Apr 26Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Tom, YOU are on fire. I’m sharing this with everyone I know. Bravo.

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Wow! Thank you so much!

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Apr 26Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Excuse me Tom you’ve gone too far with this:

“The controlled corrupt collectivist corporate criminal clown media and an army of mostly ugly activists (and Oprah!) have broken the soul, spirit and psychology of at least two generations of liberal white women, who bought all their third-and-fourth wave feminist bullshit about how “you can have it all” and how true emotional fulfillment is found in a corporate cubicle and not the family unit, while aborting your unborn child is the height of front-hole freedom and empowerment, and all the other pretty little lies that have created a degenerating demographic of broken, bitter, self-righteous shrews who need taming, STAT.”

“At least two generations” of women are definitely not broken and the media is not in charge of individual human choices.

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Thank you for your comment.

Do you feel you've truly given me a fair shake here, when my writing states: "at least two generations of liberal white women," yet you cite me as stating "at least two generations of women," excluding the two qualifying adjectives? Because the latter is most certainly not what I said and definitely not what I meant.

The non-partisan Pew poll cited in my piece can be easily read and dissected here (I should've included a link in the piece; d'oh!):


I agree the media is "not in charge of individual human choices," but I also believe it is a massive influence on the choices that are being made. If this was not the case, the advertising industry would be non-existent. I certainly know personally that many of my misguided choices were influenced by news media, movies, television, books.

I appreciate you taking the time to share your dislike of my Substack, as opposed to just walking away. Have a splendid weekend.

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Apr 26Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Hi Karen. I have a couple thoughts regarding your comment.

First: if you have spent any time around women nowadays, whether school-age or career-age or elderly, you will find how massively unhappy and confused many women are. Designer drug use, heavy and regular alcohol use, counseling, obesity, massive unhappiness and confusion, are all rampant especially among women. Not that men are immune, Karen, but women are no doubt getting hit the hardest.

There is a phenomenon now that you should know about: "hitting the wall". Go onto any social media platform and search it. You will find thousands of heartbreaking videos of women who are realizing, often too late, that they have been lied to and left behind, and are clueless about what to do. Don't watch them if you don't want to experience simultaneous sadness, despair, and rage.

Second, you say that the media is not responsible for any individual's choices. Yes, but. This is a nifty little rhetorical trick called "false dichotomy". The great debate about whether our Universe and this life is governed by "Free Will" or "Determinism" is the classic example. The answer is, it is both fully deterministic, and fully the product of the free will. Think of it this way: there are countless forces in each life, such as gravity, atomic forces, genetics, historical occurrences, political freedoms/constraints, etc that happen with blind regard for the individual. However, how a person chooses to live and chooses to respond to each circumstance - how to play the cards he or she was dealt - is completely within the control of the individual. Free will is ascendant in the Universe alongside its deterministic forces.

My point is, no, the media is not "in charge" of an individual's choices. But, what if the media has hacked the psychology of large groups, and panders in a way to strongly impel each individual to behave after a certain fashion? Do you not remember COVID? How many people wore masks because they chose to do so and believed in the efficacy of medical-grade notebook paper, and how many did so because of relentless social conditioning? If one has the levers of power, mass control is not terribly difficult.

Tom rightly calls out these "women" in "leadership", because they are at the vanguard of a movement that has disenfranchised women and demonstrably lowered their quality of life in most measurable ways. Most women did not "choose" this path, they were led to believe it was the right/best path by such as are called out in this article.

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Geez, that's better than I could've done (or did do). Thank you for being civil but persuasive.

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I was hoping my 15yo daughter would grow out of the shutting down on disagreement 😁

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Thanks Tom. I have a college-aged daughter who is a rock-solid straight arrow, so a. I have lots of intel from her network, and b. I have had to actively manage situations now and then for her sake over the years. Watching what is happening to women from the front-row center court brooks no nonsense about what they are facing.

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I have a 25 year old daughter and she mostly has her act together, though I've noticed she just shuts down when we disagree about something. Otherwise, though, she's in a healthy hetero relationship with a decent guy who treats her well, and has a circle of female friends who do a lot of stuff together that I don't have a handle on. Thank you for sharing!

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Agreed. It's four generations of women who have been broken.

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Apr 26Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Exactly why do you have to sully good arguments with infantile name-calling?“Childless lesbian.” So if Maher had a child or wasn’t a lesbian her ideologies or destruction of NPR would be any better? I chose not to have children and I agree with none of these folks.

