I’m with you. I have absolutely no plan to tune in to this monstrosity so I can be demoralized further. So many of our fellow Americans are brainwashed. Why tune in to watch it in action? I’m going to read a very good book, make the best blueberry muffins known to mankind, and go to bed early. It’s called self-care. Giving these destructive morons our time and attention is just ludicrous, is it not? They love watching their plan unfold with all our eyes on them. Why give them any joy? We buy into their fake reality when we tune in. As if these debates are real?! Come on folks. It’s a circus show.

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Bullseye. There is no way, shape or form this theatrical performance tonight is good for your mental health. Thank you for your comment.

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Agree however I will look at what those who've done the work for us say - perhaps that's not even worth it but I can't help myself.

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Jun 27Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Great job as always outing the masses of propagandists residing in the media and our government. I won’t be watching either since, as you correctly stated, this not a debate, it’s theatre.

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Exactly. If anything truly newsworthy happens, we'll know soon enough. Thank you for your comment.

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A performance but what is the intended effect?

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With the extremely good CGI tech there is now combined with there being no audience, Mazza Joe could simply be replaced by a stand in and his face and voice falsely placed into it. They can do this now and no one would be able to tell. The minute I heard there would be no live audience I had no doubt nothing about this will be on the up and up. Whatever chicanery is planned for Biden, DUMP is in on it as well.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

Considering he could've signed an executive order that would've built the wall, yeah, I'm sure Trump is a Judas Goat.

Warren Ellis's mostly great TRANSMETROPOLITAN graphic novel series featured a series of terrible and corrupt presidents over the years, before finally climaxing in a literal hologram. If they have to tech to do it, I'm sure they will try.

Thank you for your comment.

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Jun 27Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I never caught the whole green screen interview deal, and of course, the Corporate mainstream media ghouls would never say anything about it, but now after watching it...I can't unsee it. LOL

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It was SO OBVIOUS. And still they pulled the "Are you going to believe us, the corporate media, or your lying eyes?" Thank you for your comment!

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Jun 27Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I’m there. No matter what, I want them to know they are being watched and that goes for their upcoming plans to rig the election. It’s still my country.

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Fair enough and your point is valid. Thank you for your comment.

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1000 vectors of cheat have been revealed and non have been fixed for the upcoming selection.

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These criminals can not be allowed to install a totalitarian

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How is an executive who rules by Executive Order, backed up by a Uniparty, and different from a totalitarian state? Sure it "could be worse" but how is out current government any different? Have you already forgotten 2020-2022?

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It is worse now.

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The whole federal government is tyranical by design to be a control structure for the powerful.

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Oh goodness. Tom has a new substack. Let me get a gin and tonic.

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Hahahahaaha! You're the best. Thank you.

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Jun 27Liked by TOM SIEBERT

A freemasonic shitshow...

"If you take a gene altering technology it will change you"

Klaus Schwab: Charlie Rose (bonesmen) interview 2015

They're all working together to give the impression they all are working against each other it's an old freemasonic Jesuit trick they been doing it for eons...

Ton of evidence all of it is theater.

Here's our 100%.

2012, notice bojo the clown in a hospital bed, he wasn't selected till 2019.

So the vote means a big fat zero 🤣👌




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I think there's something to this, buuuuut....IMHO, it's not solely the Freemasons any more than it's "The Vatican" or "The Zionists" or the Mafia or The White Dragon Society, or whoever fills out the current roster of the seven (maybe now a "Hateful Eight"?) primary societies-with-secrets.

TrineDay publisher and founder Kris Millegan, the late great conspiracist Jim Marrs, my former Theology teacher Thaddeus Gurdak (R.I.P.), my former boss at Shakespeare & Co. in Paris George Whitman (R.I.P.) and a bunch of other smart de-occultists, all have told me since 1981 that all of history is rooted in the war among secret societies.

Do Trump and Biden play for the same secret society team? I don't think so. Seems to me they have the same goals -- destroy America -- but in different ways. Trump's the carrot; Bidens the stick. Who each of them is affiliated with, beats me.

Thank you for your comment!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Her summary is the most comprehensive and complete I've ever seen.

