Symbology Summation: Kate-tastrophe, Season Of Sacrifice Postscript, Etc.
When The Going Gets Weird…
"You ain't gonna learn what you don't want to know…” — Grateful Dead, “Black Throated Wind”
“Somebody has to do something, and it’s pathetic that it has to be us.” — Jerry Garcia
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People who pay me Substack money have been asking if I’m going to ever return to writing about missing Kate Middleton, and the answer is sure, right now, right here, along with some other catch-up stuff.
Despite the two previous Substacks about astray Kate being my most-and-third-most-read articles on the platform, I’ve not written anything for public consumption since mid-March regarding the so-called “royal family” and their various soap operas — mistresses, cancers and “suicide,” O my! — which continue to make top-flight fodder for distracting the USA’s domestic royal voyeurs, morons and muggles as they obliviously circle ever-closer to the American abattoir’s ultimate empire-ending entrance.
I’ve not said anything partly because I don’t like to chase clicks, but also because my very unpopular outlier opinion is that Kate Middleton is dead. Quite dead. Dead like disco, dead like Kissinger, dead like The Fall Guy’s chances of turning a profit.
It’s not a viewpoint that’s widely held, at least publicly, and even less savvy to share because the societally approved response will be to mock and scoff. Meanwhile, I don’t have the energy, will, inclination or enthusiasm to defend what seems pretty obvious and self-evident to me, by the ongoing absence of proof-of-life, all the bullshit that came before the cancer announcement, and the co-ordinated media effort to silence doubt in the pronouncement’s wake.
I mean…C’mon people! Other than a couple controversial photographs and that one strange low-rez video where she or a crappy A.I. version of her told us she had cancer — on Skull’n’Bones Day, no less, March 22 — there’s been no sign of Kate in public since Christmas Day, 2023, nearly a half year ago. No one has seen the three children, either: A missing kids curiosity conspicuous by its absence from the media conversation.
So my educated guess is that Princess Kate is dead: dead, Dead, DEAD. Dead as a doornail, dead like a dinosaur, dead as her husband’s martyred mom. Dead as her callipygian sister Pippa’s ex-lover, Thomas Kingston, who inexplicably “committed suicide” just as tabloid chatter was ramping up over Kate’s disappearance in February, but has since become another unexplained death, first down the rabbit hole but now down the memory hole.
All the unanswered questions in every direction scream that Kate’s been dead for a while. Maybe since shortly after Christmas. As mentioned before but verboten to bring up among respectable people, on December 28 — “Childermas,” or Holy Innocents Day, honoring the memory of infants who were slaughtered by King Herod following the birth of Jesus — an ambulance with large police escort sped out of Sandringham, the small village and estate where the Royal Family spends Christmas every annum.
There was no coverage of this oddity in the corporate media, but there were tweets with photographs and video from Royal obsessives documenting the disturbance as the ambulance sped through the center of the tiny town (linked in that last paragraph). Sandringham, incidentally, is also the birthplace of Diana Spencer, King Charles III’s first wife.
There has never been any statement from the Royal Family about why there were police and an ambulance at the estate, who was in the ambulance after it left, or the vehicles’ destination. In fact, the Royals have not acknowledged the event occurred at all.
I could go through the list of shady stuff surrounding missing Kate Middleton, all the fake photographs and misleading videos and dishonest press coverage that were proven frauds. Or at least they were proven frauds until everybody stopped asking uncomfortable questions about this shit show, following the cancer announcement.
Frankly, it’s probably a fool’s errand battling this mass media communications juggernaut; it’s more formidable than trying to fight City Hall. Covering up the death/murder of a princess is literally a full-time job for the Illuminati-adjacent; exposing it is a hobby, unless it become an obsession, and I’ve got far better things to obsess over.
My guess is that at some point we’re going to be told Kate Middleton died of cancer, probably on some esoterically appropriate date, and that will be that. Questioning what really happened — even with all the circumstantial evidence and palace PR’s prior proven duplicity — will be shamed and rendered unspeakable, the product of “paranoid conspiracy theories” that are “unfounded” and have been “debunked.”
This has already been programmed into the public consciousness by the parade of repentant and remorseful “influencers” in the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate criminal clown media, who’ve lockstep expressed their deep regrets about “Kategate” and daring to question the Official Story™ about the poor princess’s health and well-being.
