OCCULT ECONOMY: It’s the End Of The World As You’ve Known It
The 'Petrodollar' Is Dying But Nobody’s Telling You.
“Now can you see those dark clouds gathering up ahead? / They’re gonna wash this planet clean, just like the Bible said / Don’t think it won't happen just because it hasn't happened yet…” — Jackson Browne, “The Road & The Sky”
“These are our salad days / Slowly being eaten away / Just another play for today / But always believe in your soul / You've got the power to know / You’re indestructible! Gold!” — Spandau Ballet
$ $ $ $ $ $
Brace for impact!
As I’ve said before, it’s not only that the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate criminal clown media lies Lies LIES to you constantly about the stuff they can’t manage to keep out of public awareness. The even darker abuse is the information they strive to keep you from knowing is happening at all.
Those with “eyes to see" develop a knack for reading between the lines, and sometimes savvy journalists who want to tell you something important but also keep their job will fashion phrases in a way to help you catch a clue (Example: Any time you see a business or government reporter write “XXXXXX served under YYYYYY in a number of positions,” it’s a euphemism for “They were fucking”). But even those with eyes to see are at a loss when we’re kept totally in the dark on an event.
There’s one big important but “unspeakable” recent thing that just happened and I’ll get to in a second, but since it’s Pride Month 2024, let’s first mention one example of a truly impressive “all hands on deck” intel scramble to smother revealing information in the crib.
On March 5, 2022, for a couple hours it was being reported in a few places that WNBA’s Brittney Griner had been placed in a Russian men’s prison, following her February 17th arrest at a Moscow airport for drug possession.
It was astonishing to watch that story just…vanish. Completely. The Invisible Man, so to speak, and a rapid response to say the least. Maybe three hours, tops, before it was completely gone from the internet, at least the web we’re permitted to access in the USA, and even from the craziest subreddits and wildest fringe conspiracy chat platforms like AboveTopSecret.com, and the allegedly trustworthy archive sites. Gone, baby. Gone.
Now, I’m not claiming Brittney Griner’s a dude any more than I’ve ever claimed Big Michelle Obama’s a dude. But I will note that you can talk about Flat Earth on the internet and nobody cares, and you can talk about the royal family being lizard people on the internet and nobody cares, and nowadays you can even talk about 9/11 being an inside job or Big Michelle Obama being “Big Mike” and maybe some people will care but you can still do it…Yet you couldn’t talk about Ivermectin stopping Covid and you’re not allowed to ask the obvious question about all the “died suddenly folks” and you most certainly can’t suggest maybe, just maybe, somebody should check Brittney Griner’s chromosome combo. You can’t even even say it on the craziest fringe conspiracy boards.
Thus it came as no surprise to me, just disgust, when the Xiden fakeministration made it a top priority to get Griner the hell outta Russia — the WNBA was already sucking wind, and glorifying freakish-looking black lesbians (like Oprah?) is already a bizarre priority of the occupying regime; discovering one or a couple or a bunch of WNBA-ers are actually transgender would’ve probably been the final slam dunk nail in the WNBA’s coffin corner — just in case their information lockdown proved impossible to keep locked down.
A prisoner swap was essential for the regime, even if they had to cut the worst deal in basketball history since the Philadelphia 76ers traded a young Charles Barkley for an aging Jeff Hornacek and two scrubs. In a position of severe weakness, the desperate Xiden fakeministration gave up Russia’s top terrorist arms dealer for…whoever/whatever the very masculine-looking Brittney Griner ackshully is (“Griner” is a dirty servant bloodline, lower-tier in the satanic hierarchy, incidentally; or at least so I’ve heard over the years, and all circumstantial evidence personally experienced along the way on my 769.3 moon cycles ride [so far] indicates that’s true).
Of course, it’s certainly possible Putin was just trolling trans-obsessed-and-obsessive inverted Amerika. Vlad’s good at that shit, FSB’s crushing CIA on the global propaganda board, sorry, and he’s certainly savvier than the bowel-blasting dementia-driven incestuous pedophile troll sloppily flatulating his way around the conquered USA’s occupied White House.
Still, Brittney Griner’s Russian imprisonment pales in comparison to the really big and conspicuous silence in corrupt corporate media — and even most alt-media — this week, about a worldwide dollar divorce which/witch will prove to have huge global economic repercussions. It’s going to screw unaware Americans so hard they’ll probably never again walk the same, and not in a good way.
Let me (probably) be the first to warn you, so you can do something about it. Though I have no real idea what “doing something” might entail because while I’ve been good at making money during my career, I’ve always been lousy at investing it. Plus (+?), the people who hate you and want you dead have sealed most of the exits — same way somebody locked rescue passage to the roof of the WTC buildings on 9/11, which is certainly strange and of course another piece of information almost nobody knows about.