Dude-faced Kaitlin Collins? So what about women who do look “dude faced” by your standards but who have nothing to do with this reptilian line of thinking?

If you continue this line...what a way to lose Allies.

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Thank you for your comment.

First, I'll be totally transparent and happily acknowledge I loath Loath LOATH both LISA SHERMAN and KAITLAN COLLINS. I think they are unprofessional, dishonest, unAmerican and dangerous to public health. They are at war with me and my family and my country. After realizing this is Life During Wartime, nothing legal should be off the table, messaging-wise, far as I'm concerned. These women are the enemy of the people and deserve nothing but raw, open, bleeding contempt. If you feel differently, I understand, but hopefully you can likewise see where I'm coming from.

Second, I think being a childless lesbian (which I daresay isn't a slur, it's a simple commonly known fact) carries with it a certain worldview that makes it highly unlikely LISA SHERMAN — not NPR's Katherine Maher, incidentally — would hold the same perspectives that she does, particularly when it comes to children's safety. Are you familiar with the Ad Council's multi-million dollar marketing campaigns, including a Super Bowl ad with DC superheroes, aimed at keeping children masked after multiple studies showed they were not only ineffective but counterproductive? How about their support for childhood gender transitioning? I've been following the Ad Council for decades, they were always bad but now they're the worst people imaginable. Putting a childless lesbian atop this government-private sector two-headed monstrosity has been demonstrably proven as out-of-step with the American consumer's mindset, and I would humbly request you research and explore the issues, print ads and videos that have been pursued by the Ad Council with taxpayers' money since Sherman took over.

As for "losing allies" (not sure why you capitalized the "A," unless you're tossing my personal use of caps in certain words I want to prioritize right back at me...in which case I bow in your general direction), I'd certainly rather not. I'm not one of those "If you don't like it, you can leave!" types ("If you don't like my politics, then don't buy my books!").

Thus, I'll take your constructive criticism to thought. Thank you for taking the time to offer a comment instead of simply ejecting. I hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

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Apr 29Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I applaud your civil and level headed response. One of the reasons, I think highly of your Substack.

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Thank you so much! I notice neither of my critics here, bbb or Karen, have responded to my counterpoints. Thank you for your comment!

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BTW every time I spy a pic of Kaitlyn Collins, I think the same thing.

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Weird thing is...CNN is loaded with female talking heads who look like guys. Collins, Christiane Amanpour, Dana Bash, Melissa Knowles, couple others...they all look like men in makeup to me. Makes you wonder....

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Translation: we are losing badly, so let's lose with "honor". Us Deplorables in Fuck-You Flyover Country shouldn't call names.

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Your point about the deliberate despair and confusion foisted upon women, and especially young women, these days is spot on. It is one of the reasons why I started my particularly “girly” blog about mom life. To sort of be a living record of what a truly wonderful, beautiful thing motherhood is and to show the women out there that have been convinced to be childless because it’s too hard, exhausting, expensive, etc to be a mom that they have been lied to… a lot. I work around a number of young, talented, brilliant women who just have been lied to their whole life and it is heartbreaking.

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Good catch with "ASP". That's hilarious. It makes me picture the old GI Joe cartoons, like it is Cobra Commander's propaganda arm or something. It's so childish as to pass all the way around from "bad" into "awesomely bad".

"Few of these crazy liberal white chicks are married and even fewer have children and ones who actually gave birth to those children are the fewest of all." - I learned of this about 15 years ago when I did some consulting work for a major urban school district. I worked with countless Ivy League types at all levels of "education" and "'education' 'reform'" (double- double quotations needed because the irony is too fat without them). Almost to a one, they were childless. I was in fact noteworthy because I actually had children and had been around children. Ladies and gentlemen, if your children are a part of any public organization, that organization's policy is being written and enforced by people who have very, very little exposure to children of any kind. Act accordingly.

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Precisely. If you don't have children, you should not be an executive or leader in an organization devoted to children. In fact, it should make you suspect that you're so interested in managing children's lives. I also appreciate your double-double iron. Thank you for your comment!

