Trudeau has actually sold us out to China (see election interference scandal, China has been putting money into liberals and basically anyone who ya not conservative) and he allows Soros to fund little radical groups w leftist agendas to start protests (the only protests Trudeau shuts down is trucker convoy for our rights). Also China had a literal police station in I think Toronto and spies and threatens and controls some of our Chinese immigrants.

Plus the leadership race for liberals will allow allegedly non citizens to vote for party leader.

Plus look at Trudeau massive immigration and refugee policy and foreign students. (Trump is right to question who is coming in here and is a threat to them/ could sneak over the border)

Also the fires in bc and many parts of Canada over the last few years a sus. Yes arson yes mismanagement (no burn offs etc) yes funding taken away. This is a deliberate way to matting’s - possibly to get 15 min cities done or access to resources (in Jaspers case) (possibly in California they also wanted to plus of burning some evidence)

-and of course there is the green agenda- with its carbon tax and credit scams- huge shifts in money there- default cabal type force has been making money in Canada off of this. Or they get to bankrupt us while doing it.

Sorry I am a Canadian so I have lot of thoughts on your post.

Random note- Although there has traditionally been a relationship between Canada and Britain, the queen used to be in all our money, in recent years they have gradually Canadian-ized most of it. And the relationship between Quebec (French Canada) has always been hard and a lot of them kinda want to separate (don’t like anything English), so for decades western Canada had a huge portion of its taxes used in equalization payments or bribes to keep the country together and happy. (Western Canada feels sometimes like a slave state where we find $1 daycare to Quebec and don’t get it ourselves and fund Boeing or bombardier etc huge $ and other Quebec based businesses)

I feel like this move by Trudeau to use the govern general this way will be an interesting wake up for Pierre Polievre (head of conservative party most popular atm likely next Prine Minister) .

Why do I say this?

Because conservatives have traditionally been the most conected to the British style democracy and the let’s be proud of it, it works for Canada. But to see it used in this manner to subvert democracy is like a slap in the face. And as I say possibley a wake up call for Pierre Polievre.

Interesting times, who doesn’t want to impoverish Canada treat us like a b and then take us over for our natural resources… I mean China just needs our land not the people (why I think they were also in on the vaccine bs - population reduction). The nwo? Or the Queen or who ever are the players it all been happening and sadly all the propaganda in Canada has left most people either ignorant or confused or too scared of being called a racist or a conspiracy theorist to even fully acknowledge it never mind talk about it and try to fix it ( or cbc is funded $$$).

Anyway wish us luck because we are the US biggest border neighbor and used to be biggest Allies , to f with w us is also an attack on u. And a strategic one that could be a threat Trump really can’t ignore.

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Not sure what happened that day when Queen Elizabeth II waved DJT ahead of her, but King Charles didn't seem happy with his lot in life when coronated. Now DJT is talking about taking Canada and King Charles isn't saying anything. What's going on here? Did the Queen somehow cede power to Trump? How would City of London react to such a thing? Could they even comment? What actual power do the banks hold while the world economy is melting down and they're hemorrhaging? Why are The Rothschilds dying off or auctioning parts of their estates? Are they suddenly cash-poor? Something big happened that we haven't been told about yet.

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Nothing but valid questions right there, and neither you nor I have any clue of the answer.

"Something big happened that we haven't been told about yet." I agree and wonder if we will ever be told. Strange Days.

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I think it has to do with The Queen's disdain for The Rothschilds and how they usurped The Crown. I have a feeling she made some sort of deal with Trump as revenge -- he has only said great things about her. When you get down to it, The CIA is the American branch of OSS/MI5/6 and Mossad is Israel's branch, but it all links back to The Rothschilds. The CIA is the American Deep State. It was The Rothschilds who ordered the hit on Kennedy via LBJ's cooperation. Kennedy was tired of the CIA playing games regarding the Space Program and usurping his authority. They wouldn't reveal the UFO Files, so he threatened to put the Space Program under military control so he could get answers. Notice Trump started a new branch of the military -- Space Force -- but doesn't tell us why it was necessary. Kennedy is the link to UFO Disclosure and I think we're being primed for that, which will come out of the release of the JFK Files. RFK, before he was assassinated, put something in the JFK Files to guard against the redactions of UFO related material. RFK, Jr. probably knows about it and that's why he's onboard.

