“They say the sky's the limit / And to me that's really true / But my friend you ain’t seen nothin’ / Just wait 'til I get through / Because I'm bad, I'm bad, you know it…” — Michael Jackson, “Bad”
“Revelation in temptation / Desperation, separation, condemnation / Dislocation, isolation, desolation / Let it go, and fade away…” U2, also “Bad”
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It’s not like I didn’t warn you. Our choices were Evil vs. Bad. We got Bad, thank Lucifer. I guess.
Either way, don’t come crying to me about President Orange and his shameless greedy launch of the ridiculous $TRUMP crypto shitcoin nor about his batshit new “Stargate AI” chemical injection scheme-cum-MAHA betrayal, integrating artificial intelligence (which lies) and mRNA cancer “vaccine” technology (which is dangerous) and a half-trillion dollar budget (which is ridiculous) and yet another creepy cadaverous billionaire who owns an island, this one a Hawaiian Island, 98% of the entire Hawaiian Island of Lanai, literally a thousand times bigger than Epstein’s Little St. James Island, 78 acres compared to 87 thousand acres, yup, yup, Monsieur Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle, 80 years old and looking a sandblasted two decades younger, easy, but also kinda like a 60 year old corpse with a ridiculous Trump-like hair sundae, which I guess is the blessing/curse of somehow getting to buy an entire Hawaiian island for only $300 million in 2012, seemingly an even bigger steal than over-actor Jared Leto somehow getting to purchase Laurel Canyon’s notorious Lookout Mountain mansion and estate for only $5 million, but hey, both of them must know something we don’t and hang out with people we don’t and eat and drink icky things that we don’t and have big plans that we don’t know anything about.
Except that now we do. Getting mRNA technology injected into every American — or, failing that, infecting the nation’s entire blood supply with it — is, for some reason, a top priority of the ruling class. Numero uno. A-number-one. Evil Bill Gates’ wet dream, but since Bill’s now pretty much persona non-grata to a majority of Americans (but not President Orange!), it seems a lesser known billionaire with an equally unsettling smile of Duper’s Delight will pick up the point of the spear at a podium in the White House and assure us that the New Golden Age of America is here, and a fresh breed of big pharma “vaccine” technology is going to be part of it.
But didn’t that presentation at the White House for $500 billion worth of A.I.-driven mRNA “vaccine” technology seem ill-timed and illogical? It’s almost as if there’s been a pre-constructed Narrative, a script of some sort, one that was written long before the fake pandemic broke out, with the presumption that everything about the mRNA vaccine had gone hunky-dory, or at least the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate criminal clown media had managed to convince the public that it was hunky-dory, that the mRNA chemical injections went juuuuust fiiiiiine, except that’s not what’s happened at all and now almost nobody is getting their mRNA boosters, yet whoever’s running this shit show just kept pedal to the metal for the next escalating phase of mRNA jabs, woo-hoo, America is SO BACK!
It’s been whiplash the past few days for the MAHA crowd, never better displayed than in a full-circle series of Substack entries from Dr. Robert Malone, a man I’ve met and spoken with and like and respect, the inventor of mRNA technology, the guy who popularized “Mass Formation Psychosis” on the Joe Rogan show (and now complains Joe’s ghosted him), who posted first on Monday a “stunned” despairing “Fear & Loathing in the Imperial Capital” article listing all the political horrors he was witnessing in D.C. even before President Orange’s inauguration.
But then, the next day, Tuesday, after he got to attend the “fantastic” MAHA Ball Monday evening after Trump took the oath, Dr. Malone was “giddy” as a schoolgirl after a TayTay concert, cringe-ily sharing the Trump Justice League meme and Substack-ily effusing “Wow. What A Difference A Day Makes!” as celebrity and pomp and circumstance were too much to resist and we got to wade through this starfucker drivel:
“I had the privilege and honor of sitting next to Bret Weinstein…Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson and Russell Brand were there…I got to reconnect with Dr. Oz…I had an opportunity to meet RFK jr. in person. Somehow he seems larger than when I last saw him. Almost larger than life. Transformed, focused, with amazing gravitas…Bottom line about DJT and his team? Color me impressed. I am good with Superman at this point. I may turn into an unrepentant fanboy."
