Nice analysis, Tom. You know we're in sad shape when the arbiters of morality have questionable morals. Thanks!

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Haven’t the self styled “arbiters of morality” been in charge for the past 4 years?!?

How’d that work out for us?

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As a lifelong Catholic I’m conflicted about the church. My local parish seems okay, so far, but I’m ready to jump ship to a traditional catholic parish and will probably be forced to at some point. The real reason the church is coming down on Trump? Money. Catholic charities made millions (billions?) resettling illegal aliens and I’m sure they have blood on their hands for at least some of the missing children. Many Catholics don’t donate to the church anymore because they are using money to pay off lawsuits. The pope acts like he doesn’t even believe in God. Does the pope not think he will meet his maker in the afterlife? I saw a picture years ago of Bergolio reading a book by Saul Alinsky and that pretty much sums up this popes politics. Anthony Stine does a podcast-Return to Tradition- which tracks the nefarious goings on of the Vatican. It’s worth listening to. Tom, since you are the occultist, did you see the pope opened doors in the basement of the Vatican that had been sealed for hundreds of years? Well, I’m off to buy more popcorn, thank you for your analyses.❤️

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I feel and think about the same about those beings. While reading, I wanted to respond about several things but I am traveling and reading on a phone. I hope to find time later to revisit.

I feel you are on the same page as I am Tom. It is hard to keep our minds out of the blackpilled reality since that is a trap/trip too.

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Yep! Spot on, Tom.

So far… It’s pretty much been going gloriously from where I sit. I have been enjoying watching all of the purple haired people and the lesbians melt down at work every day. Sorry if that’s petty, but I fully remember all the things they said about the “Christian imbeciles” who didn’t want to get the vaccine “back in the day”

Buck ‘em, Fucky.

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Well, I’m Catholic. The Church is Israel, the assembly of God’s people, the harvest in which tares grow with the grain.. Read the history of Israel in the Old Testament, it was of perpetual apostasy. Under the Seleucids, the high priest ensconced the Abomination of Desolation in the Holy of Holies until Judah Maccabee purged and reconsecrated it. Christ was handed over to the Romans by Caiaphas.. The scribes, pharisees and priests sacrificed their God for the sake of their idolatry.

Nothing has since changed. The Church has always been and until the end will always be rife with sinners, fools, hypocrites and apostates. The only thing we each can do is remain faithful, repent, and stand at the foot of the Cross witnessing them continually crucify him. If you’ve lost courage and fled, repent and return like the ten did before the Parousia, while there is still yet time.

All of which is to say that hierarchy is both natural (inherent in God’s created order) and supernatural (originating in God’s utter transcendence), thus there’s no way to escape it. The inverted hierarchy of hell apes that of heaven, the lower you get, the further you are from God. The Church’s visible hierarchy is an artefact of this fallen world, and is therefore a spiritual battlefield like everything else created in time. Right now, the hypocrites have infested us, because we are nearly all faithless.

There is no escaping it, everyone falls out in the eschatological hierarchy, everyone is either ascending toward God, or else is turning or fleeing away from him. He is the source of our being and personhood, and we will either affirm him in our creation by obeying and worshipping him, or else wallow in the solipsistic nihilism of ingratitude and hatred of our own being.

In any case, the Church is now facing a loss of coherence surpassing even that of the Arian crisis. The bishops today are nearly all feckless nonentities, the pope (who appoints them all in distortion of the ancient autonomy of the local churches) is an apostate. Vatican I & II have both failed as councils.. I have many thoughts about all that, but here I’ll only say that the resistance will triumph, even if after great suffering and martyrdom.

You can find us at traditional Latin mass parishes. I also recommend seeking out the Orthodox, Eastern Rite and Oriental Catholics. That’s where the staunchness (truth), asceticism (discipline) and proper aesthetics (beauty) are. That’s where we’re keeping the proper fasts and feasts.

That’s where you belong, Tom. Stop being a fence sitting esoteric dilettante, stop taking communion unworthily, stop being pussy footing around like a pansy: repent, get your soul right through confession, and join us already, before it’s too late.

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Amen. Flaws and all, that's the life raft God left us.

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Corruption right from the beginning.

That said, great image of the beginning of the Church, the mosaic at St. Puden’s in Rome.

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And on a related noted… in the supposed words of JC himself:

“And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Neither be called teachers, for you have one teacher, the Christ.

The greatest among you shall be your servant.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”

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So in other words…

“Meet the new boss…. Same as the old boss” ?!?

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Similar, maybe more wicked.

Rough seas ahead!

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Keenly insightful, Tom. Thank You, Sir.

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Have some guts, go to Latin Mass

Pedophile Joe is gone so they won’t put you on a right wing extremist list for attending.

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