Rocket-Fuel Gaslighting Levels From The Controlled Corrupt Corporate Media Help Kick Off 'The Season Of Sacrifice'
“I'm on a mission to dig up the truth / You think we're stupid and there's no proof / Well let me tell you that the time has come / To pull the trigger on the smoking gun / Don't listen to me, listen to your head / Don't listen to anything, anything they've said…” Ministry, “Lies, Lies, Lies”
“Lies, lies in my papa's looks / Lies, lies in my history books / Lies, lies like they teach in class / Lies, lies, lies I catch on way too fast / Lies, whispered sweetly in my ear / Lies, how the hell do I get out of here?”— Rolling Stones, “Lies”
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One of the greatest inversions delivered in corporate media, if not THE greatest inversion because it came from the mouth of ostensible free speech hero and intriguing anagram Elon Musk/Lone Skum, occurred on February 6, 2018, when Space Daddy South Africa ostensibly put a Telsa in orbit. Which he didn’t. Sorry.
“You can tell it’s real because it looks so fake,” Musk/Skum backwards-masked assured softball reporters at a press conference during the cross-platformed Space X/Tesla “accomplishment,” right before adding “I’m tripping balls here!”
Actually, I remember watching the Space X misadventure and that ridiculous red Tesla in real time, when it happened, and I remember the visual glitch, for just an instant, showing what appeared to be the car in a studio. I’ve never written about that before because the revealing glitch almost immediately became one of those “All hands on Deck!” moments for the occupying regime to wipe all evidence of it ever occurring from the internet. It was a panicked whack-a-mole for the MILInt gang on YouTube for a few days, but soon enough that mole got whacked permanently.
Then yesterday while searching around on a couple of the less-compromised search engines ( Presearch? To name them is to make them a target!) for something else entirely, lo and behold, I found this clip from that 2018 live feed on TikTok. No wonder “They” want to get rid of TikTok, or, more precisely, let President Orange’s former Treasury Secretary and Yale Skull’n’Bonesman Steve Mnuchin buy it. To say I’ve done a 180° from “TikTok must die!” to “TikTok must be saved!” is an understatement (not that I use it).
Here’s the Tesla-in-space “glitch” video from 2/6/18, just in case that TikTok gets mole-whacked:
Beyond the glitch video, there was lots of debunking on the ‘chans and Reddit (before it sucked) of the “Tesla in space” narrative, from how the paint on the car would blister and peel and tires would pop outside atmosphere, to how the clearance between the wheel and the wheel arch is so tight, compared to what customarily happens to the suspension when a car leaves the ground, especially a heavy one like a Tesla. The glitch video was just the icing on the fake.
So Musk’s a fraud, he’s always been a fraud, “When the people need a hero, we will create him,” and all that. He’s didn't invent PayPal, didn’t invent Tesla, didn’t invent SpaceX, didn’t invent Starlink or Neuralink. He’s a “lifetime actor,” as the Conspiracy Theory goes, one of the U.S. government’s top military contractors, maybe #1, and my educated guess is that he’ll seemingly be on our side with a couple deferments to Madison Avenue’s gals, gays, groomers and goons, until the most pivotal, critical moment — probably when teh alienz finally show up — then he’ll sell us all down the river for his lower-case “god,” be it Lucifer or Satan or whatever wicked entity he openly showed us he serves as the “Devil’s Champion.” Sorry.
With that in mind, take a look through a different lens at Musk’s spectacular takedown of Bobby “Go Fuck Yourself” Iger at The New York Times DealBook Summit last November, which was hugely entertaining but also performative bullshit. When you watch it more than once, through the glaze-removing filter of “All the world’s a stage,” Musk’s presentation very much looks and sounds like an actor giving a performance, especially the obviously rehearsed “What I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it. And what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil.” [cue fanboy cheers]
When Elon’s done dropping that bomb — notice how he came out in a bomber jacket? I hope you’re starting to pick up on at least some of these little things yourself, “they” might buy me off soon — he gives off that same little smug smirk we get from “MATT DAMON” in the South Park guys’ funny but overlong “okay, we get it already” Team America: World Police.
