I think you must be right about Kate. I mean, even those British tabloids devoted to weekly royalty fans... I wonder what's going on their front pages instead of those darling children, let along Kate herself. Utter poof! Disappeared and how dare we ask questions.

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It's the shaming of questioning that really sets off my radar. They did the same with the vaxx; "How dare you ask questions about its safety!" Thank you for your comment!

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Brilliant stuff, Tom! Count me as a huge fan. I didn't know that the UK was still so overwhelmingly White. The people, I mean. Obviously not the leadership. I think Whites are down to 58% or something here in America 2.0. Thanks!

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Thank you so much! Yes, I think 58% and falling fast. It was 93% white in 1960, I think.

But the politicians compared to the British electorate is beyond bizarre. There's got to be some kind of voting shenanigans, like many said there were for the vote by Scotland to go independent.

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Love that my two favorite substacks are fans of each other!

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Oh mannnnn...I often feel that second-to-last-paragraph of yours. I just can't believe we are living in a world where we have to endure this over-the-top manipulation from all sides and lies lies lies! One of my favourite astrologers, though, posted a really cool esoteric idea a few months ago that really rung true for me - that our solar system orbits around Sirius (70 X brighter than our Sun) and it takes around 24,000 years to make a full orbit. When we are farthest away from Sirius we are in the Iron/Dark ages...and that's where we are right now. No wonder everyone has been talking about 'ascension' for so many years now. It's not gonna happen in their lifetime and not for thousands of years...but if we're slightly on the other side of the very very dark bottom and beginning to rise out of the 12,000 year lowest point then any light we can emit and generate is welcome and 'ascension' is in the air! Ya know? Iron age (darkest age) then Bronze Age...and then the Silver age and then the Golden Age which is, apparently, 8000 years long at the top of the orbit/cycle closest to Sirius. But here we are at the bottom. Sigh. I especially like this theory because I had a series of very interesting dreams just over 20 years ago that connected me to Sirius. I'm feelin' the truth in this! We've gotta be the generators of Light in the Darkness....!

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Thank you for your comment, Ms. Milkshake, but...but...oof! If we're several thousand years away from the Silver Age, even the best of us are time-cube trapped in an Iron Age through life's fleeting decay and death. It makes this go round sound unfairly rough, human design-wise! Reincarnation, here we come?

The Sirius reference is interesting separately: There is definitely something to that star and the one immediately beside it, named Digitaria; the Dogon people of Mali in West Africa knew about both stars even though the second one could not and cannot be seen with the eye. The Dogons claim humanity comes from a planet between Sirius and Digitaria.


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Yessssss! That's all what I discovered when I had a series of dreams that led me investigate Sirius! Soo interesting isn't it? I guess I have felt, since then, that an ancient part of my soul has spent time in those realms! Hahaha. Call me nuts - but in one of my very lucid dreams I met an over-7 foot being who communicated with me telepathically and let me know that he was one of the first 'seeded' beings on earth...and he was from Sirius....since he was the same over-7 foot being that I encountered a couple of months earlier who was a Beluga whale standing on his tail and speaking to me telepathically through his moving melon/forehead! Annnyway - you get the drift. Who knows...but what an investigation it's been....and it keeps on going... :)

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Yup if you’ve been obsessed with the “hidden” reality aka “conspiracies” as many of us have been for decades now, and done the research, its not much of a leap to realize that she’s dead. Sorta knew it from the getgo. I would be very surprised, far more surprised, if we were wrong. And those “Kings horses” running wild through London, one of them — the white one - stained with blood. Or fake blood. Or whatever it actually was that LOOKED like blood.

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Yes, the blood or "blood" on the horse was scarlet as it gets: shocking, vibrant, eye-catching, burned into memory. If you see England's downfall and conquest as a prolonged ritual (like the Naomi Wolf piece I linked in my Substack details), the bloody horse escape and rampage seems intentionally symbolic more than synchronistically, but who knows? Is this stage managed in the material world or the next? "I Know Nothing!" Thank you for your comment!

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From what I’ve read there were two horses that were injured. The blood was real apparently. The Satanists/Reptilians would eschew fake blood as their life force comes from the real adrenalized McCoy through torture & sacrifice. There was also the other horse incident of 3 horses, one white & 2 dark. I wonder if that was to symbolize Kate’s demise. Crickets from the palace/press about that one.

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The dark occultists don't mind using fake blood to fool the muggles and morons is my understanding. Amongst themselves, they use the real deal. The three horses with black plumage happened the week Rothschild died, King Charles III got diagnosed with cancer and the "where's Kate" chorus really started to ramp up. Thank you for your comment!

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Thanks Tom, once again, you have brightened my day. Yes, you are correct, the UK has fallen, but it's only us crazy conspiracy theorists that have the balls to say it out load. I think many more feel it, but don't understand what they are feeling. Oh, and I agree with you on Kate, well, I actually find myself agreeing with you on absolutely everything, and i'm critical of everything that I read, but we must be smoking the same stuff, and I don't even smoke.

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Thank you so much! I wonder what the majority of people think that they don't talk about.

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Great piece, thanks for these thoughts. And mo doubt the big "reveal" of Kate's and possibly the kiddos' deaths will come when They think We need to be distracted away from some other story.

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All these major trauma events have multiple tendrils, so the "distraction" deaths make a lot of sense.

I remember a very cynical ad guy in Baltimore darkly joked once, back when Brad & Angelina were constantly atop the gossip pages, that "The day it comes out that 9/11 was an inside job, Brad and Angie will die in a plane crash and it will consume the news for weeks."

