Have you ever heard of "Schrodinger's cat"? A simple but deranged way to illustrate quantum phenomenon, as through observation. We have to disentangle ourselves from this science and the slavery imposed by the shackles of 5G and "Transhumanism", promulgated through quantum science, namely, quantum computing, which is how our collective information (bio-data, eventually ceded to the hive mind, i.e. the Metaverse) is collected, processed and stored (in Fusion Centers). Anthony Patch elaborates on this, thoroughly, and my posts about 5G and Neuromodulation attempt to elucidate this form of Satanic bondage, which was first wrought on the Targeted Individual (TI). Thank you for helping us demystify the occult; I pray we can dismantle their next plandemic, through like knowledge you share here.

"Hitting the Target: 5G and Neuromodulation"


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Apr 19·edited Apr 19Author

Thank you very much for your complimentary comment! I do think there is something to the fact that technology and electronics and electricity push us further from using our brain to discover new, evolving and transcendent mental powers. Like the transhumanism stuff is a robotic/AI/Android replacement for the evolution of the natural mind. Food for thought for sure!

I've cracked "Schrödinger's cat" jokes, thankuverymuch!

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Apr 19Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Once again Tom another excellent piece. Two items reletated to water. First related to the container ship Bali hitting the Key Bridge, it was recently announced the FBI has opened an investigation into the matter. Onlty time will tell if they're interested in really findoing out what happened or making sure we never do. ;-)


Second item related to water did you see that Dubai suffered historical rainfall on Tuesday?

"More than 14cm (5.6 inches) of rain soaked Dubai on Tuesday, around as much as normally falls in a year-and-a-half at Dubai International Airport, the world's busiest for international travel.

The heavy thunderstorms were "a historic weather event" that surpassed anything seen since records began in 1949, the state-run WAM news agency said."


For what it's worth

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Yes! Thank you for observing that! I saw the story but did not make the water connection, cement skull that I am. But it's obvious! Thank you for your comment!

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Yes, the Dubai deluge is definitely noteworthy

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Apr 24Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Two horses, one white covered in blood, and one black escaped through London. Could this be an omen? https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/24/uk/horses-running-loose-in-central-london-say-police-intl-scli-gbr

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Yes, thank you for pointing this out. Not to mention this was happening in London AT THE SAME TIME!


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I sense truth in what you're saying here. Even in my worst days of despair at feeling impotent to change the course of eveil raining down on us, I knew I had to keep on top of the daily feed. Just knowing that I knew, somehow had to be worth something. Knowledge was the only weapon I felt I had.

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Besides non-compliance, that is. Plus various subversive activities.

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Just so you know, Tom, today is the Ayatollah Khamenei’s birthday. So that “air” attack was appropriately (?) timed.

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Wow, oops, I was thinking of Ruhollah Khomeini.

You meant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Khamenei

Thank you for your comment.

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Tom have you ever heard of Jason Beshears whose podcast on YouTube is called Archaix? He says we live in a hologram/simulacrum and there are Phoenix events that he can predict with mathematics. I just started listening, it’s a lot to take in and hard to figure out where to start but fit you like that book, I think you will find the previous Texan prisoner to be fascinating.

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I have heard of Jason Beshears and I have watched/listened to some of his podcasts. The amount of research he has done and the content he has produced is overwhelming. He's certainly persuasive enough to have earned his theories consideration, the numerical "coincidences" are unsettling. Mathematics and numerical design to the universe seem a given at this point, though well beyond my ken. Thank you for your comment; I would recommend everyone look into the work of Jason Beshears, I'm just not sure how much.

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Apr 22Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Yeah I had the same issue, I don’t know where to begin, they aren’t in order and they are all so long with lots of extraneous info. I wish he had a website I could skim.

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deletedApr 21
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I read THE EXTERNALIZATION OF THE HIERARCHY several years ago and got a lot out of it, but I gotta correct you cuz it's written by Alice Bailey! I prefer Alice Bailey to Madame Blavatsky. I liked tEotH, even tho I know it's kinda Luciferian. Thank you for your comment!

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Oh yes my mistake. I get those two confused ..these days. Old brain 😌

Thanks for the interesting article 👍

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deletedApr 20·edited Apr 20Liked by TOM SIEBERT
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Excellent question and thank you for your comment.

It's possible it was leaked from multiple locations, buuuuuut....Wuhan had a research facility funded by Fauci working on "gain of function" microbiological warfare. One of the whistleblowers from Bilderberg (or World Bank? Can't recall) many years before the Covid "pandemic" said, obliquely, that the plan was "China catches a cold." The deadly virus from CONTAGION, WORLD WAR Z and other predictive programming "entertainment" is first discovered in China.

I think Coronavirus did come out of China, but I could be wrong. They could be lying about everything, because they usually are. Thank you again for your comment!

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