Fun Fact I learned: James Bond's codename is a Masonic Symbol, as Ian Fleming was a Mason. 007 is Two Balls and a Cane aka Tubalcain.

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Don't blame you Tom. We all need to step back from the pandemonium in order to un-muddle the sinister criminal combine flaunting it's occult scowl from the shadows of oblivion. Can the world emerge from under its self-imposed slumber in time to salvage what's left of our imperfect once upon a time semi-honorable society? It's hard to live in that ever narrowing space between optimism and scepticism. Great job on telling it like it really is up here in Canada!

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Another great article, Tom. It reads well along with Burning Bright's latest which also references Canada. I recommend it highly to others, as I do yours. Definitely worth a read for all your readers & commenters from Canada, too. Things are not, and have not been (as I know you know) as they seem for a very long time. You mentioned Operation Paperclip; that's a great example. As a Canadian of a certain age I can guarantee that most people in Canada do not have the slightest clue about what that was nor its implications. Nor do they realize that they are not, neither in fact nor in law, a sovereign country. And, sovereignty is where I think we are (all) going. Plus, on a (further) White Pill note, I am convinced -- at least, I have convinced myself -- that the reason everything is taking so fucking long is in order to avoid an all-out kinetic conflict with the demon-class and their minions because that would spill over onto all of us. As it is, the vicious attacks that are already occurring here (economic destruction, fires, hurricanes, mass-shootings, racisms, etc..) and globally (pandemic+vax+climate = wars, floods, starvings, racisms, etc..) would probably be nothing compared to a real kinetic event, which would engulf the whole world in fire, so this must unfold in its frustratingly slow pace. Then: all at once. I pray.

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Tom, do what you need to do to take care of yourself. My recommendation: Get a shovel. There’s a pony in this ss somewhere! Blessings!

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Tom, this article is the exact reason that you are one of the very few media figures in the history of the internet that I have ever chosen to pay a subscription for. It's because what you did today tells me that you are (very probably) not on anyone else's payroll.

If you were, you wouldn't be overwhelmed by all this because you either wouldn't notice the patterns or else you'd be handed your talking point, or you'd just pick one event and focus on that event, rather than calling out ALL the events and how they flow and link together. You'd have very defined boundary lines.

If you were in service to a paymaster or an algorithm, you'd be serving up some percentage of clickbait fueled by your own carefully-crafted style of outrage and talking point. But you don't. Which is refreshing, because so much of modern media consumption nowadays is trying to find the corn of truth in the pile of propagandist reactionary emotionally-goosed shit, and triangulating between multiple false or mostly-but-only-partially-true media offerings.

Take heart for what it's worth, Tom, your light shines, no matter which direction you should point it.

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I think it was the treaty of Paris that explicitly stated the prince of England would continue to rule over these lands. We never actually won the revolutionary war. Also read some 30 yrs ago that (then) Prince Charlie was/is the antichrist. I no longer believe in such things but so interesting how many things I read 30 yrs ago are now coming to pass-north American union, normalized pedophilia, Charlie owning the world-I thought the pope did…..

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Great work Tom. It's understandable about being eyeballs deep in assaults from every angle being hard on your soul. I always say, ignorant people (well stupid people) are happy - no burdens.

Normally, who gives a crap about royalty, but you have critical info we all need to understand and my wife always says how the city of london controls/owns everything. She also says BIS, vatican, ...

This dovetails with your post: https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/breaking-justin-trudeau-seizes-control

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Again, honest and insightful reporting. And you're right, Tom, it is sickening ... and exhausting. The sheer brazenness of our enemies now openly on the offensive gives us little time to do much more than watch the fire(s) burn, each event next in a chain of discombobulating destruction meant to render us powerless and hopeless (and dead, ultimately). The majority are only now catching on because the sheer scale of evil involved has never been seen in our lifetime, let alone imagined (is it any coincidence that the same architects of doom created a vaccine that also consumes us from the inside?). Anyway, we know the true name of the infernal source behind all this, and as you put it, this is indeed in a 'spiritual war.' It's time we did something about it.

