Sep 20Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Like always, just an amazing read. The "white liberal women clapping likes seals..." was a winner for me. The sad thing is, you talk about the brain-dead. I fear that there are enough brain-dead (or white liberal women) out there to swing this election to VP Kneepads...or make it close enough for them to steal it from Orange Man Bad (if they don't kill him before that can happen) as they did in 2020. We don't need to fear Russia Russia Russia...we need to fear, Karen Brandi and Susan.

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I don't think there will be enough crazy liberal white women votes to offset the PoC who move to President Orange. I expect him to get record-setting black & hispanic votes. RFKjr helps, the blatant corruption & assassination attempts against him helps, him being lower key this go round helps; but most of all, she is just so So SO terrible. It's insulting to black people, for one thing, she's a total DEI prop, not even on the same planet as the best black people -- or any PoC for that matter -- America has to offer. Thank you for your comment.

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Sep 20Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Harris will get 91 million votes, Trump will get 13 votes. We will all shake our heads and say “we have a lot to do between now and 2028.”

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We'll see how Americans react when they drag out counting for a week and she comes from behind in a blatantly stolen election. It will be in the country's face, what will people do? We only need 3%, they say, but what percentage of the country is invaders? Thank you for your sardonically exaggerated comment.

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This is true. But if it’s only a week that they drag this out, I’ll be amazed.

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Don’t believe polls. They’re pure propaganda. An old trick used by political parties to skew reality in their favor. There’s no way this race is even close.

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I agree. I saw one major poll that was touted highly, when I dug into it, leaned +16 Dems. I should've saved the link, but the lies come so fast and so many now. I think it was AP but might be wrong. Thank you for your plain-spoken comment!

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Sep 20Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Seeing one of her “speeches” written out has given me irreparable brain damage. Thank you.

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The best question is: Just how stupid is she, really? And, if she's that much of a dope, how did she ever get a law degree? Did someone else take the test for her? She's certainly "connected" enough, one would think. But watching her speak extemporaneously is a never-ending lesson in stupidity. I suspect that as her panic escalates, so too will disasters like the ABC/Disney appearance. Thank you for your comment!

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Sep 20Liked by TOM SIEBERT

“It was like a missile blowing up an airplane that crashes into a passenger train loaded with orphans which then derails to destroy a puppy sanctuary and ignite a four-alarm blaze that spreads to the nearby water purifying reservoir and poisons a retirement village of war hero veterans.”

I have been known to turn a phrase in my day, but I bow at the feet of a Master when I read your stuff, Tom.

Interesting and I am not sure what to make of it: Hollywood "magic" exists for the audience when we see real people transformed into roles and characters that transcend the day-to-day person. All of this political posturing and intrusion into our real lives KILLS the magic, it doesn't enhance it. Seeing superheroes and screen giants transformed back into normal slobs (look at Will Ferrell in the bottom right, he looks anything but funny and lovable). So I am not sure what the devils behind the scenes are doing by ruining the illusion. Perhaps it is a form of hypnosis? Perhaps evil eats its own seed corn? Not sure if this is making sense but I would think the true power of illusion would be to keep my actors as far from the public as possible and let the illusion grow more prominent, yet they do the opposite.

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This is a great comment throughout, thank you for making it.

This especially though (slightly paraphrased): "Hollywood 'magic" exists for the audience when we see real people transformed into roles & characters that transcend the day-to-day individual. Intrusion into our real lives KILLS the magic, it doesn't enhance it."

EXACTLY. These faux Icons mistakenly thought the public's love for their fictional images would carry over into accepting every cultural turd they served up on their silver spoon to the public, but instead they've destroyed the pedestal they put themselves upon.

The MYSTERY and the MYTH was what made these people magnetic. Now they've shown us their feet of clay, or no feet at all, and may have permanently damaged or destroyed the whole Hollywood Movie Star food chain.

As for spooky Will Ferrell, he has destroyed himself & his career. I don't see him ever being relevant agains, because it's so hard to look at him, frankly, after what he did to his face. He looks like The Elephant Man, post reconstructive surgery. No wonder he's reduced to doing really bad PayPal commercials. Yikes.

Thank you again for your canny comment!

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My thoughts, too. Why do actors do it? If they don’t know they are alienating at least half their audience they must be very dense….but… they are actors, so very dense it is, then.