Anyway…last Sunday, June 9, 2024 [6/9/2+4 or 6/9/6], the Petrodollar lost its mojo. And so did the cornerstone of the American economy as we’ve known it for the past half-century. As I type this, it’s continuing to sluggishly trudge forward, or at least sideways, but trust me: That digital dollar your bank claims you’ve got is not the fiat currency you held last weekend. A Zombie Economy beckons; somebody should sing a song at Sesame Street level for the muggles.
People joke about “zombie” this and “zombie” that, zombie publications like Playboy and Rolling Stone and Mother Jones and pedophilenabler-owned The Atlantic, which shamble on bearing no resemblance to the magazines’ founders’ visions and making no money; and zombie “entertainment” like Disney Star Wars and Disney Marvel and, well, Disney, repelling former fans and making no money; and zombie brands like Macy’s and Sears and Red Lobster, which linger but not for long.
Yet you ain’t seen nothin’ until you’re trapped in a zombie economy pushing a wheelbarrow loaded with Deutschmarks. And you almost are. What’s coming in this financial “reset” at Americans’ expensive expense is gonna make what happened to Star Wars look like what happened to One Piece.
I’m going to presume that all my customary readers here are smart and informed, and know what the Petrodollar is, but in case I’m wrong about a few of you, here’s a short history.
The U.S. dollar has been the predominant currency in the world since roughly the end of World War II. Until near the end of the war, Western currencies had always been tied to the price of gold, but in 1944 the Bretton Woods agreement resulted in the United Kingdom and many of its allies uncoupling their currencies from gold, though not the United States of America. It continued to peg the dollar’s value to gold, though at a locked-in $35 dollars per ounce.
Not that you were allowed to own gold in America anyway; the U.S. government under the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration confiscated all Americans’ gold in April 1933 (during the satanic Season of Sacrifice, let’s note) via Executive Order 6102, illegally breaking the patriotic pledge of the Gold Standard Act of 1900 and, incidentally, decimating the holdings of the New Jersey Siebert Bloodline, something I heard about repeatedly and bitterly during my youth from my Aunt Helen and Aunt Florence, who despised FDR, and once-in-a-while from my grandfather, who was more resigned and taciturn about such unfair and un-American things, other than to note: “The God of this world is Satan, which is why we all need Jesus Christ to get to the next one.”
The dollar-tied-to-gold thing in the USA plodded onward until France, arguably the strongest of EU nations financially in the 1960s, launched basically a bankers’ war with America over it. Starting with the administration of President Charles de Gaulle and over the course of a dozen years, France continually reduced its dollar reserves, exchanging it instead for gold at the official exchange rate of $35, and chipping away, chipping away, gold piece by gold piece, at the USA’s economic dominance worldwide.
Combined with escalating federal spending on the disastrous Cold and Vietnam Wars and additional nations jumping on the “trade dollars for gold” bandwagon, post-WW2 America lurched from a net-positive financial nation to a debtor nation in 1966 (also “Year One” in the Church of Satan, let’s note).
After ‘66, or “Year One,” the escalating U.S. debt panicked the Richard Nixon administration, which took office in January 1969 and was already under immediate duress due to the failing war. It also had a re-election to win in 1972. In order to stop foreign powers from dumping dollars for gold, Nixon spiked the international convertibility of the U.S. dollar to gold on August 15, 1971. It was part of a number of extreme economic measures taken during what was historically known as the "Nixon Shock," which also included price and wage freezes, and a 10% import surcharge on all foreign goods.
These extreme economic measures were spun expertly (Roger Ailes, later Fox News CEO, was among Nixon’s chief media advisors, remember) and corporate news fell dutifully in-line as the U.S. dollar was transformed from a gold-backed currency into a fiat currency. "We unhesitatingly applaud the boldness with which the President has moved,” obsequiously squeaked The New York Times’ editorial page, and Wall Street approved: The Dow Jones Industrial average jumped 33(!) points the next day, the biggest ever in history up to that point.
But of course it was bullshit, a short-term political maneuver with long-term reverberations and detonations that we’re still suffering through today. With the U.S. dollar as the duressed but still dominant currency, yet now tethered to nothing, all the world’s other currencies began to drift and float separately, no longer locked into anything, which domino’d into the portmanteau of “stagflation,” the oil crisis of 1973, and ultimately the recession of 1973–1975, though Nixon was gone by the end of it.
But before he left, Nixon had one trick left up his sleeve, or perhaps it was then-Secretary of State and forever war criminal Henry Kissinger’s sleeve. Either way, on June 8, 1974, that sinister pair struck an at-first secret five-year agreement with Saudi Arabia that would grant The Kingdom a guarantee of military support and protection, in exchange for the Saudis pricing their oil exports exclusively in U.$. dollars, while simultaneously being required to invest any surplus oil revenues in U.S. Treasury bonds.
Everybody needs oil, so the Petrodollar became the foundation of the United States’s economic dominance over the rest of the world. It also meant that the United States now had a captive market for its debt, which has since skyrocketed from “only” $25.2 billion in 1966 to nearly $38 trillion as I type this, and maybe $40 trillion by the time you read it. The original five-year agreement has been extended with additional five year agreements nine times since. Until now.