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If I could I would post that picture of jewish bankster Lord Rothschild poking King Charlie in the chest like Charlie is his bitch - which he is. International Banksters rule the world, not kings, not queens, not prime ministers, not the Vatican, not the Illuminati, not the jesuits, not fascist nazi space lizards, not even the POTUS. Bankster-Bolsheviks.

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I totally get it. It has become a bit much for me as well. To the point that I shocked the heck out of my husband (and my kids!!) by downloading a game on my iPad (totally out of character for me) and playing it to decompress from work instead of doomscrolling through endless “sign of the times” headlines. Maybe not the best outlet but better than stress eating???

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Now that I'm thinking about it, annexing Canada is an "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me" moment whereby we merge with Canada and rather than breaking away from the Commonwealth, the USA gets subsumed back into it.

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All US lawyers are called to the ‘Bar’. The Middle Temple Bar in the City of London. The Corporation. The US founding fathers were lawyers who had been called to the Bar, so their loyalties were to the City of London and not to the States. The USofA is a Crown dependancy, the same as Canada, Australia et al

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What did you think it would look like Tom, when your predictions came true? This is exactly what societal breakdown through evil is.

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"Just like pulling secret service from Trump for short-notice events scheduled by both the First Lady Jill and Veep Kneepads in Pennsylvania that very same day ..."

Come on, Tom, you don't seriously think that attempt was real.


"Great fires" have been a thing all through history as told to us by Professor Gloria Moss (truthuniversity.co.uk), the Great Fire of London 1666 being a particular exemplar.


The California fires remind me a little of the massive bushfires experienced in Australia in the summer season of 2019-2020 ... just before "covid".

I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than watch the news but I'm kind of forced a little at the moment staying with friends and I couldn't help noticing the tagline on the fires saying "11 dead". While the destruction is obvious, I wonder about the deaths just as I wondered about the deaths in Australia as the reporting of them had the signs of a psyop.

Two of the alleged dead are African-American amputee great-grandfather, Anthony Mitchell, and his son who suffered from cerebral palsy, Justin.

Following the reporting of the deaths, this article focuses on the issues of evacuation of people with disabilities in general.


Oddities in this story:

--- We are told Justin needed help to get out of bed which tends to imply his father couldn't help him do that so we wonder how they both managed living together on their own as is also implied.

--- We are told "relatives said firefighters stopped them [Anthony and Justin] from entering the evacuation zone"

*** with no explanation and

*** we wonder how they could have even tried to enter it if Justin was unable to get out of bed unaided and Anthony couldn't help him.

You might ask why they would fake the deaths:

--- They luuurve to pull our emotional strings and they luuurve pressing our "outrage" buttons.

--- To make the fire seem as if it was an uncontrolled disaster rather than the planned event it really was.

--- As a form of "education drill" in making people aware of the problems of evacuation of people with disabilties - which is just lame justification for the people they need to involve in their dupery.

When I realised that death and injury are staged in their events I wondered if the deaths - few as they were - in the Great Fire of London 1666 were also staged. Of course, I thought that being such a long time ago and all I probably wouldn't be able to work it out, especially with only the information at my fingertips ... but no! The signs were there. Two of the alleged dead were illustrious playwright, James Shirley, 70, and his wife. Supposedly, James and his wife lost their house and were put into a refugee camp and a month after the fire died on the same day from "fright and exposure". Really, illustrious playwright who knew the king put into a refugee camp and died on the same day as his wife? I puzzled. Did he owe money perhaps and wish to disappear? I looked up his oeuvre to discover a play, The Gamester, of which which are told, "The play is noteworthy for its realistic and detailed picture of gambling in its era." We are also told that the maid of William Farriner, the owner of the bakery where the fire allegedly started (and who would definitely have been in on it) lost her life because she baulked in fright while the rest of his family escaped over the rooftops. Yeah, right.

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