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Some are dense, for sure. A smart bet on, say, Mark Ruffalo's I.Q. would be an over/under on it reaching triple digits. But there are some smart ones — sinister but gifted Tom Hanks is no dummy for sure, nor tragic tabloid magnet Batfleck — who have to do what they're told because of bad deals and soul compromises that have stacked up throughout their lives. How much of Harvey's blackmail material from his days running Disney's Miramax is now in the hands of some other puppet master? All these people are commodities of their own making, plus (+?) their figurative but sometimes literal deals with the devil. It's called "holly wood" for a reason, as I've said before.

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I think it’s difficult for many people to imagine how evil it all is and they will dismiss ‘devil worship’ because they think it’s silly, Halloween kids’ stuff. Also, of course so many nowadays don’t have faith in any religion and so if god doesn’t exist, then neither does the devil. But the normies (for want of a better word) forget that the evil ones don’t necessarily believe in or worship the devil, they just get their kicks from the whole dressing up game and rituals. Of course, some do believe in the devil…anyways…Tom Hanks? Very disappointing, Toy Story is quite ruined.

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Hey, Hollywood told us, the way they always do: "The devil's greatest trick was convincing people he doesn't exist."

I had a long MEDIUM piece on Tom Hanks, may recycle it some day. But he's outwitted me for quite some time and has a much larger and more powerful network behind him, at least as far as I am aware. Talented actor though; don't let his work be lost, because there is much joy in a lot of it. Thank you for your comment!

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Brilliant stuff, Tom! Thanks!

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Thank you! We've got a mutual admiration society of two!

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...and don;t forget about her running mate.

Governor Snitch. A tyrannical governor sets up a Covid snitch line turning neighbor against neighbor. Listen to the hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/governor-snitch

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Hahahaha! Thank you for the link. I think Tim Walz is a child molester. Just my opinion.

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Sep 20Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Oddly enough, I don't recognize a single one of the people in the montage at the end of the post, who, I assume, were the "celebrities" you mentioned who popped in on zoom...

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You lead a blessedly free-minded life! Wow! Thank you for your comment!

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Sep 21Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Not necessarily free-minded about everything, but pretty much free of pop culture for the last 20 years or so. :)

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Sep 21Liked by TOM SIEBERT

The same for me too, although I do recognize many of those names, but not their faces.

Maybe it's because they have aged so badly, and had too many face lifts?

Sorta like that close up photo of Kameleon's neck.

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I'm still on the fence about her neck. People wiling to comment publicly say it's just a massive makeup job. People who want to tell me it's a mask do so privately. What is a man to think? Thank you for your comment.

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I truly believe she is just aging very poorly. But what do I know? I have great genes and have not partied my way to where I am in life.

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Sep 21Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Oh mannnnnnn I can see that your planet, Mars, having now moved into the sign Cancer (an uncomfortably emotional and side-ways-moving sign for Mars to be in) is having an effect on your Aries Sun! :) Chuckle. LOTS of emotion and intensity!

This made me laugh out loud: "Perhaps all the work she’s had done on her face is causing her countenance to expressively misfire? "

...and that's just an aging lady's neck. We are all getting it, unfortunately. :(

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Thank you for your pair of insights, both astrological and aging ladies'.

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Hahaahah totally chuckling...

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well said indeed!

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Thank you so much!

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Sep 20Liked by TOM SIEBERT


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Thank you!

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Sep 21Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Instead of using Ipecac syrup to induce vomiting, just take a listen to this ignoramus who must have had every brain cell sucked out while doing her trademark gig.

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It's a difficult watch unless you lean into the American Apocalypse absurdity of it all. I can't do it all the time. Thank you for your comment.

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I conclude the feral elite are instructing: voting is obsolete; we pick ‘em, that’s it😶‍🌫️

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I agree that's the message they hope to send. They may be biting off more than they can chew, though, as Hunter S. Thompson warned us, "Get used to cannibalism." Time will tell! Thank you for your comment.

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Holy blazing torch job, Tom! You certainly have a way with words. One for the books! Epic! Thanks! 🎯

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Thank you so much! I appreciate your comment.

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what a hoot...gotta 😍 love it

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Thank you! Churned from the bowels of my bottomless contempt for the occupying regime.

