Jul 25Liked by TOM SIEBERT

The revolution will be televised! Actually scripted completely. The worrisome part isn’t so much the script but the fact that we are getting a full on B movie. There’s no way to put the genie back in the bottle, so the end of what we have is near.

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The revolution will be streamed, more likely! I keep thinking who would've been the best writer for this pitch black comic horror show. Who wrote "Death to Smoochy"? Thank you for your comment!

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Oh, and great post. I’m just not sure whether to laugh or cry.

My unvaccinated kids are playing with their (non digitized) wooden toys here in the living room of our secluded rural hideaway in an undisclosed location in red state America. Will they be alive to appreciate the legacy of the nominal “US Constitution”? Ie. consent of the governed, maximal personal liberty, equal standing under the law etc?

Or will they inherit the totalitarian descendant of the ChiCom programme?

Your move.

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Congrats on outsmarting Big Pharma! Your children are blessed to have such a wise parent. As for what kind of society they're going to inherit, I guess that depends on whether when SHTF if people turn on government or each other. Thank you for your comment!

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I like the photo of the puppy and the kitten 🐾 ty 💗

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Thank God for that picture of the cute puppy and kitten because I had basically lost all hope that there was anything good left in this world.

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"There's always you'n'me, kid."

There's actually a decent amount of good left in the world. I honestly do believe that.

As the meme says: "If the evil ones really had control over us, they wouldn't need the relentless propaganda." Thank you for your comment!

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Jul 25Liked by TOM SIEBERT

There’s plenty of good in this life. This awful stuff is just the “air” that Satan is known as the prince of. It’s not real but a reflection of the collective belief system of those who want a “leader.”

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Yes, yes; exactly. Thank you for your comment!

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Thank you back!

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Wow what a slap in the face, wake up piece! Kudos sir!

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Thank you so much!

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Jul 26Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Fantastic article! I'll be posting it elsewhere. Thank you!

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Thank you so much!

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Jul 25Liked by TOM SIEBERT

As an Irish Canadian fan of sardonic writing, I for one love this! It reminds me of Probably Alexandra’s teachings. This is a chess game and both black and white board and chess pieces are equally evil. It’s long since time to exit the game. Kudos as well for calling out the “alt media” folks, a la JJ Couey. Many thanks!

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Thank you very much! I'm ashamed to say I have zero clue who JJ Couey is, but I will explore. Thank you for your comment!

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JC On A Bike was one of the places I took solace while locked down (and jab free)

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I think you’ll enjoy his work. He’s on Substack - Gigaohm Biological :)

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Jul 26Liked by TOM SIEBERT

JJ Couey? what's bad about him

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Nothing IMO! I think Tom will like his work.

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It's been a strange experience watching people who are still clueless about what's really going on, first the conservatives, enthusiastically declaring how proud they are to vote for Trump after whatever it is that happened on the 13th, and now to see my dem friends immediately get on the Harris bandwagon like she's the best thing that's ever happened and just immediately forget how fucking bizarre this whole Biden situation is. I'm both horrified and amused by it all.

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The ability of people to change their opinions on a dime and swallow a new, inverted narrative from what they were saying two days earlier is indeed mystifying and inspiring of wild conjectures.

The people who say these 5G towers are in some way messing with the heads of the vaxxed, I don't believe it, but I can no longer dismiss it 100%. Strange Days! Thank you for your comment!

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I still feel like I am in many ways “clueless” or at least I have a lot to learn, still.

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Anyone who says otherwise is lying or trying to sell you something. Thank you for your comment!

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Jul 25Liked by TOM SIEBERT

If this past year has taught me anything, it's that I know almost nothing.

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I need to take a shower after reading this. Ick.

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Jul 26Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Can we just talk about how disturbing that Shriekback video is?

Had forgotten about them--HS music for me.

Great rant.

The only way to win IS not to play, but we are not strong enough to say no. We will play, and lose, until the sun decides it's time to wipe us mostly out.

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I love that song, even though it's evil af. Came out while I was living in Paris. That whole album is pretty good. Thank you for your comment!

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Aug 3Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Naomi Wolf didn't like my comments on her substack regarding her past and made a veiled threat of potential litigation by labeling my comment as "defamatory". My reply: "Sometimes the truth IS defamatory."

You left out that she is also a Rhodes Scholar (another elitist club), like Bill Clinton... which was included in my comment to her. I also accused her as LARPing in her concern about the vaccines as it seems she's slow-walking an expected reveal, along the lines of, "Here's all of the irrefutable proof the vaccines are killing everyone... and it's all Trump's fault!"