I thought about Elon Musk/Lone Skum as the gaslighting of not-unreasonable suspicions about the port disaster in Baltimore yesterday were systematically ramped up by mostly an anonymous army of Xwitter bots/shills, but also a seriously spazzing out David Simon, creator of the seminal Baltimore crime series The Wire, who was oddly kneepads for the Official Story™ from the Feds and the State of Maryland, attacking people who questioned it as “sub- moronic shitheel racist demagogues” whose “mother dropped you head-first on the Winnebago floor from her loosened, battered womb after a hard life of service on a truck-stop lot.”
Provocative writing, but you’ll note for all the litany of insults from a guy who did his best to salvage Hollywood predator James Franco’s career and was perhaps triggered to Def Con One heights by the Diddy takedown, there’s very little substance there. It’s basically a bullying tyrant’s assault, attempting to intimidate people into shutting up via linguistic lashing, which sometimes works despite being the lowest form of debate.
I got similarly swarmed yesterday on Xwitter, after asking for more information after one anonymous account Xweeted about a symbol on the hull of the DALI container ship that looked a lot like the Templar Cross, the logo of the Knights Templar, a red “+”-sign-looking thing inside a white circle. A multitude of anonymous Xwitter accounts then gave me a bit more information but mostly spent their time attacking me (“smooth-brained” seems to be the latest repetitious insult from the social media anonymous bots/shills, though I also got “cheese-brained,” “only worthy of ridicule,” and “you have no place in society”).
The Official Explanation from this nasty and incognito crew is that the symbol is actually to indicate there's a ship’s thruster below the waterline. Thrusters are propellers facing in a sideways direction so when they are turned on, they push the bow or stern of a boat sideways through the water, in either direction, which seemingly either failed or succeeded all too well for the DALI before it lurched to the right then crashed into and destroyed the Key Bridge.
Anyway, the thruster symbol is a standard marking on large ships like the DALI, but I’ll be damned if I can find another one color designed like the Templar Cross, nor can I find another one that looks like a “+” at all; they all look like an “X” to me, like in the photo above. Which made me posit that the Baltimore ship’s symbol was serving double duty and had dual meanings, one for the Illuminated and another for the muggles, which is pretty much standard fare for occultists. This, of course, immediately got me branded as — all together now! — a “shameful conspiracy theorist.”
Of course, there may not be anything to my Templar Cross “conspiracy theory,” and I don’t mind saying so. But after all we’ve seen for the past half-dozen years, you’re a bigger fool if you don’t question the Official Story™ about a massive foreign cargo ship going dark and suddenly steering hard right into the worst possible collision point possible and destroying the lone route for HAZMAT vehicles to travel through Baltimore and shutting down the eighth-largest seaport on the East Coast of the United States of America for an as-yet indeterminate period of time (May?).
As I partially pointed out yesterday, the symbology around the destructive collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, named after the guy who wrote “The Star Spangled Banner,” taking place exactly 17,1700 days after it was opened, by a suddenly sickeningly southeasterly-steered ship named the DALI (like the surrealist symbolic painter Salvadore Dalí), very much feels like an esoterically designed signifier auguring the collapse of the United States.
Plus (+?), “The Thing Of It Is...” even if this Bawlmer horror show turns out to be the indisputable result of a cascading Series of Unfortunate Events, then the cosmic implications are actually worse than the Hidden Hand ones. It means the enemy isn’t an external foreign power or treason from within or some commie combo. It means the immaterial world is pressing its America-ending influence upon our own material existence (which it is, not sure why I’m even debating this with myself), presumably because the USA has lost its way, its soul, and its Christian covenant with God. Sorry.
Which/Witch reminds me…I’d also like to cue up how we’re heading into six precarious weeks of the dark occultists’ “Season of Sacrifice,” which begins after the Spring Equinox and leans hard into Death, Destruction, Chaos and Mass Trauma via the natural world elements of Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. You just got water in Baltimore, exactly how the 2021 season kicked off.
