Sep 5Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Two articles in two days! Blessings abound.

For the last 20 years or so, I have gotten together with the same group of friends for a long weekend of catching up on life and its ups and downs. Early on, the date gravitated to Super Bowl weekend. I had been a lifelong NFL fan until the last ten years or so, when the league has gotten increasingly soft, gay, and political. Now I don't even watch anymore. But, for our group weekend, I'd usually suck it up and watch whatever (not)Super Bowl matchup was happening. Until the Taylor Bowl happened. The whole thing was so obviously gay and manufactured that I sat in the other room and read a book while my friends consumed the game. Sooooo fake, sooooo gay.

And I am amazed that men CHOOSE to not see it. When I was younger, talking about which team was looking good this year or which QB was having a career year meant something. Anymore though, I have realized that it only still exists as a cultural thing because we have nothing else to talk about. Or, and this is probably closer to the truth, because if we didn't talk about sports, we might accidentally start talking about serious topics, and the powers don't want that at all.

Lastly, I'll say that if this "relationship" is real, it would be one of the only things in pop culture that is. I have thought that Travis/Taylor was arranged from the jump. NFL viewership has been declining for several years, and the game is just unwatchable now, so this seemed like a transparent attempt to "personalize" the league, get men's wives and girlfriends interested, and add some sparkle to a tarnished product. But years ago, once I realized that all the "celebrity beefs" and other tabloid nonsense could not in fact be real, the scales came off my eyes and I could see it everywhere. Do we really believe that Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are "beefing" with each other? When they have the same managers, same promoters, same choreographers, same record labels, same song writers, and oh yeah both have new albums coming out this year and this keeps them on the covers of every cat-lady tabloid magazine at the grocery store? How am I the only one that sees this?

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I promise you that thee and me are not the only people who see it. Most others, however, are simply disengaging from the spectacles themselves instead of having to face the cogdiss.

Otherwise, you are entirely on the money with this comment. Thank you for it.

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9/11 doesn't have to come out, it's already out and was out from Day One when they showcased WTC-7's immaculate implosion from 7 vantage points and scripted media personnel to allude to how much it looked like a controlled demolition including Brian Williams' "Can you confirm it was No. 7 that just went in?" - "to go in" being an industry term used for implosions due to the buildings falling in on themselves.

They also advertised that - as according to standard demolition protocols - the buildings were fully evacuated by telling us that Bellevue Hospital and the trauma centre specially set up were receiving no victims and showing us very obviously "drill" injured people.

It's all Hidden in Plain Sight. It's just a matter of looking ... with an open mind.

Fabulous video showcasing WTC-7 with new song lyrics to Tom Petty's Free Fallin'. https://youtu.be/Vgx8Uwo-Vxc

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I agree it's all out in our face in mockery, but we've clearly not reached any kind of level of critical mass or else something would be done about it. OR they've just broken the soul of the country so bad that a majority DO know and are just too psychologically defeated to do anything about it. Both scenarios suck.

Thank you for your comment!

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Sep 5Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Loved this. Thanks. To me (not a normal person) it was obvious that their “relationship” was bogus, and my god there is so much creepiness about TS’s resurrection after her first rise-and-fall. Also the way little girls that go to her concerts later have large chunks of their memories of the concerts missing. Creepy as it gets, all of this.

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Thank you for mentioning that "blackout" experience at a TayTay show. Another thing I meant to write about at some point but never did, via the singer of "Blank Space" no less.


Thank you for your complimentary comment, too!

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Sep 5Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Normally I turn away from anything Swift-related, but this was entertaining. I'd say I can't wait for this fauxmance to end, but she'll just be on to the next one soon enough and a whole new PR frenzy will begin. Ugh.

The thing is, more and more people are realizing it's all fake. They can't hide it anymore. So I'm going with none of this is an accident and “Yes, all this is fake and gay, you feebs, dipshits, suckers and plebs! But are you not entertained? And what are you going to do about it?”

