Remember the fling he had with Pam Anderson during his final days at the Ecuadorian embassy? What the heck was that about? Was she a honeypot sent in by intelligence agencies to figure out exactly what he knew (and any dead-man switches he might have had) before making their move? I don't know. It seems bizarre that it was all so highly publicized. You'd think if it were some type of op aimed at Assange that we wouldn't have heard a peep about it. Someone wanted the world to know that Pam Anderson, of all people, was spending time with Assange.

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Compelling comment. I reply to you after the reply below. Thank you!

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Actresses are never not actresses especially when they sign universal contracts. What was the job? What did she do?

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The Official Story™ at the time was that Pamela Anderson & Julian Assange allegedly shared a passion for animal rights, which is what brought them together.

If you can believe the dank Hollywood gossip site Crazy Days & Nights, however, she was a honeypot sent there with a clandestine orders to kill him or set him up to be killed, but failed (I find this hard to believe, maybe 17% possible, just sharing for entertainment value). Be sure to scroll down for the comments after the CDAN post: https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2022/01/blind-items-revealed-38.html?m=1

No matter what's the Truth, it does add a whole Hollywood production element to this spycraft warfare. Even the fact he got a movie made about him, like Snowden, suggests there's more going on here than meets the eye (as usual) on the "Narrative" front.

Thank you & Entropy Wave both for your comments!

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Yes, true heroes never have Hollywood movies about them.

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Pure fire as always. Thank you Tom.

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Thank you so much!

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Excellent, Tom! I appreciate the angle you took here; that of a movie review. It’ll stand out amongst the zillion of Assange-y things that are surely coming (& already here). I often see or not-see a show based solely on a review that is well written, well “argued”, and with whose position I often concur anyway. Even though your writing is new to me, I trust that you are that writer.

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Holy cow! What a compliment to get! Thank you very much.

LMK what you think of the movie!

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Have you done a piece on Seth Rich? Is this a teaser?

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I have never written about Seth Rich before today. I have no plans to write about him further, unless something happens that puts him back in the news. Thank you for your comment!

FWIW, I do remember when somebody posted on Reddit's r/conspiracy, before Reddit got completely compromised, that the D.C. anti-crime cameras outside Comet Ping Pong Pizza had been turned in the opposite direction, away from the restaurant. The anonymous writer said "something's up" and yup, the next day the frustrated actor (used to be on IMDB; now deleted) shot up the pizza joint but luckily he only hit its hard drive.

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“Luckily only hit its hard drive”. Claaaaaassic.

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Jun 25Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I know very little about Seth Rich, but looking at the Wikipedia entry on his murder uncovers this gem:

"The 27-year-old Rich was an employee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and his murder spawned several right-wing conspiracy theories,[1][4] including the false claim, contradicted by the law enforcement branches that investigated the murder, that Rich had been involved with the leaked DNC emails in 2016.[5][6] It was also contradicted by the July 2018 indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence agents for hacking the e-mail accounts and networks of Democratic Party officials[7] and by the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion the leaked DNC emails were part of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.[5][6][8] Fact-checking websites like PolitiFact,[6][9] Snopes,[10] and FactCheck.org stated that the theories were false and unfounded.[5] The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post wrote that the promotion of these conspiracy theories was an example of fake news.[11][12][13]"

What's that you say, Wikipedia? The evil conspiracy theories were contradicted by law enforcement, media outlets, intelligence, Snopes, fact-checkers, AND The Russians? Well then, I guess there is nothing else to say, as those eminently reliable, non-biased, totally-never-ass-covering groups said there is nothing to see. I guess I'll move right along!

I coined my own term for the "he doth protest too much" phenomenon, called the "I'm Not Gay Postulate". If you have to tell people over and over that you aren't gay, I've got bad news (or good, depends): you're gay. If the media, the law, intelligence, fact-checkers, Snopes, AND the Russians have to tell me there is no conspiracy, well.......

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Jun 25·edited Jun 26Author

As you already correctly presumed, Adam, the Official Story™ on the Seth Rich murder AND the DNC "hack" are both garbage. I'm not going to reiterate it all here, I've got at least a thousand words written about it from years and years ago, maybe I'll whip it out at some point and update it, but without having to dig around to cite sources, I'll note this:

1- The amount of info pulled from the DNC servers could not have been accomplished in the time required to do it; only a hard drive connected to the server could do it.