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Another clue beyond the use of the very conveniently suggestive acronym ASP is the invoking of sunshine or the sun itself. In the end all of this is about the return of Sol Invictus in a human embodiment, what Christians will call Anti-Christ. Sol Invictus was the final, catch all Sun God of the late Roman empire and is synonymous with all the Sun Gods of that period, Apollo, Apollyon, Abaddon, Mythras,Horus, it goes on and on. This is what is coming and why THEY want to "let the sun shine in". You will begin to notice this everywhere once you are on to it. This is why we have an "Invictus Games" or "Unconquered Sun Games" being sponsored by a certain member of the royal family with its motto IAM. All of this is in peoples faces if, and only if, they choose to remove the blinders.

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Very interesting. Let me ask you: Do you think the sun is a living being of some sort?

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The people running the shit show on this planet are largely the Black Nobility of ancient Roman descent. Think the Club of Rome. These are the people that even the likes of Claus Schwab have to answer to. They are going to be returning everything to an ancient Roman motif only with fantastical technologies to ensure their supremacy. This is why the Antichrist will be a version of the most popular God of the late, ancient world. This has always been the plan and why Apollyon and the Hebrew version Abaddon is mentioned specifically in Revelations as being the angel of the abyss. The Hebrews were and still are fond of all their versions of these gods and goddesses as well. To be clear, I believe these "gods" are all false and are demonic entities at best. I'm actually not sure we've ever been told the truth about anything we see in the sky but the sun being a "living being" is a new one for me. I really doubt that's the case, don't you? I would not be surprised, however to see THEM using technologies they have been secretly hoarding, like the oft mentioned "sun simulators" to execute the seemingly miraculous events they are planning to bamboozle the masses with. People are so not ready for the propaganda assaults that are right around the corner. This is why the Bible makes it clear that almost everyone is completely taken in by all of it.

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Just a friendly suggestion: your credibility increases when you cite the Book of "Revelation" not "Revelations". I can't help but think you either never read it or did not pay attention.

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It was simply a typo that you chose to get "friendly" about. I have been reading Revelation since I was 12 years old and have actually read it countless times. No idea how many.

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OK, fair enough. Just don't get me started on "HIPPA".

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More like Babylonian Talmudic decent!

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The Greek and Roman aristocracy were all of Shemitic descent, largely Phoenician. These were all one people in the beginning and all spoke ancient Proto-Phoenician. The actual Hebrew and Greek languages were later derived from that. This is their big secret. The Romans were not Hebrews but they were linguistically and ethnically identical very early on in Caanan and then moved out and diversified from there. More examples of peoples like these were the Amorites, Amonites, Moabites, Edomites, etc. Not all Hebrew but all of Shemitic origin. The world is now largely being run by various elite, but ancient factions of this original group of Shemitic peoples.

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Apr 26Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Love your writing and your perspective. I think it correct that the time for nuance is long past. They have been signaling if not outright revealing their evil intentions for decades even centuries and if at this point you are still unenlightend then it’s time for eyes to be opened in a different manner as their telling you in their writings and deeds has obviously not been enough.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Author

Yes. Exactly. I tried to be nice and gentle and Christian and all that good stuff for years and the best it got me was affable chuckles and "Ah, that crazy Tom...." Meanwhile, there are people literally trying to kill us. If I can't nudge you awake, maybe it's time for a punch to your face before "they" take a knife to your throat. Thank you for your comment!

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Also … be willing to “punch people in the face” to save their souls.

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And that certain member of the royal family sits on the board of the Aspen Institute and sat on the committee advising congress on policies regarding “moderating” free speech, First Amendment, misinformation etc. He also has quite a lot of access to our military bases, visiting them with treatment worthy of a high ranking official. Why ?

He flew to the Invictus Games in Dusseldorf aboard a US military plane with Pete Buttigege and posed with high ranking US delegates in an official photograph. Why ? Another surprise today was him giving a medal on behalf of the Military Times Foundation to a US veteran. Why ? WTH is going on? All the same themes and schemes running through these nefarious groups and entities and right before our eyes.

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We must cut the head off the 'jewnited Snakes of Israel', Now!!!

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Out. Of. The. Park.......Again. thanks Tom. Made my morning, once more.

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Thank you so much! You are up super-early! (if you live in No. America, and maybe you don't!

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Ah, I'm in the old Hampshire, in old Blighty 😁. An you are most welcome. I very much look forward to your posts Tom.

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Wowwwww!! It's all so nuts! Fang you very much :) hahahahaa....so many fantastic moments here... thanks Tom!

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Thank you so much!

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What exactly do you mean by the “reptile-brained” terminology?

