OCCULT COUP: Project Veritas Takes A Big ‘L’ After Their Biggest 'W'
The Occupying Regime Pronoun Crew Comes for James O'Keefe

“His mind is not for rent / To any god or government / Don't put him down as arrogant / His reserve a quiet defense / Riding out the day’s events…” — Rush, “Tom Sawyer”
"An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.” — Sun Tzu
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As I’ve mentioned before, I try not to weigh in immediately on whatever the latest manipulated (and often manufactured) Mediagasm event is.
That’s because there are never enough facts on the ground right away. Everybody’s scrambling to be first, not right, because it’s essential to capture click$ and the narrative, then twist both to whoever’s agenda needs the tweak.
Thus, we get an ocean of opinions and a teaspoon of Truth, while the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate media gets their marching orders to pollute the waters with spin, hype, secrets & lies to throw society off kilter and give voice-of-authority ground cover to the ideologues who cannot think for themselves (and don’t want to).
It’s gotten to the point where, once the Mediagasm begins spurting its lockstep goose-step syphilitic insanity, that’s when I know it’s time to zag while they’re zigging. We’ve reached a place where corporate media’s demonic dishonesty is so predictable that the bigger the story, the wiser it is to believe the opposite of what they’re telling you.
Thus, I’m hesitant to wade into the breaking news this morning that Project Veritas auteur and genius/madman James O’Keefe has been suspended from the gonzo investigative news platform he founded, just days after the organization achieved its biggest-ever success: The dummy diversity hire “gotcha” that shows Pfizer’s 4th Reich pfascists have been attempting to alter and evolve the Covid virus to new strains so they can forever make bank and (IMHO) forever erode the health of Americans and the West via their risky mRNA injections.
I’m hesitant, but not resistant. It’s not like I’ve not seen this Game Plan before, and my observational and personal experiences suggest this isn’t a Mediagasm we can wait on. The creeps and perverts in corporate media are going to pile on fast, and we need to get to the bottom of this ASAP to protect O’Keefe before the Project Veritas Board’s freight train railroading gets him off-track permanently (unless he’s done something truly criminal, but there’s no hint of that yet).
So what’s really going on? Social media and platforms like Reddit and the ‘Chans suggest our best resource is an an anonymous Twitter account from @OldRowSwig. The fact his corresponding Instagram account was deleted this morning lends credence to his credibility, since Instagram has long censored people who (wisely and correctly) pushed back against Big Pharma’s deadly lies about the virus and “vaccine” (it’s not a vaccine).

In short, here’s what seems to have gone down:
The Project Veritas Board has been infiltrated (“infiltration, not invasion”) by godless scum who do not believe in Truth but instead fascist control.
This has come about because of a debilitating corporate structure. Project Veritas is not one but two separate organizations: A 501c3 which has very few board members but oversees a majority of the money; and a 501c4, which has far more board members but far less money.
This paradoxical setup has allegedly allowed a pair of malevolent manipulators to reach positions where they can organize a coup inside the organization and push out James O’Keefe, despite the fact that Project Veritas without O’Keefe is like making a Han Solo movie without Harrison Ford.
According to that guy @OldRowSwig, and endorsed by Daily Wire escapee Stephen Crowder, this situation has allowed two (alleged) ringleaders to gain significant sway over other Board members and conspire to push out O’Keefe. The Ringleaders have been allegedly identified as proud pronoun pushing veteran and Rush fan who missed their point Barry Hinckley and Matt Tyrmand (who I can’t find much about, at least not concretely enough to share here).

Allegedly, the Project Veritas Board “held a six-and-a-half-hour Mao-era China ‘struggle session’ against James O’Keefe, where he was subjected to relentless derision and insults,” at the direction of the coup’s ringleaders.
According to this anonymous reporting, roughly 10 employees aired their grievances about O’Keefe (what, is this Festivus?), which basically amounted to “he’s tough to work for.”
Guess what? A lot of successful people are. Driven, difficult people are why organizations become successful, and it’s often why they fail after there’s a scapegoating plot to drive them out. See: Steve Jobs at Apple, for only one good example.
Anyway, after suffering through the 6+ hour character assassination insult exercise, the Project Veritas Board suspended O’Keefe anyway and stripped him of all authority (allegedly).
This blatant coup inside Project Veritas, with seemingly no concern for the awful optics it creates for the organization, once again reinforces my ongoing explanation that during this Apocalyptic Age of Revelation, organized Evil is going to go mainstream. It has no interest in hiding in the shadows any longer. It will plainly show you to your face that it can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, and there is no organization it cannot infiltrate and turn into cancer; no individual who cannot be compromised or, failing that, destroyed.
To the Evil, it doesn’t matter if this coup ends up in the self-destruction of Project Veritas. That might, in fact, even be the goal. “We had to destroy the village in order to save it,” is a famous psychopathic observation from a military “expert” during the (failed) Vietnam War for a reason.
Thus, it should be no surprise that one of the alleged “ringleaders” of the coup at Project Veritas is a veteran named Barry Hinckley (He/Him). My first take on that is somebody should check to see if there's a bloodline connection between Barry and President Ronald Reagan's would-be assassin John Hinckley, Jr.