But, again, I’d bet a bitcoin she’s dead. Kate Middleton’s dead, and maybe the kids are too, probably, as the conquest of the United Kingdom and the destruction of the Royal Family, the once-proud British Empire brought low and humiliated every damn day, becomes more obvious. BY DESIGN. You’re supposed to see it, feel it like a creeping illness to your soul. Demoralization, defeat, conquest, surrender. I think it’s already happened over there. U.K., R.I.P.
While we’re tying up unfinished business, let’s close the book on the 2024 satanic Season of Sacrifice, shall we? It was chronicled to climax on April 30-May 1, with a death-by-fire ritual. I noticed when it happened, right on time, but didn’t write about it in the moment because it was such a distressing reinforcement of “We’re All In This Together!” bubbling down in the bottomless void that I’m trying not to gaze into too much.
There wasn’t a lot of coverage of it when it happened, and it’s not easy to find now without specific search parameters, but on April 30th Russia began firing missiles at the Ukrainian port city of Odesa, killing somewhere between three and fourteen people (reports vary) and burning down the city’s iconic Odesa Law Academy's Palace of Students building, which was fondly known as the “Harry Potter Castle.” The castle had several landmark spires that burned, just like the famous “Dragon tail spire” at Denmark’s burned-down Børsen building back in April, and Cathedral Notre Dame five Aprils prior.
As cited before, April 30-May 1 is the culmination of the Season of Sacrifice and requires “people must die as human sacrifices, especially children.” According to local press reports, the Odesa missile strike resulted in 30 casualties, “including a child,” while the “Palace of Students” sounds like an appropriate target for such a child-unfriendly “holiday.”
So the Russians, or at least their political/military leadership, played their death cult role to finish off the Season of Sacrifice in sufficiently psycho fashion during an Eastern Europe theater of war — emphasis on “theater” — that continues in the Ukraine. The Ukraine! The Energizer Bunny of M.I.C. mutual masturbation! Crank up that war machine Wurlitzer and break out the lube for another porcine go-round on the American taxpayer, Ned Beatty-style!
The corruption is gleeful and shameless. More so every day now that Congress, led by the treasonous liar who’s distressingly looking like yet another closeted kid-fucker, Mike Johnson — did you know that weirdo war-mongering Mike “took custody” of an 11 year old black kid (or was he 14?) when the future Speaker of the House was only 25 years old (or was he 27?), either before his marriage or while he and his wife were still “newlyweds” — rammed through the latest obscene and untraceable $100 billion bill to help Ukraine and Israel protect their borders and kill a lot of people while America’s border is wide open to invasion by young men of war-fighting age, and our infrastructure and healthcare system and economy remain untended and continue to fall apart.
BY DESIGN. All this decline is BY DESIGN, including the declining intellect and critical thinking capabilities of our stupid nation, easily herded like cattle into the dumbest of dumbed-down debates over whether a woman is safer with a man than a grizzly bear, or whether Kristi Noem makes Cruella de Ville look like Dr. Doolittle.
God help us. No, seriously: God, please help us! I implore you! No good man nor woman should have to live under such diabolical, degenerate, demonic principalities in meat puppet form. Even though I’ve been aware for years now that America’s been conquered and our occupied government is a parasitical kakistocracy run by psychopathic child rapists blackmailed into kneepads fascist fealty before a globalist cabal of satanic cannibals and blood-drinking dark occultists, it remains difficult to hold on to that mind-set 100% of the time. Much less convince a nation of nattering narcissists of the supernatural peril we face and the historical errors of society’s contemporary bent.
“Never apologize, never explain” is a saying that originated in Britain in 1916. It remains far too much the mentality and philosophy of the people who think they’ve got some kind of divine right to rule us, to abuse us, to kill us, and who show no sign of taking their foot off the gas chambers. Just look at this clown, for example. Fredo. Fredo Cuomo. He seems like a good place to stop, at the bottom of the barrel.
I think you must be right about Kate. I mean, even those British tabloids devoted to weekly royalty fans... I wonder what's going on their front pages instead of those darling children, let along Kate herself. Utter poof! Disappeared and how dare we ask questions.
Brilliant stuff, Tom! Count me as a huge fan. I didn't know that the UK was still so overwhelmingly White. The people, I mean. Obviously not the leadership. I think Whites are down to 58% or something here in America 2.0. Thanks!