OCCULT WAR: Apocalyptic Luciferian-Molochian Conflict Gets Closer To The Surface In Real Time
Whose Side Are We On, Anyway?
“Be especially careful of paid propagandists who try to invert everything.” - Russell Brand
“My God, you sold your soul to the devil, motherfucker!” - John Heilemann
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While I’m kinda cutting to the chase before I know where the finish line is, I think it’s worth chewing over what went down on Hugh Hefner’s presumed secret son Bill Maher’s HBO talk show Friday night, because it’s an intriguing insight to my-and-then-hopefully-your evolving understanding of the Culture War that’s Civil War 2.0 that’s WWIII but above all else a Spiritual War.
In short: The vain and venal masochists who think they’re sadists from MSNBC took another big “L” in L.A., by again trying to go up against the obviously much smarter, more articulate and far less compromised movie actor-cum-societal pundit Russell Brand. It happened on Maher’s weekly late night Real Time chat program, which has become one of the rare and best mainstream media spots to witness the ambiguously interesting intellectual Luciferians tussle with the flat-out evil and moronic murderous Molochians in, uh, real time (and hold that thought!).
On the sheer surface exoteric level, the debate-that-was-more-like-a-murder between a strident but intellectually adolescent MSNBC ideological dullard and the razor-sharp @RustyRockets was a pleasure to watch, as long you’re not a brainwashed radical lefty big pharma suckling war-mongering asshole living in Cogdisslandistan. Anytime some arrogant yet dumb MSNBC talking head gets slapped down a bunch of notches is a good day for America.
It’s happened before. The first time, several years back, Brand left his mark on the oddly ugly-hot morning talking-point drone and bloodthirsty bloodline propaganda machine Mika Brzezinski, who nearly wet herself in squirming transparent pleasure at being verbally spanked again and again on national television (as recounted here by yours truly, first on Medium, then, after being censored by that abominable and failing platform, rerun recently on Substack).
But last night MSNBC rolled out a bigger gun, longtime war-mongering Mockingbird John Heilemann, the national affairs analyst at the Bill Gates-launched network who actually has some bona fides not because of who his dad was but from his years at The Economist and writing the not-bad best-seller about the 2008 presidential campaign, Game Change, which seemed savvy at the time but in retrospect is pretty clearly a kneepads intel fantasy hagiography about Barrack Hussein Obama, except for the subtextual suggested takeaway that Obama was a literal “product” of Chuck Schumer/David Geffen/Israel/Mossad.
On Real Time Heilemann tried to defend MSNBC as a legitimate news entity, not a Democratic propaganda house organ for the Military Industrial Complex and Big Pharma (same thing?), and got repeatedly humiliated by Brand, who held all the facts while Heilemann sputtered and flop-sweated his way through an even worse public spanking than Joe Scarborough-Brzezinski’s oddly ugly-hot wyfe ever did, though he seemed to enjoy it a lot less.
Heilemann even degenerated into Wokester cliché, bringing a mocking meme to life, when he demanded Russell Brand provide examples of MSNBC’s fealty to pfascist Big Pharma and Brand promptly did, sourcing up the network’s attack on Joe Rogan and Ivermectin, as well as wretched Rachel Maddow’s dishonest claims that getting the mRNA gene-altering injection meant you would never, ever get Covid, when we all know now that getting the mRNA injection actually makes it more likely you’ll get any/all of the Covid variants, which Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche warned the world would happen nearly two years ago).
[ALARMING BUT UNSURPRISING ASIDE: I just looked for some background on Dr. Vanden Bossche on Wikipedia and found his entry has been DELETED ENTIRELY. That’s amazing. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is a former pharmaceutical company executive who also served as Senior Program Officer at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is a vaccine expert, and tried to sound the alarm about how rushed and unproven COVID-19 vaccines would surely drive the emergence of virus variants — and probably more virulent and deadly variants, especially for those who got vaccinated. Time has since proven him right, so of course the technoligarchy are trying to erase evidence of that and him.]
Anyway, so after Russell Brand started listing examples of MSNBC’s perfidy in propaganda, which some might consider irresponsible to the point of negligent homicide, horrible hack Heilemann became the real life offspring of the Ackshully Guy and Soyjak memes, illogically bleating out “Non-responsive! Non-responsive!” over and over, as if the brainwashed programming inside his midwit head was unable to compute when he got answers he didn’t want or couldn’t bear to hear.