2- Former British Ambassador Craig Murray has said HE was the conduit between Wikileaks and the DNC leaker, strongly suggesting Seth Rich did it (this was actually unexpectedly easy to find): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4034038/Ex-British-ambassador-WikiLeaks-operative-claims-Russia-did-NOT-provide-Clinton-emails-handed-D-C-park-intermediary-disgusted-Democratic-insiders.html

There's more, but this is a good start.

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When they trot out the Russians, be suspicious

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Jun 25Liked by TOM SIEBERT

It always reminds me of Homer Simpson's advice on how to avoid trouble at work: "If something goes wrong at the plant, blame the guy who can't speak English. Ah, Tibor, how many times have you saved my butt?"

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I lived next door to Julian's father, John Shipton, for 13 years and he was good friends with my household. I met Julian once in the early 2000s when he came over to a party but we only spoke briefly.

It's 100% anticipated that intelligence agencies would infiltrate Wikileaks, isn't it?

I mean 100%.

And it's clear they did ... because as is their wont they told us Revelation of the Method (RoM) style.

In 2019, a glamour shot of Chelsea aroused my suspicions so I looked up her bio on Wikispook and sure enough all the RoM signs were there. Strange details about an alcoholic mother and living in Wales and behaving very strangely and yet being offered a position as an intelligence analyst. Doncha love it? Intelligence ANALYST. No she wasn't an analyst she was an agent.

Obviously, if she were an agent then Collateral Murder would be a fake, right? They're not going to "leak" genuine documents, they're going to leak fakes ... and it's obvious that the audio is genuine snippets of soldiers' conversation stitched together and ill-matched to staged footage.

I tried to tell John and others around Julian. No one would listen to me. I wasn't asking them to believe me of course just to look for themselves. I mean it's obvious. If the film was faked then what should we expect of all the other documents?


I'm rather curious about Stella Moris (formerly known as Sara Gonzalez Devant), one letter different from Stella Maris, which has occult associations with the sirens, lurers of sailors and child-snatchers.


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Thank you for this write-up! It's time for everyone to know. I haven't known enough. Inspired by your write-up, I'll start with the movie.

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Thank you so much! It's not a great movie, but it is a good movie and Cumberbatch is terrific in it.

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I saw in a Mouthy Buddha documentary that MS-13 may be responsible for so many of the assassinations like Seth Rich, I never thought of that before.

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The weirdest family tableau you will ever see after his alleged death would strongly suggest it was faked - some of the comments are quite entertaining. It seems he's been spotted in Israel.


Alternatively, on Clues Forum it is suggested he never even existed which I have to say sounds more likely to me and the "seen in Israel" is just another one of their BS streams.


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I'm pretty sure that he is going to wonder why he bothered and suffered for transparency and truth... if he makes it back to the " Lucky Country".

His story wouldn't be mainstream unless it was allowed to be. I know a lot of jabbed monkeys that love him but obviously don't see their hypocrisy... Or just love the idea of standing up against the man, from the safety of their loungeroom.. with their telescreen saying " look what happens when you stand up to the man!"

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Be interesting to see how many fans would dump him and MSM attention he would get if he talks about vacinne coercion... Not that it matters now.

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"His story wouldn't be mainstream unless it was allowed to be."

Not sure this is the case, in the sense that I'm not sure it was even mainstream until yesterday, and even then only because of Xwitter; MSM reacted to Xwitter, not the reverse.

Moreover, like how the SOUTH PARK guys can still talk trash and not get cancelled, Assange is sort of a "grandfathered in" media figure. Plus, he's an element of chaos who probably serves (whether he knows it or not) a couple branches off the crazy multi-faceted secret society war that's going on. Of course, he might belong to one of them....

Thanks for your comment! You may be right! "I Know Nothing."

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Jun 26Liked by TOM SIEBERT

It's been mainstream in Australia for 20 years. That's how scared our Primemasons are of the public here doing anything except getting upset and virtue signalling online. They could have shot the guy in the dick and it would have been old news in days. We've got beer to drink and football to watch.. Julian who?

" I know that I don't know anything too!"👌

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Jun 26Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Correction - replace dick with head. Dickshots would be remembered.

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OK, I gotta plead my ignorance: What's a "Primemason"? Is it some government position? Or something more secret?

Thank you for your comments!

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Freemasons infect us with the dictates of the death cult here in Australia. The Prime Minister's residence is called "The Lodge". Our first female Prime Minister "chose" not to occupy The Lodge. Women in Australia are not welcome to join and definitely aren't allowed in the child buggery/ torture/sacrifice buildings.

On another note, have you read this?

The Power of the Powerless

Written in 1978 by Havel. Change a few dates, names and labels and it could have been written yesterday!


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