Perhaps because of the gross mismanagement of the incompetent and death-obsessed Xiden regime in the Middle East (and everywhere, for that matter), or maybe simply because Pedo Joe called Saudi Arabia “A pariah state,” but most likely because this has been a long-planned multi-tiered operation to destroy the dollar and the American Empire, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud decided not to renew the US-Saudi Security Agreement at the end of the tenth five-year cycle. It expired June 9th.
Now, because of the lapse, Saudi Arabia's oil exports will no longer exclusively be traded in US dollars. Instead, they can now be paid off in Euros, the Chinese Renminbi (RMB), the Japanese Yen. Russia’s ruble is not included, but last March in Moscow — in another huge harbinger of economic warning mostly ignored by America’s awful corporate media but trumpeted in Russia and China — Russia’s president-for-life Vladimir Putin and China’s president-and-a-bunch-of-other-stuff-for-life Xi Jinping announced they would team up to challenge the half-century dominance of the petrodollar, with Russia agreeing to use the Chinese yuan (RMB is the official currency; yuan is its principal unit of measurement) for international exchanges, as a way to get around the sanctions placed upon Russia by the West following its invasion of Ukraine.
Now, thanks to the U.S.-imposed sanctions on Russia, the rest of the world doesn’t have to buy dollars to acquire oil anymore. Any country can instead use the Yuan, use the Euro, use the Yen; a nation doesn’t need to exchange its currency into dollars to acquire Saudi oil. Which means they don’t need to buy into the U.S. debt. Which in turn makes that incomprehensibly-enormous debt extremely precarious for America. And Americans. We’re on our own. So it’s just a matter of time before the music stops.
When will the real Rug Pull on the American economy because of the end of the petrodollar take place? Beats me. They may well try to keep the music playing until after November, especially if the bigger Narrative is to try to use the corporate media to blame the collapse on Trump after he’s re-re-elected, and hope the public is too stupid to figure out otherwise.
Or maybe they’re waiting for President Orange 2.0 so they can cut the final deal with him in office that kills the dollar, but all the right-wingers and blue-sky red-hatted MAGA types will rationalize why This Is A Good Thing and go along with it, just like how they all went along with the fake pandemic story and fascist lockdowns and deadly mRNA vaccine “warp speed” push during President Orange 1.0, while they very well might’ve revolted under a Hillary Clinton presidency. As one of the future’s wisest and most logical thinkers once said: “Only Nixon could go to China.”
But again: Beats me. I’ve been calling the collapse of the dollar since 2008, when all the New York finance “experts” in my deceptively bucolic New Jersey suburban neighborhood that was more like Desperate Housewives On Acid told me the only way anybody would be able to save the economy would be to break every economic law in the book and kick the problems down the road for an even greater reckoning at some point in the future. “They won’t do it unless they’re crazy,” a trader who worked for Lehman Brothers (R.I.P.) said to me. “Problem is, I think they might be crazy.”
Today, now, sixteen years later, it should be pretty clear they’re crazy. Proceed accordingly, though I have no idea what that might mean in a world gone mad. As I’ve said already, I am far far from a financial expert. Say your prayers, I suppose. That’s always and eternally gold, I mean good, advice.
Wow! Very scary.
OK so I know zero about the world economy so I suppose your post is very enlightening in a vacuum-filling kind of way ... but I do know about 9/11 and I did know about locking of doors but when I had my epiphany after four years of diligent study, all the propaganda dominoes of locked doors, Jews getting advice on some Israeli network not to come to work, Larry's suspicious dermatology appointment, the 5 Dancing Israelis caught in a white van with explosives dust, financial auditors targeted in the buildings, April Gallop's infant boy being injured at the Pentagon, etc, etc etc cascaded in a matter of a second.
9/11 = a multiplicity of streams of propaganda
No such thing as a false flag, Tom. There's no false flags, only psyops.
Didn't know a thing about the USS Liberty but when I saw Scipio Eruditis's post on it I was like, Scipio, no, no, no, no. It was all faked. When you check out the ludicrous mismatch between the survivor claims of "missing limbs" and "blood everywhere" and the perfectly fine looking "injured" with little white bandages stuck on them and the mismatch between claims of "820+ rocket and cannon holes, Mystere bombers dropping napalm, 5 torpedoes, and a 40 foot hole in the side" and a boat in perfectly fine condition with just a few holes punched into it, you know it was all staged.
They're killing people now like there's no tomorrow ... but what are they telling us? They're saving them. Rule of thumb: when they tell you people are being killed they're not ... and when they tell you they're saving them, they're killing them.
I definitely remember the story about Griner, but I remember it being more like she had to take a DNA test to see which gender she was to determine which prison to send her to. Something like that for sure came across my news feed.