Heilemann becomes Heilememe? The Revelation of the Method writ large? A forced Apocalypse exposure of the American Ideal’s asshole apostates? Hold on, hold on, I’m almost there.
As I’ve written here before, the way I’ve perceived things in the Culture War that’s Civil War 2 that’s WW3 that’s above all things a Spiritual War, hasn’t really involved Christians like me, big picture. As all Christians know because The Bible and Bob Dylan told us, “The God of this World” is Satan. The people battling for control of the planet are all in service to him. We Christians don’t have to sit on the sidelines, but nobody’s gonna be carrying us off the field for the victory party, either. We get that later and for all eternity.
That said, and like I’ve said, in this fallen world, there are bad choices and then there are worse choices. I voted for Trump over Hillary Clinton because even though I thought Trump was bad news, I think the Clintons are straight-up Evil, with a Big “E,” literally people who rape and kill children for kicks and who drink blood because they think it will extend their lifespan but also because they’ve grown to like the taste. Just my opinion. You can think I’m nuts if you want, you won’t be the first, but I’m sure the Clintons’ pal from their time in the White House who was connected to Jeffrey Epstein, Mark Middleton, would back me up on that if he hadn’t just, according to police reports, committed suicide by hanging himself and then shooting himself in the chest with a shotgun that nobody could find until media reports got people talking about how weird that was and “Isn’t this like at least the 73rd person who’s known the Clintons and then died suddenly and suspiciously?” Then, lo and behold, speaking of sudden and suspicious, a shotgun was found 30 feet away from the death scene that somehow got overlooked by cops the first time. So now it’s all good! Let’s move on.
The Clintons aside, or perhaps inside, that’s how I’ve seen the Spiritual War on planet Earth: A battle between the Luciferians and the Satanists. But after watching a couple videos from the “White Lotus of Light” podcast and talking with its astrologer host Ian Ferguson — and I’m not saying I endorse everything he’s saying, but I do like this viewpoint — I’ve evolved my position slightly: What we’re seeing is the Luciferians vs. the Molochians, which makes more sense because both sides are Satanists and Satan is “The God of This World.”
This is my superficial analysis, because, like I said, I’m jumping to the chase before I see the finish line. But like I’ve written previously, the simplest way to explain the difference between the Luciferians and the Molochians (who I previously identified as Satanists) is that Luciferians’ motto for humanity is “Do What Thou Wilt,” while the Molochians’ motto is “Do What I Say.”
Both sides report into Satan, the God of this World, both of them want to usurp the One True God of the Universe, but the Luciferians are smoother, the velvet glove as compared to the Molochians’ iron fist, and their appeal is rooted in a seductive freedom and self-expression that encourages the ego, as opposed to the authoritarian grip that arouses or steamrolls the weak-minded, weak-willed, wimpy and/or soul-dead.
The Luciferians are more alluring to intellectuals, real ones, not the ones passed off as such to us today by the Law of Inversion corporate media. I certainly find their philosophies intelligent and beguiling. I’ve read The Luciferian Doctrine and there is no doubt value to be found there for personal improvement. Luciferians believe in polarity, paradox, balance and personal responsibility. They do evil things, but they do good things too. They preach that YOU can become God, that you have the God-head inside you, and that anybody can do it.
The Molochians are more hierarchical and ruthless; as far as they’re concerned, there are the designated elite and then there’s everybody else. The cattle. The useless eaters. “The Dead,” which is the dark occultist term for the spiritually vacant. You can kind of get a mostly sunny-side-up spin of their gist from The Satanic Bible, which I’ve also read and don’t think is nearly as good as The Luciferian Doctrine, but I won’t deny there is value to it as well.
Another big difference is that Luciferians are creative and have a sense of humor, even if it often comes at humanity’s expense. Molochians are humorless parasites, right down to their never-ending need for child sacrifice to keep their spiritual scam afloat and inability to laugh at much of anything and certainly not themselves — which, you might have noticed, is a key hallmark of the Wokester anti-religion, a secular movement that has created nothing of value while working relentlessly to deconstruct and destroy. “Rust Never Sleeps.”