“What a difference a day makes” indeed, because that upbeat sentiment lasted roughly 24 hours. Wednesday, Dr. Malone pounded out yet another Substack swerve: “AI, mRNA, Cancer Vaccines and Stargate — Reality check. Curb your enthusiasm, and beware of grifters," in which he lamented:
“Here they go again. Really? Is this [mRNA vaccine] the narrative you would want to push two days into your second term as President of the USA? This is so amazingly (and dangerously) naive that I can hardly believe I am hearing it. I am dumbfounded. The simplest summary is that this is clear-cut grifting. We thought, we hoped, that President Trump had learned from the past, but this is not looking good. This all makes me throw up a bit in my throat.”
I know we’re supposed to keep our head on a swivel, Doc, but this is Exorcist-levels of spin. DON’T FALL FOR THE CELEBRITY BULLSHIT. My biggest problem with the Vaccine Risk Awareness movement, and the “America First” movement in general, is that at least half the people in it are driven primarily by the urge to be famous. And that mentality comes from the top down, in the tower you-know-who named after himself.
Let’s put this plainly: It doesn’t matter how many JFK/RFK/MLK files President Orange releases, or how many Feds he sends to the border to stop the invasion, or how many unfairly imprisoned people he pardons, or how much he endorses free speech, or how many of his enemies he choses to (rightfully) prosecute for sedition, or how many good things he does, IF the big pharma wounding and killing machine gets to roll on, printing money. What’s going on immediately looks very much looks like business as usual, even if Prez Naranja quit the World Health Organization — maybe this is only about bringing all that money home. To hell with Tedros Ghebreyesus and Geneva, we can kill our own on this side of the border wall and keep the cash right here.
Of course, it’s very early in President Orange 2.0’s presidency, and there may well be plot twists galore on the pharma front in the weeks and months to come. But if evil Bill Gates was one of the first people talking with Trump, that ain’t good, because Gates is a top emissary of the devil (IMHO!), right up there with Larry Ellison (in the opinion of a bunch of Hawaiians!), ahem, and still seems to be as diabolical and untouchable as it gets — a global citizen with worldwide diplomatic immunity thanks to his executive membership in GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), though India and Kenya have both said they will not honor his immunity if he returns to either of those countries where his shit vaccines fucked up their kids.
Anyway, none of this surprises me, but at least we’re going to get to complain about it on social media, which is more than we would’ve gotten under Veep Kneepads. Like that secret service guy who went to my D.C. church used to joke with me about the JFK assassination: “Hey I could tell you who really did it, but then I’d have to kill you.” Well, now we’ve been promised that Trump’s gonna tell us. Uh-oh.
Trust no one.
I have to comment before I finish your article. President Trump was unable to start the oath with hand on bible because of the time rule, he needed to be sworn in at a certain time. Justice Roberts had to start the swearing in to comply, as Melania and the Trump family scrambled to take their places. The time back up was due to the Vance family and their children. As soon as Melania arrived which was quick, she was moving fast, he placed his hand on the Bibles.
Adhering to the designated time was most important.
I will of course read your article as they are always excellent and thought provoking but my initial take on the AI stuff was bad but going over things I do know, my sense, (which of course could be off) is that touting this AI and medical benefits is a cover for when the cancer cures which have been known for decades are revealed as it would place the “newly discovered” cures in a more acceptable light and not “from Trump”.
The most important thing about Trump’s swearing in was the timing. The oath does not require a holy book of any type but it requires it be done by a certain time. When Melania made it up there quick his hand was on the two Bibles as they arrived.
I will of course read your piece with an open mind.