6 hrs agoLiked by TOM SIEBERT

If you work on film crews, like I did, there are celebrities you hear about: the very wonderful, and the very rotten. Steve Harvey is known as one of the very rotten. Just horrible.

When I first started in the business, , for example, decades ago, I was shocked to hear what a horrible person Bill Cosby was. And Barbara Walters. At the time I was shocked.

But yeah, Steve Harvey. Everybody says the same thing about him and it’s all bad.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoAuthor

I remember one of my film critics while I was film editor at INsite magazine in the ATL was dating a failed Hollywood actor who became a popular D.J. in the city. My (now ex-)wife and I went on a double date with them, and we were talking about good/bad celebs and I mentioned Bill Cosby as a good guy, good dad, etc.

The D.J. was like "Look, Bill Cosby is a really bad guy. I can't say more than that, but I promise you that Bill Cosby is involved in some very dark stuff." The D.J. was usually very loose and wisecracking, it was out of character. Stuck with me.

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6 hrs agoLiked by TOM SIEBERT

What about when Kanye(?) took the mic at the Grammies to announce that Beyoncé-not Taylor Swift- should have won album of the year? And Janet Jackson’s slip? At least Harvey announced a woman, these days most beauty contest winners are men, no matter what they call themselves.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoAuthor

Yes, that Kanye mic-steal moment was bizarre. I never paid any attention to MTV's VMAs, though. In advertising biz, they were derisively called "The Empties." Even to bullshit artists, that show was double-bullshit.

Not sure how deep the trans rabbit hole goes, but I do think it's a lot deeper than I thought even a year ago. Thank you for your comment!

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Janet Jackson's slip was 100% intentional. More buzz-via-controversy.

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Precisely zero people expected you to write about this today.

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Hahahaha! Thank you for your comment. I laughed.

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Did you just give me 221 more articles to read? I believe you did!

What is your take on the Will Smith humiliation ritual? I have not yet seen that he has come out of it better off for slapping Chris Rock around. Chris Rock came out better off, I guess, but not Will Smith.

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At least half those articles you will likely find boring because they're meat-and-potatoes media reporting. Only after I'd been at Mediapost for a bit did the Editor in Chief Joe Mandese graciously permit me wide-ranging room to write what I wanted.

I don't think Chris Rock was supposed to come out better than Will Smith at all, but that's the way it happened. We were supposed to be symbolically shown the Triumph of the Will over the Rock, but it didn't evolve that way at all.

That said, Will Smith is hanging in there. BAD BOYS 4 was an unexpected success, though, to be fair Martin Lawrence was the best reason to see it. I'm not surprised to see him retreating to other sequels, like I AM LEGEND 2. He may yet pull off a successful comeback, though I'd be rooting for him more if he got rid of that emasculating wicked witch who's obviously sucking the life out of him.

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You say the site is half-empty, I say it is half full.

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all the world's a stage indeed....

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I guess Hillary’s humiliation ritual was losing the presidency. Thank goodness, no way I could have listened to her for 4 years.

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Plus all that stuff with Bill Clinton making a mockery of their marriage for years, a rolling ritual. Plus the goat thing. ;-)

She's humiliated America in return, however, even more. Thank you for your comment!

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On your last post I commented that I was pessimistic about this whole Diddy thing, but I've changed my mind. It may take some time, but I think there will be a much bigger fallout than there was with Epstein. Too many people are awake and exposing the wickedness now. Plus, this is the year of revelation. I think the next 3 months are going to be wild.

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"I think the next 3 months are going to be wild." To this, I 100% agree.

Otherwise, I remain dubious that the Diddy fallout will be radioactive. Far more likely they Epstein him in prison and dare us to do something about it. Because they've done far worse things to us, and we haven't yet.

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Wait… there was a “fallout” from the Epstein stuff? Call me Rip Van Winkle, but I must have slept through the “fallout”

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Not my intent for you to think there was Epstein "fallout." Except maybe for Ghislaine Maxwell, though I will note there were zero photos of her court case, or of her entering/exiting the courthouse. Nor have we seen any photographs or video of her in prison. I think we got one makeup free profile picture. Thank you for your comment!

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6 hrs agoLiked by TOM SIEBERT

I think she was replying to my post. No real fallout from that, but that was one crack. I'm just starting to think that maybe the dam is finally about to burst.

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From your lips to Spaghetti Monster's ears! Let's all pray these monsters burn.

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Steve Harvey was probably “suggested” he name Miss Colombia by some cartel or other. But most likely the “Farm” got involved requiring the Phillipines to win because hey, it’s a main human trafficking hub, and humans Trump cocaine.

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I think it's more likely that WME/IMG/Endeavor did it for publicity and future hopes of revitalizing a brand that wasn't doing so hot. It accomplished the opposite, however.

Thank you for your comment, though! You could be right!

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