While I’ve got you here, let me remind everybody that John Hinckley’s family was one of the top donors to the George H.W. Bush campaign when he was challenging Ronald Reagan for the Republican presidential nomination back in 1980; a case of one Texas oilman greasing the wheels for another. Neil Bush, the VP’s brother, was in fact scheduled to have dinner with the brother of John Hinckley, failed assassin, the day after the Hollywood actor turned Prez got shot by Jodie Foster’s biggest and worst toxic fan, which NBC News anchor John Chancellor called "a bizarre coincidence." No shit, J.C.!
To go a bit deeper down the Deep State rabbit hole, let’s also note that the failed Reagan assassin’s dad, John Hinckley Sr., was president of World Vision. World Vision was an evangelical non-profit that claimed to be the largest "international Christian relief and development agency" in the third world.
And get this: Hinckley pére was president of World Vision when John Lennon’s biggest and worst toxic fan and nutcase (CIA?) assassin Mark David Chapman was likewise working for World Vision. The paperwork for Chapman’s employment at the organization has since disappeared, incidentally, though news reports about it remain and even Wikipedia admits it.
Why might that be? Well, I dunno, but what I can tell you is that World Vision’s number one contributor, per Wikipedia, is the U.S. State Department. I can also tell you that World Vision’s founder, the Reverend Bob Pierce, was forced to resign from the organization by its Board, and on his way out said World Vision had lost its way (lost its “vision”?) as it became increasingly corporate and money-focused at the expense of its Christ-based evangelical roots.
The implementation of benevolent Christians as useful idiots for subversive conquest, sadly, has a long history in the United States of America. When I was living on Big Island Hawaii and reading about the history of the Island, there were multiple examples of good-hearted missionaries exploring and pioneering the Island, winning over the natives, then getting replaced by government bureaucrats who exploited the native Hawaiians after the Christians had won them over.