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Bingo. Thank you for your comment.

Who could be next for TayTay, I wonder? My guess is some closeted Democrat in a tight race. Maybe somebody working on the Veep Kneepads campaign, except the vast majority of the men are openly gay already. Tough call!

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Cole Emhoff?

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Decent guess, at least at first! He's pretty short, though. Shorter than his ugly sullen weirdo sister, the fake model. TayTay needs taller and less soft-looking would be my hypothesis.


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Sep 6Liked by TOM SIEBERT

Wow. Absolutely spot-on exceptional post. Thanks, Tom, this is Truth. More and more people are waking up to the satanic madness. Thanks for being in the fight for the Good, the True and the Beautiful.

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Thank you so much! I agree 'more and more people' are becoming aware. It is apparently causing a likewise escalation in demonic propaganda and transparent hatred of the un-demonic, too. Won't be much middle ground by the time the fuse hits the detonator. Appreciate your comment!

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Sep 5Liked by TOM SIEBERT

I'll say one more thing, caveated with the acknowledgement that photos are a point frozen in time, and can say more than or less than we'd like them to say.

That picture of Kelce and Swift after the Super Bowl is as wooden as a pirate's peg leg. The body language for both of them in that photo gives off a less-than-intimate vibe. You can usually get a sense of what people are thinking or feeling in photos by putting your own body or face into the same position, and backward-reading the emotion. In this case it is pure photo op, rehearsed to give off maximum viewability, like turning the cards to the camera so everyone can see the trick. This is NOT the pose of two people who are passionate (or, frankly, even interested) for each other. Newly-minted lovers do not behave this way. I've seen friends at church embrace with more electricity than that.

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While, I agree with you, to play devil's advocate I'll mention that it was one of the most viewed television embraces in media history and was surely rehearsed much beforehand, playacted on-screen and could easily come off as phony and wooden even if there is a real relationship because both of them are phonies in front of the camera. Who knows? Thank you for your comment!

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Great piece. As I mentioned before… not only are your posts entertaining but so are your commenters. Never thought I would read a substack about Taylor Swift and a commenter writes “I met a retired pork belly buyer for Oscar Mayer in Florida…”. Is this substack an alternate reality? 😂

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Yes, I have highly intelligent readers and good writers. It's flattering. I love the comments. Mostly. ;-) Thanks for yours!

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Truly a fabulous place to hang out to watch the cosmic spiritual warfare and hear the blow by blow commentary. I just wish I could get a seat on the sidelines instead of right in the thick of it.

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I met a retired Oscar Meyer pork buyer in Florida when Hilary was making bank on cattle futures. In explaining how difficult such trading was for him at OM with every resource he needed available to him, he mentioned how much the prices would go up or down based on a days battle in Vietnam. I got a sick feeling in my stomach.

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Wait. Are you suggesting dead American soldiers in Vietnam were being turned into hot dogs?!? Don't leave me hanging!

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No, I got the feeling battles were being manipulated so the “Wise Men” or whoever could make $$$ in the markets.

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Ahhhh...okay. You are almost surely correct. Thank you for your comment and clarification!

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😮‍💨 Phew…

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Adding your article to my Taylor Swift graph:


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Excellent. Thank you. I dig that kind of thing!

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On a different but similar 'note' the music industry pairs some very strange singers together. Like David Bowie and Bing Crosby. Gaga and Perry Como; Christmas songs bring joy. Or Country and rap. This will drive the fans wild!

Maybe its some kind of ritual initiation. Or just theatre.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Author

I never saw the Como/Gaga pairing, but I do know (and even own!) the Bowie/Crosby duet and think it's lovely. My feeling is that it all hinges on the sign of respect for the material from the artist, and the Bowie/Crosby duet gets a 10/10 on that. What kind of people David Bowie and Bing Crosby actually were IRL is another matter entirely, of course. Thank you for your comment!

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