“And the men who hold high places / Must be the ones who start / To mold a new reality / Closer to the Heart…” — Rush
“All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” — Matthew 25:32.
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Ah, Catholics. You almost had me. Almost.
Originally out of sheer laziness, I started attending the Catholic Church three blocks from my place a half year or so ago. I would always procrastinate Sunday mornings and roll in late to the Methodist Church 20+ minutes away — I’m a confirmed Methodist, my Theology Scholarship from that creepy West Virginia college was via the Methodists, until the past few years I’ve generally preferred the laissez faire Christ of John Wesley’s Methodism — but given five minutes, I could make it down the street on time.
The Catholic Church near me was probably 90% Hispanic, as was the avuncular and good-humored Priest. It was more consistently crowded than any non-megachurch I’ve attended in years and I can’t stand megachurches — every single one is the same, and not in a good way: overly pop-music heavy, wannabe rock star preacher, effeminate vibes, you don’t hear Jesus get mentioned a lot. While I didn’t really grok all the Catholic rituals, I did like the warm Christian Spirit of the welcoming Latino congregation and reliable 75-minutes-at-most-and-often-less service. It was conservative and comforting. Moreover, Mel, Mark & Marty are all Catholics who acknowledge their shadow side, and I can appreciate that. This fool actually started giving the Catholic Church his money!
But apparently some serious shit went down at the Hispanic Catholic Church two weekends ago, a service I missed because the plumbing in our kitchen went haywire. When I went back last weekend — plumbing fixed! — the Priest’s sermon was a blistering condemnation of anyone who dared challenge him over whether the church was getting too political in the wake of President Orange’s return. Apparently someone approached him after the prior week’s sermon — or maybe interrupted the sermon itself? It was unclear — saying his preaching was getting “too political” as he increasingly emphasized and prioritized “Christian mercy” regarding the massive influx of “undocumented people.”
The word the Priest kept using throughout his sermon was “audacity.” The “audacity” to challenge him for being “too political”! The “audacity” to suggest that there was any possible response to “undocumented people” (not “illegal immigrants” and certainly not “shady invaders”) other than welcoming them with open arms (and open borders). The “audacity” of challenging the very red letter words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Himself, who implored us to have mercy on the least among us…as if the majority of “undocumented people” crossing the border illegally were women and children (nearly 80% men).
Or as if so many those border crossing children didn’t go missing. Makes one wonder what Eleuterio Ramos and Stephen Horn and James Brzyski would make of it; can you imagine the “not political” response to some mere congregation member accusing any of those three confirmed pedophile priests as being deviant sex criminals two decades ago? The AUDACITY ! Beyond audacity!
For the first time I’d ever witnessed, the Hispanic priest seemed angry. He was chastising members of the congregation in public, and throwing down the gauntlet against any further challenges to his spiritual sovereignty. I felt bad for whoever it was who opined the priest was getting too political, because what was going down felt intended as a humiliation ritual, with the end goal of snuffing any other pushback, STAT. The priest wasn’t just claiming a challenge to his sovereignty, but to His Sovereignty; nobody wins that argument.
I almost got up and walked out. But the optics of a rare WASP-y type making such a “vote with your feet” statement inside a packed Latino congregation felt overly performative and self-centered. Plus, candidly, I mostly go to church nowadays as a public display of fealty to God, for God, nobody else, because most 21st century churches are lame and led by chilly over-intellectualized bores, squishy leftist losers, and/or the aforementioned wannabe rock stars. So I sat and kneeled it out, took the communion, sang the songs, praised my Holy mystic Savior, and left through a side door so I didn’t say something I’d regret later to the Priest on my way out.
Doing even the tiniest bit of research, I discovered this was happening all around the Catholic churches of Austin, TX, thanks to @KyleSeraphin. Apparently this DEFINITELY NOT POLITICAL lockstep viewpoint of the Catholic Church as it relates to “undocumented people”/illegal immigrants, is a top-down hierarchical order that at least comes from the top of the Austin Diocese, but far more likely even higher up the faith food chain, all the way to Vatican City and Papa Frank.
I gotta tell ya: If your preaching is influenced by hierarchical decree, you are no different from organized Satanism, other dark occult religions and Hell itself:
The Old Lad Himself wholeheartedly supports stratification on Earth as it is in Hell, His own realm being founded on a strictly feudal basis with a Lordship-retainer relation between all of our denizens. It is entirely coincidental that our infernal structure happens to match the social structure of Medieval times when humans began to depict Hell. Johann Weyer’s elaborate description of our hierarchy was reputedly a satirical spoof but we who dwell here know better.
Thus we have several Sons of God who stand as praiseworthy examples of breaking social heritage, a vast array of demons, numerous devils (ranking above the demons), arch-demons, princes, dukes, lords and overlords, and many specialized trades such as chefs, jesters, spies, generals, captains, and ministers. It may be every demon for himself, but everyone knows its place, including yours falsely, who dutifully mans the furnaces and is only allowed to relay The Gentleman’s infernal thoughts on his unpaid overtime.
God help me, that’s from a website I used to read, uh, religiously: Satan Thinks, which carried the subhead “… as opposed to your gods.” It stopped updating back in February 2024, shortly after I started promoting the site to Christians and other spiritual seekers as a solid guide to The Enemy: informative about how “their” side works, well-written, often funny, quite attractive unless you know better. Since it’s been my experience that almost all occultists regardless of spiritual affiliation play fair for “those with eyes to see,” despite no update for nearly a year, the site has remained online for helpful research and inverted evangelism. We’re just not being given any new info. C’mon Satan! Or at least “A Lesser Demon.” Step up!