It's the first video and it starts from 17 min in. I am not sure about her proposed solution though.


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I read that website for a while, years ago. She gave up, or surrendered or disappeared or died or something, didn't she?

If there were 2-3 links to specifically start someone off, where would you suggest on the "Stop 007" site?

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

She didn’t “give up”…Horton is married to NSA whistleblower Bill Binney. They are both targeted individuals.

2023: Bill Binney & Katherine Horton - Directed Energy Weapons, 4117


A Targeted Individual: Dr. Katherine Horton -PhD in Experimental Particle Physics -Directed Energy Weapons, Nanotechnology Microchip Implants, Military Neuro/Biotechnology and Systemic Corruption


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Thank you! I appreciate your assistance and updating me on Ms. Horton's status.

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Do you know why she is being targeted? I couldn't find her info on that.

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“Katherine Horton reports that she attended Berezovsky -v- Abramov (31 Oct 2011 – 15 Jan 2012) where she met Jonathan Sumption QC, barrister of Abramovitch.

The case involved Russian Oligarchs and was a direct consequence of the privitisation of Russia following the collapse of the USSR.

“She reports that in early November 2011 as she "was attending a High Court case in London as part of her systems analysis research into the English legal system, MI5 agents openly stalked her home from court and placed a thug to wait for her outside her home every morning to follow her to the train station."

She also claims she was nearly killed by DEWs.

“Her Patreon page claimed in July 2019 that she "has survived several assassination attempts. Like all of her team members, she has been covertly implanted with microchips and other military biotechnology by the Secret Services, and has been used for illegal non-consensual human experimentation for over a decade. Several people around her have been murdered by the Secret Services."

Horton is currently "investigating crimes committed with Directed Energy Weapons, Military Neuro- and Biotechnology and Systemic Corruption” which will not endear her to the authorities.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Not sure as I am not a regular reader of her website. I am not even sure how I came across it. I think I followed a commenter's link and I had a look at her stuff but I felt overwhelmed by all this... your writing is witty and funny so I don't get the same feeling of heaviness, if I make sense.

I think she's fine, I've seem a vid with her from last January.

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In past research I stumbled d across

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Most will deny reality until they are rounded up and carted off to FEMA camps.

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That's what 1980s Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov said would happen.

The stubborn willful self-destructive ignorance of so many of past friends and peers amazes me daily. I truly thought all these people were far smarter than they turned out to be.

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Putting humanity on the blockchain most likely will not end well...


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As the digital leg irons are snapped into place, they will still be asking: Who did this to us?

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I heard there was a run on toilet paper for tonight’s 🎭.

Also it is advised to have barf bags on hand & a supply of strong black coffee or other stimulants, if preferred. Break a leg, 🤡s!!!!

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Hahahahaha! Good attitude. Thanks for your comment!

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I had a chance meeting with Trump in about 2007. I was walking up to the Polo Lounge in LA & he stepped out of a limo & we walked in together. 🥴

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Jun 27·edited Jun 28Author

My former pal in ad trade journalism Richard Linnett spent a great deal of time with Donald Trump just before THE APPRENTICE debuted. Rich is a good writer, this is def worth your (and everybody's) attention.


Thank you for your comment!

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Nice thanks for all your work. You write well and I enjoy every time I see a wrinkle in Tom~ I get excited to see what you wrote. I am going to watch as much as i can stomach, then take a few shots to relax 😌 Thanks Tim

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Thank you so much! Is your name really "Tracy Chapman"?



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Yes sir I’m not the right color and nobody thinks I can sing~but I do enjoy Fast Cars 🚗 lol

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Tom autocorrected to Tim sorry lol

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Thanks, Tom! Interesting story! Trump’s ego is highly developed & I’m sure there are many accounts like the above. I have often wondered what psychologically motivates a person to strive & attain money & power. It’s never enough. There must be some injurious black hole that they are trying to fill. I was married to one of these so-called “highly successful” men & it wasn’t easy. Not my definition of “success.”