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That whole thing with her neck, yeah it's gross. But i think she's one of those ladies that just wrinkle up real bad, they cover a lot with makeup on her face, but the neck, she probably got some cosmetic stuff done there. Maybe injections or lipo or smth. It's just extra worn flabby skin as a result of aging, genetics and bad lifestyle choices.

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If that is true, I'd like some woman to weigh in. I'd be interested. I'm ignorant about make up, at least as would go that low; but this is a media production, she's surely got professional makeup. I'd like to hear more about this, it's a good debunk to know. If I'm making myself look stupid, I'd like to clear it up!

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I'm all conjecture and reasonable conclusions. I have no evidence. I just think she's a wrinkly old hag. A career of sin takes it toll on the body sooner or later.

None the players honestly want to fix the problems they create from which they also benefit. So it makes zero difference to me which puppet takes the political theater stage. They're ALL liars. All controlled.

As we can see right now, there is no POTUS running the Federal Executive branch. It's clearly visible. So, who is then? The same people who have been running things for generations... that's who. The same ones that own our courts and legislatures. The POTUS has been a puppet for a hundred years or more.

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Sep 21Liked by TOM SIEBERT

They are publicly revealing that the POTUS is just a selected puppet, but they will not publicly reveal who is really running the show behind the scenes.

Although, that is rather obvious too, and will be revealed soon?

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Sep 21Liked by TOM SIEBERT

No doubt she is having injections in her face to look smooth. The neck exposes her reality.

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I am a good decade or more younger than Kamala Harris, but women in my age group are all worried about the “crepey neck skin” thing. It’s also called “turkey neck”. . I don’t know really. I think genetics plays a large part in if you get it or not, but also things like smoking and drinking a lot can contribute to getting it. This looks like “crepey neck” to me.

She probably had to party a lot to get where she’s at. She must be so proud.

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I’ve never seen a woman in their 50s with a neck in such bad shape. Ever. It was actually jarring. I was thrown back to that woman with the really bad neck-Janet Reno. Yikes!! 😳 Tom, that was the best written rant-I read out loud to a friend 😂😂brilliant!

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Thank you so much. High praise indeed from someone who goes by "Silent Scorn." We must stay silent no longer! Our mocking contempt drives them batty.

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Have you ever read Nora Ephron’s book of essays, “I Feel Bad About Ny Neck?” One such essay is about how women in their 50-60’s hate their necks. It’s a sad thing that happens to us. Nothing to do with lifestyle. It’s just age. Some people have great genes, but most do not. Not even Nora Ephron—a great writer, producer, director.

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Living a life as a lizard person will produce a neck like hers. It must be a badge of honor for creeps of her ilk. 🤔

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I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with that neck of hers. My personal take is that it's a remnant of her bondage/S&M fetish that's been ingrained from a childhood of sexual abuse and her now-abandoned "brat" Revelation of the Method branding. But I could be wrong! Thank you for your comment.

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Me thinks you’re more right than wrong.

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Have you ever read Nora Ephron’s book of essays, “I Feel Bad About Ny Neck?” One such essay is about how women in their 50-60’s hate their necks. It’s a sad thing that happens to us. Nothing to do with lifestyle. It’s just age. Some people have great genes, but most do not. Not even Nora Ephron—a great writer, producer, director.

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Have you ever read Nora Ephron’s book of essays, “I Feel Bad About Ny Neck?” One such essay is about how women in their 50-60’s hate their necks. It’s a sad thing that happens to us. Nothing to do with lifestyle. It’s just age. Some people have great genes, but most do not. Not even Nora Ephron—a great writer, producer, director.

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I tried to watch that circus. I lasted about 30 seconds.

That “thing” should be punishment for prisoners, with Taylor Swift as a closing act.

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It's a tough watch, on both a human and patriotic nationalist perspective. She's a narcissistic idiot who hates people. Americans are going to see through it. Thank you for your comment.

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Didn't you feel the JOY? That natural, unforced effervescence bubbling girlishly from her? Orca looks like some putrid stench has simultaneously escaped...

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I whiffed on the "JOY." Though I did sense a disheartened "Oy!" from all her Hollywood handlers and financial backers. Thank you for your comment!

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