But here’s my deal: When you get tossed into a religious hierarchy — or, more appropriately phrased, choose to join one — whether it’s Catholicism or Satanism or something else, the top down orders become basically “Do What I Say,” and you’d best not show the “audacity” to challenge authority. Which, as I’ve chronicled in the past, slipstreaming off the astrologer Ian Ferguson, is the root rationale of the Molochian death cult, right before it quickly metastasizes to the loss of Free Will.
Whether you want to hear it or not, the alternative to that is the Luciferians’ “Do What Thou Wilt.” The Luciferians’ “Do What Thou Wilt” is the exact inversion of the Molochians’ “Do What I Say.”
All of this is a long, round-about way of getting to this point: Since the swearing in of President Orange 2.0 on January 20th, I think we’re getting daily display that the Luciferians have stymied the Molochians — as predicted by Mr. Ferguson, incidentally, more than two years ago — for the time being at least, and being pretty obvious about it. Partly because they play fair for those with eyes to see, but also, I suspect, because they’re flaunting their victory lap because they know it will drive their enraged opponents to even further unforced errors, like burning down Los Angeles. And speaking of those eyes that see…
I got a subversive kick out of Donald Trump Jr.’s Insta post this week, reproduced atop this page, with his dad as a goat and/or The G.O.A.T. (“Greatest Of All Time”), which perfectly falls into the skilled magician’s “exoteric” meaning for the masses and “esoteric” meaning for those “in the know.” Now you’re among the latter, so let’s keep going down this rabbit hole.
The vast majority of America’s founders were outward Christians and secret Freemasons — just like our childless first President Gen. George Washington with his über-masculine looking wife, ahem — and as we know (or think we know?) thanks to Scottish Rite 33° member, researcher and writer Manly P. Hall, the god of Freemasonry is Lucifer.
So George Washington was a Freemason and Sly Stallone just said Donald Trump was “a mythical character…our second George Washington.” We also know the Catholic Church considers Freemasons “the enemy” and all evidence displays the Vatican is pushing back hard against Trump’s attempts to seal the border and eject invaders.
Meanwhile, self-declared Catholic Joe Biden just became a Freemason himself, a freaking Master Mason in fact, WTF, a “Freemason at sight,” an extremely rare and high honor that leapfrogs a non-Mason straight to the top of the pyramid. Other recipients of this occult honor include Mormon Church founder and polygamous cult leader Joseph Smith, boxing promoter and convicted murderer Don King, and President William Howard Taft mere weeks prior to his Presidential inauguration. It’s the type of honor you might get, let’s say, if you secretly sandbagged your political party to help elevate your ostensible opponent back into the White House. Just sayin’.
Strange Days. Straaaaaaaange Daaaaaaaays. Witnessing the political events of the past ten sunrises — less than two weeks! — since the inauguration, if I take off my customary “Trust No One” grey cap and give Trump a mulligan on the Larry Ellison/Sam Altman A.I. mRNA injection fiasco, I’ve got to applaud nearly everything I’ve seen: DEI got destroyed (though I’m sure it will morph into something less obvious), free speech got more breathing room (just don’t badmouth Israel!), refugee arrivals have been suspended and building the wall is again a priority, we’ve gone back to two genders from 72, Covid vaxx-avoidant military men and women are being welcomed back while the gender-confused are getting ousted, criminal invaders are getting ejected (sorry Selena, you creepy seditious mentally ill vvitch), and so on, four score and more. To me, it looks like the Old Guard with some new blood is taking the country back. Fingers crossed, not double crossed.
So I, for one, welcome our new Luciferian overlords, at least for the time being. I still don’t want to become part of your “Network” — squeaky Mike CERN-0-vvitch’s term, not mine — but I’ll continue to (mostly) be your ally until I see concrete displays otherwise. Or I get that “Mason At Sight” invite, and it doesn’t require sticking something up my ass as collateral.
Then again, that anal intrusion initiation was the Official Story™ out of the Vatican about their enemy. And I just got reminded last Sunday that Pope & Co. can’t be trusted. Ah well, O Hell. It’s all in the game, except it’s no game. Good luck, Doc.
Nice analysis, Tom. You know we're in sad shape when the arbiters of morality have questionable morals. Thanks!
As a lifelong Catholic I’m conflicted about the church. My local parish seems okay, so far, but I’m ready to jump ship to a traditional catholic parish and will probably be forced to at some point. The real reason the church is coming down on Trump? Money. Catholic charities made millions (billions?) resettling illegal aliens and I’m sure they have blood on their hands for at least some of the missing children. Many Catholics don’t donate to the church anymore because they are using money to pay off lawsuits. The pope acts like he doesn’t even believe in God. Does the pope not think he will meet his maker in the afterlife? I saw a picture years ago of Bergolio reading a book by Saul Alinsky and that pretty much sums up this popes politics. Anthony Stine does a podcast-Return to Tradition- which tracks the nefarious goings on of the Vatican. It’s worth listening to. Tom, since you are the occultist, did you see the pope opened doors in the basement of the Vatican that had been sealed for hundreds of years? Well, I’m off to buy more popcorn, thank you for your analyses.❤️