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I very much appreciate your mention of me, Tom, but I take issue with the claim that I insist everything is fake. The only things I claim are fake are those that employ the Revelation of the Method (RoM) technique - admittedly there's a lot them - but if they're telling us they're fakin' it then surely we must call them out for it.

I 100% believe the moon landings and see no signs of RoM in them (while they are obvious in prominent moonhoaxers, especially Bill Kaysing) and I tend to think that people who think the moon landings are fake simply do not understand psyop MO. As far as I'm aware, psyops always employ RoM - end of. For the moon landings there is so much purported evidence that is completely antithetical to psyop MO, eg, the hundreds of hours of audio transmissions between astronauts and mission control. You cannot fake hundreds of hours of that kind of banal-sounding conversation with any kind of convincingness and they wouldn't do it for a psyop - that's an absurdity.

In the audio and transcripts put forward for psyops the signs are always there - and fairly immediately too. I did believe in the climate emergency until very recently which just shows I can be as gullible as the next person, however, even though there are psyop signs there it's not quite the same as psyop "events" - the climate emergency psyop is more like the vaccine (I mean ALL vaccines) psyop.

What I find interesting is that people can recognise some events as psyops but not others even though they both employ the same technique. Scipio Eruditis wrote a fabulous 3-part series on the faked atomic bombs and in the third part explains how Japan was "infiltrated" by the Freemasons in the 19th century (he shows photos of samurai, Sakamoto Ryōma, with his hand tucked into his kimono, hidden-hand style). I wondered what kind of deal the US and Japan had going where they agreed that the US would fake the Pearl Harbour attack by Japan and then fake attacks by atomic bomb (obviously not a complete fake, the two cities were bombed massively by firebombs ... but then so was the rest of Japan) and I guess the Freemason connection helps explain it to some degree. Did Japan say to the US, yes we want to rebuild our country - go for your life or what?

But then Scipio who is ex-military gets all caught up in the USS Liberty "false flag" attack by Israel. Yeah, right Israel is going to bomb BFF USA for real. He even interviewed one of the navy guys who allegedly survived. My father was in an Italian navy boat torpedoed by the British ... and his story was nothing like these guys' that's for sure.


In any case the RoM signs are everywhere just like they are for 9/11, covid, Sandy Hook, Manchester bombing, post-9/11 anthrax attacks, Pearl Harbour, Bologna Station bombing 1980, JFK, RFK and Shinzo Abe assassinations, random bus accidents in Canada, US, Russia, Australia - you name it there are psyops everywhere all the time giving themselves away with RoM. I simply judge by the RoM.

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Fair enough, Petra! I see the parameters of your logic. Thank you for your comment!

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Jun 27Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Not 🤪

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Great column, thanks, your writing is on fire, here!

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Thank you so much!

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Oops! In past research I read that Trump (Drumph) was Black Sun, Deep State, Zionist. Do you know anything about this?

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My digging has suggested he's been affiliated with some offshoot of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, but I suspect he's so far up the food chain by this point that there's no telling where his affiliations lie.

There's no question Trump went from regional Northeast celebrity to international star thanks to Jeff Zucker putting THE APPRENTICE on NBC television. But then Zucker made him public enemy #1 at CNN.

Trying to figure out affiliations and loyalties is a fools' errand. I'd like to know, but I don't think I'm ever gonna know.

Thank you for your comment!

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

There's an excellent presentation about all the symbolism of the Trump tower somewhere on the net.

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Please share it, if you find it!

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Jun 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I have this bad tendency to not t o save these links and documents :(

But if you do a search on any YT alternative - modulo Rumble - you might find it.

Just did a v quick search that gave me these below.

1. It's not this one but it looks interesting


2. This is a short extract of the one I saw. The long version is excellent.


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I've got a mostly free Saturday standing around on a movie set, so I'll be checking this out, along with the latest podcast from @zephedaniel.

Thank you for your research and sharing it!

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Once you watched it, would you mind reporting back to us? TYIA

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Another tour de force, Tom. I am going to wear out my keyboard saying it, but it's true.

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I have a hard time believing a real Trump would agreed to this unless he is in on some ......I do not know what. When was this really recorded, and which Biden will appear, CGI Biden or Masked actor Biden or who knows what?

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