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Humans have a triune brain that evolved over billions of years: the reptilian complex (basal ganglia) came first, the paleomammalian complex (limbic system) next, and the neomammalian complex (neocortex) most recently. But some people either choose or are destined to be controlled by the the basal ganglia/reptile brain which is driven by primal instincts: Eat, sleep, fight, fuck, conquer, rule. Everyone has some reptile, of course, but the majoirty of people lean more into more evolved characters: The limbic system and emotions, or the neocortex that's responsible for reasoning and objective thoughts. Reptile brain people can be charming and/or smart but they will cut you loose in a heartbeat. Or worse.

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Apr 27Liked by TOM SIEBERT

This makes me think of a scientific research study that showed the alignment of the spine while looking down at your phone negatively impacted brain systems such as processing emotions and physical sensations etc. A different study is looking at the constant looking down at phones from a potential evolutionary change in the physical appearance of humans.

Is the emergence of and continued use and reliance on Smartphones part of their insidious plan for mental and physical destruction of humanity ? You know getting us in an optimum physical position, head down, neck bent in order to best receive the messaging in a compromised state of mental processing.

The Apple logo always irked me, the bite out of the apple you know.

I hope I didn’t go too far afield with this but while I’m out there, speaking of destructive messaging, in my opinion those flat black TV screens that have become the norm look too much like those black mirrors that occultists use for their black magic.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27Author

Thank you so much for this intriguing comment, with multiple tangents all worthy of their own much longer investigation.

I'd not heard of the posture programming, but I'm glad to learn of the theory.

I agree the Apple logo is a massive "tell": a digital/electronic "tree of knowledge" in our homes, but with it comes The Fall; the fact they were selling that first Apple computer for $666 is even more blatant mockery, if they tried that today it'd probably go over like A.S.P.

Another good observation (Rule of Three!) with the flat black TV screens, perhaps black mirrors, perhaps modern scrying tools, twisted versions of the old crystal balls.

Thank you again for your comment and observations!

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Ah. I see.

I don’t think we evolved over billions of years. I think God made us just as we are now, apart from the changes resultant from curse of the Fall.

But thanks for taking the time to explain this concept.


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I'm far from convinced the Theory of Evolution (which is still a theory, not scientifically classified as a fact) is all we're told it's cracked up to be. Perhaps the triune brain is just the logical construct of a God creating a material world hierarchy of higher-elevated intelligence and consciousness.

As Tucker Carlson pointed out on the Joe Rogan show: There's ADAPTATION and there is EVOLUTION and people confuse the two, perhaps by design (not Intelligent Design).

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They are not human!🤔😉😎

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Or perhaps a different breed of human?

There is an intriguing question to be asked if perhaps the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man split along the evolutionary (or God/"god"/teh alienz/interdimensional beings - altered) lines at some point, and the more primal and ruthless rule the more spiritually and emotionally elevated.

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Tom, do you happen to know where I could get me some of them 'They Live' glasses from that Roddy Piper Documentary?

Dude, and also, what do you know about the poorreptilianmolochworshippingchildsacraficingblooddrinkingBabylonianblacknobilitiesluciferiantalmudicKhazarianMafiafakejewRothschildmonsters? I seem to have heard somewhere that once upon a time, they purchased the vatican, the Pope, and the whole Holy Roman catholic church, and religion, back in 1823? I personally don't think they would have sold it later, do you? Then, of course, maybe they went on to buy Palistine and start a Genocidal Massacre of the original inhabitants of the Holy Land in the late 1800s? Can you imagine what that could mean?

Also, Tom, do you think our world actually orbits the sun? Could you please kindly prove it? Hehehe, just kidding, that would be Impossiball! 🤔😎😉🤣

😉😎🤔🙏🙏🙏 Blessings to you, my friend, and all the best!

Om Swastyastu!!! 🕉

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I’ve just recently found out that snake venom is in many common medicines such as blood pressure meds for example and in vaccines. They have also “perfected” lab made snake venom. It seems like it’s not new either because looking into it I’m seeing papers and research dating back and even a CNN article touting it in 2015.

Are we all in danger of becoming “reptile brains” in a sense ? Snake venom does contain snake dna.

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It's concerning. It sounds crazy to contemplate, except that it's been made clear over the past few years that we are up against crazy: criminal psychopaths. It's concerning. Thank you for your comment!

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deletedApr 26Liked by TOM SIEBERT
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I like it! Not what I was expecting at all. Thank you for the link!

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