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the Molochians want you dead or enslaved while the Luciferians don’t really care one way or the other. The bread crumbs are being left for you — by the best comedians, by the increasingly rare Hollywood writers and directors and songwriters with integrity, by a few fringe citizen journalists, by a couple brave spiritual philosophers, by the near unicorn-rare politicians who say what they can — enough so, that if you can’t or won’t or don’t figure it out…well, that’s on you. You blew it. Better luck next go round.
To paint with a broad brush, that makes Russell Brand and Bill Maher and Joe Rogan Luciferians, and it makes sinister pseudo-sanctimonious sputtering stuffed shirt John Heilememe, unfunny Stephen Colbert and blackfaced hypocrite Jimmy Kimmel Molochians. It makes rocket man Elon Musk Luciferian and depopulation dude Bill Gates Molochian. It makes trickster Trump Luciferian and Pedo Joe Molochian.
Again, please let me reiterate: I’m working my way through this, I surely don’t have it all nailed down. But I do want people thinking about what exactly is going on beneath the material world surface narrative, because clearly the material world surface narrative is full of shit. It should be increasingly clear to anybody not wanting to live in a lie that we’re rumbling either towards or through an Age of Apocalypse and Revelation, and the war within the war within the war within the war that we’re seeing, the one that’s percolating from under the veil to a full-blown boil that nobody will be able to avoid, is roaring towards us like a freight train.
Let me impress something upon you: Don’t think the lockdown lockstep goose-step modern Nazis won’t nuke half the world to protect the truly unimaginable crimes of globalists tied to the Xiden fakeministration and The Urkraine and the Wuhan lab leak and Jeffrey Epstein and the Epstein stuff that’s on Hunter’s computer and FTXSBFCIAWTF fraud and all the bodies, all those pre-teen bodies, buried around Arkansas and Zorro Ranch and that small ghost town in Nebraska that nobody ever talks about, not even me.
Because, believe me, the people who’d do something like that have all their ducks and fucks in a row, and are well-prepared for prosperous dominant lives after they do it. The response to the train wreck in Ohio should clue you in to what kind of attention you’ll get if/when the Truth finally dawns on a tipping point of Americans, and the pushback from the occupying regime means they pull the long-plotted ripcord and shit finally hits the fan.
Then again, the shit kinda hit the fan on Real Time, and that didn’t turn out so bad. It’s difficult to imagine looking more ignorant, obstinate or dishonest than satanically shaved-head John Heilemann, who, if there was any justice in journalism, would be forced to slink away into the shadows, where he belongs, never to be heard from again. But defending the occupying regime’s most loyally illogical and blatantly deceiving propaganda platforms — for living up to his vow in Law of Inversion Land — he will likely get promoted.
Very few would watch him of course, there’s only so many Ackshually Guys and Soyjaks, and it’s not like Heilememe is any kind of chick magnet. But it won’t matter. It’s not about ratings, it’s not about making money. It’s only about destroying America, because for all our faults, and theirs, we were built on the Luciferian ideals of “Do What Thou Wilt”: From saying what you want via the First Amendment to being able to defend yourself via the Second Amendment, to refusing to get injected with a shady chemical concoction thanks to the 14th Amendment, and on down the line. And “Do What Thou Wilt” is very dangerous for people who rule by “Do What I Say.”
Creepy weirdos like John Heilememe are “Do What I Say” types. They want to invert the American Ideal and destroy America. But the “Do What I Say” team has long been staffed by a Legion of liars, and that’s why it was so easy for Russell Brand to destroy the self-parody Heilememe with Truth in real time Friday night.
Or, in other words: Go Luciferians! Ima watch from over here.
Are you sure you're not a love child of Carl Jung? Keep up the good work.
I love your writing style and sentiments here, Tom—fascinating insight and perspective. But gee whiz, as if one devil weren't enough, we now have to contend with two, the Luciferian and the Satanist/Molach factions. It would appear that there is no human force on the side of good here on Earth. Two against none, as it were.
We are doomed, I tell you! I'm with you; I'll take the velvet-gloved Luciferians any day of the week over the do-as-I say'ers. In the meantime, opining on such dread in the manner that you do somehow makes it easier to swallow.
Does that make you a Luciferian? And holy fuck, if Mahar is not the spitting image of Hefner! Great work, thanks.