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I wish I disagreed with more of this........

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I wish I didn't feel moved to write it! Thank you for your comment.

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I was just wondering a few days ago where TF Kate was. I had come to the same conclusion as you. That she's dead. But no one anywhere was talking about it at all...til I read your post. Thank you for speaking your mind! But I mean, are the kids dead, too? Where the hell are they? If they are dead, WTF happened? I swear to God, I live and breathe for this shit. I'm sure I will burn in hell but oh well. I'll be in good company. I feel like Chucky is about to keel over, too...if he hasn't already done so. Long live King Willy, huh??

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The lockstep lack of coverage of all the strangeness, the fact we don't yet know what kind of cancer the King has, zero of the kids since Christmas, it's all madness. Thank you for your comment!

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Beware the contorted sideways plot twist Nostradamus said it would be King Harry

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The quatrain could be interpreted that way, but it's not conclusive IMHO. Thank you for your observation and comment!

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I don't think William is a good man. Harry would fit the role more proper IMHO but his wife... eeeesh. Kate would be the better queen. But the idea of royalty is ridiculous.

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I’ve also been feeling that poor Princess Kate is dead. 😞

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A YouTube channel called " SGI " with only a thousand subscribers is one of the few to delve deeply into the missing Princess of Wales and her likely bleak fate.


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Oooo. This looks good. Thank you for sharing, I will watch over the weekend!

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And cancer is the perfect spin story.

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Thank you for mentioning that. I've been looking hard for someone who is talking about this.

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Murad Murali and Tisa Tells YouTube channels are both going hard on the Kate disappearance but are pretending that she's just stepped out of the limelight for a while. Only SGI is airing serious fears as to Kate's current wellbeing. Not to mention the children. The official sources gaslighting on this forbidden topic is off the scale.

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The SGI video you shared was full of good information, though a few leaps I'm not sure I follow. Still, a strong collection of relevant facts for anyone not believing the Official Story™. Thank you for your comment!

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I have been watching her videos. Thank you! I won't bother with the other ones if that's their stance. Something seems to be seriously afoot here, imo. I hope I am wrong.

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Another great read...I have missed seeing your stuff. You know, when I watched the Odesa Law Academy's Palace of Students building go up in flames, I thought of exactly what you wrote before...another iconic, historic building being burnt to the ground, erasing a little more history with every flicker.

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Thank you so much! I too, gave a heavy sigh of recognition in revelation of the method when i saw the reports on the castle burning in Odesa. Like clockwork!

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As each of the children’s birthdays are celebrated and photos of them are published, pay close attention to their missing baby teeth and their incoming adult teeth.

The pictures that we are told were taken recently are nothing of the kind, as indicated by their adult teeth barely growing in at all.

Every parent knows that children’s adult teeth come in in a matter of weeks - 1 or 2 months at the latest.

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Excellent observation and advice! Thank you for your comment!

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Thank you for expressing our frustration so perfectly. I’m looking for hope. Do you see any inkling? I just got home from Paris and sat in a beautiful church listening to a string group perform Vivaldi. It was a lovely reprieve and felt vengeful. Notre Dame, they say, is close to being rebuilt. I made sure to pass around a picture of Michelle Obama passing by the burning church in a boat. Nothing is more telling than that picture. Just a coincidence, I’m sure, that she happened to be there.

I find hope in Notre Dame rising again. Let’s hope it stands forever.

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I sometimes go to a nearby park in Austin and enjoy the outdoors. I have birds in the trees and squirrels on the ground in my leafy neighborhood, and that's nice. Music remains a balm, though I've recently been listening to more podcasts and less music. The worst people seem to be losing face, though I'm not sure the good people are making headway.

The rebuilding of Notre Dame has been encouraging, honestly. The early reports about what they were planning to do sounded very green-influenced and Earth Mother oriented, not Catholic or Christian. But it looks like it didn't actually play out that way, the new spire, roof and inside all look respectful of the past but new and fresh as well. So yes, that's been a good thing too. Thank you for your comment!

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i would love to see that Big Mike photo

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Interesting, but that picture is widely available. Just google the key words—Michele, boat, Notre Dame. It will come right up.

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The irony. Notre Dame (Our Lady) & MO!!

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Got to agree Tom! Thanks for the article.

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They’ll likely announce the passing around Lammas (August 1), the day the king is sacrificed in Celtic tradition. I am thinking Marilyn Monroe’s death day August 4-5. Interestingly, Meghan Markle’s birthday.

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For all that's unholy, Meghan Markle's birthday would be the ultimate insult to announce Kate's death. Thank you for your comment!

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My next thought would be to push out till September 22, when the king is escorted into the underworld in ritual fashion.

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How could a princess just be removed, as we assert (as evidenced by the death of Dianna already)? How could untold millions just die by a vaccine bioweapon? It must be a climate of fear which induces the conformity and lockstep, beyond the heartless, godless hubris which has besotted our nations. I describe two respective (but colluding) coups, the Radical Islamic agenda under Obama, and that of the secret "overlords" of Britain through Nazism. I try to account for the reasons behind this conformity, to bring us back to a place where we can recognize one another again, perhaps to even heal, and to gain a hold on the official narrative, if from the shadows, from this Targeted Individual. https://open.substack.com/pub/jlparker/p/the-co-infectious-coinciding-nazi?r=1hky4n&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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