I've got a good one here for you, Tom. The production is riddled with tons of Hollywood CAA innuendo and crafted with the aid of a disgruntled intelligence operative (former). I would love you to poke holes in the piece or consider its validity. Enjoy the show. https://youtu.be/FSX7ESKLdTM

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How does DiCaprio fit into all of this? Why did he know the information he gave at the trial?

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That's why I included the link to the CNN story!

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DiCaprio told the jury that he spoke with Low in 2012 about the ongoing presidential election.

“It was a causal conversation about what party he was in support of, I told him what party I was in support of,” DiCaprio said. “And he told me that he, or he and a group, were going to make a significant contribution to the Democratic Party,” he said, noting the donation was around $20 million or $30 million.

“I said ‘wow, that’s a lot of money,’” DiCaprio said.

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Lol sorry, I didn't click any links

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The REGIME MEDIA is working just fine...

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For somebody. Not us.

Thanks for. your comment!

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For us it is also performing its main function as expected.

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Thanks for the update, Tom. I saw that DiCaprio had testified on my twitter feed, but didn't have the back story.

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