OCCULT CANUCKS: Explaining Royalty Redux
Monarch Puppet Castrudeau Still Has Parliamentary Tricks Up His Sleeve, So Beware

“Time's have changed / Our kids are getting worse / They won't obey their parents / They just want to fart and curse / Blame Canada! Blame Canada! / They’re not a real country anyway…” — South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
“Vive le Québec libre!” — Charles de Gaulle, 1967
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First of all, to my paying customers: Thank you.
It’s been challenging-verging-on-difficult for me to write recently. Or, more precisely, to write things for Substack, because I try to maintain Substack for more elevated “lift the veil” stuff, while leaving the majority of my film criticism and shorter attempts at spiritual or cultural insights to Zuckbook, while shitposting and cheap shot character assassination are left largely for Xwitter.
But events are spiraling, too fast too keep up, big pieces moving on the chessboard now, literal Kings and Queens, epic events, bigger than you know, bigger than I know, dogs and cats living together, Omnicom and IPG merging, inconceivable things happening, but one thing above all, way above all and I urgently urge you to get it through your head because if you can’t grok this there’s a good chance you’re good as dead: America is actively at war and it’s come to our shores, hot.

I can barely bring myself to write about it, but at the very least, the L.A. fires are another LIHOP event with a wink & a nudge, the occupying regime looking the other way as precious reservoirs get drained and excess water gets dumped back in the ocean and the mayor of America’s second biggest city gets sent by the President on a junket to Ghana as wind and fire warnings ring, while DEI priorities are embraced at the expense of merit and competence and lead to gross incompetence — which nevertheless provides plausible deniability of malice. Just like pulling secret service from President Orange for short-notice events scheduled by both the First Lady Jill and Veep Kneepads in Pennsylvania that very same day, and a bazillion other examples I could give you since Operation Paper Clip forever changed America’s trajectory, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about today.
Canada. Let’s talk Canada. It’s fucked.
First we need to make sure everybody’s aware that evil stupid spoiled commie Castrudeau — yes, there is a very high likelihood he is Fidel Castro’s kid, people far more diligent than I have done the investigative journalism to pile up a mountain of circumstantial evidence — hasn’t actually stopped being Prime Minister yet; he hasn’t actually resigned. He’s only pledged to resign, in late March, two months away still. He could have been impeached, the Canadian Parliament was maneuvering towards a “No Confidence” vote on the Prime Minister, which would have forced him out. But Canada’s Governor General shut that down, permitting Castrudeau to “prorogue” Parliament, or shut it down entirely. So now the Canadian government is frozen. Nothing new can be done.
Wait. What? Who? The Governor General? Whozzat?

Ah yes. The Governor General. The Governor General is the hidden hand of The Crown. I’ve written about this before, in rather deep detail, here. But in short:
The world’s so-called royalty and monarchies are far more in control of the world than people are aware, because they’ve successfully ruled with a hidden hand for centuries. They’ve obscured the meaning of words and rituals, successfully positioned their political puppets as free men and women, elected by the people. Nothing could be further from the truth.
King Charles III is a monarch (like the butterfly in his blood-red painting?). A monarch reigns, but does not rule. A monarch gets other people and puppets to do the ruling; he possesses all the power, but gets chess pieces moved without moving them himself. The throne behind the power, to invert a phrase.
How much power? The Parliamentary Oaths Act of 1866 requires all leaders of Commonwealth nations to swear an Oath of Loyalty to the King, not to the people who elected them. Those who do not swear allegiance are deemed unfit for office. Not just Prime Ministers and Parliament members. It means police, military, judges, legislators, lawyers, and public servants.
You likely have no idea. King Charles III, or more precisely, the "Royal Trust," owns more land than anyone on planet Earth: 6.6 billion acres of land, including Britain and 15 Commonwealth nations.
Yes, these 15 Commonwealth nations — Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Bahamas, etc. — are still possessed by Britain. All elected Prime Ministers and Presidents in Commonwealth nations are just front men and women, like Canada’s pretty boy communist cretin Castrudeau or Australia’s awful Anthony Albanese. Those two Western Commonwealth nations, and 13 others, are all subservient to the King, his spokespeople flunkies to the public. There was an official government ritual proclamation of King Charles as reigning Monarch on September 10th, 2022, publicly declared and signed into effect by Castrudeau and the Governor General Mary Simon.
Understand this: Ultimately, it is the governor generals stationed in the King’s commonwealth nations who represent and exercise the King’s power on his behalf. The Prime Minister cannot act without the governor general’s consent. Don’t believe me? We just got evidence.

