“Coincidence was a concept he did not entirely trust. As someone who had spent his life exploring the hidden interconnectivity of disparate emblems and ideologies, Robert Langdon viewed the world as a web of profoundly intertwined histories and events. The connections may be invisible, but they are always there, buried just beneath the surface.” — Dan Brown, The DaVinci Code
“The meek will inherit the earth. But only when the strong are through with it.” — Simon Templar, The Saint
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Today’s a big Big BIG anniversary day in the Secret History: Friday the 13th of October.
’Twas exactly 716 years ago today, Friday, October 13, 1307, that King Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V rounded up the Vatican’s esoteric Order of Holy Warriors, the Knights Templar. The Templars had started out as a benevolent protector of pilgrims during the Crusades against Islam —formed in 1119, there’s those numbers again, inverted 9/11/01 — but had evolved into an extremely wealthy and powerful independent military force that threatened both the religious and secular powers of Europe.
I could spend a whole Substack writing about the Knights Templar, or “The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon,” as they were named in full: Their history and the rumors and legends of wild adventures in a specific region of the Middle East — then called Palestine, now called Israel, ahem — where they (allegedly) discovered and stole both the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, two powerful religious objects the Vatican very much coveted. The possession of those objects, as well as much gold and other loot, led to the October 13th, 1307, arrest of the Knights’ Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, and other top Templars. All were charged with heresy, sacrilege and Satanism.
Under severe tortures, de Molay and other Templars confessed to unspeakable blasphemies — worship of the demon Baphomet, the breaking of the crucifix to ascend the mystic’s ladder, all kinds of extreme anal excursions — and were eventually burned at the stake. You can get a fun, trashy rundown in Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code, a very badly written 2003 novel that is nevertheless impossible to put down; or, if you prefer, you can read the egghead version of the same story in 1982’s Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the non-fiction book of de-occulting research that Brown ripped off for his novel (IMHO) and isn’t as entertaining to read but a whole lot more enlightening.
Not all the Templars got rounded up, however, and the remainder went underground, in some cases literally. Over the years, as many rumors have it, the Knights Templar evolved into Freemasonry, which the Masons refute by saying “There is no PROVABLE connection,” which is an interesting way to position that statement, particularly when there is a Fraternal Order inside Freemasonry known as the Knights Templar.
It’s that Freemason connection to the Knights Templar and thus Friday, October 13th, that gives me pause when considering how serious we should all take today’s so-called Islamic “Day of Rage” (yesterday, for most of the day, the media talking-head term was “Day of Jihad,” but somebody high up must’ve put the kibosh on that by Thursday night). The Day of Rage/Jihad was extolled and endorsed Thursday by the former leader of Hamas, Khaled Meshaal, as the war of Israel vs. Hamas escalated faster than the claims and counterclaims of 40 decapitated babies between the Daily Wire’s increasingly hyperventilating pipsqueak Ben Shapiro and other Israel-not-America-firsters vs. people who remember the daughter of Kuwait’s Ambassador to the US lying about babies getting pulled from incubators exactly 33 years earlier (to the day!).
Customarily, my instincts tell me the bigger the warning, the bigger the nothing-burger, and I’m not sure how much juice a past Hamas leader holds over the Palestinians and/or the Islamic world in general. Fear-mongering serves all factions of the powerful, and helps keep a planet of increasingly disgruntled plebs in their presumed place during a controlled demolition of civilization obscured by corporate media in order to 6uild 6ack 6etter.
That 6eing said…there may be cosmic forces in play far more significant than red alert terror propaganda, with numerous occult cabals attempting to harness and/or channel the godz and attempt to ride the Zeitgeist of astrology, numerology, the sun, the moon, this weekend’s pending “Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse.”
In other words, something's gonna happen because it’s gotta happen, “nothing can stop what’s coming,” and it’s more a matter of warring secret society cliques each trying to steer the as-yet-unforeseen but inevitable events on the horizon — is it sunrise or sunset? —in a direction most to their liking.
So when I read that New York City and the NYPD is all-hands-on-deck for Friday the 13th, every cop on the street, an orgy of overtime, I heard a chime. We know the Mayor, the Police Commissioner and the top uniformed NYPD guy were all just made Master Masons, last weekend of September. If anybody’s got the inside skinny of secret society and/or religious warfare busting on to the main Manhattan stage, it’d be them, for their better or our worse.
[Embarrassing Aside: In my original post, I made an esoteric point right here that hinged on 716 years adding up to “13,” which is dumb and wrong. Hey, as I’ve warned you before and before and before: “Trust No One, Not Even Me”!]
I don’t want to spend all day writing this thing, so a couple more quick points about Friday the 13th before it’s Saturday the 14th, speeding up my writing just like how time seems to be speeding up, maybe as Earth rushes inexorably towards a black hole where “time” breaks, or rams into an alternate universe where everything runs backwards, or Planet X crashes into Saturn and destroys the octagon time cube that imprisons us on X’s way here during its 18,500 year elliptical orbit, or something nobody’s yet considered, or maybe, probably, nothing at all. Anyway…
Some religious scholars say the killing of the first-born males of Egypt that finally proved the plague tipping point that got the Hebrews out of bondage and into the Promised Land started after sunset on Friday the 13th. It’s also been claimed that Jesus of Nazareth’s crucifixion took place on Friday the 13th. Dig around, you’ll find a lot more weird shit.
Personally, I’m a big fan of both weird shit and Friday the 13th. Especially the one that landed on my April, 1962, birthday at Overlook Hospital (not Hotel!) in Summit, NJ, when I finally arrived a month late, 10 pounds at 10 months, exactly 4:13am on 4/13/62, or 4/4/8. My Christian + family name, Thomas Siebert, has 13 letters. But I’m not the only T.S. who’s a big fan of the number, though the other one’s an occultist, not a de-occultist. VVitch Way, Western Man?
I am so heartily sick of the lot of them. Everything is malignant mischief and mayhem. Ugh.
However, I did enjoy running your birthchart, Tom! You're more than a little bit tuned in! Spidey senses on steroids! Thanks for the share!
33 years after Nariyah is nuts. I usually stay away from this numerology stuff because it interferes with my brick and mortar approach to understanding history, but there really are too many numerical coincidences surrounding big events.
For instance, the license plate on Archduke Ferdinand's car when he was assassinated was AIII118.
Armistice Day was November 11th, 1918.
Or the towers coming down 33 years after construction began on them.
I dont know how to fit this stuff in my timeliness, but it is weird.