and branch of Elutish Jewish occult bolshevism..."fact check more....
..**Great article Tom.**
Magicians vs. Mystics, yes. Supernatural fascism, yes.
Christopher Knowles of THE SECRET SUN blog first mentioned the concept of Magicians vs. Mystics and I think it is a subject hugely deserving of more investigation.
Anybody familiar with the Third Reich's occult powers should be able to see exactly what's going on with the Narrative that's consumed the West.
Thank you for your short but valuable comment!
Thanks Tom, I cited you in this, a recent article of mine now updated …
I'm flattered! Thank you! The piece is very good, in writing style, facts & persuasiveness.
That means a lot, thanks Tom. I’m a bit of a meanderer, but I’m learning. Reading you is always a treat. It’s great to hear you break it down the way you do. Looking forward to the next one 🔥
THIS! I’ve never laughed so hard ( flex and flaunt) while simultaneously experiencing the unsettling feeling of deep disgust. The Eye— a reference to Tolkien’s endless good/evil struggle symbolized by the red eye of Mordor? So much brilliant art critique here- not since Tom Wolfe have I seen this humor and erudition.
As far as Kate Middleton— are you serious or in jest? DISTURBING!
The "All-Seeing Eye" is one of those ambiguous symbols that I've not come to a conclusion about. Certainly Tolkien used it as a metaphor for evil in Mordor, but the "third eye" is also used to signify spiritual insights. Even when it is used as the unfinished capstone of the pyramid in occultism (and the back of the U.S. dollar), you could take it as either the culmination of human enlightenment, or the Mordor types locking it all down. Tough call.
I am totally serious in my belief that Kate Middleton is quite dead. The perhaps bigger, and even more disturbing question: Nobody's seen the kids since Christmas Day either; are they okay?
Thank you for your comment!
I had relaxed somewhat about Kate after the bench video but you reawaken a certain Diana flashback. How can these limp rulers imagine they can survive e another Diana?
In any case, your writing is the most erudite, humorous and disturbing (!) out there- thank you!
They will not only survive, they will continue to thrive. The media has so totally conditioned the populace to think as one, that whatever story is announced, no matter how absurd, will be accepted by most without question. Further, anyone who does question it will be levered with immense social pressure.
Breaking news: the portrait was vandalized