Simultaneous to Castrudeau’s resignation as PM, he made a request of Canada’s Governor General Mary Simon to “prorogue” Parliament until March 24. Prorogation is a Canadian political process that effectively aborts a parliamentary session. All current bills die, no committees are allowed to convene, MPs are sent home.
The Prime Minister cannot do that. He must ask the Governor General, the representative of The Crown, for permission. Which was granted. So that’s it; Castrudeau got himself a scot-free Canadian rule for 11 weeks from Jan. 6th to March 24th. Should something catastrophic or nation-shattering happen, he’s gonna find himself untethered from what has been.
But do you believe that’s the way it happened? Or do you think Castrudeau is taking marching orders from The Crown to play it this way? If you’ve seen the PM groveling around the King like an eager-to-please puppy — the only one subserviently masked amongst the royal and his entourage, let’s note — during his Monarch’s only visit to his Commonwealth in May 2022, you should have your answer.
So if The Crown still reigns o’er Canada, and I assert it does, who is it that controls the superpower to their South? Because clearly the two have been at war, what with the failed bait’n’switch of Spare and Markle for Wills and Kate; that would suggest whoever Oprah ultimately serves is Enemy of the Crown, amirite?
And this, dear friends and fiends, is why I’ve found it harder to write. The scales are falling from more and more eyes, maybe, but the scale of what we are dealing with has become ever-more clear following the election: We may be winning the Culture War — and it looks like we are, but it’s brutal and many have fallen — yet that surely means the Civil War that’s actually a World War but above all else a Spiritual War is only going to get violently amped up, because an authoritarian regime rules by propaganda and force until the propaganda ultimately fails as it always does and all that’s left is force.
That’s where we are now, and it’s inside our borders, permitted by the treasonous porous border policy of the Xiden fakeministration.
I’d also offer as proof that we’re winning the Culture War and thus heading to Hot War because China seems to have given up on the Culture War. The nation’s hallowed leader for life Xi Jinping’s has shitcanned all his military moderates and doves, and promoted all the hawks. China’s got a disproportionately male population problem, remember, the result of their decades-long single child decree that saw girls get aborted in record numbers and lead to a wild imbalance of roughly 115 young men aged 10-19 for every 100 women in the same demo. That’s going to be a population problem unless China can come up with a way to kill a bunch of men, since the virus proved a disappointment.
But my writing and other efforts have been directed to win the Culture War. I’m not sure I’ve got the stomach for real Civil War and World Wars, even if the results are being determined in a Spiritual War. It’s starting to feel to me like we could witness possible epic plays on the global chessboard, a Risk game writ real, with Trump making a legitimate play for Greenland and the Panama Canal, while Putin is given Ukraine and Israel takes all the land it wants and Europe falls to Islam or maybe something far darker and worse.
But who knows? Not me. I’m overwhelmed by events, the L.A. horror sickens me, the death, the callousness, the incompetence, the political refusal to take responsibility and lie, Lie, LIE, like gaping Gavin Newsom, the most blackmailed man on earth: Nero Newsom, pretending to take a call from the President and getting caught in a flat-footed falsehood by a California mom.
So, I thank you again, my paying customers, for the cash even as you’ve gotten diminished de-occulting and conspiracy theorizing and Holly-wood magic wand busting the past couple months. I will try to do better, or maybe different, or maybe something, but I do feel like all sides’ participants — “We’re all in this together!” — have done a helluva a job to “Flood the Zone,” as I warned, and I’m drowning in Too Much Information. My lifeline to stay afloat has been to halfway check out. Sorry.

Trudeau has actually sold us out to China (see election interference scandal, China has been putting money into liberals and basically anyone who ya not conservative) and he allows Soros to fund little radical groups w leftist agendas to start protests (the only protests Trudeau shuts down is trucker convoy for our rights). Also China had a literal police station in I think Toronto and spies and threatens and controls some of our Chinese immigrants.
Plus the leadership race for liberals will allow allegedly non citizens to vote for party leader.
Plus look at Trudeau massive immigration and refugee policy and foreign students. (Trump is right to question who is coming in here and is a threat to them/ could sneak over the border)
Also the fires in bc and many parts of Canada over the last few years a sus. Yes arson yes mismanagement (no burn offs etc) yes funding taken away. This is a deliberate way to matting’s - possibly to get 15 min cities done or access to resources (in Jaspers case) (possibly in California they also wanted to plus of burning some evidence)
-and of course there is the green agenda- with its carbon tax and credit scams- huge shifts in money there- default cabal type force has been making money in Canada off of this. Or they get to bankrupt us while doing it.
Sorry I am a Canadian so I have lot of thoughts on your post.
Random note- Although there has traditionally been a relationship between Canada and Britain, the queen used to be in all our money, in recent years they have gradually Canadian-ized most of it. And the relationship between Quebec (French Canada) has always been hard and a lot of them kinda want to separate (don’t like anything English), so for decades western Canada had a huge portion of its taxes used in equalization payments or bribes to keep the country together and happy. (Western Canada feels sometimes like a slave state where we find $1 daycare to Quebec and don’t get it ourselves and fund Boeing or bombardier etc huge $ and other Quebec based businesses)
I feel like this move by Trudeau to use the govern general this way will be an interesting wake up for Pierre Polievre (head of conservative party most popular atm likely next Prine Minister) .
Why do I say this?
Because conservatives have traditionally been the most conected to the British style democracy and the let’s be proud of it, it works for Canada. But to see it used in this manner to subvert democracy is like a slap in the face. And as I say possibley a wake up call for Pierre Polievre.
Interesting times, who doesn’t want to impoverish Canada treat us like a b and then take us over for our natural resources… I mean China just needs our land not the people (why I think they were also in on the vaccine bs - population reduction). The nwo? Or the Queen or who ever are the players it all been happening and sadly all the propaganda in Canada has left most people either ignorant or confused or too scared of being called a racist or a conspiracy theorist to even fully acknowledge it never mind talk about it and try to fix it ( or cbc is funded $$$).
Anyway wish us luck because we are the US biggest border neighbor and used to be biggest Allies , to f with w us is also an attack on u. And a strategic one that could be a threat Trump really can’t ignore.
Not sure what happened that day when Queen Elizabeth II waved DJT ahead of her, but King Charles didn't seem happy with his lot in life when coronated. Now DJT is talking about taking Canada and King Charles isn't saying anything. What's going on here? Did the Queen somehow cede power to Trump? How would City of London react to such a thing? Could they even comment? What actual power do the banks hold while the world economy is melting down and they're hemorrhaging? Why are The Rothschilds dying off or auctioning parts of their estates? Are they suddenly cash-poor? Something big happened that we haven't been told about yet.