[That being said, and to go into even deeper digression, it’s not like the Hawaiian people weren’t nearly constantly at war with each other, as each island king attempted to conquer the others and unify the island chain under one ruler — which never happened, though King Kamehameha the Great came very close — but that’s a whole ‘nother story and it’s not like the imperialist USA had any right to solve that situation, either, especially since it all ended up under the reign of Dole Pineapple and a bunch of other exploitive sugar merchants anyway.]
Sorry for the repeated digressions, but, then again, it’s good to keep pointing out to everybody that none of this is original, “there’s nothing new under the sun,” and the oppressive assholes who continually seek to invert and pervert the American Ideal to their own diabolical and greedy godless means are Legion, and they rarely vary in their game plan because so far they haven’t had to.
If you go back to one of my earlier oft-censored pieces, deconstructing the “Q” psyop, you’ll remember me citing a number of informed experts, including the son of a CIA operative and publisher of TrineDay Books, as well as Ezra Cohen-Watnick, President Orange's under secretary of defense for intelligence, among others, who all asserted the “Q” psyop was a grass roots movement that, once it reached a critical mass, was taken over and co-opted by some intelligence branch, probably military intelligence but maybe CIA or Mossad or Five Eyes. “A foreign state actor or a very organized operation,” in Cohen-Watnick’s words.
This, many many people have told me over the years, is how it all rolls on the alt-media front: The [Deep State/Matrix/4th Reich/W.E.F./satanists/who f’n knows], allow indie and grass roots movements to grow to a certain level of influence and societal respect. Then the real power players finally roll in, take it over, co-opt and corrupt it, under the auspices of "national security."
Nobody can say no when they hurl the “national security” claim at you. If you deny, you’re committing treason. It doesn’t matter if the people declaring what’s “national security” and what isn’t are the actual traitors IRL, because they hold all the red cards and control the news media. That’s also why we don’t have an official cure for cancer or drive cars that run on water, either, but that’s another story for another day (maybe).
Anyway, the goal and the scheme is to take over these indie or grass roots organizations/news platforms/non-profits devoted to free speech or voting integrity or vaccine risk awareness, when the organization reaches peak credibility with the public. The latest Project Veritas video “gotcha” with that Pfizer clown fits that strategy perfectly. They’d never been bigger or had better buzz.
This is also what happened with the "Q" operation, seems like a “duh” to me. But it also happened to Occupy Wall Street, the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, BLM, the original well-meaning organizers of the January 6th protests, Anarchapulco and so on and so on, including, I strongly suspect and have circumstantial evidence to prove, a place I used to work.
It should not be lost on anyone, either, that this coup at Project Veritas is happening just as other people and alternative news outlets on the so-called conservative/alt-right are seeing their credibility collapse: Occupy Wall Street’s unexpected breakout star and former VICE reporter Tim Pool and Timcast. Human sex trafficking and anti-pedophile activist and Lone Skum pal Eliza Bleu. The shrill, self-righteous elitist Hollywood wannabes at Daily Wire backstabbing Stephen Crowder (or was it verse-vice-a?). Squeaky Mike CERN-0-vvitch and his never-ending ambiguous affiliations and doth-protest-too-muchness.
All of these alleged America First-types have been placed in unwelcome situations and under the microscope where they’ve come up short in recent weeks, casting their true motivations into doubt and buttressing the claims of all those who’ve accused them of being controlled opposition. As I constantly advise: Trust No One (not even me!).
Meanwhile, during this same period, James O'Keefe and Project Veritas have reached new heights of success with their brutal Pfizer exposé.
While we’re here, let's also note that Andrew Tate, another strong independent and highly masculine influencer in the face of wimpy beta male conformism, no matter how you feel about him personally, was also recently arrested on obviously fake charges and remains in a Romanian jail.
The Andrew Tate smear emulates the Julian Assange smear from a couple years back (I told you: The Evil Ones are neither imaginative nor creative; they don’t ever deviate much from their game plan, and they are amazed that they keep getting way with it, which only adds to their contempt for the general population of normies, sheep and NPCs).
Just like Assange, who had both the women who accused him of rape recant their accusations, the two women who’ve accused Andrew Tate of rape are actually defending Tate and saying the charges are false. The Romanian government, however, says the women are brainwashed victims who are under Tate’s mesmerizing spell, and their testimony is without value. Full speed ahead on the kangaroo court, baby!
Tate’s incarceration has actually made me like him more. If the globalist scum are leaning on Romania to destroy him, that must mean he’s delivering anti-globalist messaging so effectively he’s got to be ruined, one way or the other.
My ultimate hypothesis is that James O'Keefe — who everybody tells me is another frustrated Theater Kid, abrasive as he is driven; but so what, all the best-behaved people are castrated losers who’ve failed our country miserably — has been watched like a hawk and probably made some small error that's being blown into a full-blown vvitch hunt to take him out.
I've seen it before. I've lived it, in fact, as have countless others. "There is nothing new under the sun,” said a man much wiser than I am. So stay under the Son would be my advice. It’s worked for me. So far.

You’ll find A WHOLE LOT of info if you look up the campaign donations for Barry (Benjamin) Hinckley’s failed 2012 campaign. Pfizer, a Hasbro donor, etc. The pieces for why he’d want O’Keefe out SO BAD are obvious. At this point, just like Navy Seals, I don’t believe in coincidences. Not to mention, Hinckley JUST JOINED the board of PV a few months ago. Now he’s eager to oust O’Keefe. It’s all too convenient. Not to mention, the letter signed by the select employees was signed mostly by employees who note that they did not experience, nor did they witness, any mistreatment by O’Keefe. There’s only one thing that letter is good for: the shredder. NO legitimate company would ever take action based on the ramblings of that garbage. A legitimate organization would also never take action based on a letter primarily signed by employees who did not experience, nor witness, any wrongdoing. This is all too obvious. And poorly planned out to boot.
I’d also encourage you to check out his LinkedIn Notes/Posts. He wrote a whole absolutely fanatic long post about fear of the virus, reasons for not even fist bumping, and all stated from a pro-vaxx POV. It was disturbing and it appears that he’s the germ — hilarious that he’s so afraid of them. Of course the Pfizer exposé was the tipping point. Hell, O’Keefe, himself, stated that the story was months in the making. How much you wanna bet that he snaked his way onto the Board just to shut it down? I’d also bet that after O’Keefe is successfully thrown to the wolves, PV will walk back the story and we’ll never hear a peep about Pfizer from them again! I’d also bet that they’ll apologize for O’Keefe’s style of investigative journalism and vow to uphold only the “highest degree of journalistic ethics.” Mark. My. Words. This whole situation is sick and every member on the board who is complicit in this coup, plus every member who does nothing to prevent it is a vile, corporate hack.
O’Keefe built PV from dust at his parents’ home. PV is HIS. He IS PV. #O’KeefeStrong
I created an account just to comment here. Thanks for your investigate journalism on this! Surprised there aren’t more likes/comments, as it’s been shown/read in part by some big YT/Rumble players!
Nice take and tie-in's, Tom. Really enjoyed this. Thanks!