JUST LIKE IN 2021, REMEMBER, when, nearly exactly three years earlier, to the day, on March 23rd, the Suez Canal got blocked for six days by shipping company Evergreen Marine’s Ever Given, a container ship that inexplicably ran aground in the canal, launching that year’s Season of Sacrifice, which was, you might also remember but probably not, followed throughout the 2021 SoS by:
> March 30th, a trio of esoteric arson crimes against Masonic Lodges, committed in Vancouver, Canada.
> On April 15, 2021, exactly two years to the day after Notre Dame Cathedral went up in flames, the beautiful 16th Century Church of Saint-Pierre in Romilly-la-Puthenaye in Normandy, northern France, burned to the ground, and with just as little convincing explanation why as the still-unsolved Notre Dame fire.
> April 18th, South Africa’s beloved Table Mountain National Park saw more than 400 acres burned, taking the Cecil Rhodes Memorial on Devil’s Peak in Capetown with it, hmmmm.
We also had mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder mixed in there. I’d expect one of those pretty soon. Maybe a couple.
The church-destroying fires at Notre Dame in 2018 (while Big Michelle Obama watched!) and the Normandy church exactly two years later brought extra portent to conquered Amerika’s retarded and gay double-duty diversity dud Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s out-of-touch comment yesterday during his Baltimore photo op, that the Francis Scott Key Bridge was a “cathedral of American infrastructure.” No, it was actually ugly af. Sorry.
Perhaps moronic malevolent mendacious Mayor Pete has as little artistic sense as he does managerial skills, but his phrasing gave me pause. My guess is this was linguistic spellcasting and mockery written by somebody else, one of the many backroom backdoor demons that are all over D.C., puppet-mastering their vain soul-selling meat suit ignoramus, to slyly flaunt a predictive programming “tell” prior to the shocking destruction of some other beautiful historic cathedral, maybe a real one, maybe a symbolic one, before this Season of Sacrifice is over. Rule of Three and all that. Let’s remember the two prior pyres on April 15th were iconic Catholic places of worship, in case you’re keeping score of how the different and battling Illuminati societies of secrets are doing during this conspiracy clusterfuck.
So as all the shit goes down that I’m expecting to go down — maybe not in the way I’m predicting, the “News Benders” are definitely devoted to Hollywood’s greatest screenwriter William Goldman’s savvy maxim “Give the people what they want, just not in the way they expect” — goes down, expect the kneepads paid propagandists in the controlled corrupt collectivist corporate criminal clown media to start sucking overtime, like Linda Lovelace or Anne Frances Robbins in heat, fervently and angrily and insultingly debunking “baseless” and “unfounded” and “fringe” theories about the latest strange and bizarre and unprecedented thing that just happened, while Xwitter will pretend to be all about free speech by not deplatforming too many people while simultaneously permitting another wave of bottomless bot armies to swarm the zone, just like the invaders swarming the border, so when horror hits, the waters will be muddied and you’ll find yourself under attack, attack, attack, because you simply can’t be allowed to think for yourself or hold wrongthink opinions, or else the occupying regime is doomed. Godspeed and good luck, effendi, cuz The Worst Is Yet To Come.
Tom, I found this substack last week and have read damn near every word of it in about 4 days. You may be the most spot-on (I almost said dead-on but don't want to give the Darkness any ideas) commentator of world events I have ever come across.
And I am going to say this next part out loud in hopes that I don't jinx it. Your writing style has a sizeable element of noir-tabloid-sensationalist flavor that makes it so dang entertaining. You are like the James Ellroy of substack (unless James Ellroy is also on substack, then my analogy is weird).
Keep it up!
Why would you think that God would withhold his Grace from a nation that murders its children in the womb, mutilates confused children, and spends an entire month celebrating sodomy (America's "holey of holeys"?!?)?
I'm not sure if this is THE actual End Times, but it's a doing a heckuva job LARPing it.