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3Author

People's worldview(s) can evolve. I'm sure the heady thrust of power politics in the Bill Clinton White House was intoxicating back in the day.

Also, to be fair, what many of us know now, we did not know then. I probably would've made a play to be a Rhodes Scholar if they reached out to me; hell, I had no plans on being a Theology major, nor heading into the hinterlands of near-Appalachia, until that creepy West Virginia college in the middle of nowhere offered me a scholarship to go there and be one because they had a quota to fill. So some of these things just happen, or fall into place or are used to recruit then filter out potential assets for the globalist cause.

Dr. Wolf has been de-platformed a lot and she's made a lot of enemies. A lot of those enemies are truly terrible people, and, like my grandfather used to say "You can judge a man better by his enemies than his friends." So I don't think Dr. Wolf is corrupt, just compromised. It's impossible to say how much, due to her secret society loyalties, which she's made clear are more important to her than transparency to the public. She is likely still beholden to the Clintons on some level as well; they have a huge amount of dirt on everybody. But it's likely she's some CIA branch asset or possibly even Mossad: the Clinton White House was loaded with Israeli operatives (like "MEGA," the spy who infiltrated the loftiest realms of the White House, and was named but not identified personally in a blockbuster 1997 Washington Post story that has since been taken offline by the Bezos paper after Amazon's Jewish billionaire bought it. Here's a rundown: https://tinyurl.com/bdzszfn4)

I do think there is a problem "eating our own" among the so-called "right," as opposed to the impressive yet absurd lock-step Borg-like hivemind messaging on the left. Overall I still find Dr. Wolf a net positive in a significant way; she's very smart and her communications are accessible for a wide swath of IQ tiers.

That said, I also think there are a lot of women who know there is a greased pole to success and possibly power if they blow their way to the top, as well as allies who don't see anything wrong with it because It's All In The Game. Thus, this faction of professional women don't want an open door on that open secret; it might impede the "Future is Female" Narrative.

Everything's a political power play in the 21st Century. Power-hungry women grabbed the upper hand with #MeToo, so in response there should be more male pushback about the ambitious chicks who'll do anything to get ahead. It's ugly, yes, but it's not unfair because the truth is the truth. Men in 2024 need to either push back or lose. Unspeakable maybe, but that's the way it is in Life During Wartime.

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Jul 30Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I love your writing. I love your writing. I could wtite that a million times and mean it each time. I think you are amazing.We are in a Spiritual War and the stakes are our Souls. You say it. I say it. People have to realize this now!!!

You present things in such a way that the veil is lifted for many and you shine a spotlight on the darkness that is working against us. Thank you. There is a blog called the Conservative Treehouse and a writer on the site named Sundance that if you haven't read you may really enjoy his insights. I also recommend Coreysdigs.com a great site that connects so many dots and gives you the full unfolding picture. Happy reading!

I believe it was Matthew Broderick and Jennifer Grey who killed someone . Sarah Jessica Parker is his curent wife.

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I am familiar with both Conservative Treehouse and Coreys Digs. I was really "into" Coreys Digs for a while. Haven't checked it out recently, should give it a glance.

You are correct that Matthew Broderick & Jennifer Grey were in the car that killed the two Irish women. He later married SJP, and the latter couple now own a home in Kilcar, Ireland, which just seems cruel & mocking to me. Thank you for your kind comment!

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Black is white. Up is down.

Orange is the new black.

Nothing rhymes with orange.


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Actually, come November, we might discover Black is the new orange.

"Porridge," maybe? Thank you for your comment!

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Even that puppy/ kitten photo reveals the reality of conflict; this is not a photo of happy co-existence, it is the moment before war.

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YIKES! I hadn't looked that closely, but now that I see the looks in their eyes....

Thank you for your comment.

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I was thinking the same thing...that is right before that cute puppy bats the kitten away, or worse yet...has lunch.

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I think what is most amusing is those doing all of this sadistic stuff believe they will “get away with it” …

Judgment is coming …

In the meantime I will love life and those I love :)

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I have zero doubt the Evil ones will receive judgment, but I am not yet convinced we'll see it in this material world. But maybe! Thank you for your comment.

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Never look up a Wrinkle in Tom for some light reading fare 😁

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Hahahahaha! Thank you?

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Excellent writing as always. One of my most wonders of the world is how we became so polarized. Family, friends and coworkers I don’t talk to anymore. I always say as passionate I feel they feel just as passionate. This polarization appeared to happen overnight. But when you mentioned Thessalonians 2 it all clicked because I never thought we were that near the END.

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Yes. The best answer for all that's happening is spiritual and supernatural. Thank you for your comment.

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